Early Childhood IL Licensure practice test – Flashcards

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In a kindergarten classroom, the teacher has set out several wordless books for the children to look at. Periodically, she asks one of her children to "read" the book to her. Asking the children to participate in this activity will be most effective as a way to
develop the children's oral language skills.
A 2 year old boy is sitting in a high chair. As he says "swing" to his caregiver, he turns and points toward the door. When the caregiver picks up the boy and carries him to the door, he points to a swingset in the yard. The caregiver opens the door and puts the boy down, and he walks eagerly toward the swingset. In this exchange with his caregiver, the boy has conveyed the meaning by using what?
use of a single word
repeating items in a self-similar way
"doggie" is referred to all 4 legged animals and "daddy" is referred to all men
happens very early in language development around 18 months. The child knows the word "dog" but only applies it to his dog rather than all the other dogs he encounters
A 2 year old boy is sitting in a high chair. As he says "swing" to his caregiver, he turns and points toward the door. When the caregiver picks up the boy and carries him to the door, he points to a swingset in the yard. The caregiver opens the door and puts the boy down, and he walks eagerly toward the swingset. In this situation, the caregiver could best promote the boy's communication and language development by
engaging him in conversation about the swing
The families of young children who are learning English as a new language are significantly more likely to collaborate with teachers when they
have on-going opportunities to provide input to their child's education
When learning English, what language skills do young children from diverse language backgrounds typically master first?
speaking with other children while playing
A 1st grade teacher has an English Language Learner in her class whose home language is Russian. The teacher makes it a practice to have the class count objects and say the names of the months and days of the week in Russian. This practice is most likely to promote
Respect for and knowledge of the ELL's home language among all students
When ELLs reach the early production stage of the 2nd language acquisition, they are typically most comfortable performing what language tasks?
Speaking in single words or 2 word phrases
A 3 year old speaks both English and Spanish. In casual conversation with the teacher, her father expresses mild concern that his daughter sometimes mixes up vocabulary between languages. What would be the teacher's best response to the father?
reassuring him that bilingual children often shift between languages at this age
A 4 year old whose home language is not English, is entering preschool. To plan effective English language instruction, it is most important for his teachers to understand that
The child will learn English most readily if they are given more meaningful activities that require him to us English
A 3 year old recognizes a word on a sign for a fast food restaurant and understands that people go inside that building to eat. This is an example of a child making meaning from what?
environmental print
What would contribute most to encouraging 3rd grade students' enjoyment of and positive attitude toward reading?
allowing students to choose their own books from the library
While preparing her preschool classroom for the 1st day of school, a teacher creates a classroom grocery store in the dramatic play area. What is the primary benefit of this classroom design?
Experience with print in their environment will help children develop an understanding of the purpose and functions of print
What book topics would most likely be included in the genre of modern fantasy for early elementary children?
a boy who finds a talking pencil
The big dog has a nose. The big dog has a tail. The big dog has a bone. What color is t he big dog? This text would be most effective to use with emergent or early readers for what reason?
Text with repetitive phrases supports fluent reading by providing multiple opportunities to practice reading and recognizing words.
A preschool teacher hands a 4 year old child an open book and says to the child, "Please show me where to start reading" By making this request, the teacher is most likely to gather information about the student's skills in what areas?
directionality of print
A 1st grade student is reading a new text aloud to his teacher. The text reads, It is very cold and snowing hard. Can you tell what the season is? Oh yes, it is winter. The child says window instead of the word winter. The teacher repeats what the child read aloud, as he said it, then asks if this makes sense. The teacher is encouraging the child to use what cueing system?
Does it look right? What letters and words look like
Does it make sense? ( In reading)
Structure. Does it sound right? (In reading)
A 2nd grade teacher reads aloud to the class often, from a wide variety of genres and with great expression. This activity primarily helps students to
learn what fluent reading sounds like
What strategy could a teacher use most effectively to help emergent and early readers better understand and use semantic clues?
covering up various words in a big book text and having students use meaning to guess the hidden words
A 1st grade teacher stocks the classroom library with a variety of reading materials (magazines, alphabet books, illustrated encyclopedias) and for many reading levels. This strategy will support students' reading development primarily because it encourages
independent reading
A teacher reading a big book to her class covers up a word at the end of a sentence and asks the students to predict what the word will be. What skills does this strategy address?
contextual word identification
a 1st grade teacher shares an activity with emergent readers in the class called "Hink Pinks" In this activity, the children come up with rhyming pairs of words such as goat-boat, pat-cat, and map-tap. The children use letter and word-family cards to form the pairs and then read each pair aloud. This activity will most likely promote the children's ability to
Substitute onsets with common rimes
What materials should a 1st grade teacher include in the writing center to best encourage the students to write for various audiences?
different sizes and types of paper, envelopes. and cards
A preschool teacher would like to promote the oral communication skills of a 3 year old child. What is a strategy that is developmentally appropriate?
Labeling and describing events in the child's world
Mr. Espinosa has chosen an activity for his kindergarten students to promote listening skills. He plans to read the same story several times during shared reading time. The text of the story he has chosen is predictable and contains rhymes. When his students become familiar with the story, Mr. Espinosa will read the story with pauses and allow the students to fill in the rhyming word. What best describes the primary advantage in engaging children in such an activity to promote listening skills?
This enhances the students' ability to listen accurately, a skill that essential to the development of literacy and the ability to communicate
The ability to point to words during the initial stages of reading indicates a child's development of
an awareness of words and of the correspondence between written and spoken language
What best describes how morphology is used in word identification?
The reader decodes a pholysyllabic word by looking for common prefixes, root words, and suffixes
A 2nd grade teacher often reads literature to the class that is beyond the students' independent reading level. One way that this activity help students develop comprehension skills is by
exposing students to new vocabulary and concepts to expand their knowledge of word meanings.
What is indicative of a young child in an early stage of learning to count?
The child knows that each object must have a distinct counting word
What class field trip would be most appropriate for promoting preschoolers' natural curiosity about their world?
taking a nature walk at a local park and collecting items for a collage
An infant room in a child-care center has 5 babies currently ranging in age from 18 weeks old to fine months old. What would be the best to promote gross motor development for all of the children in this infant room?
changing each child's position throughout the day
What activity would be most appropriate for teaching third grade students about citizenship in the United States?
Allowing students to vote about their class concerns such as where to take a class field trip
A preschool teacher wants to encourage dramatic play as a way for children to communicate their ideas and experiences. What is an important preliminary step in planning for this type of learning?
Creating prop boxes of items that are focused around specific themes for use in dramatic play
What best describes the primary significance of play for young children's social development?
Play provides opportunities to practice social skills with other children by engaging in situations that involve adopting different roles
Ms. Hernandez, a 2ns grade teacher, schedules daily unstructured time for outdoor activities when students are able to express themselves freely and learn about outdoor environments. She makes certain there is equipment and space available for the kids to play games and sports and she supports the students' engagement in activities necessary. Ms. Hernandez's approach to physical activity may best described as
an appropriate approach that promotes the students' motor development by allowing them to choose activities they find most appealing
When developing a curriculum to provide preschoolers with a foundation for academic success, a teacher should include
a stimulating setting that is responsive to self-initiated exploration
David is a 2 year old child with developmental delays. An early childhood educator is asked to assess improvement in David's motor functions as part of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) process. What strategy would both be appropriate to use and consistent with the guiding principles of of IFSP intervention format?
Suggesting activities for David's parents/grandparents to use and observing how he plays with the parent/guardian in the family's home
An early childhood teacher is designing a learning environment for 3 and 4 year olds to promote responsibility. What design feature would be most important for the teacher to include?
visual cues for placement of materials to encourage children to clean up after activities
A group of primary grade teacher wants to evaluate the impact of showing their students instructional video series that is designed to promote cooperative behavior. Before showing the video, what would be most helpful and productive for the teachers to ask themselves to stimulate their reflective thinking?
What outcomes do the teachers in the video accomplish that we want our students to achieve?
A 3 and 4 year old have been competing for opportunities to ride the swing. Both children are capable of seating themselves in the swing and pushing it. What response from the preschool teacher will best serve to foster the children's social problem-solving skills?
asking the children to explain the situation and helping them decide what to do
A 3 year old washes her hands and says aloud, "you do soap, now water, go dry hands." According to Vygotsky's theory of development, the child is demonstrating
private speech as a means for turning shared knowledge into personal knowledge
A traumatic experience of violence is most likely to have a negative effect on a child's developing sense of
For children in good health, dietary fats function primarily to help the body
store energy
A baby who has difficulty imitating facial expressions will also have considerable difficulty learning what activity?
Some young children with autism spectrum disorder benefit from participating in play groups with children from general education classroom. What is the best rationale for including children with autism in these play groups?
inclusion helps autistic children learn to identify social cues through peer interaction
What would best foster young children's motivation to learn?
activities related to their various interests
What strategy would be the most appropriate way for a preschool teacher to create a classroom environment that celebrates children's culturally diverse backgrounds?
ensuring that learning materials used with the children are reflective of their diverse cultural backgrounds
Kelly is a 4 year old who has mild cognitive delays. She attends preschool for 5 days each week. A special education teacher comes to the classroom to work with Kelly 3 times per week. Her preschool teacher is beginning a unit that involves new concepts related to nutrition. He is planning to introduce several concepts, concepts during large group circle time, then provide follow-up activities for small-group centers. In this situation, the preschool teacher can most appropriately address Kelly's learning needs by
including her in all lessons to the fullest extent possible
A new kindergarten teacher has been assigned to a rural school. The school has a high proportion of students living in poverty, many of whom have had limited experience out of their homes. Children reared in these circumstances are more likely to be engaged by learning projects that
relate closely to their immediate environment and community.
A the beginning of the school year, a 2nd grade teacher finds that several students have not retained some of the skills learned in 1st grade. What factors are likely to have the greatest impact on a student's ability to retain learned academic skills over the extended break
the degree of adult to student interaction in using the skills over break
Compared to preschoolers who stay at home, those in high-quality daycare typically learn to interact with caregivers and peers in what ways?
they are more verbal when expressing their needs
Outside of the home, what is the most significant factor in shaping a seven-year-old child's way of thinking about his own and other people's ethnicities?
the nature of his friends' and peers' views of diversity
Mrs. Garcia, a 2nd grade teacher, has planned a unit on apples for her students. During the unit, students diagram the parts of an apple, follow a recipe for making applesauce, graph their favorite types of apples, read various books about Johnny appleseed, and so forth. What describes the main benefit of this type of curriculum unit?
integrating many subject areas helps students make meaningful connects with the academic content
A 4 year old preschool child has returned recently from a month-long trip. During the trip, she visited her grandparents who live in another country. In what ways can her teacher best incorporate the child's experiences into the preschool classroom's activities?
creating a thematic unit on "Where our Families come from" and including the child's trip in the unit
several 1st grade students excitedly point out to their teacher a new bird's nest with visible eggs. The teacher could most effectively incorporate this situation into meaningful classroom instruction by
Asking students to write observations of the nest in their journals.
As a part of a unit on gardening, teachers in the toddler classroom are planning a series of thematic units. Using such a wide variety of garden-themed activities best addresses what aspects of child development?
young children benefit from learning activities that engage and stimulate each of their senses
What 3rd grade curriculum plan would be best suited to integrating the state's learning standards and literacy, science, and social studies?
a unit that looks at connections among history, ecology, and culture in the American southwest
In the art corner of a kindergarten classroom, a teacher initiates a learning activity in which students make drawings using markers in their favorite colors. Then, they discuss the drawings and their color choices. This activity build students' content knowledge, promotes their manual dexterity, and fosters most significantly what aspects of their social and emotional development?
their sense of sense of self-awareness
a 2 and a half year old is showing signs of a language delay. She produces only a few, single-syllable words, and her pronunciation is much more difficult to understand than that of her peers. Her language delay is likely to have been influenced by
having had frequent ear infections in the past 18 months
Two 3 year old children are playing at the sand table. One child reaches over and grabs a toy shovel from next to the other child, who yells at the 1st child to return it. To promote the children's vocabulary related to thoughts and feelings, the teacher's best response to this situation would be to
help children talk through their conflict and come to a solution that satisfies them both
A kindergarten teacher observes that a child in his class has difficulty expressing herself orally and uses limited vocabulary. What strategy would be most helpful in developing the child's expressive communication and vocabulary?
engaging the child in regular conversations and having her dictate stories and ideas
A child at the phonetic stage of spelling development usually writes
letter for every sound heard within a word
A 1st grade teacher wants his students to spell certain high-frequency words correctly in their writing. The most effective tool the teacher could use to achieve this goal is
a word wall
What activity would most likely promote preschool children's understanding of the role of writing in everyday life?
using writing materials in dramatic play
A kindergarten teacher acts as a scribe for his students by writing their stories and descriptions as they dictate them. He prompts the children to read the words they have written, and point to each word as they go. The children are given the opportunity to illustrate their stories and then added to a book of stories so that everyone in the class can read all the stories. What concept about writing development would provide the best rationale for using this series of literacy activities?
A reciprocal relationship exists between reading and writing development
A class of 1st grade students is growing plants in their classroom. What writing activities would best help them describe the scientific concepts they are learning as their plants grow?
Keeping a notebook in which they draw a picture and write about how the plant changes each week
Student R has 4 fewer pencils than student S, and student T has twice as many pencils as student R. If student S has n pencils, which of the following represents the number of pencils that student T has?
A circular pie graph has been divided into 4 different sized sections. The angles formed by 3 of the sections are known. What procedure could be used to calculate the angle of the 4th section?
subtracting the sum of the 3 known angles from 360
The wholesale price of a reference book is $50. A retail store initially sells the book for 20% less than the wholesale price and later reduces the price by an additional 15%. What represents the final price of the book?
50 X .80 X .85
An adult is watching a 2 year old play with a set of colored blocks. What question would be most appropriate to ask a child of this age to promote her emergent numeracy development?
"Can you count after me as we put away the blocks"
What would be the most effective way for a teacher to introduce basic geometric shapes to preschool children?
Have groups of children form different geometric shaper their bodies.
A kindergarten teacher plans an activity in which students use pieces of string to measure the heights of their favorite classroom toys and compile the results in the graph. The design of this activity suggests that the teacher recognizes
the importance of promoting a positive attitude toward mathematics by engaging students in hands-on activities
A kindergarten teacher places 6 objects on a table and asks the children in the class to tell her how many objects are on the table. Most of the children recite the numbers in order while pointing to them randomly, and many of the children count higher than six. This activity indicates that the children are most likely developmentally ready to be introduced to what math concepts?
one-to-one correspondence
Using grocery advertisements from local newspapers, a 3rd grade teacher has his students brainstorm a shopping list. He give the students a monetary budget limit to use in planning the shopping trip. Students work in groups to make calculations based on these limits and create final shopping lists. The teacher then guides students through discussion of the decisions they made while trying to follow their shopping budget. This type of activity would be most effective for accomplishing what goals?
helping students apply mathematical concepts in everyday situations
A 1st grade teacher notices that several students are having difficulty with simple arithmetic operations. What would be the most effective way to help these students?
Use concrete examples to model how to solve the problems
What activities would be most effective in helping preschoolers begin to develop science-inquiry skills?
Exploring blocks made by different materials by seeing if they sink or float in water
A teacher has 2nd grade students roll a ball down a ramp and mark how far it rolls. To illustrate a basic principle of science that the students can apply in their everyday lives, the teacher has the students repeat the activity several times, increasing the angle of the ramp each time. The students observe that when they change the angle of the ramp the distance the ball rolls also changes. Changing the angle of the ramp as the activity is repeated will most likely help the 2nd graders develop an appreciation for what principle in science?
the relationship between gravity and an object's motion
A teacher has 2nd grade students roll a ball down a ramp and mark how far it rolls. To illustrate a basic principle of science that the students can apply in their everyday lives, the teacher has the students repeat the activity several times, increasing the angle of the ramp each time. The students observe that when they change the angle of the ramp the distance the ball rolls also changes. What would be the most effective way for the students to organize and present the data showing the relationship between the angle of the ramp and the distance that the ball rolls.
a line graph
What is primarily responsible for the large-scale movement of continents over the earth's surface over long periods of time?
shifting of tectonic plates
A 2nd grade teacher is planning a lesson on earth science and wants to initiate the lesson with an activity that will be intrinsically motivating for the students, while helping them develop science-inquiry skills. What activities would most effectively achieve these 2 goals?
Students collect rock samples on the playground, examine them using magnifying glasses, and describe what they see
What activities would provide the best opportunity for 3rd grade students to apply critical-thinking skills in science?
identifying problems in the way an experiment was carried out
A student places a ball of clay into a cup of water and marks on the outside of the cup the height to which water rises. The student carefully removes the ball of clay from the cup and rolls it into a short cylinder and again places the clay in the cup of water and measure the heights of the water. This activity above would be most effective for helping children understand that
the volume an object occupies is conserved when its shape changes
One morning, a group of kindergarten students come into class talking excitedly about the fire trucks they saw on their way to school. The teacher decides to use the event as the basis for a lesson about community and the people who keep communities safe. What best explains why this would be a particularly effectively opportunity for exploring this topic?
Young students tend to be highly motivated when engaging in learning activities based on subject matter they can relate to their personal experience
A kindergarten teacher reads a story to the class about a child who learns about the value of cooperation while performing a challenging task. What follow-up activities would best add to the students' understanding of the concepts of cooperation?
Asking students to describe ways that they help or are helped by others in school or at home
What is the best illustration of the concept of absolute location?
Phoenix's map coordinates are lat 33 degress 45 N, long 112 degrees 08 W
An early childhood teacher organizes his classroom into distinct spaces that are designed as quiet areas, active areas, learning centers for specific subjects, and spaces for individual and group activities. Learning to use these spaces appropriately and cooperatively on a daily basis will be most helpful in promoting student understanding of what social students skills or concepts?
the interactions that take place within a community
What situation best illustrates the principle of due process of law?
The judge in a criminal trial appoints a lawyer to represent a defendant who cannot afford one
A 1st grade teacher reads aloud a story about a fictional family that participated in the Spanish settlement of New Mexico territory. After asking students questions about the family's hopes and experiences, the teacher reads a 2nd story about a Pueblo family that interacted with Spanish settlers of Santa Fe and asks similar questions. This learning activity can best be used to promote what social studies learning objectives?
becoming aware of different cultural perspectives
What type of movement would be most effective for helping 4 year old children develop a sense of balance?
Hopping on one foot
What aesthetic activities would be most effective for promoting the musical interests of one-to-three year old children?
manipulating objects that produce sounds
After 4 year old Lola makes a painting of green snow, she asks her teacher for a response to her work. What teacher response would be most effective in fostering Lola's self-expression and positive self-concept?
Tell me what you were thinking when you made this picture
3 year old children typically acquire what music appreciation skill first?
recognizing whether music is being played loudly or softly
A 2nd grade teacher plans an art activity in which students make paintings using white tempera paint on black paper. This activity is most likely to help students develop their understanding of what principle of design?
A kindergarten teacher spends 10 min. each day reading fiction to her students. In what way could the teacher best use this reading activity to help students develop an appreciation for the dramatic arts?
interpreting the dialogue and narration of the books with expression and emotion.
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