CWV quiz (topic 5)
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Summarize Romans 3:20-26.
We can't be justified by the Law, we've fallen short; it's only by grace.
Summarize Matthew 5:44.
Love and pray for your enemies.
How does the textbook interpret Matthew 18:21-35 and the Christian's ability to forgive others?
The textbook interprets the passage as saying that even if forgiveness costs you (is very difficult), we need to do it because Christ forgives us. We must recognize the person seeking forgiveness as more important than ourselves.
Describe the Christian view of salvation and how it differs from the views of other religions.
Salvation is found through Christ alone. No amount of \"good works\" will get us any closer to Heaven because we still fail compared to God's glorious and sinless standard. Jesus brought all the sins of the world upon himself when he died, even though he lived a perfect life. His resurrection declared that sin has no hold over the world anymore because he defeated death.
What three words beginning with \"R\" used in the lesson and lecture summarize the gospel message?
Rescue, redemption, and renewal summarize the gospel message.
Briefly summarize Isaiah 53:4-6.
• Jesus has taken our sin and grief through his death • Through His death, we who believe (have faith) in Him can have healing and forgiveness
What is the mark of a Christian according to Jesus in John 13:35?
Showing love to everyone is the mark of a Christian.
Read Hebrews 9:24-28. Briefly state the point in each of the last three verses (26-28).
• Christ died once for all sin through his sacrifice • People die once and then face judgment • Christ will return again
Summarize John 20:24-29. What is the significance of this passage for Christians today?
Thomas doubts that the disciples actually saw Jesus risen from the dead. He refuses to believe until he sees and touches Jesus. Jesus appears to him, Thomas sees and touches him, and he finally believes. However, Jesus says that those who believe without seeing are blessed—which is significant for Christians today.