A computer system is comprised of more than just a device that performs computations autonomously. It also includes devices that facilitate data accessibility for processing, as well as devices on which data can be exhibited or printed for human utilization.
The second component is the processor.
The output is given in the following text: "3.) Output".
It is necessary to describe the functions of the three main components of a computer system.
The initial stage, referred to as input, includes obtaining data in a machine-readable format and sending it to the central processing unit (CPU) for additional processing.
The CPU, also known as the central processing unit, is responsible for managing and manipulating data to produce information. In a microcomputer, it is located on a single integrated circuit or microcomputer chip called a mi
...croprocessor. The microprocessor executes instructions within a program to carry out processing tasks.
The output function includes presenting data externally, passing data for further processing, or sending data for storage.
The central processing unit is made up of three components.
Arithmetic Logic unit (ALU) b.
Control unit, memory, and briefly describe the functions of the following three components of the central.
Memory is utilized to store the program that is currently being executed on the computer's processing unit as well as the data that the program operates on.
The Control Unit is responsible for processing one program instruction at a time and executing actions that result in the movement of data within the computer system.
The Arithmetic and Logic unit is in charge of executing fundamental mathematical operations and comparing data within the
Primary memory/storage refers to the term used to explain what is meant by primary memory/storage.
The main memory or primary storage of a computer stores data and programs before and after CPU processing. In contrast, secondary storage provides a long-term storage solution for data and programs compared to RAM. Secondary storage uses media like hard disks, floppy disks, and CD-ROMs.
7. RAM and ROM are different types of computer memory with unique features. RAM, also known as random access memory, is a volatile primary storage medium that temporarily stores data and instructions. However, when the computer is turned off, all stored information is lost because the transistor switches return to their 'off' state.
When the computer is powered off, its memory is reset. ROOM, also referred to as permanent memory, contains data and fixed instructions that are unalterable by both the user and the computer. The computer automatically reads and performs these immutable instructions.
8. Identify various types of:
a. Input devices. Direct Entry involves input methods such as pointing, scanning, and voice-input devices, which generate data that can be directly processed by the CAP.
In key entry, people type input, which usually appears on a monitor.
- Keyboard - used for typing, commands, messages and instructions and transmitting them to the CPU for interpretation and action.
- Mouse - used for minting at items displayed on the screen (selecting) and activating them by clicking the buttons. Trackballs also operate in the similar manner.
- Scanner - can read data off other common medium like paper for input into CPU for processing.
- Readers - can
read data from magnetic tape, floppy and hard disks, and other storage devices for input to the CPU for processing.
A computer is capable of displaying or printing data. Designers and architects frequently utilize digitizes. Specifically, a pen-based computer is a portable gadget that enables writing on the display screen using a stylus. The distinguishing feature of these devices lies in their software's capability to identify handwritten input.
- Scanning Device: Direct-entry scanning device record images of text, drawing or special symbols. The images a converted to digital data that can be processed by a computer or displayed on a monitor.
- Image scanner - identifies images on a paper.
Converting pictures or different typefaces to electronic signals for computer storage involves scanning each image with light and breaking it into dots. These dots are then transformed into digital codes for storage.
- Visual Display Unit (VADUZ) - one of the most common methods of output in which the
information or data is displayed for viewing by the user. Also known as monitor, is similar in many ways to an ordinary television screen. The monitor is used to present text and graphics, which are simply any kind of pictures, drawings, charts or plots.
Computer monitors typically use pixels, which are tiny dots that form images and text on the screen.
- Printers - There are two types: Impact Printer - printing device which print by some print mechanism striking paper, ribbon and characters together. - Non Impact Printers
- Printers which use a specially coated or sensitizes paper that responds to stimuli to cause an image to appear on a form - Plotters are special-purpose output devices for producing bar charts. Maps, architectural drawings and even three-dimensional illustrations.
The images displayed on a monitor are commonly known as soft copy, while any information printed on paper, whether by a printer or a plotter, is referred to as hard copy.
SOFTWARE, also known as programs, refers to the step-by-step instructions that guide computers in processing data to achieve desired outcomes. Software enables the completion of various general-purpose tasks, like word processing and cost estimating. Packaged software, created by professional programmers, can be purchased on a diskette.
Application software encompasses various programs that are designed by computer professionals to fulfill specific tasks for organizations. Examples of such software include Egg Word processing, Electronic spreadsheet, Database Management system, graphics programs, and communications programs. These applications serve functions like payroll computation, inventory tracking, sales commission calculation, or other business-related operations. Additionally, custom-made software can be created to cater to the unique requirements of
a company. Conversely, systems software refers to programs that aid in managing a computer's internal resources.
The computer system is supervised by it, which includes operating systems like Windows XP, Windows 2000, and DOS. The hardware of the microcomputer can be classified into five groups: input devices, system unit, secondary storage, output devices, and immunization devices.
- Communication Device - communications hardware sends data and programs from one computer or secondary storage device to another. Many microcomputers use a modem. This device translates the electronic signals from the computer into electronic signals that can travel over a telephone line Data - is used to describe facts about something.
If electronic files store data, they can be used as input for the information system. A file is a single unit of organized characters. Connectivity refers to the microcomputer's capacity for communication with other computers and information sources. It enables the microcomputer to access information from sources outside of your desk IT.
Types Of Computers
There are four primary computer categories: supercomputers, mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers. Microcomputers, also called Personal Computers (PCs), fall under the category of microcomputers.
The microcomputer is the most popular and rapidly expanding computer type. It can be divided into two categories: desktop and portable. Minicomputers, also known as midrange computers, are desk-sized machines that fall between microcomputers and mainframes in terms of processing speeds and data storage capacities. Medium-sized companies or departments often use minicomputers for research purposes or to monitor specific manufacturing processes. In contrast, smaller companies typically utilize microcomputers for general data processing tasks such as accounting. Mainframe Computers are large computers that necessitate dedicated rooms equipped
with air conditioning.
Mainframes are crucial for large organizations, including businesses, banks, universities, and government agencies. They are essential due to their fast processing speeds and ability to store large amounts of data. These machines effectively handle numerous transactions, such as insurance companies managing policy holder information. On the other hand, supercomputers are powerful tools used by organizations like NASA for monitoring and overseeing space explorations. They also play a vital role in activities like oil exploration, simulations, and global weather forecasting.
2. The following is a list of characteristics of different types of computers in terms of size, speed, cost, abundance, use, and users:
- Cray-1 (mainframe): Expensive and large in size; utilized by science and military sectors with hundreds of simultaneous users.
- IBM System 370 (mainframe): Expensive; employed by large businesses with hundreds of simultaneous users.
- Minicomputers (SIS's of Ohio's departments of business): Medium cost; used by various departments within businesses.
- DECK Micro-fax: Inexpensive; used by hundreds to thousands of concurrent users typically with only one user at a time.
- IBM ASSES (microcomputer): Inexpensive; utilized by everyone with hundreds to thousands of users.
- IBM PC: Medium cost; employed by medium-sized businesses.
- Apple Macintosh: Medium cost; used by medium-sized businesses.
- Commodore 64: Medium cost; employed by medium-sized businesses.
Microcomputers can be classified as portable or desktop computers. Portable computers are compact enough to fit on a desk, whereas desktop computers are not easily movable due to their size.
Desktop computers, which include personal computers and workstations, are widely used by various individuals ranging from clerical staff to managers. Workstations represent a different kind of
desktop computer. In contrast, portable computers are small and lightweight microcomputers that can be easily transported. There are four categories of portable computers: laptops, notebooks, subcutaneous devices, and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Laptops typically weigh between 10 to 16 pounds and can be powered by AC or battery or both. They are commonly utilized by accountants or financial professionals who need to use a computer while away from their desk.
Notebooks, weighing 5 to 10 pounds and fitting into most briefcases, serve as smaller versions of laptops. They are utilized by students, salespersons, and journalists for note-taking purposes. Notebooks prove particularly valuable in areas lacking electrical connections. Currently, notebook computers reign as the most popular portable computers. Conversely, subcutaneous computers weigh between 2 to 6 pounds and target frequent flyers and those on the go. These users trade a full-size display screen and keyboard for a lighter device. Subcutaneous computers conveniently fit inside a briefcase.
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), which are much smaller than subcutaneous devices, combine pen input, writing recognition, personal organizational tools, and communication capabilities in a compact package. PDAs are used by various individuals, such as warehouse workers who track inventory changes or busy executives managing their daily tasks. In Fiji, the most prevalent desktop micros are the IBM Compatible Computers, which are more affordable than pure IBM computers.
These computers have similar internal structures and can run the same programs. Currently in Fiji, there are various brands of IBM compatible computers such as Digital, Amsterdam, IDLE, Computed, Compact, Alter, Olivetti, etc. Additionally, there are different models of PCs available with specific specifications. Another type of computer is the Apple Macintosh, which
has a distinct internal structure from the MOM and is relatively expensive. Lastly, the Commodore 64 was the first computer in our school but is incompatible with the aforementioned computers since their operating systems differ and they cannot run the same programs.
Unit 1. 3 Operating System
The overall operation of a computer system is managed by an operating system, which includes programs for controlling hardware features like processors, storage, input/output devices, and communication devices. The primary objective of the operating system is to efficiently manage these resources.
DOS stands for Disk Operating System.
Listed below are six broad categories of DOS programs: bootstrap loader, diagnostic tests, operating system executive, BIOS, utility programs, and file maintenance.
The Bootstrap Loader is a program used to retrieve the main portion of the operating system from secondary memory when the computer is powered on.
5. The program is stored in ROOM, and Diagnostic Tests are utilized to assess the functionality of the system's components like the disk drive and RAM. Certain components are kept in ROOM, whereas others are loaded from secondary memory as needed.
The Operating System Executive, which is loaded into RAM during startup, is responsible for overseeing system activities such as program execution and task assignment to hardware devices. It has the capability to handle multitasking and multi-user systems. On the other hand, BIOS (Basic Input/output System) manages fundamental hardware functions like reading characters from the keyboard, writing characters to the display or printer, and determining printer status. Additionally, it can read sectors from designated disk drives.
Programs are stored in ROOM and are always accessible for programmers to perform various tasks such as
creating, writing, reading, and deleting data. For example, the tasks include formatting a disk, displaying the content of a disk, copying the content of a disk, determining the remaining space in the disk, making a backup copy of the disk, and restoring the contents of a hard disk from a backup copy.
File Maintenance Programs are service routines designed to maintain files on different hardware devices, enabling other software to execute functions like file creation, reading, and writing. It is crucial to understand that these programs are not independent utilities; instead, they should be invoked from within user programs.
9. The three parts of the DOS that are usually in ROOM are BIOS, Bootstrap Loader, and Diagnostic test.
Booting the operating system is the act of powering on the computer and loading the operating system.
8. The DOS prompt is a symbol on the screen that indicates the computer is ready for input.
The terms "resident" and "transient" refer to the storage location of operating system programs. If a program is classified as resident, it means that it is already stored in memory. On the other hand, if a program is categorized as transient, it implies that it needs to be loaded from secondary storage before it can be utilized.
During computer operation, the limited space in the ROOM and RAM prevents the storage of all operating system programs.
11. Provide explanations for the following terms:
A file is a single entity that consists of text, data, or instructions which the computer treats as a unitary collection.
The file name must be between one and eight characters.
The file extension consists of a period followed
by one, two, or three characters.
12. Present examples of the subsequent categories.
The filename must be valid and can only have 1-8 characters.
b. Including symbols in the filename leads to invalid filenames.
The filename extension should be a .doc file with 1-3 characters.
The filename extension is not valid as it exceeds three characters.
13. The disk directory contains the location of the disk's content information, including files that can be read from and written to (read/write) as well as hidden files not listed in the directory.
Data that is read-only cannot be edited or modified, but it can still be retrieved.
When an application program is executed, the operating system performs certain tasks, such as locating and transferring the program to RAM upon receiving a load command.
The Autocue Bat file includes a sequence of commands and program names that the user wishes to execute upon every computer startup. Afterward, it hands over control to the applications program and waits for additional instructions.
17. The purpose of the Confining.Sys file is to contain instructions for loading device drivers in Congo.Sys file.
A multitasking operating system is capable of running more than one program simultaneously.
Egg Unix Multiuse Operating Systems - capable of supporting multiple users simultaneously.
Floppy disk drives and hard disks are assigned letters A:, B:, C:, and D:. Additionally, the printer is referred to as PORN, the console or keyboard as CON, the screen as SCORN, and the communication port as COM. Operating systems handle various vital functions.
1. Offers file sharing, data locking, and file security related to disk formatting.
2. Offer various forms of communication.
3. Managing databases.
align="justify">4. Access to peripherals
The managing of locations of information on disk is known as input/output management directories.
6. It controls the flow of programs.
7. Offers programs to the network.
Ensuring there are no errors when reading from and writing to the disk.
Unit It. 4 Application Software
Application software is a term used to describe programs that are designed for specific or general tasks, which are not directly related to the computer system.
There are two main types of application software: special-purpose programs and general-purpose programs.
3. Special-purpose programs are designed for specific tasks, while general-purpose programs can be used for various purposes.
General-purpose programs, such as word processing, spreadsheet, database, and graphics programs, have diverse applications in tasks like inventory management, payroll processing, accounting, statistical analysis, and education.
A word processor is a computer program that enables users to write, edit, save, and print text. Some examples of word processors for PC are Word Perfect, Word Star, Multimate, and Microsoft Word.
5. In order to understand what a spreadsheet is and what it is utilized for, let's provide a definition and mention an example that can be used on a PC.
A spreadsheet is an electronic worksheet program that allows users to manipulate figures and text in columns and rows, and perform calculations on them using formulas. Some examples of spreadsheet programs include Lotus 123, Symphony, Equator, and Microsoft Excel.
A database serves as a tool for computerized record keeping, offering a platform to store and organize information for convenient retrieval. It has the capability to house different types of records like inventory, mailing lists, and personnel records.
Examples of
database programs, such as debase 'V, Reflex, R:Base for DOS, and Paradox, are available.
7. Integrated software refers to a program that combines multiple application programs, such as Microsoft Works, which combines a word processor, spreadsheet, and database. These integrated packages typically have a shared user interface, allowing users to switch between applications and transfer data through cutting or copying.
8. Special-purpose software programs are currently utilized in various areas of business.
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