Chapter 7 – Socialization and Social Restraint – Flashcards

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Socialization - a lifelong process where we learn the knowledge, skills, values, behavioursl patterns, we need to survive and prosper. - key process in the development of he individual - necessary for he cotinuition og society - affects virtually every aspect of our lives (How to take care of yourself, hold a job)
Why do we need socialization in our lives?
- socialization is the foundation for all civilized behaviour; - language abilities (learning to talk) - body control (ex. Toilet training, sniffling) - emotional control (ex. Don't hit your sister) - rules of public conduct (ex. No litter) - moral values (ex. Lying is a sin, stealing is bad) - hunger patterns (when we eat)
Which types of people are prone to not being socialized well?
Homeschooled kids
What influences behaviour? How (2)?
- SOCIAL INFLUENCE is the effect of other people on a person's thoughts and actions - It can affect someone DIRECTLY (you go to a sushi restaurant because your friends are going, despite wanting a burger) or - INDIRECTLY (you decide not to date someone because of how you think your parents will react/ family pressure/ expectations)
What is an example of a force shaping behaviour?
GENDER - biological sex - man/sex or intersex GENDER- socially constructed roles, actions, behaviours, attitudes that society considers appropriate for men and women Ex. Chores, jobs, toys kids should play with FEMININE VS MASCULINE "Act like a lady..... be a man"
What are the 6 agents of socialization?
6 agents of socialization: - family - mass media - peers - religion - school - workplace
Define primary and secondary agents?
Primary Agents: the means by which an individual learns the basic norms and values of society during childhood Secondary Agents: the means by which an individual learns further social behaviours and norms
What is the primary agent of socialization? Describe it. Why is it the primary agent of socialization? What types of families exist today? What is learned from families in regards to socialization?
The primary agent of socialization: FAMILY - the family is responsible for meeting an individual's most basic needs and providing the beliefs needed to survive - it is in the family that you are first introduces to right/wrong, proper/improper, manners, gender roles, hygiene - families are the first to teach social behaviour - family is the primary agent because it shapes behaviour throughout life, starting from birth (including those crucial early years of development) - today, families are more diverse, but all families are equally important (Types: nuclear, single-parent, blended, same-sex) WHAT IS LEARNED: Individuals learn values and acceptable behaviours from their family, and often use these learned values in social settings - teach us how to behave in their absence - social behaviour effected by the actions, customs and rituals observed in the home
What is a secondary agent of socialization? What does it do in regards to socialization? What are it's functions(2)? What is learned from this agent of socialization?
SCHOOLS- transmit knowledge, skills, curriculum, standards, tests - dealing with formal rules - preparation for the adult world MANIFEST FUNCTION - visible purpose of to learn academic skills LATENT FUNCTION - hidden purpose - to learn how to understand and co-operate with strangers - learn rules about being neat, when to talk, respect for authority (punctuality, self-reliance, teamwork, competitiveness, obedience. Students must internalize these things.
Name another secondary agent of socialization? At what age(s) is it most influential to our behaviour? How?
PEER GROUPS - most influential between ages 10-20 - allows teens to learn social skills like communication -(the social curriculum of schools) - peer pressure - values and behaviour, sexual attitudes, gender roles, collaboration, compromise - the most important lesson peers teach each other are sexual relationships - some cases, the peer influence of sec contradicts the values of the family - adolescent peer group is highly susceptible to the media influence
Define Peer group.
PEER GROUP: a group of people of similar age and status with whom a person interacts with socially They serve as a REFERENCE GROUP
REFERENCE GROUP: a group of people one mentally refers to when needing a solution to a problem Ex. When considering a particular action or deciding how to behave in a certain situation
IDENTITY CRISIS: The period during adolescence when an individual is trying to answer the questions - psychologist Erik Erickson (you're tying to answer: WHO AM I? and WHERE AM I GOING?)
IDENTITY CONFUSION: haven't formed a strong person identity and you are dependent on your peers
What is SOCIAL IDENTITY. How does this begin to emerge. What is the challenge with SOCIAL IDENTITY? What are the 4 elements that work together to establish social identity
SOCIAL IDENTITY: is the way you define yourself to the world and to yourself. - as an individual develops self-concept, social identity begins to emerge, allowing a person to interact socially with a number of people in a variety of different situations - the challenge becomes knowing WHEN and HOW to act in these various situations -- the greater the number of interactions, the more a person is able to develop their approach to social interactions - many elements work together to establish identity, including gender, culture, age, and social class (I AM activity)
How does media influence or social behaviour?
Media influences our social behaviour - research shows Facebook friendships are proven to improve real friendships - new forms of communication are being shapes through media (socialization with people all over the world) - tv characters show young people's values - normalizes violence - stereotyping - young people = deviant behaviour
Name another secondary agent of socilization. What does it include? What does it influence (give an example how).
MEDIA: Includes tv, radio, movies, books and Internet INFLUENCE: - a child's socialization--children become addicted to tv thus limiting their socilization with their friends - media also has pervasive messages on what to wear, how to act and what to aspire to - media can give children different values, beliefs, and behaviours (these can contradict those of the family)
Describe commercials and advertising as a form of media socialization.
media- COMMERCIALS: designed to make money by obtaining as many customers as possible - attract customers by setting g out an unrealistic view of life (cop drama: suspense, romance, tragedy and justice fits into 52 minutes) ADVERTISING: attempts to persuade us that we can have it all. GENDER roles are created and reinforces, whether realistic or not (ex. Average model on tv 5'9, 123 lb) Ads show you what to wear, how to act -- buy this and be beautiful
Give some statistics about tv.
Time spent watching tv by average north american child per day in 1955: 1.2 hours 2013: 5.11 hours Time spent watching tv by age of high school graduation in 1989: 17 000 hours 2013: 110 000 hours 54% of 4-6 year olds answered they'd rather watch tv when given the option of doing so or spending time with their family.
Name another agent of socialization. Describe it (influence, workplace culture etc.
THE WORKPLACE The workplace has a similar influence on adults as school has on kids. Parents and adults influence the values and attitudes children have regarding work: strong work ethic vs lazy. Parents and adults influence. - work/life balance, language used to discuss work WORKPLACE CULTURE: values, norms, attitudes, ways of representing others - how you present yourself in a way that's common to the organization. ANTICIPATORY SOCIALIZATION: behaviour expected from people when they take on a specific job (doctor, police officer etc.)
Name the last agent of socialization.
RELIGION: people are becoming less involved in this agent of socialization nowadays but it's still important. They are becoming: SECULAR: care about worldly affairs not about spiritual ones. -most religions have moral codes - rewards promised for conformity, punishments for violations - people's inner sense of right and wrong is formed by religious upbringings and acts of social control
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