Dual Credit English – Flashcards

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What is Rhetoric
The study of effective use of language.
What is Plagiarism?
Taking material from sources without using proper documentation, even if it is in your own words.
Purposes of writing
To inform, to persuade, to express yourself, and to entertain.
More specific purposes of writing.
Each project has its own specific purpose. Helps you define your audience; select the details, language, and approach that best suit their needs.
"Well Trash USA Today, Too"
Has the specific purpose of convincing the reader to recycle and inform the reader of EPA recycling standards in the next 4 years. Notes disposal of garbage in landfills poses a problem.
Sample after "We'll Trash USA Today, Too"
Does not have a firmly fixed specific purpose can't decide what aspect of community to tackle.
The audience for your writing
everything you write is aimed at some audience. The ultimate purpose of all writing is to have an effect on a reader.
Taking information from another person (even the internet) and using it as your own. Ways to avoid it, be committed to honesty, ask your teacher before using sources.
A first reading
Orient yourself to the background of the Essay, Use the Title as a clue, Skim to to get the gist of the article, Make connections with what you have read.
Orient yourself to the background of the essay
before you begin scan any accompanying biographical sketch and try to determine the writer's expertise and views on the topic
"The Appeal of the Androgynous Man"
Both male and female in one talks about how an androgynous man would be the perfect partner.
Writing a summary
states the main points of an essay in your own words, a good summary lets someone who hasn't read the essay understand what it says. should be one or more paragraphs. Provide contest for the essay Introduce the author of the essay and state the thesis
Zeroing in on a topic
a subject is broad a topic is small segment EX) sports, drug testing athletes Pick a topic narrow enough so that you can develop it properly within any length limitation. Choose a familiar topic
Organizing the Information
an orderly presentation highlights your ideas and helps communication succeed. Topic determines the approach you take, Best organize long pieces of writing follow a formal outline. For shorter papers however, follow the informal system of flexible notes.
Developing a Thesis Statement
Thesis statement presents the main idea of a piece of writing. The thesis points your essay in a specific direction. It can emerge at many points in the writing process. As examine your information, search for the central point and the key points that back it up; the use these to develop your thesis. Converting the topic to a question may help you to uncover backup ideas and write a thesis statement. A good thesis focuses on just one central point, gives an accurate forecast of what's to come, and is precise, often previewing the organization of the paper
Intro to Chapter 4
What is revision? often involving an upheaval of your draft as you change its content and organization in order to communicate more effectively. sometimes only touch up changes are required, but often drastic changes are made. during revision-yourfocus or approach to the topic, supporting material, and thesis statement can change until you're satisfied. To revise successfully you need to control your ego and your fear and become your own first critical reader, set aside natural feelings of accomplishment and dread.
Considering the whole essay
if you inspect your draft only sentence by sentence you can easily overlook alternative direction for your work, gaps in the text, or how the parts work together. A better approach is to step back and view the overall essay rather than its separate parts. use the acronym FACT F) as yourself if the whole essay fits together A) When we write we unwittingly leave out essential material ADD the appropriate sentences C) First drafts often contain material that fits the thesis but doesn't contribute to the essay. CUT away this clutter T) Carefully TEST the organization of your essay
Chapter 6 Exercises
Coordination: coordinating conjunctions include and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so. combine to be equal Subordination: conjunctions such as because, since, while, before, during, after, and instead of. shows a logical relationship Loose Sentence Structure: makes a statement and then adds further thought one main modifier. Periodic: Delay the main point until the end Interrupted: Inserting one or more modifiers into a main statement. Material may come between the subject and verb. Parallel: same kind of phrases or words Nonparallel: different kinds of phrases or words and an independent clause Active: has a subject that does something plus a verb that shows action Passive: reverses the subject-action relationship by having the subject receive, rather than perform, the action (the target was hit by the boy rather the the boy hit the target)
some writers overnourish their prose to make it sound more impressive. To inject vigor, cut out every word that doesn't serve a purpose. Two major forms of wordiness dreadwood and gobbledygook. often occur together. Gobbledygook consists of long, abstract or technical words
they take to sting out of something unpleasant or add stature to something humble. Familiar expressions are pass away or die, preowned or used. They intend to cushion reality Any euphemism however well intentioned, probably obscures an issue.
expressions that have become stale from overuse. rather than respond with own perceptions they oft resort to repeated phrases Talk is unplanned and stale, but writing allows you time to find invigorating and effective language.
Sexist Language
Can assume several guises, sometimes it appears as unneeded information that dilutes or even demeans someone's accomplishments. occurs when the writer uses gender-exclusive pronouns like he and she inappropriately. it is often prohibited in institutions.
Purpose (Chapter 9)
descriptions stands alone; sometimes it enriches other writing. It appears everywhere, but description can also stimulate understanding or lead to action. Description will provide effective backup for the writing you do in your composition classes helping you to drive home your points vividly.
Kinds of process analysis papers
Process papers fall into two categories: those intended for readers who will perform the process and those intended to explain the process for nonperformers. Can range from highly technical and sophisticated to nonspecialized and simple.
Writing a process analysis
as always, when the choice is yours, select a familiar topic Process for readers who will perform them: once you've listed the actions, group related ones to form stops, the major subdivisions and procedure Process for readers who won't perform them: like how to do it process these will require you to determine the steps. Be aware of why you're writing this paper and let that purpose guide your writing.
Chapter 10 handout
Select a topic familiar to you: otherwise directions won't be clear, or they might not be accurate Decide: whether you want to give directions for a reader to follow, explain a process, explain how others do something. Intro: note importance or usefulness of what you are explaining or demonstrating Body: explain the actions of the process in detail, grouping related actions together into one step BE SURE STEPS ARE IN PROPER ORDER. Give reasons, if any, for the actions. give warnings or cautions whenever necessary End: provide some kind of perspective; be a summary or evaluation of the results It is acceptable to use "you"
Chapter 12 intro
classification shows the main divisions. as this figure indicates, grouping allows the people to handle ads to divide entries accordingly to a logical scheme and helps readers find what they are looking for. Our minds naturally sort information into categories, a few weeks after birth our minds begin to classify the faces of family members from those of outsiders. Classification also helps writers and readers come to grips with large or complex topics. it breaks a broad topic into categories according to some specific principle, presents the distinctive features of each category, and shows how the features vary among categories. Classification also helps to make choices therefore it is a very useful writing tool in many situations.
Block vs. Alternating
BLOCK: the block pattern first presents all of the points of comparison for one item and then all of the points of comparison for the other follows pattern of Introduction-specific points about 1-specific pints about 2-conclusion ALTERNATING: the alternating pattern presents a point about one item, then follows immediately with a corresponding point about the other. organized like Introduction-specific point on 1-specific point on 2-specific point on 1-specific point on 2-conclusion
Chapter 14 intro
like the two sides of a coin, cause and effect, are inseparably linked and together make up CAUSATION. Cause probes the reasons why actions, events, attitudes, and conditions exist. Effect examines their consequences. Causation is important because it can explain historical events, natural happenings, and the actions and attitudes of individuals and groups. Everyone asks and answers question of causation. Inevitably therefore you will nee to write papers and reports that employ causation. EX)jennifer speculates on the consequences of changing her major, scott wonders why sue really broke off their relationship
Patterns in Casual Analysis
several organizational patterns are possible for a possible casual analysis. Sometimes a simple cause produces several effects. may alternatively discuss the cause after the effects are presented. several causes can join forces to produce one effect. sometimes discussion of the effect follows the presentation. at time a set of events forms a casual chain, with each event the effect of the preceding one and the cause of the following one. processes like this are concerned with how the events occur, cause and effect with why. Many sequence of causes and effects is too complex to fit a chain. Immediate cause is main but there are usually other reasons.
Reasoning errors in casual analysis
Ignoring multiple causes: an effect rarely stems from a single cause Mistaking Chronology for Causation: don't assume that just because one event followed another that the first necessarily caused the second. Confusing Causes with Effects: scan your evidence carefully in order to avoid such faulty assertions. Ex) trees make the wind blow.
Ch 15 intro
to avoid puzzling and provoking your own readers, you'll often need to explain the meaning of some term. whenever you clarify the meaning of some term, you are defining. when you define, you identify the features that distinguish a term, thereby putting a fence around it, establishing its boundaries, and separating it from all others. knowing these features enables both you and your reader to use the term appropriately. Abstract terms- those standing for things we can't see, touch, or otherwise detect with our five senses- often require extended definitions, too.
Ferreting out Fallacies
Fallacie are lapses in logic that reflect upon your ability to think clearly, and therefore they weaken your argument. -Hasty generalization -non sequitur -stereotyping -card stacking -either/or fallacy -begging the question -circular argument -arguing off the point -the argument ad hominem -appeal to the crowd -guilt by association -post hoc, ergo propter hoc -faulty analogy
Types of Test Questions
-Narrow, highly focused questions with detailed answering instructions -Broad question with simple directions
Preparing to write
-Scan the test -read the questions for key words -pay attention to any suggestions or requirements concerning length -budget your time accordingly
Writing the Examination Answer
-Position your thesis statement at the beginning of your answer -don't become excessively concerned about your wording -fight the impulse to jot down everything you know about the general subject
Essay Types-Mommas Encounter
The Scholarship Jacket
When the Full Moon Shines Its Magic over Monument Valley
Which Stooge Are You
Barbie Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Why We Keep Stuff
Cause and Effect
Why Marriages Fail
Cause and effect
Why We Flirt
Cause and Effect
The Problem with Single-Payer Plans
Has Canada Got the Cure
Can Generation Xers Be Trained
Process Analysis
Rambos of the Road
Going for Broke
The Company Man
The Sweet Smell of Success Isn't All That Sweet
What types of appeals does king uses in "I Have A Dream"?
The Rational Appeal, The Emotional Appeal, The Ethical Appeal
Assembly line Adventure discussion questions
Comment on the effectiveness of the essay's title. The title reveals a small amount of the story that follows by allowing the reader to know the setting. What is the dominant impression of this essay? industrious Identify the conclusion of the essay and what it accomplishes. The conclusion begins when she steps out into the parking lot, it shows how intense everything is involving the making of a car
Supermarket Pastoral discussion questions
1. What is the effect of the author starting and returning to a narrative of his own shopping trip at whole foods? It allows him to cover more ways of writing and appeal to a wider audience 2. in several places the author specifically talks about words and phrases. what are some of the words and phrases the writer discusses? why is it important for him to talk about this language usage? "sustainable farming" and "free range chicken", these are the phrases that food companies use to entice a customer to buy it, the writer wants the reader to know what they mean
A Tale of Four Learners discussion questions
the author starts with an example of praise for a teacher who did not "label" her students but then goes on to classify learning styles. is this a contradiction? No, it is a proven fact that certain people learn certain ways, but it is a possibility that some people learn just as good two different was, so that is why he praised the teacher with each type of learning style, the author follows the same pattern. what is the pattern that she uses and is it effective? she tells the learning problem of the student, then when the student learned a new way to learn, then shows characteristics of the certain type of learner. In paragraphs 4, 22, and 30, the author identifies the problems three out of the four sample students had in school. why does she do this? Is it effective? it just shows more characteristics of the pros and cons of being a certain type of learner. it could be easy to imagine someone who had qualities of more than one learning style. is this a problem for the writer's classification of learning style? some of the learning styles share some of the same characteristics, the author just words them differently, so this is not a problem for the writers classification in the conclusion the author informs us of the successes of her four example students. how is this conclusion important to the essay? It allows the reader to know that someone can be successful regardless of the way that they learn
Social Bodies: Tightening the Bonds of Beauty Discussion Questions
Identify the author's thesis statement. explain as fully as possible what the author means by the thesis statement. She is stating that the ordinary is different depending on what culture you are apart of. What are the advantages of the author's using many examples of body modification? how does that help make her point? More examples just give more eveidence towards her point of view. Why does the author discuss the changing meaning of tattooing? to show how some body alterations become accepted in different cultures. this section from a chapter of a book draws on a variety of sources and is extensively documented. what effect does this have on the essay? it shows how well prepared and the depth of the writers research.
Conversational Ball Games Discussion Questions
Sakamoto notes in paragraph 1 that she "had lived in japan for a while" and in paragraph 2 that she has listened " carefully to many japanese conversations." why does she note these facts at the outset of her essay? So that the reader knows that she has had experience with this culture and she hasn't just been in the country for a few days. what purpose is served by the first two sentences of paragraph 3? to show that in no way is english and japanese the same language why do you think sakamoto uses various games-tennis, volleyball, bowling- to help explain the differences between american and japanese conversational styles? to put it in contexts so that people who have never encountered the japanese language can understand sakamoto ends paragraph 17 with the assertion that "knowing the rules is not at all the same thing as playing the game. Explaining what she means just because you know how to say the words doesn"t mean you can converse in that language
Private Language, Public Language discussion questions
in paragraph 16 Rodriguez tells us that he "looked away to the lights of passing automobiles" and that he "ran on ahead into the dark...."explain these actions he embarrassed of his family
Gender Gap in Cyber Space discussion questions
Does your experience in cyberspace bear out Tannen's assertion about a gender gap? Discuss, citing specific examples- no the gap of gender in cyberspace has closed since this story which was written in the 90s
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