CH 10 margin review, World History I – Flashcards

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Place - Byzantium (Eastern Europe) Time - 330 to 1300 CE Byzantium's roads, taxation system, military structures, centralized administration, imperial court, law, ; Christian church was Roman. They also insisted on Roman-styled clothing. However, Byzantium was much smaller than the Roman Empire. Spoke Greek instead of Latin.
In what respects did Byzantium continue the patterns of the classical Roman Empire? In what ways did it diverge from those patterns? (470)
Place - Eastern ; Western Europe Time - 500 to 1300 CE The head of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church was also the head of the state (government). The Church was treated as a government department. However, the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe was independent from political authorities. Disagreements on Trinity, Holy Spirit, original sin and importance of faith and reason
How did Eastern Orthodox Christianity differ from Roman Catholicism? (472)
In what ways was the Byzantine Empire linked to a wider world? (CH. 10) Place - Byzantine Time - 500 to 1300 CE Interacted with neighbors: struggle with Persian Empire, long-distance trade of Eurasia (western Europe, Russia, Central Asia, the Islamic World, ; China) gave knowledge and ancient Greek learning to Islamic world and Christian West. Also, Slavic languages used alphabets based on Greek letters to translate the Bible, etc.
In what ways was the Byzantine Empire linked to a wider world? (474)
Place - Kievan Rus ; Byzantium Time - 500 to 1300 CE Kievan Rus adopted religion of Byzantium to unite the people. Borrowed Byzantine architectural styles, Cyrillic alphabet, use of icons, prayer and service, imperial control of the church.
How did the links to Byzantium transform the new civilization of Kievan Rus? (475)
Place - European west and Byzantium Time - 500 to 1000 CE The European West became less urban and Germanic peoples became dominant. They attempted to mimic the Roman authority and culture.
How did the historical development of the European West differ from that of Byzantium in the post-classical era?
Place - Western Europe Time - 500 to 1000 CE Roman order was replaced by regional kingdoms led by Visigoths in Spain, Franks in France, Lombards in Italy, and Angles and Saxons in England. However, many Roman values persisted with new authorities.
What replaced the Roman order in Western Europe? (476)
Place - Europe Time - 1000 to 1300 CE Expansion and growth. Population grew from about 35 million to 50 million. Marshes were drained, forests were cut down for villages and cropland. More long-distance trade. Urbanization in cities. New groups of people arose: merchants, bankers, artisans, lawyers, doctors, and scholars. Guilds of labor were formed. Woman labor increased. Growth of territorial states - centralized authority.
In what ways was European civilization changing after 1000? (480)
Place - Europe and Mediterranean Area Time - 1095 to 1291 CE The Crusades carved out four small Christian states. They killed many Muslims and Jews as they sought for Christ's holy places. Spain, Sicily, and the Baltic region were brought permanently into western Christendom. Byzantium was weakened by Crusader attacks on Constantinople. Crusaders developed a taste for Asian luxury goods, sugar, and slave production.
What was the impact of the Crusade in world history? (485)
Place - Europe Time - 500 to 1000 CE Agriculture: heavy wheeled plow and horses with horseshoes and 3-field crop rotation led to more production, thus population growth. Energy: new type of windmill, water-driven mill War: gunpowder from China - used in canons, shipbuilding, navigational techniques, compass, rudder, sail - mastering the seas
In what ways did borrowing from abroad shape European civilizations after 1000? (489)
Place - Europe and China Time - 500 to 1300 CE Europe never had the unity it used to - the kind of unity China had because of geographic barriers, ethnic linguistic diversity, & shifting balances of power. Could not unite into Roman Empire. Rise to frequent wars, enhanced role of status of military men, and drove "gunpowder revolution."
Why was Europe unable to achieve the kind of political unity that China experienced? What impact did this have on the subsequent history of Europe? (492)
Place - European West, Byzantium, & Islamic World Time - 500 to 1500 CE West: Legal system, schools, & universities (intellectual, autonomy, rational, thought). Theology, lay, medicine, world of nature. Byzantium: Greek was already spoken. Interest in humanities - literature, philosophy, history, and theology. Church didn't support Greek thought. Islamic World: Translation of Greek writings to Arab, sciences to natural philosophies, debates regarding faith and reason.
In what different ways did classical Greek philosophy and science have an impact in the West, in Byzantium, ; the Islamic World? (493)
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