California Essays
Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on California.
Here you will find many different essay topics on California. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of California on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of California, and much more. Keep on reading!
California has a strong racing culture. In fact, according to an Internet encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Southern California is considered to be the birthplace of drag racing. Yet, the state of California considers street racing an illegal activity. This is because street racing leads to injuries and deaths, many a times of absolutely innocent people, including […]
Although California’s economy is large, strong, and diverse, there are many problems with poverty. Some major problems include lack of affordable housing, and lack of access to education and health care. Many definitions of poverty exist, but however we define poverty, one thing that remains clear is that it is a problem in the state […]
The “Digger” Stereotype, based on Native encounters, justified genocide. The stereotype claimed that few practiced agriculture and were inferior due to their digging of roots and gold. This facilitated the racism and violence against Indians as it portrayed them as no match for civilized white society. The importance of acorns to Indigenous tribes also helped […]
The three-strikes sentencing statute, which has been approved by various state governments across the United States, is a highly controversial law policy that originated in the late 19th century. Since the early 1990s, it has been subject to debate and many states have hesitated to formally enact it due to its structure’s hostility. Nevertheless, Washington […]
A group of people united together in the pursuit for social and criminal reasons. In most cases, gangs are comprised by adolescents and / or children. There are some gangs who only have adults as members. Male membership comprises the majority of gangs in existence (World Book Encyclopedia Volume 8 p. 26). It is predominantly […]
The first predecessor of Chevron was named California Star Oil Works. It took aim at Pico Canyon, a remote portion of the rugged Santa Susana Mountains in San Joaquin County. In September 1876, driller Alex Mentry succeeded in striking oil in Pico No. 4, despite rattlesnakes, wasps, mud and underbrush. Pico No. 4 was the […]
The United States population has seen a rapid increase, with Asian Pacific Americans becoming the fastest growing group. This group of individuals includes Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Southeast Asians, Indochinese, Indonesians, Filipinos and Pacific Islanders. The establishment of the United States as a nation of immigrants dates back to the 17th century; however, only white persons […]
San Jose, California is home to VeriFone, a top provider of secure electronic payment technologies. The company not only provides point of sale software and terminals, but also offers numerous payment options such as signature and PIN-based debit cards, smart cards, prepaid gift and store-value e-cards, credit cards, contactless payment services, electronic bill payment, signature […]
More gold was taken from the American River and its tributaries than all other rivers and streams of California combined. Gold recovered from streams or rivers is called placer gold. The word placer originates from either a Spanish nautical term meaning “sandbank,” or a more common usage meaning “pleasure. ” Both meanings seem to apply […]
The invention of hydraulic mining is generally attributed to Edward E. Matteson near Nevada City, California in February of 1852 (May, Philip: 1970). Within 5 years of this invention the mining engineers of the Sierra Nevada had constructed five thousand miles of ditches and flumes to supply the water needed to power the monstrous hydraulic […]
Proposition 227, also referred to as “English for the Children,” received approval from Californian voters in June 1998 and has since caused controversy. This proposition brought about changes in educational standards for bilingual students who spoke Spanish. Many questions have arisen regarding this matter, including its societal implications and the extent of its impact on […]
Summary California Pizza Kitchen, a luxury pizza restaurant, was founded in Beverly Hills, California in 1985 by lawyers Larry Flax and Rick Rosenfield. It currently operates 213 locations, with 41% located in California, 6 in international destinations, and the rest spread across 27 other states within the United States. CPK generates revenue from three sources: […]
CITEA, or California Industrial and Technology Education Association, advocates and promotes professional development and social and political events improvement, especially in vocational and industrial technology education. It is a group run under contract to the California Department of Education, Career and Technical Education Unit, that caters to professional development in the state. The business case […]
In the late 19th century, the discovery of gold in California drew thousands of people in from across the United States and all around the world in a feverish rush to strike rich. Many left everything behind to dare venture into the final frontier of the wilderness that was California. Word quickly spread about a […]
The “Happy Cows” campaign has been so successful because it gives people the reassurance of where there cheese is coming from. By labeling products that use California Cheese, it gives the people of the images in their commercials of happy cows on rolling plains enjoying their life. Today many animals are caged, mistreated, and hormone […]
I. Dilemma and Stakeholders Union Oil Company of California (Unocal) specialized in developing oil fields around Los Angeles and operating all aspects of the oil business such as extraction, refining, distribution, marketing and even retail. Owning to depletion of oil fields in the United States, the company decided to turn to invest in energy projects […]
At face value, the poem depicts the American journey which takes them all the way to California’s shores, which is as far west as they can go. On a deeper level, the poem depicts the human lifespan. I, a child, very old… the circle almost circled . Line three and four invite readers to take […]
The text examines the significance of water as a natural resource and the necessity to guarantee an adequate supply for all needs. It clarifies that different locations calculate water budgets to evaluate the water balance in their specific environments. This assessment aids in comprehending periods of surplus, usage, scarcity, and replenishment within the water system. […]
On April 18, 1906, San Francisco was struck by an earthquake that shook the city or about 20 seconds. The quake cracked gas lines to homes and businesses and ignited a deadly menace. The fires raged for days on end and burned down the city’s buildings and neighborhoods. 75% of the city was destroyed. Homes, […]
Presented much like a spontaneous journal or diary entry, Allen Ginsberg’s “A Supermarket in California” is a complex and multifaceted poem that stands as an indictment against American government and culture. The opening lines of the poem forward the aforementioned journal-like quality and also present the central focal point of tension in the poem as […]
The “Other”; in The Tortilla Curtain Since its very beginnings, the United States of America has been idealized as ‘the land of the free,’ full of new opportunities for people from all around the globe. In The Tortilla Curtain, written by T. Coraghessan Boyle the reader gets an up close view of the border between […]
Abstract California High-Speed Rail (CHSR) system is a mega project planned by the California High-Speed Rail Authority (CA HSRA), connecting the major metropolitan areas of California. The project finalized in mid-2000, is estimated to be one of the most expensive of its kind. It is in the lines of the high speed rail systems existing […]