Flashcards About EDS500 Chapter 2: Integration, Inclusion
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Research on prereferral teams and response to intervention has found that a. they result in more students being eligible for special education. b. academic achievement of students who are mainstreamed has increased. c. little evidence is available to determine their effectiveness. d. teachers and administrators are not satisfied with the procedures.
c. little evidence is available to determine their effectiveness.
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Frequent measures that provide information on whether a student is learning as expected are a. outcome measures. b. standardized assessments. c. progress monitoring assessments. d. measures of student achievement.
c. progress monitoring assessments.
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Schools must provide an individualized program for each student who requires special education services. This means that a. each student must receive instruction on a one-to-one basis. b. an educational program must be written for each student who requires special education services. c. one individual must be responsible for each student's education. d. the portion of the program that is individualized must be delivered by a teacher who is certified in special education.
b. an educational program must be written for each student who requires special education services.
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Each of the following components must be included on an individualized education program (IEP) EXCEPT a. annual goals. b. related services to be provided. c. student's IQ score. d. instructional objectives.
c. student's IQ score.
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Which of the following represents the legally correct sequence of IEP development within planning of special education services? a. placement, development of IEP, evaluation b. development of IEP, evaluation, placement c. evaluation, development of IEP, placement d. evaluation, placement, development of IEP
c. evaluation, development of IEP, placement
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Which one of the following best describes an individual family service plan (IFSP)? a. a supplement to the IEP that specifies services that will be provided to the family of a student with disabilities b. a supplement to the IEP that identifies the role of family members in supporting the school's program for a student with disabilities c. a type of IEP created for preschool children with disabilities d. an extension of the IEP that is used for secondary students who are making the transition from school to work
c. a type of IEP created for preschool children with disabilities
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Each of the following people is typically on an IEP team EXCEPT a. a parent or guardian. b. a provider of special education. c. the child's general education teacher. d. a special education lawyer.
d. a special education lawyer.
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The concept of transition involves more than just employment. It has a broad emphasis to include a. movement from general education to special education. b. more parental responsibility for meeting transition goals. c. concern for outcomes such as independent living and community adjustment. d. greater emphasis on vocational issues.
c. concern for outcomes such as independent living and community adjustment.
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What was the major accomplishment of IDEA and other federal laws with respect to transition? a. They provided funding for postsecondary programs. b. They extended the age range served by special education to include students up to age 26. c. They mandated that school districts pay for postsecondary schooling (including college tuition) for students under the age of 21 with disabilities. d. They required IEPs to contain a statement of needed transition services for students with disabilities 16 years or older.
d. They required IEPs to contain a statement of needed transition services for students with disabilities 16 years or older.
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Educational services and placement for exceptional students depends on a. student characteristics and community resources. b. teacher attitudes and student preferences. c. both student and parental preferences. d. the category of exceptionality and parental preferences.
a. student characteristics and community resources.
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The special education intervention that requires the least specialized environment is a. consultation by a special educator. b. instruction by an itinerant teacher. c. instruction in a resource room. d. instruction by a regular classroom teacher.
d. instruction by a regular classroom teacher.
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Mrs. Cain is a regular third-grade teacher. She teaches most subjects to all of her students; however, Mrs. Cleveland, a special educator, provides reading and math instruction to exceptional students in the class. She also teaches organizational and study skills to all the students. What type of intervention is modeled by these teachers? a. co-teaching b. consultation c. itinerant services d. resource services
a. co-teaching
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Maria is enrolled in a general education classroom but is taught by a special education teacher in a special education classroom for an hour a day. What type of special education services does Leslie receive? a. She receives itinerant services. b. She receives resource services. c. She receives consultation services. d. She receives diagnostic-prescriptive services.
b. She receives resource services.
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Of the following, the special education intervention that represents the highest level of specialization is a. instruction by an itinerant teacher. b. instruction in a diagnostic-prescriptive center. c. consultation by a special educator. d. instruction in a self-contained special education classroom.
d. instruction in a self-contained special education classroom.
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Homebound instruction is most often used for students who have a. a visual impairment. b. physical disabilities. c. mental retardation. d. a hearing impairment.
b. physical disabilities.
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Estella has a learning disability. Her primary placement is most likely a a. self-contained special education class. b. regular classroom. c. resource room. d. special day school.
b. regular classroom.
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Jasper is a ten-year-old student with intellectual disabilities. According to IDEA, if he is placed in the least restrictive environment possible, he will receive instruction in a. his own home. b. a general education classroom with consultation by a special educator. c. both a general education classroom and a resource room. d. a general education classroom for the whole day.
d. a general education classroom for the whole day.
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Some educators have suggested that the phrase \"least restrictive environment\" is not appropriate for describing the placement of students. Which term do they suggest as more accurate? a. most enabling environment b. most specialized environment c. least isolated environment d. most dedicated environment
a. most enabling environment
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Nationwide, what percentage of students with disabilities is educated primarily in general education classrooms? a. less than 5 b. nearly 15 c. about 35 d. more than 50
d. more than 50
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Children under the age of six and older teenagers and young adults identified for special education services more often attend separate schools than do children of the usual school age for all of the following reasons EXCEPT a. They tend to have more severe disabilities. b. School systems often do not have general education classes for preschoolers and young adults. c. There are no laws protecting educational rights of people in these age groups. d. Work-related programs for young adults with disabilities frequently already exist apart from regular high schools.
c. There are no laws protecting educational rights of people in these age groups.
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Each of the following is a basic strategy for helping students with disabilities to participate in the general education classroom EXCEPT a. homogeneous grouping. b. accommodations and adaptations. c. collaborative consultation. d. curriculum and instruction modifications.
a. homogeneous grouping.
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In collaborative consultation, the special education teacher a. teaches students with disabilities in the general education classroom. b. acts as an expert in providing advice to the general education teacher. c. shares daily decisions about programming with the regular education teacher equally. d. pulls out students with disabilities for special instruction in a resource room.
b. acts as an expert in providing advice to the general education teacher.
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In co-teaching, a. students take turns assuming the role of teacher. b. general and special educators teach together in the same classroom. c. general and special educators provide in-service training for each other. d. teachers and students take turns assuming the role of teacher.
b. general and special educators teach together in the same classroom.
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In cooperative learning, a. students work together in small homogeneous groups to solve problems or practice responses. b. students without disabilities tutor those with disabilities in small groups. c. students with and without disabilities work together in small groups to solve problems or practice responses. d. students with disabilities tutor those without disabilities in small groups.
c. students with and without disabilities work together in small groups to solve problems or practice responses.
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For students with disabilities, the objective of partial participation is a. exposure to activities experienced by all students. b. opportunity to model social skills and increased vocational training. c. maximize time on task and enhance self-esteem. d. mastery of functional academics and improved self-help skills.
a. exposure to activities experienced by all students.
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Bill is a student with low vision. His teacher provides him with a set of large-type notes at the beginning of each lecture. This is an example of a. accommodation. b. adaptation. c. tiered assignment. d. partial participation.
a. accommodation.
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When teachers provide choices of activities on a single topic that vary in difficulty, they are using a. watered-down curriculum. b. accommodations. c. partial participation. d. tiered assignments.
d. tiered assignments.
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According to one point of view, general education and special education teachers should work together but have distinctive roles. This point of view suggests that a. general education teachers are content specialists who should be trained by a special education coach. b. general education teachers can gradually take the place of special education teachers. c. special educators have no more specialized expertise in teaching individualized curricula than do general educators. d. the popular co-teaching model of collaboration provides the required kind of intensive instruction needed by students with disabilities.
a. general education teachers are content specialists who should be trained by a special education coach.
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All teachers must be prepared to work with exceptional students for all of the following reasons EXCEPT a. Most exceptional students are in the general education classroom for part of the day. b. Most teachers have the supports needed to work in the general education classroom with students of all exceptionalities. c. Many students who are not identified as being in need of services share characteristics of those who are. d. Radical reforms of special education threaten special education as a separate, identifiable part of education.
b. Most teachers have the supports needed to work in the general education classroom with students of all exceptionalities.
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A student who performs or behaves poorly in school and appears likely to fail or fall short of his or her potential is a. at risk. b. disabled. c. handicapped. d. challenged.
a. at risk.
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All teachers should expect to participate in educating students with disabilities. Which one of the following responsibilities is a general education classroom teacher LEAST likely to have? a. evaluating academic abilities b. managing serious behavior problems c. participating in writing individualized educational programs d. collaborating with other professionals
b. managing serious behavior problems
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Which of the following is an expectation for general education teachers? a. knowledge of special education law b. instruction of students with serious learning problems c. management of serious behavior problems d. participating in writing individualized education programs
d. participating in writing individualized education programs
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Ms. Lopez, a second grade teacher, has concerns about Delroy's progress in math. Before she makes a referral for special education, she should a. discuss her concerns with Delroy. b. administer an intelligence test. c. discuss her concerns with Delroy's parents. d. consult with specialists at a diagnostic-prescriptive center.
c. discuss her concerns with Delroy's parents.
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Before making a referral for special education, a general education classroom teacher should do all of the following EXCEPT a. modify or adapt the student's instructional program. b. communicate concerns to parents. c. examine student's school record. d. administer diagnostic tests.
d. administer diagnostic tests.
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What makes special education \"special\" is a. instruction that it alone uses. b. the more qualified teachers involved in it. c. instruction that is altered to meet the needs of exceptional learners. d. the quantity of services provided.
c. instruction that is altered to meet the needs of exceptional learners.
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The dimension of instruction that refers to the speed of introducing new concepts is a. intensity. b. persistence. c. pace. d. structure.
c. pace.
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Special education teachers must attain special expertise in a. delivering large-group instruction. b. using technology. c. cooperative learning. d. counseling.
b. using technology.
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The key to improving special education is a. knowledge of special education law. b. management of serious behavior problems. c. exceptional instruction. d. use of technological advances.
c. exceptional instruction.
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The Common Core State Standards Initiative's document, \"Application to Students with Disabilities,\" states that students with disabilities a. should not be held accountable regarding the general education curriculum. b. should be allowed to have a copy of the test one-week in advance of its administration. c. should not receive any accommodations on the test. d. might need to have instructional supports by, for example, by presenting material in multiple ways.
d. might need to have instructional supports by, for example, by presenting material in multiple ways.
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All of the following statements about the Common Core State Standards Initiative are true EXCEPT a. some are fearful that the standards will not be in the best interests of many students with disabilities. b. Research documents that, when states mandate that students with disabilities must take a Common Core State Standards test, the achievement of these students improves dramatically. c. There is a heavy emphasis on access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities. d. Questions remain, such as should special accommodations be made in assessing progress toward a standard.
b. Research documents that, when states mandate that students with disabilities must take a Common Core State Standards test, the achievement of these students improves dramatically.
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Considering the needs of all potential users, including those with disabilities, when developing a technology is referred to as a. inclusive technology. b. universal design. c. intuitive planning. d. intuitive design.
b. universal design.
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Each of the following is an issue/controversy concerning universal design or the use of technology for people with disabilities EXCEPT a. deciding when the limits of universal design have been reached. b. deciding when the use of technology is in a person's best interest. c. unnecessary cost associated with having to consider the relatively small population of people with disabilities when designing technology. d. the potential for dependence on technology at the cost of learning to do something independent of technology.
c. unnecessary cost associated with having to consider the relatively small population of people with disabilities when designing technology.
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Which statement about the standards-based reform movement is TRUE? a. There are fully funded, Federal programs that provide enriched learning experiences for all students. b. The curriculum for students with disabilities has sometimes differed from the curriculum in general education. c. IDEA requires inclusion of all students with disabilities, except those with sensory impairments, in national assessments of educational progress. d. Extracurricular programs that are being eliminated tend to be those that students with disabilities are typically excluded from or fail at anyway.
b. The curriculum for students with disabilities has sometimes differed from the curriculum in general education.
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Assessments that compare a student's performance with that of other students are all of the following EXCEPT a. outcome measures. b. standardized assessments. c. progress monitoring assessments. d. measures of student achievement
c. progress monitoring assessments.
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Accommodations for evaluation procedures of students with disabilities might include all of the following EXCEPT a. altering the time given for responding. b. changing the setting in which assessment is done. c. providing verbal prompts to the student during testing. d. using an alternative format for presentation of tasks or the type of response allowed.
c. providing verbal prompts to the student during testing.
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Standardized tests a. have no place in special education. b. should be used to compare students with disabilities before and after they receive special instruction. c. can be used effectively to compare students with disabilities to those without disabilities. d. are useful for making instructional decisions.
b. should be used to compare students with disabilities before and after they receive special instruction.
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