Elements of Total Fitness and Lifestyle Management Essay Example
Yoga Worksheet
Lifestyle: What can you do to be healthier in the following areas of your life?
1. Sleeping
Healthy sleeping is necessary for a healthy living hence one can avoid feeling grumpy as well as being able to work at their best. The average time one need to sleep is eight hours. However, some people sleep more while others less time. Therefore one needs to find out how long he/she needs to sleep health wise.
2. Smoking
Smoking is unhealthy. This is because one loses more energy as well as weakening one’s immune system. Therefore for a healthy living, one needs to stop smoking. Stop smoking reduces stress too.
3. Exercise
Exercises reduces risks for major illnesses like heart disease, type 2 disease, stroke as well as lowering one’s risk of early death by 30%.
4. Meaningful, Nurturing Relationships
Meaningful information to parents on i
ssues such as signs of violence in relationships by teenage is healthy as it can help the parents to know how to help their children.
5. Overdrinking
Lack of drinking water may results in dehydration in the body. For a healthy living style, one needs to drink according to the amount he/she sweats.
6. Overeating
A balanced diet is necessary for a healthy living. However, in case of a healthy weight person who would not like to lose body fat, eating more food is recommended each day to maintain the weight. Eating more carbohydrate rich food increases energy as well as fueling one’s training sessions. This results into a healthy living.
Systems of the Body
Using class material, books, magazines, and/or online sources such as yogajournal.com and abc-ofyoga.com, develop a list asanas and/or other activities you’d like to try for all or selected body systems.
practices affects every body cell and brings about better neuro-effector communication as well as improving the strength of the body, increasing the optimum function of all organ-systems, increasing the resistance against diseases and stress.
Nervous System (Brain, Nerves)
The list of asanas include: Sarva Hita Asana, Shashankasana, hasta utthanasana, Virasana, Yoga Mudra, Ekapada Pranamasana, Mrigasana and Khatu Pranam.
The activities include: Lowering and raising the arms, Hare, Crossing the Arms, Hero Rose, Forward bend sitting on the heels and greetings on one leg.
Skeletal system
The activities to be tried in the skeletal system include: the left, right and alternate nostril breathing.
Lymphatic system
This immune-strengthening class in this case focuses on hip openers, functional core strength and twists. The long holds of deep and expansive poses helps you release tension, feel taller, and flush out the lymphatic system for the full-body immune-boosting, restoration-promoting balance and rest.
Endocrine system
The adrenals get taxed during periods of stress and working long hours or even during major life changes. The use of yin postures helps in the regulation of adrenals with supported backbends and the gentle folds using stillness as a therapy form to feed to feed the core. Also a short meditation at the end of it helps you bring back the practice into your life for lasting effects.
Circulatory System (Blood)
The regular practice of asanas results in an improved blood supply to the digestive system and eliminative systems. The lifting of the stomach asanas massages the digestive organs, as well as contracting and stretching them.
Respiratory System (Lungs)
Breathing technique and asana(posture). This helps to improve mechanical efficiency of lungs.
Your Immune System
What do you already do to strengthen your immune system?
I have adopted a good healthy-living strategy
such as exercising regularly and avoid smoking habits.
What do you do that could weaken your immune system?
Having a psychological stress with unhealthy body weight
From the topics listed below, circle/discuss how you might use Yoga to further enhance your immune system.
An hour of quiet long exploration in various postures enhances an immune function. The practice offers lots of time for listening and a little science.
Yoga asana helps one to keep good physical health as well as mental health.
Pranayama exercises works to balance or deepen the breath and hence helping to ease anxiety and tension. This increases oxygen intake.
When one focus in meditation, you get removed from the daily stresses which take a toll on your mind and body. This gives the body an ample time to recover as well as enter a positive healing state.
Giving your body a natural boost by doing some few sun salutations in the sunshine, increases immunity in the northern climates.
Ayurvedic herbs and spices which stimulate blood flow and digestion include ginger, cumin, cardamom, turmeric, and cinnamon. Sprinkling these on hot oatmeal or vegetables keeps the digestive system active as well as healthy throughout the winter.
Exercises which twist the spine and compress the belly such as Jathara Parivartanasana, improves poor digestion which could otherwise result in toxins building up in the digestive tract hence leading to illness and infection
Socializing and engaging in healthy and positive interactions with others is good for the immune system. So grabbing a friend next time you go to yoga class; and give the immune system the ultimate care package.
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