Caring Theories in Nursing – Flashcards

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sharing joys sorrows pains and accomplishments ex. providing comfort to client, validating clients experience through attentive listening eye contact holding their hand, adjusting bed gently providing warm bath.
having the knowledge, judgement, skills, and energy, experience, motivation to respond to others. ex. provide safe effective and professional care
fosters trust relationships comfort with self client and family
morals ethics and informed sense of right and wrong
ones desires and obligations
appropiate demeanor dress language present one self who respects others and demands respect
client develops autonomy to identify her own health need instructed how to do so. taking actions to generation positive outcomes.
interpersonal communication, lingering presence, face to face discussion. acts as a guide silent immersion
Which behavior best illustrates the impact of inadequate​ self-awareness on the nurse​'s ability to care for​ others? Lack of support from nursing team members Inability to speak the client​'s language Lack of empathy toward a client Failure to recognize a dangerous cardiac rhythm
Lack of empathy toward a client Lack of empathy toward a client best illustrates the impact of inadequate​ self-awareness on the nurse​'s ability to care for others. Failure to recognize a dangerous cardiac rhythm best illustrates the impact of lack of relevant knowledge. Inability to speak the client​'s language is a cultural barrier. Lack of support from nursing team members best reflects impaired interpersonal caring between nursing colleagues.
Which client​'s statement best illustrates the impact of the client​'s attitude on​ caring? All the nurse wants to do is poke me with​ needles; I can​'t wait to get out of here. I​'m so weak from my​ surgery, but that pushy nurse keeps trying to get me to exercise. The last time I was in the​ hospital, I got an​ infection; I​'m afraid to be in here. I don​'t think my nurse is telling me the​ truth, so I​'m not listening to her.
All the nurse wants to do is poke me with​ needles; I can​'t wait to get out of here. Perceiving the nurse​'s primary goal as being poking the client with needles best illustrates the impact of the client​'s attitude on caring. Doubting the nurse​'s truthfulness reflects an absence of trust. The physically weak client who perceives the nurse​'s attempts to promote mobility as being open double quote"pushyclose double quote" best reflects the impact of physiologic illness on caring. Fearing being in the hospital because of a previous​ healthcare-associated infection best reflects the impact of previous​ healthcare-related experiences.
Which nurse​'s statement best reflects​ self-awareness? In my professional​ practice, I do not have limitations. I have no prejudices that can impair my judgment. I overcame my personal weaknesses. When I​'m ​challenged, I do not react emotionally.
When I​'m ​challenged, I do not react emotionally. The​ self-aware nurse is likely to demonstrate effective emotional control​ and, as​ such, the nurse​'s reaction to a challenge is not based on emotions. The​ self-aware nurse recognizes the​ assumptions, beliefs,​ values, and prejudices that can impair judgment. In​ addition, the​ self-aware nurse is capable of identifying personal strengths and is aware of personal limitations and weaknesses.
The staff nurse is applying Roach​'s theory of caring as the human mode of being. Which nursing behavior best reflects the caring trait of​ compassion? ​(Select all that​ apply.) Participating in the client​'s experience Empathizing with the client​'s sorrow about being ill Sharing the client​'s sense of accomplishment regarding smoking cessation Fostering a trusting relationship with the client . Being aware of personal responsibility for meeting the client​'s needs
Participating in the client​'s experience Empathizing with the client​'s sorrow about being ill Sharing the client​'s sense of accomplishment regarding smoking cessation Compassion includes participating in the experience of another​ individual, and sharing another individual​'s ​joys, sorrows,​ pain, and accomplishments. Confidence is the quality that fosters trusting relationships. Conscience includes awareness of personal responsibility.
The nurse educator is teaching about the benefits of effective​ self-care. Which statements by nursing students indicate the benefits of effective​ self-care? ​(Select all that​ apply.) My diet is healthy and balanced. My ​self-esteem is enhanced. My critical thinking skills are enhanced. My ​problem-solving skills are effective. My sleep and rest are adequate
My ​self-esteem is enhanced. My critical thinking skills are enhanced. My ​problem-solving skills are effective. Benefits of effective​ self-care include enhanced sense of​ well-being and greater​ self-esteem. In​ turn, these benefits promote effective use of​ problem- solving and​ critical-thinking skills. Adequate sleep and rest and proper diet and nutrition are elements of effective​ self-care.
Which statements best illustrate the nurse​'s awareness of culture​'s influence on attitude within the framework of Roach​'s theory of caring as the human mode of​ being? ​(Select all that​ apply.) If my lack of confidence leads the client to mistrust​ me, any existing cultural barriers between myself and the client could become even more significant. My intent to care affects the delivery of care and the client​'s receipt of​ care; caring intentions may be interpretedlong dash—and misinterpretedlong dash—by my client in the context of cultural background and beliefs. Caring is a transpersonal​ process, so the client and I both seek meaning and a sense of​ connectedness; a negative attitude on the part of either individual may create barriers to achieving these goals. Competence includes​ motivation, and my negative attitude toward a client due to conflicting cultural beliefs could challenge my motivation to provide excellent care. I need to conceptualize and engage in caring as a dynamic​ process, taking into account my client​'s cultural influences and background.
If my lack of confidence leads the client to mistrust​ me, any existing cultural barriers between myself and the client could become even more significant. Competence includes​ motivation, and my negative attitude toward a client due to conflicting cultural beliefs could challenge my motivation to provide excellent care. Considering culture​'s impact on motivation to provide excellent care illustrates awareness of culture​'s influence on attitude within the framework of Roach​'s theory of caring. Understanding that lack of confidence that leads to mistrust can heighten existing cultural barriers also reflects awareness of culture​'s influence on attitude within the framework of Roach​'s theory of caring. Considering culture​'s effect on caring as a dynamic process is suggestive of application of culture to Boykin and Schoenhofer​'s nursing as caring theory. Considering culture​'s effect on caring as a transpersonal process best reflects application of culture to Watson​'s theory of human care. Considering culture​'s impact on the interpretation of caring intentions best illustrates application of culture to Benner and Wrubel​'s theory of caring.
The nurse educator is instructing a group about Madeleine Leininger​'s theory of culture care diversity and universality. The educator asks for an example of culture care repatterning​ and/or restructuring. Which student response is the most​ appropriate? The nursing interventions support the client in acting in accordance with his cultural beliefs. The nursing interventions help the client retain her specific cultural values. The nursing interventions help a client evaluate and change his tobacco​ use, which promotes improved health outcomes. The nursing interventions help the client adapt to the members of the multidisciplinary care​ team, which helps the client achieve the best possible care
The nursing interventions help a client evaluate and change his tobacco​ use, which promotes improved health outcomes. Culture care repatterning​ and/or restructuring requires that caregiver interventions support clients in evaluating and changing their approaches to promote improved health outcomes. Culture care accommodation​ and/or negotiation require that caregiver efforts assist clients in adapting to or working with others to achieve the best possible care. Culture care preservation​ and/or maintenance require that the caregiver​'s actions and choices support clients in retaining their specific cultural values and beliefs.
Which statement best illustrates awareness of culture​'s influence on nursing behaviors within the framework of Roach​'s theory of caring as the human mode of​ being? To achieve cultural​ competence, the nurse must know and incorporate the client​'s cultural beliefs when caring for the client. To preserve the client​'s ​dignity, the nurse must be aware of the client​'s cultural beliefs. Caring depends on the client​'s unique capacities and​ experiences, which requires the nurse to be aware of the client​'s cultural influences. Caring depends on factors such as the nurse​'s training and​ experience, both of which are shaped by the cultural practices in which training and experience are obtained.
To achieve cultural​ competence, the nurse must know and incorporate the client​'s cultural beliefs when caring for the client. Recognizing that achieving cultural competence requires knowing and incorporating the client​'s cultural beliefs best reflects awareness of culture​'s influence on Roach​'s theory of caring as the human mode of being. Understanding that caring depends on the client​'s unique capacities and​ experiences, which requires the nurse to be aware of the client​'s cultural​ influences, is reflective of awareness of culture​'s influence on Benner and Wrubel​'s theory of caring.​ Likewise, acknowledging caring​'s dependence on factors such as the nurse​'s training and​ experience, both of which are shaped by the cultural practices in which training and experience are​ obtained, is reflective of Benner and Wrubel​'s theory of caring. Awareness that preserving the client​'s dignity requires awareness of the client​'s cultural beliefs best reflects understanding culture​'s influence on Watson​'s theory of human care.
The nurse is teaching the client about​ self-awareness. Which statement about​ self-awareness should be included in the teaching​ session? open double quote"Taking a​ self-awareness questionnaire will increase your ​self-esteem.close double quote" open double quote"Becoming ​self-aware will increase your empathy for others.close double quote" open double quote"​Self-awareness does not require you to recognize your emotions.close double quote" open double quote"Developing ​self-awareness requires you to closely examine others​' beliefs and values.close double quote
"Becoming ​self-aware will increase your empathy for others Learning Objective Describe ways in which​ self-awareness influences caring in nursing. Rationale ​Self-awareness development is an ongoing process that requires intense examination of one​'s personal​ perspectives, beliefs, and values. Practicing​ self-awareness incorporates​ self-discovery and produces personal insights. Through​ self-awareness, a nurse gains greater understanding of​ others, as well as increased empathy and respect for them.Taking a​ self-esteem questionnaire helps increase​ self-awareness by helping individuals to recognize their emotions and feel
Which scenarios illustrate a potential contextual influence on​ caring? ​(Select all that​ apply.) A client who perceives that his IV pump alarm requires urgent​ attention, but whose nurse recognizes the situation as being nonurgent A client who speaks​ Spanish, but whose nurse speaks only English A client whose routine includes daily interaction with family​ members, but whose medical condition requires visitor restrictions A client who prefers being​ alone, but whose hospitalization requires him to have a roommate A nurse who perceives a client​'s symptoms to be manifestations of a​ life-threatening illness, but whose client believes himself to be in no danger
A client who perceives that his IV pump alarm requires urgent​ attention, but whose nurse recognizes the situation as being nonurgent A nurse who perceives a client​'s symptoms to be manifestations of a​ life-threatening illness, but whose client believes himself to be in no danger Learning Objective Distinguish factors that influence caring in nursing. Rationale Contextual influences on caring are illustrated by a client who perceives his IV pump alarm as requiring urgent​ attention, but whose nurse recognizes the situation as being​ nonurgent; and by a nurse who perceives a client​'s condition to be​ life-threatening while the client perceives no personal danger. A client who speaks Spanish but whose nurse speaks only English illustrates a cultural influence on caring. Environmental influences on caring are illustrated by a client who prefers being alone but whose hospitalization requires him to have a​ roommate; and by a client whose routine includes daily interaction with family​ members, but whose medical condition requires visitor restrictions.
Which nursing considerations best reflect the​ nurse's application of Benner and​ Wrubel's theory of​ caring? ​(Select all that​ apply.) A.The nurse is aware that caring is dependent on the context of the situation. B.The nurse knows that caring is dependent on the​ client's capacities. C.The nurse recognizes that his intent to care will not influence the​ client's receipt of care. D.The nurse understands that physical environment does not affect caring. E.The nurse acknowledges that his training influences caring.
A.The nurse is aware that caring is dependent on the context of the situation. B.The nurse knows that caring is dependent on the​ client's capacities. E.The nurse acknowledges that his training influences caring. Learning Outcome Identify how cultural differences impact the theory of caring. Rationale Patricia Benner and Judith​ Wrubel's theory of caring acknowledges the​ nurse's intent to care as impacting both the delivery and the receipt of care. Benner and Wrubel also describe caring as being dependent on other​ factors, including the context of the​ situation, the physical​ environment, the​ nurse's training and​ experience, and the​ client's unique perspectives and capacities.
While teaching a client about diet and​ nutrition, the nurse is applying Watson​'s theory of human care. Which nursing action best illustrates the carative factor of promoting transpersonal​ teaching-learning? Cultivating the nurse​'s own spiritual practice and transpersonal​ self, and going beyond ego self Using examples that are within the client​'s frame of reference Practicing​ loving-kindness within the context of caring during the teaching session Creating a learning environment that promotes the client​'s physical and nonphysical healing
Using examples that are within the client​'s frame of reference Learning Objective ​Contrast interpretations of caring as proposed by different nursing theories. Rationale Promoting transpersonal​ teaching-learning includes attempting to stay within others​' frame of reference. Creating a learning environment that promotes physical and nonphysical healing best illustrates the carative factor of attending to​ supportive, protective,​ and/or corrective​ mental, physical,​ societal, and spiritual environments. Practicing​ loving-kindness within the context of caring during the teaching session is most reflective of forming a​ humanistic-altruistic system of values. Cultivating the nurse​'s own spiritual practice and transpersonal​ self, and going beyond ego self illustrates the carative factor of being sensitive to self and others.
Which nursing intervention most effectively addresses a factor related to the influence of environment on​ caring? Adjusting the temperature of the client​'s room Learning about the client​'s physiologic condition Assessing the client​'s pain level Using an interpreter to communicate with the client
Adjusting the temperature of the client​'s room Learning Objective Distinguish factors that influence caring in nursing. Rationale Adjusting the temperature of the client​'s room most effectively addresses a factor related to the environment​'s influence on caring. Using an interpreter reflects resolution of a cultural barrier to caring. Learning about the client​'s physiologic condition addresses the influence of knowledge on caring. Assessing the client​'s pain level reflects identification of a barrier to caring related to health status.
Which statements best indicate the nurse​'s correct understanding of the principles of​ self-awareness? ​(Select all that​ apply.) Self-awareness helps me to better understand others. My empathy for others is greater because of my increased ​self-awareness. . Because of​ self-awareness, I have more respect for others. Intense examination of the personal perspectives of others raises my ​self-awareness. Self-awareness helps me to better understand myself.
Self-awareness helps me to better understand others. My empathy for others is greater because of my increased ​self-awareness. . Because of​ self-awareness, I have more respect for others. Self-awareness helps me to better understand myself. Learning Objective Describe ways in which​ self-awareness influences caring in nursing. Rationale An individual who is​ self-aware understands why he does what he​ does, and his behaviors and actions can be linked to his core beliefs and values. Development of​ self-awareness requires intense examination of one​'s personal​ perspectives, beliefs, and values. Practicing​ self-awareness incorporates​ self-discovery and produces personal insights. Through​ self-awareness, a nurse gains greater understanding of​ others, as well as increased empathy and respect for them.
Which nurse​'s statement best illustrates awareness of the importance of culture to Boykin and Schoenhofer​'s nursing as caring​ theory? I need to actively engage in the caring​ process; cultural influences may positively or negatively affect the extent of my engagement. Appropriately fulfilling professional demands reflects my​ competence, but my client​'s cultural influences will affect whether or not he perceives my behaviors as being appropriate. Culture care preservation and maintenance require my actions and choices to support my client in retaining his specific cultural values and beliefs. My client​'s cultural beliefs influence his interpretation of my choice of​ clothing, my​ demeanor, and my word choices.
I need to actively engage in the caring​ process; cultural influences may positively or negatively affect the extent of my engagement. Learning Objective Identify how cultural differences impact the theory of caring. Rationale Recognizing the effect of culture on the nurse​'s extent of engagement best reflects awareness of the importance of culture to Boykin and Schoenhofer​'s nursing as caring theory. Considering culture care preservation​ and/or maintenance is reflective of Leininger​'s theory of culture care diversity and universality. Considering culture​'s influence on how the client interprets the nurse​'s comportment​ (demeanor, dress, and​ language) reflect Watson​'s application of culture to Watson​'s theory of human care. Considering that cultural beliefs and influences affect the client​'s perception of which behaviors are appropriate reflects application of culture to the trait of competence within the framework of Watson​'s theory of human care.
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