CH 5 margin review, World History I – Flashcards
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How did the inequalities of slavery differ from those of caste? (229)
Place - Global (India specifically) Time - Throughout early human history Slavery was ownership by a master with the possibility of being sold. They got no pay and were at the bottom of the social ladder. In castes, you were something and could at least control how you act to an extent; slaves had no rights or individual identity.
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How did Greco-Roman slavery differ from that of other classical civilizations? (230)
Place - Greece and Rome Time - 500 BCE to 500 CE These empires thrived on slavery. In Greece, they were "slaves by nature" and had no rights. Even if they were granted freedom, slaves could not become citizens with the same rights as ordinary men. Their jobs and occupations were the same free men.
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In what ways did the expression of Chinese patriarchy change over time, and why did it change? (234)
Place - China Time - 45 to 705 CE The Chinese changed from strict patriarchy where women had almost no value to a more loose system where women were more respected and could do "men" activities and own land. Empress Wu and nomadic women elevated the role of women.
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How did the patriarchies of Athens and Sparta differ from each other? (237)
Place - Greece (Athens & Sparta) Time - 500 BCE to 500 CE Athens viewed women much more negatively and restrictive than Sparta. They saw women as infertile males. In Sparta, girls participated in sporting events to prepare their bodies for bearing sons, were educated, and married at the same age.
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How did India's caste system differ from China's class system? (N/A)
Place - China & India The Indian caste system had many distinct social groups which were defined rigidly and little mobility to move. China had fewer groups. India - highest is religious purity China - Ability to pass imperial exam (Political officials)
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How did India's caste system differ from China's class system? (228)
move out by merit or next life, etc
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