Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Argument.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Argument. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Argument on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Argument, and much more. Keep on reading!

“The ‘F Word’,” by Firoozeh Dumas & “The Gift of Language”, by Lan Cao Essay Example
776 words 3 pages

In “The “F” Word” and “The Gift of Language”, Firoozeh Dumas and Lan Cao talk about their immigrant experiences when they moved from their native lands (Iran and Vietnam, respectively) to America. Dumas focuses on Americans’ reaction to her Iranian name while Cao shows how her transition was easier than that of her mother. Although […]

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Argument Empathy English Language Gift Literature
Rhetoric Analysis of “The Men We Carry In Our Minds” by Scott Russel Sanders Essay Example
1462 words 6 pages

“The Men We Carry in Our Minds” by Scott Russel Sanders is an essay that brings out its arguments enthusiastically to ensure that the message it entails reaches the intended audience appropriately. Sander highlights on numerous issues, such as discrimination, gender bias and privileges. Through Sanders work, it is apparent that men in the upper […]

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Argument Gender Men Mind
How to Write an Argument Essay Example
2198 words 8 pages

To learn how to write an argument essay, you should follow these five main steps. First, read the essay question and determine its type (opinion, compare/contrast, problem and solution, cause and effect, or a mixture). The type of the question will shape the structure of your essay and guide your ideas. Second, identify the key […]

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Argument Capital Punishment Punishment
Analysis Persuasions Patrick Henry Essay Example
1607 words 6 pages

All historical figures had a common goal of creating a better future. Similarly, Patrick Henry had the dream of declaring independence from England and was determined to do whatever it took to achieve it. One essential truth that he needed to convey to the House of Representatives was that war is the catalyst for achieving […]

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Argument Patrick Henry Rhetoric
An Insight into Academic Writing Essay Example
670 words 3 pages

Authors Gerald Graff and Cathy Berkenstein claim in their book, They Say, I Say, that academic writing is not about “playing it safe and… piling up truths and bits of knowledge,” like many people assume. Rather, it is about the dynamic interaction between other people’s points of view and the author’s response to those perspectives. […]

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Academic writing Argument Truth
Ap English Exam Free Response Essay Example
667 words 3 pages

Two Very Different Marriage Proposals Both the first passage from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and the second from a novel written by Charles Dickens are marriage proposals made by men. Even though the explicit purpose of these proposals is to persuade, the two essays reveal two very different assumptions each of the writers have […]

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Argument Books Charles Dickens Divorce Jane Austen Love Social Institution
Different Types of Paragraphs Essay Example
1028 words 4 pages

In the framework of writing academic works, students are faced with different structure and types of indents. This also applies to budding writers who are looking for a creative way in literature. Let’s look at what is worth paying attention to. Paragraph Structure Any composition, as all of us were taught at school, consists of […]

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Argument Arithmetic Books Education Narrative Poetry Reason Reasoning Science
Oedipus Rex Summary Essay Example
720 words 3 pages

The tragic play “Oedipus Rexes” describes the life of Oedipus and the events that led to his ultimate downfall. Through specific dialogue and narrative progression “Oedipus Rexes” Is able to convey Oedipus as a velvet of fate, and although the play was written many years ago, Oedipus’ experience can still be Interpreted by modern society […]

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Argument Destiny Oedipus Rex
A Literature Review: Is There Life After Death? Essay Example
438 words 2 pages

The Impact of scientists and most referenced and productive in the field, Dame Study currently holds the top position as one of the most referenced scientists in the Social Science Index. The article aims to persuade readers that after a psychologist’s death, there is a significant decrease in referencing their work by students and researchers. […]

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Argument Literature Review Research Science
Seligram Question1 Essay Example
301 words 2 pages

Case write-ups should generally be limited to five pages of text. They must be typed, double-spaced, and written in 12-point font with 1 inch/2.5 cm margins. Exhibits can be included if needed. Specific instructions on submission requirements will be provided for each assignment. When analyzing the case, remember to maintain conciseness and focus on the […]

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Argument Database Methodology Reason
Creation of an Essy Essay Example
2401 words 9 pages

There are debates about whether it is necessary for geography students to write essays when preparing an essay. Critics argue that essay writing is not relevant to the practical work performed by geography graduates in the real world. However, employers frequently inquire about strong written communication abilities during job application reviews. Throughout your geography program, […]

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Argument Education Reason
Designer Babies Conclusion Essay Example
1214 words 5 pages

The Perfect World. Imagine a world full of Lebanon James, Adrian Gonzales, Beyond, and Brad Plat, which was developed by the parents that chose to transmit featured genes into their fertilized eggs through IF (in vitro fertilization clinic and these so-called genetic engineers are able to mutate both internal and external physical traits exactly the […]

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Argument Desserts Disease Dna Gene Mutation

Popular Questions About Argument

Which argument is valid?
An argument is valid if the truth of all its premises forces the conclusion to be true. An argument is valid if it would be inconsistent for all its premises to be true and its conclusion to be false. An argument is valid if its conclusion follows with certainty from its premises.
What is an example of an argument essay?
A thesis statement expresses the main point or argument of an essay. Examples of a thesis statement are typically in the format "A is B because C", such as "Racism [A] is immoral [B] because it is against human equality [C]".
What is an argument style?
Description. Using style in an argument goes beyond simple statement of facts and description of reason and logic. Style moves an argument in to the realms of aesthetics, seeking to touch emotions rather than just intellect. Above all, it makes best use of language.
What is an argument text?
An argument text is a text written about a subject, where the writer is either 'for' or 'against' the subject. Common argument texts written in primary school highlight the pros and cons of subjects such as zoos, school uniform or the use of computer tablets in education. Children study and write argument texts in Key Stage 2.
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