Comparing Correlational, Experimental, and Differential Research – Flashcards

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not trying to explain the relationship.
A correlational study, on the other hand, is intended to demonstrate the existence of a relationship between two variables. Note that a correlational study is #
involve manipulating, controlling, or interfering with variables. two
To accomplish its goal, a correlational study does not # Instead, the researcher simply measures # different variables for each individual. The researcher then looks for a relationship within the set of scores.
differential research, correlational research
an example of a nonexperimental design, is very similar to correlational research.
correlational research strategy, differential design
The difference between these two research strategies is that a # views the data as two scores, X and Y, for each individual, and looks for patterns within the pairs of scores to determine whether there is a relationship. A #, on the other hand, establishes the existence of a relationship by demonstrating a difference between groups.
differential design
uses one of the two variables to define groups of participants and then measures the second variable to obtain scores within each group. For example, a researcher could divide a sample of students into two groups corresponding to high and low self-esteem, and then measure academic performance scores in each group.
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correlational research strategy
examining the same relationship would first measure a self-esteem score and an academic performance score for each student, and then look for a pattern within the set of scores. Note that the # involves one group of participants with two scores for each individual. The primary focus of the # is on the relationship between the two variables.
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differential study
involves two groups of scores and focuses on the difference between groups.
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Is there a relationship between self-esteem and academic performance?
However, both designs are asking the same basic question: #
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to examine and describe the relationship between variables.
The goal of the correlational research strategy is
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Not characteristics of correlational study
Participants are assigned to groups. Participants are assigned to treatment conditions. Participants are separated into groups based on a specific characteristic such as age or gender.
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correlational research strategy
A researcher determines the amount of sugar in each child's diet by interviewing the children's parents. Then the researcher watches the children on a playground to obtain measurements of their level of activity. The researcher hopes to demonstrate that sugar intake is related to activity level. This researcher is using the
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