Chapter 2 FRQ
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Explain why informal methods are used more often than the formal amendment process
because of practicalities. The supermajorities that are required to propose and ratify an amendment are difficult to muster. Informal methods such as court decisions and legislation do not require such supermajorities, and are therefore far easier to accomplish.
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What was the part of the national government that was originally most closely tied to citizens?
The house of representatives was at the earliest point, the only fed. gov't. position that the citizens could vote for. All others got their spots through different appointment processes. Since they were directly tied to the citizens, they were more likely to represent the needs of the people.
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Explain two ways the united states constitution limited majority rule?
1. New jersey plan incorporated to bicameral congress senators are 2 to a state regardless of size of state. 2. Electoral College means the presidential candidates have to appeal to a mix of states not just the majority of people.
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choose two of the following twentieth-century developments and explain how each moved the united states from a less democratic system to a more democratic system... Primary elections, the 17th amendment, expansion of sufferage
-Primary elections—voters gained more control over the nomination process/control taken away from political parties -Expansion of suffrage—led to a more representative set of voters/more eligible voters. (diversity, black men, women)
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Explain how each of the following limits the powers of the national executive (president). Federalism checks + balances
-divides power between national and state governments, which limits the authority of the national executive. -as the three branches of government have designated roles and features. The Executive branch carries out the laws. They do not create or interpret them
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explain how each of the following 2 provisions in the bill of rights limits the powers of the national government: Establishment Clause • Guarantee of a public trial
-prevents the national government from establishing a national religion or taking any action that would show preferential treatment for one religion over another. -requiring trials to be open to the public limits the government's ability to violate the rights of citizens.
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explanation of how one of the following limits the power of state governments. • Citizenship Clause • Selective incorporation
Citizenship Clause — provides a national definition of citizenship that states cannot violate; requires states to provide citizenship guarantees to all who meet the definition of citizen. Selective incorporation — prohibits states from denying Bill of Rights provisions regarding freedom of expression, rights of the accused or privacy.
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Direct Democracy
Direct democracy: government controlled directly by citizens.
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Republican Form of Government
a form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws.
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one reason the framers chose a republican form of government.
To counter the influence of factions Fear of mob rule (tyranny of the majority)
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Describe each of the models of congressional representation: trustee model delegate model
-trustee model, representatives must transcend the short-term particular interests of their constituency and advocate for the long-term comprehensive interests of the nation -delegate model, representataives look to their constituents for instruction on what issues to promote and, ultimately, on how to vote
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explanation of why a member of Congress might sometimes act as a trustee (attitudinal view) rather than a delegate (representational view).
Difficulty determining what voters want
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comparison of both Federalist and Anti-federalist positions regarding power of national government
Federalists wanted a stronger national government and weaker state governments, balanced relationship between federal and state governments Anti federalists wanted a weaker national government and stronger state government.
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describe 2 features of the constitution that have led to a growth in the power of the national government
General Welfare Clause which provides that the governing body empowered by the document may enact laws to promote the general welfare of the people Supremacy clause makes the Constitution and federal laws supreme over state laws.
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how each of the following addressed Anti-federalist concerns: • First Amendment • Tenth Amendment
-First Amendment protects an individual's liberty and provides protection from government power with free speech -powers not mentioned in the Constitution are reserved to the states and people.
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how has equal protection clause altered balance between state and federal governments
provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction \"the equal protection of the laws\"
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