Character Sketch of Shylock in Merchant of Venice Essay Example
Character Sketch of Shylock in Merchant of Venice Essay Example

Character Sketch of Shylock in Merchant of Venice Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (342 words)
  • Published: January 25, 2022
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Shylock is a Jewish and one of the complex characters in Shakespeare story and who the father to Jessica is. Antonio is one of his Enemy. Kate in the play “the Taming of the Shrew” is the daughter to Baptista Minola and despite being the first born, she is not married following the fact that she is temperamental, and no man would be willing to marry her.

The character traits of shylock and Kate displays Shakespeare is a negative light in many ways. To start with, shylock is materialistic in that his attitude towards money is in question. This is evident when he responds on Jessica’s elopement after which he seems more concerned on the gold rather than being worried that her daughter was missing. Kate, on the other hand, is the shrew. At one incidence, she yells beats up Bianca, her younger sister and also shou


ts at his father in public. She does on claims that her father, Baptista, does not love her and for this reason, destroys music instruments and still insults people on their way to various places.

There are various evidence linked to these character traits. When Shylocks daughter disappears, Solanio says that Shylock is heard calling loud, “Kate, Kate………” which is undisputable prove that he was more concerned about money. Kate character is evident, and she has been referred to as “curst”, “insane” and an “a devil” at the beginning of the play. This information is spread among her younger sister’s suitors who seem happy to do so. However, augments by Robinson and Bean are not valid according to since they lack proper basis.

Shakespeare’s in his plays has portrayed women and non-Christians

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as people with limited roles such that the males were doing all roles belonging to them. However, there were exemptions whereby many of his characters have been developed just like his males. In fact, Lady Macbeth in her desire to lose her female qualities to male ones calls out for spirits, “Come spirits and unsex me and fill all over me.”

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