Colonial Encounters(History Test) – Flashcards

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In what ways did the Industrial Revolution shape the character of nineteenth-century European imperialism?
The Industrial Revolution shaped the character of nineteenth-century European imperialism in a few ways. First, many new technological advances came about like the telegraph, the breech-loading rifle, and steam ships. These technological advances facilitated imperialism. Another reason is that the colonies were controlled sources of materials. Also, the European companies started to want to invest in other countries so they could generate more wealth and stimulate European products. This was because the people of Europe already had every product that the companies were selling, so the companies needed to go to other countries and markets to sell their products. They then figured out that they had to go to countries that had not industrialized yet and had closed themselves off from the world. Finally, technology and production caused a demand for raw materials and food and various agricultural products.
What contributed to changing European views of Asians and Africans in the nineteenth century?
A variety of things contributed to the changing European views of Asians and Africans in the Nineteenth century. First, the European peoples saw the Asians and Africans accomplishments with racism and thought that they were superior to them because they used scientific methods to categorize people. These methods also created a hierarchy of race where the white people were better and in a higher position on the hierarchy than the less fortunate races that were below them. Also, the Europeans thought that their brains were bigger making them better than everyone else. This science was called the science of Eugenics, for example it thought that to make humans better they had to get rid of the less privileged people. Another thing that these methods caused was that the white Europeans though that they had to bring Christianity and religion to the African Americans and Asians discipline them. Finally, social Darwinism made war and aggression in Asia and Africa look progressive.
In what different ways was colonial rule established in various parts of Africa and Asia?
1. Colonial rule was established in various parts of Africa and Asia in a few diffrent ways. First, the Mughal Empire was conquered by the Europeans because of how fragmented their society was as the small kingdoms were not unified. In Africa and Southeast Asia, Colonial conquest was established very abruptly. Government organizations where not conquering these places at first , companies like the British East India Company where ruling. These colonial establishments of power differed from Indonesia and India in that they happed so quickly. Finally, there was competition between the European powers. The four major ways colonial rule was establish in Africa and Asia was military force, the BEI company, fragmented kingdoms, and competition between the European powers.
Why might subject people choose to cooperate with the colonial regime? What might prompt them to violent rebellion or resistance?
Subject people choose to cooperate with the colonial regime for various reasons. First, they might enjoy the safety and status that the European force would provide. Also, the European Education made a Western-educated class that worked for the colonial sate. One reason why people would resist the colonial regime was that some people were overtaxed by land owning elites, religious figures were threatened by the missionary activities, and the landlords refused to pay rent. Another reason was that the Europeans had a strong military power which they would use to make people cooperate with them. Also, cooperating with the Europeans would lead to a better education which could lead to better opportunities. Some reasons why subject people would rebel and resist was because of all the losses they would suffer. Many mound lose jobs as the British replaced the workers and artisans with machines. Cooperate=benefits, power, and education Resit/Rebel=Losses
How did the policies of colonial states change the economic lives of their subjects?
1. The policies of the colonial states changed the economic lives of their subjects in a few ways. First the colonial states forced labor upon their lower class subjects which heavenly impacted the cultures of these people. Also, the labor that was forced upon the the subjects was based off of service and dedication to the state. Finally, a vast majority of Africans were farmers or herders but after the colonial states came in men started working in mines and plantations for wages. -Work the system -Find a new role -Wage labor
How did cash-crop agriculture transform the lives of colonized peoples?
Cash-crop agriculture transformed the lives of colonized people in a few ways. Fist, the Gold Coast and Burma farmers greatly benefited from the production of cash crop agriculture. This allowed their economies to flourish. The cash crops also harmed people. In the East Indies, the cash crops were forced upon the people by the colonial states. This cased a rise in famine and disease. Finally, the cash crops transformed the traditional social patterns as regular working hours shifted. Overall there was benefits and losses. Farmers benefited from the cash crops as they were receiving an increase in money. In some places, famine was caused and there was a change in labor patterns.
How were the lives of African women altered by colonial economies?
The lives of African women was altered by the colonial economies in a multitude of ways. Before colonization African Women took many jobs. These included farming jobs like planting and weeding, and caring for their children. Occasionally African women could partake in small trade which led to various opportunities. Finally, African women started to become the heads of the household as there husbands went to work in plantations, mines, and cash crops. The major transformation that occurred in the lives of African women was the split between men and women. -Separated roles -New roles -Women: Family Focus -Male life if city Vs the female life of the village
What impact did Western education have on colonial societies?
1. Western education impacted the colonial societies in a few ways. First, education provided better paying jobs which increased the standard of living. Having a better job allowed people to escape from forced labor and brought more freedoms. Another way that education impacted colonial societies is that it made them more equal to the white elites which gave them more opportunities in life. Finally receiving a western education divided the Asians and Africans as a majority of them did not receive an education so the ones that did stood out.
What were the attractions of Christianity within some colonial societies?
Some attractions of Christianity within the colonial societies was that Christianity was affiliated with having a higher level of education. This could lead to more opportunities in life making life less difficult for the people. Also all ages could receive more rights and freedoms by becoming christians. This made Christianity very appealing as the colonial people had barley any rights or freedoms.
How and why did Hinduism emerge as a distinct religious tradition during the colonial era in India?
Hinduism emerged as a distinct religious tradition during the colonial era in India for a few reasons. In the colonial era, reformers and religious teachers started to simplify Indias beliefs and religions. For example they clearly defined their education systems, religious beliefs, rituals, philosophies, and Hinduism itself. Also Hinduism provided a solid foundation for the diffrent ideas and ways of life in India. Finally, it completely divided the Muslims and Hindus making them two separate religions.
In what way were "Race" and "tribe" new identities in colonial Africa?
Race and tribe became new identities in colonial Africa because of one main reason. The Africans started to recognize each other by clan, language, and village. These were distinctly defined making race and tribe new identities in colonial Africa.
In what ways did colonial rule rest on violence and coercion, and in what ways did it elicit voluntary cooperation or generate benefits for some people?
Violence and coercion -Many colonies were overthrown by military force, violent rebellions Voluntary cooperation -The local tribal leaders had to cooperate with the European powers to maintain ruling their kingdom(Be influenced by the Europeans) -People who received a western education would benefit with more opportunities and better playing jobs, higher status, more freedoms because they were not forced to do labor -Other people benefited from cash crops as they received more money
Was colonial rule a transforming, even a revolutionary, experience, or did it serve to freeze or preserve existing social and economic patters? What specific evidence supports the thesis?
Transforming -Colonial rule transformed African Women's lives. It granted them more abilities like trade. Also, they had to step us a head of the house hold and provide for their children as their husbands went to work in plantations, mines, and cash crops. -A multitude of opportunities came to farmers from cash crops -Lots of communities converted to Christianity -Some African and Asian peoples started receiving a western education Preserving -Japanese-style industrialization did not influence the colonial colonies at all -agriculture -Middle class stopped growing
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