English Narrative Test – Flashcards
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Salvation: Why did Hughes not tell the story in the present tense? How would doing so change the story?
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Salvation: How much dialogue is used in the narration? Why does Hughes not use more?
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Salvation: Why does Hughes blend telling with showing in the story?
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Salvation: How much time is represented by the events in the story? Where does Hughes compress the time in his narrative? Why does he do so?
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The effect of using child-like sentence structure is to fit the theme of "being in the past". Since the essay is a flashback of Hughes's revival that happened to him two decades prior, Hughes wanted to set the tone and mood to fit the time for better understanding and comprehension of his feelings during that time and the effects they had on him before and after. The sentence structure of an adolescent child only adds onto the effect of setting the scene of being a twelve-year-old boy in anxious arrival of an icon. The effect of the short sentences and the beginnings of the sentences with the word And, emphasize the idea of this being a child. This allows the reader to truly feel as if a child were telling the story, which would take the reader back to that time that event took place. Overall, this adds to the credibility that the story is in fact that of a confused and vulnerable child.
Salvation: What is the effect of the short paragraphs? How does Hughes use paragraphing to help shape his story?
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Salvation: How much description does Hughes include in his narrative? What types of details does he single out?
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Salvation: What is the effect of the exclamation marks used in paragraph 2?
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Salvation: Try to identify or explain the following phrases: the ninety and one safe in the fold, the lower lights are burning, a rounder's son, and knickerbockered legs.
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people who have experience disappointment, not just religious disappointment
Salvation: Audience?
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to recreate a traumatic experience from his childhood. His purpose was not just to express his feelings prompted by a significant event. His purpose was to expose that he finally came to terms with himself, his uncertainty, and his religion through all the doubt and pain two years prior.
Salvation: Purpose?
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informal (he uses short sentences and contractions, first person, colloquial language such as see the light which is slang)
Salvation: tone?
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