English 12 – Flashcards

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Students may say that Mary's experience with love relates to Brontë's advice to Nell in that it a. points out what can happen when a person gets carried away by emotion. b. serves as a warning to Nell about what could happen if she's not careful. c. shows that, at least in this case, the recognition of love in a woman made that woman seem unappealing to the man she loved. d. demonstrates the importance of remaining guarded about one's true feelings. e. provides proof of the validity of Brontë's point of view.
In "A Warning Against Passion," what purpose does the story about Mary's experience with love serve in Brontë's advice to Nell?
The Lady floats away in a boat in a storm and freezes to death. Students should cite details from Part IV of the poem which indicate the Lady's fate.
What happens to the Lady at the end of "The Lady of Shalott"? In an essay, answer this question, and explain how the Lady meets her fate. Include quotations or details from the poem that provide information about what happens to her.
The poem is an expression of deep, happy, lasting love, and Barrett Browning uses a number of sound devices to emphasize and express those emotions. The Petrarchan sonnet form, with its abbaabba cdcdcd rhyme scheme, is particularly well suited to expressions of love, because in English, this sonnet form tends to rely on simple words in order to complete all the rhymes, and love is well expressed simply. The musicality of the lines, written in iambic pentameter, is enhanced by the repetition of the simple phrase "I love thee" throughout the poem, building a sense of conviction through reiteration and parallelism. Alliteration and assonance help to shape the poem and give the assertions of love a feeling of intense sincerity.
Assuming that the poet wishes her readers to share her emotions, how does she use the sounds of words to help get those emotions across?
how intensely she feels.
In "Sonnet 43" the speaker's declaration that "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height / My soul can reach" is an attempt to explain
If he is stupid or dishonest, she should not consider marrying him. If he has some good qualities, such as common sense, she should consider marrying him.
According to Brontë, what criteria should Ellen consider when deciding whether to marry Mr. Vincent?
When she sees Sir Lancelot in the mirror, she finds him so beautiful that she can't resist going to the window to look at him. In doing do so, however, she also sees Camelot and brings the curse upon the her.
What does the Lady of Shalott do when she see Sir Lancelot in her mirror?
I believe that the romantic relationship being described is a true relationship, not based just on physical appearance, but compatibility and loyalty. Although there are many reasons I get this idea, the line that hits me the hardest is line 14, "I shall but love thee better after death." The speaker loves this person so much, that even after they pass away, the speaker will love them even more and miss their presence to the point of heart-break.
What is your impression of the romantic relationship described in the sonnet?
I think that the advice is given after being hurt before or with bad people in mind. That advice isn't necessary to follow if you are careful of the character of the person that you date or have a relationship with.
What is your opinion of Bronte's advice in "A Warning Against Passion"?
Brontë advises Ellen not to love her husband too passionately because then he would have too much power over her.
Why does Brontë advise Ellen not to love her husband too passionately?
How much and how many ways do I love you.
What questions does the speaker of the sonnet pose and answer?
strengthened, or reaffirmed, her religious faith.
In "Sonnet 43," the speaker suggests that love has
Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
How would you summarize the main points of Bronte's advice about love and marriage?
The Lady of Shalott believes that if she looks toward Camelot, she will be cursed. She uses a mirror to look outside so that she doesn't have to look directly out the window.
Why does the Lady of Shalott look in a mirror instead of out the window?
Brontë would like to advise Mr. Vincent to propose to Ellen himself, in person, rather than writing sentimental letters to Ellen's brother.
What advice would Brontë like to give Mr. Vincent?
Brontë thinks that Ellen must marry a man before she will be able to love him. She will have to live with him for several months so that she can get accustomed to him and his ways.
What does Brontë think must happen before Ellen will be able to love a man?
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