Business Communication Final – Flashcards

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Explain why business communication is important to individuals and organizations
Business communication is the process of establishing a common understanding between or among people within a business environment. Good communication skills help individuals enhance self-esteem, become effective employees, and advancing their careers. The quality of an organization's internal and external communication affects its success.
List and Explain the goals of business communication
Business communication has four goals: (a) receiver understanding- the receiver understands the message as the sender intended it to be understood; (b) receiver response - the receiver demonstrates his or her understanding of a message by providing an appropriate response; (c) favorable relationship- the people involved in the process relate to each other positively, personally, and professionally; and (d) organization goodwill- the receiver has confidence in the sender's organization and is willing to continue the business relationship
Describe the patterns of business communication
Business communication may be internal or external, formal or informal, work related or personal. Messages may flow vertically upwards from workers, vertically downward from managers, or horizontally between or among workers who report the same supervisor. Messages can also flow between or among workers who, regardless of their unit or status, are part of a network. Serial communication can occur in either horizontal or vertical communication. Random-pattern serial communication is know as grapevine communication; gossip is a negative form of grapevine communication
Discuss communication Challenges in a global environment
Business across country boundaries entails variations not only in language and behaviors patterns but also in time, holidays, and days in a workweek. Understanding if the country is a high context country or low-context culture.
Explain how cultural differences affect business communication.
Core dimensions of culture include ethnicity, race, gender, age, and physical challenge. Recognize that individuals within each culture have similarities and differences. Learn about general characteristics of different cultures, but recognize that individuals within a culture do not mirror all of these characters. therefore, effective communication across cultures requires a basic understanding of different cultures and knowledge of individual values and interests.
Describe key strategies for effective global business communication
Review business communication Principles - goal is to achieve a shared meaning. Analyze the message receiver- Apply the you-viewpoint and analyze the needs interest and values of the message receiver. Be open to and accepting of other cultures - Recognize that values, traditions do things but many different ways can be acceptable. Learn about other cultures and apply what you learn - Cultural understanding requires understanding of both factual and interpretive knowledge.
Explain basic guidelines for effective multicultural communication.
Understand your own culture and learn about other cultures. keep an open mind and respect differences. identify language differences. Adapt to communication patterns.
Identify cultural barriers to communication
Cultural relativism compares to culture, usually against one's own culture. ethnocentrism assumes that one's own culture is superior. A lack of knowledge and understanding of cultures may result in stereotypes that assume general characteristics of a culture apply to all people within that culture. Discrimination and harassment are negative actions that sometimes occur between certain cultural groups. Language difference create communication misunderstandings.
Describe current technology advances and their use to improve organizational productivity.
The capability of mobile electronics devices to download media for convenient listening, reading, viewing and responding allows the message sender and receiver to select content, medium time, and place. Three writer trends are portability, selectivity, and convergence. Portability, selectivity, and on-the-go multimedia formats open opportunities for new marketing strategies and video conferencing with people in multiple locations.Subscriptions to RSS feeds provide updates for your favorite blogs, social network friends or persons with a common interest, and administrative notices from the organizations intranet.
Explain how codes of conduct help organizations promote ethical behavior
A code of conduct publicly announces the values and beliefs of the organization and makes company expectations a part of the work culture. Making this guide for conduct publicly available increases public respect for the business. Keeping employees aware of principles in the code that describe behavioral expectations helps guide employees' decisions about communication issues with moral implications.
Use words that your receiver will understand and that will result in the intended response.
The six principles of choosing words are (a) choose understandable words (b) use specific, precise words (c) choose strong words (d) emphasize positive words (e) avoid overused words and (f) avoid obsolete words
Write clear, concise, and effective sentences
Businesspeople prefer concise, efficient, effective communication. Therefore you will want to use clear, short sentences that frequently use active voice verbs and that give appropriate emphasis to important ideas. (A) compose clear, grammatically correct sentences with unity and clear relationships between words and ideas. (B) use sentence variety but keep most sentences short because they are more understandable than long sentences. (C) use active voice in most sentences and clearly identified the subject doing the action. (D) give your sentences appropriate emphasis by using sentences length, location, structure, key word repetition, format, and other sentence design elements.
Apply your composing style to personalize your messages
Your personality. Use words and combinations of words that are not only understood by your receiver but also reveal who are- words that give style and distinction to your message.
Develop effective business messages using three step process
Step 1: Plan the message Step 2: Draft the message Step 3: Finalize the message
Describe how to determine the vocabulary level of business messages
Using vocabulary level that your receiver will understand is primary concern in composing effect business messages. Vocabulary level, as used in this book, refers to the level of difficulty of the words and combinations of words in messages. many grammar-checker programs are able to calculate the vocab level of your message. Business messages with 8th-12th grade level do best.
Describe the seven standard parts of a letter
1) Heading- a letterhead or return address and the date. 2) inside address- the courtesy title, name, and mailing address of the receiver. 3) Salutation- the greeting that begins the message 4)Body- the message section of the letter 5) complimentary close- a phrase used to end a message 6) signature block- the writer's name signed name, keyed name, and title 7) Reference initials- The initials of the message originator and or/ the keyer of the message. Either open mixed punctuation may be used with the salutation and complementary close
Address an envelope properly
The return address- keyed in the upper-left corner of the envelope. The mailing address - keyed slightly below and to the left of the center of the envelope.
Discuss the characteristics of appropriate stationery for letters, memos and envelopes
most common 20- pound bound Standard size paper 8.5 by 11 in Executive Paper 7.5 by 10 in Letters are prepared on higher quality stationary than memos.
Discuss legal and ethical issues related to technology use.
legal and ethical issues arise with increasing use of mobile devices and the internet. Organizations need technology-use policies. A variety of technology capabilities creates risk of illegal or unethical data gathering, spam, identity theft, extortion messages, and phishing.
Discuss how to apply ethical principles to promote ethical communication.
Ethical communication means determining and doing the right thing. Ethical checks the message for honesty, fairness, and consideration for the need of others. Demonstrating fairness ad respect for the message receiver, being truthful and honest, and disclosing all information necessary to avoid harm to others are examples of ethical communication practices.
Identify legal issues related to employment and communication.
Contents of messages must be both legal and ethical. Different laws and acts protect against discrimination of race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin.
Explain Communication Process
Communication occurs in an environment that includes the sender, the message, the receiver, feedback, and communication barriers. In the workplace, the organization's culture influences the communication environment and determines the nature and extent of office politics. For the communication process to succeed, the sender must analyze the receiver and then design a message that reflects what was learned through that analysis. the message should focus on the receiver's interests, encourage feedback, and eliminate or minimize communication barriers. the receiver must listen or read carefully and be open to senders and to their ideas; making notes, asking questions, and providing feedback are also part of the receiver's role in the process.
Develop clear, concise, logical, coherent, and effective paragraphs
Combining sentences into paragraphs is an important part of composing a message. paragraph organization provides smooth thought flow and helps the receiver understand the message.
Describe the appropriate use of supplementary parts of a letter.
Attention line- directs the letter to a person Subject line- identifies the main topic of a letter Company name in signature block- appears when the letter is used as a contract Enclosed notation- indicates material other than the letter is included in the envelope Copy notation- identifies others receiving the letter Postscript- used to add a personal comment or to emphasize an important point discussed in the letter.
Format memos and e-mail properly.
A memo may be prepared on preprinted paper or by using a software template. Both contain the guide words TO, FROM, and SUBJECT. the word DATE may also be included.
Format business letters using full block, modified block, and simplified styles.
all standard and supplementary parts of letters written in the full block format begins at the left margin. In modified block letters, the date, complimentary close, and signature block begin at the horizontal center of the page; everything else begins at the left margin.
Explain how to develop effective internet-based messages.
Email, instant messages, blogs, and web pages are electronically transmitted written messages. They should be developed following the same planning, drafting, and finalizing process used for letter, memos, and reports.
Use unbiased language in messages
Message analysis includes ensuring unbiased language for fair and balanced treatment of all individuals regardless of race, gender, culture, age, ability, religion, or socioeconomic status. You will want to avoid all words that have unfavorable denotations or connotations in their reflection on any individuals.
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of written messages.
Written messages provide a permanent record, accommodate lengthy and complex content, can be reread and studied and can be edited and revised. Disadvantages, transmitted slowly, produce delayed and reduced feedback and require storage.
Describe the four specific guidelines for using the direct plan.
Open the letter with the positive information. Be optimistic, provide coherence, use emphasis techniques, and stress receiver interests or benefits. Present the explanation concisely and objectively while including all details that the receiver needs. in the sales appeal, attempt to persuade the reader to take a specific desired action. complete the message with a friendly close. build good will by being personal and optimistic.
Describe positive and neutral messges
a positive or neutral message conveys to the receiver information that is pleasant, favorable, or neutral. the receiver will accept the contents of the message easily; therefore, the message should be constructed using the direct plan.
Describe the criteria for selecting the style for a social business message.
Style is important in accomplishing the purpose of the communication. A social business message ma y be handwritten, computer printed, prepared using computer software, or professional printed. A handwritten note is appropriate in times of sorrow, but a printed invitation is preferred for a formal social function. A computer-printed message is normally used to welcome a customer or an employee to a business. Commercially produced cards generally are used for grief personal messages; computer printed letters are used in purely business situations. Email and electronic greeting cards are quick and convenient but may lack the personal tone desirable in social business messages. The purpose of the message and your familiarities with the receiver determine the formality of the message.
Describe the Nature of negative messages
A negative message is one that is likely to be viewed as unpleasant, disappointing, or unfavorable by the receiver. A negative message is a challenge to compose. at the same time it is an opportunity for you as a writer or speaker to resolve a common business problem successfully.
Describe the five specific guidelines for appropriate use of the indirect plan
Opening buffer, logical explanation, negative information, constructive follow-up, and friendly close. The opening buffer should meet the following requirements: provide coherence, build goodwill, be positive, maintain neutrality, and introduce the explanation. The logical explanation usually begins after the opening buffer and often can be handled in one paragraph. The negative information follows the logical explanation explanation and is short- normally one sentence. It may be implied or given in explicit terms and should be d-emphasized. Solutions are provided or additional justification of the unfavorable information is given in the constructive follow-up section. The friendly close should be personalized off the subject, warm, and optimistic. The friendly close move the receiver's mind away from negative news.
List the goals of a persuasive message
The two primary purpose of a persuasive message are (a) to get the receiver to read or listen to the entire message and (b) to have the receiver take the requested action.
Describe the four elements that are encompassed in the indirect plan for persuasive messages
(A) Attention - the receiver's attention must be gained in the opening the ensure the message us read or heard. (B) Interest - benefits must be identified to hold the receiver's interest (C) Desire - providing proof of the benefits will motivate the encouraging him or her to take the action quickly
Describe a persuasive message
A persuasive message is (a) a request for action when you believe the receiver may be unaware, disinterested, or unwilling to comply with a request or (b) a communication cation to try to change the opinion of a receiver. These messages will be viewed as neither positive nor negative by the receiver and may be used in both internal and external communication. The supporting facts of persuasive messages must convince receivers that taking the requested action is in their best interest. Persuasive messages should almost always be presented using an indirect approach.
Distinguish between formal and informal reports
A formal report may consist of all or some of the following parts: title page, transitional message, table of contents list of illustration, abstract, body, glossary, appendix, and bibliography or reference list. An informal report may consist of only a title page and body or only the body, it also may be formatted as correspondence. Formal reports are usually written in the third person , but informality is becoming more acceptable. formal report are usually written in the third person, but informality is becoming more acceptable; informal reports are usually written in the first person. Both formal and informal reports use headings to guide the reader through the document.
Describe the components of a formal report
The report cover, which contains the report title and author's name, protects the contents of the report.Report margins are 1-1.25 in. Top and Bottom margins are 1 in unless the report is bound at the top. Then the top margin is enlarged to 1.25 inch. Top margins of 2in left bound or 2.25 inch top bound are used on pages that begin preliminary parts, supplementary parts, and major sections. Reports may be single spaced or double spaced. Single spaced reports should be double spaced between paragraphs. heading may be informative or structural. Informative headings indicate the content of a forthcoming section, structural headings empathize the function sections within the report.
Prepare effective positive and neutral messages for a variety of purposes using the direct plan
Incorporate the communication fundamentals in the direct plan when preparing unsolicited and neutral messages, requests, request approvals, claims, and claim adjustment. Use the Direct Plan: Opening Explanation Sales Appeal Close
Explain the reasons to choose the indirect plan or the direct plan for negative messages.
Use the indirect plan when the receiver expects a positive response. the bad news will be upsetting or a personal disappointing to the receiver.
Compose the six common types of social business messges
Congratulations, condolence, appreciation, invitation, holiday greeting, and welcome
Prepare effective negative messages for a variety of purposes using the indirect plan.
Incorporate the communication fundamentals in the indirect plan when preparing request refusals, adjustments refusals, credit refusals, and unsolicited negative messages. You should present the information positively using the you-viewpoint. Organize the message in the following order: Opening buffer, logical explanation, negative information, constructive follow-up, and friendly close.
Describe the guidelines for appropriate use of the direct plan
Present the main topic in the first sentence or first paragraph. This followed by the explanation, constructive follow-up, and friendly close.
Prepare effective negative messages for a variety of purposes using the direct plan
Analyze the situation and the receiver to determine when the direct plan should be used with a negative message. Examples of negative messages that may be appropriate for the direct plan include cancellation of a routine meeting, a request for information that you refer elsewhere, a notification letter to applicants who were not selected for a position, a notice of company policy changes that have a minimal effect on the receiver, negative personnel actions already know, or negative news that needs to be emphasized to the receiver.
Write different kinds of persuasive messages using the indirect plan
Use the indirect plan when preparing complex requests, recommendations, special claims, sales messages, and some collection messages.
Identify the types of informal reports
The three most important common informal reports are Progress Periodic Technical
List the advantage of correct report formatting
Good first impression proper formatting will improve readability.
Write formal and informal reports
informal reports are normally written in the first person; formal reports most often use the third person. informal reports do not contain visual aids. Detailed structure of formal reports helps guide the reader through the material. Informal reports are less structured and may be formatted as letters or memos.
Five Steps for conducting research
Plan Gather Information Analyze Information Determine Solutions Write the Report
Write messages that are used for the various stages of collection.
The three stages normally used in collection messages are reminder, appeal, and warning. the reminder stage is a short, direct, polite message to a customer who simply forgot to pay. in the appeal stage, use the indirect plan for persuasion. when the other stages fail to collect, move to the warning stage. messages in the warning stage are constructed using the direct plan; the sender is not concerned about maintaining the receiver's goodwill.
Distinguish between poor and good positive and neutral messages
A good positive and neutral messages stresses the reader's interest, the you-viewpoint; a poor message stresses the writer's interests, the I-viewpoint. A good message is written in a positive and friendly style instead of an impersonal manner. A good message uses the you-viewpoint to appeal for additional business; a poor message will be will be more impersonal. A good message concludes with a friendly close that builds good will.
Identify the different types of proposals
A proposal is an analysis of a problem and a recommendation for a solution. The recommended solution may be products, or personnel, a business study, work ti be performed, or any of several other ways of solving a problem. Proposals may be informal or formal, internal or external, unsolicited or solicited. External proposals can be directed to prospective clients, government agencies, or private agencies/ foundations
Write formal proposal requests
A request for Proposal (RFP) is issued to solicit proposals for specific projects, products or services. A thorough, well-written RFP helps readers decide whether to apply. Proposals submitted in accordance with the requirements of an RFP should contain comparable elements presented in a comparable fashion, which makes evaluation easier.
Write formal and informal proposals
Proposals are common in business and must be written as persuasive messages designed to win the reader's approval of the writer's recommendation. Successful proposals must have excellent content and be clearly presented.
Draft a business plan
A business plan is a proposal for funding to start or expand a business. The proposal will provide information about the people, products, potential, and financing of the business. A realistic, thoughtful, well-written business plan has the greatest opportunity for success
Develop clear policy statement
Policy statements serve as guidelines for the operation of a business. They should be clear, concise, and complete.
Write an Effective news release
News releases should be written in the inverted pyramid format. The body should contain the most important facts first and least important facts first and least important facts last. It should not contain a conclusion.
Prepare a constructive performance appraisal
Performance appraisals provide feedback to workers and help them improve their performance. Appraisals typically become the basis for human resource decisions such as pay raises, promotions, discipline, and termination. Statements should be concise, clear, and concrete. Comments should be organized directly for positive or neutral evaluations. Analysis of the receiver and situation will determine whether negative evaluations are organized directly or indirectly. A written evaluation should be discussed with and signed by the worker to show he or she has reviewed it.
Describe the purpose of visual aids in written and oral communication
communication can be improved by summarizing complex figures in tables and graphic charts, by identifying your company through the use of a drawing or photograph. Effective visual aids help improve understanding of complex ideas, increase retention of information
Prepare and properly label tables, charts, an illustrations for written reports and oral presentations
all visual aids should be identified by their appropriate titles.
Describe two types of tables and explain an appropriate use of each type.
a word table shows comparison of definitions of terms or major concepts. Numeric data table makes comparison and comprehension of numbers easier than would be possible by showing the number detail as part of the text.
Describe five types of charts
Bar Chart Line Chart Pie Chart Doughnut Chart Positive-Negative Chart
Describe three types of illustrations
Photographs Drawings Process Chart
Explain three considerations for planning, interpreting and selecting visual aid.s
To accurately display or interpret data, be aware that charts show trend data on graphs should begin the scale for values at zero. The size of the images and bar widths on a graph should be consistent. Be consistent in size, font styles, color choices, numbering, titles, and layout for visuals of the same type throughout the report or presentation.
Select three appropriate visual or multimedia presentation aids
Can assist in creating interest and variety. They should be used for the beginning, the ending, and the most important presentation points.. The type font, size, and spacing promote readability.
Identify the components of interpersonal communication and soft skills
Interpersonal skills refers to the verbal and nonverbal interactions in one-to-one or small group settings. soft skills include an individual's interpersonal skills through listening, speaking, writing, and nonverbal communication.
Develop skills for building positive relationships
Conversations, the core of positive relationships, follow a five-stage process; greeting, introduction, exchange, summary, and closing
Give feedback effectively and receive it appropriately
Feedback lets the individual know the affect their behavior is having on another individual, the organization, a customer, or the team.
Describe techniques for resolving conflict
People have four options to deal with conflict: accommodate compromise overpower collaborate
Develop the skills associate with leading and participating in teams
Teams have personal and organizational advantages and disadvantages. To be effective, member must engage in open honest communication
Describe the features of and process used by a writing team
Successful collaborative writing depends on the ability of the writing team members, the dynamics of the writing team, group, loyalty, and the ability of the members to agree on a schedule and adhere to it. the tasks associate with the three-step writing process are completed individually or as a group.
Distinguish between hearing and listening
Hearing is a physical process; listening is a mental one. a person can hear something without listening. listening is hearing with a purpose.
Describe the five elements of the listening process
Hearing- The physiological process of the audiotry nerves being stimulated by sound waves. Filtering - the elimination of unwanted stimuli Interpreting - the listeners' mind assigning meaning to the simuli responding - the listener giving verbal and nonverbal feedback that the message was received and understood Remembering - the ability to recall at a later time the information that was interpreted and responded to earlier
List the guidelines for effective listening
Guidelines that may be followed to improve your listening are (A) concentrate on the message (B) determine the purpose of the message (C) keep an open mind (D) provide feedback (E) minimize taking notes (F) analyze the total message, and (G) do not talk or interrupt
Describe Barriers to effective listening
Anything that interferes with the listening process is a barrier to effective listening. A physical distraction is any diversion that interferes with the listener's concentration on what is being said. Mental distractions may include the receivers emotional state, psychological factors, or biases and prejudices. Health concerns that may affect listening include being hungry, sick, or tired. Nonverbal distractions include the listener looking at his or her watch, yawing, or frowning. Attempting to present a speech or hold a conversation at an inappropriate time can create a barrier to listening. A listener's understanding can be hindered by a speaker's heavy accent or dialect.
Describe the advantages of effective listening
Effective listening helps build relationships, solve problems, ensure understanding, resolve conflicts, and improve accuracy.
Explain the importance of nonverbal messages
The sender of a nonverbal message may be unaware that a message is being sent and, therefore, be unaware of its effect on the receiver. Nonverbal messages may be more reliable than written or oral messages because they are usually unplanned. The receiver of a message may form a frozen evaluation of the sender based on the nonverbal message. Nonverbal communication is always present.
Identify different types of nonverbal messages and discuss their impact on the communication process
The physical appearance of a written message causes the receiver to form a first impression before reading it. The physical appearance of an individual sends nonverbal message; the way a person is dressed often influences the opinions of nonverbal message; the way a person is dressed often influences the opinions of others. Body language- facial expressions, gestures, handshakes, posture Body Position - also communicates nonverbal messages. Communication through body language is instantaneous. The size of the physical area, proximity to another person, and obstacles between you and the person to whom you are speaking are all examples of how time communicates nonverbal messages.
Enhance the basic quality of your voice
Inhale deeply
Use voice effectively
Natural pitch
Strengthen your personal presence
Speakers who have good personal presence concentrate on their receivers, not on themselves. They are genuinely enthusiastic about the message they convey. An effective speaker conveys friendliness and sincerity through words and nonverbal cues involving posture, eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures. Speakers choose clothing and accessories appropriate to the occasion and the audience.
Classify delivery styles by type
Manuscript, memorized, impromptu, or extemporaneous
Prepare note cards, gather material, analyze your audience, and plan an oral presentation
Determining the purpose of a presentation and analyzing the audience are the forst two steps in preparing for an an oral presentation. Gathering materials, organizing the presentation, and deciding wherther to use presentation aids are additional steps. The presentation consists of an opening, a body, and a closing. Once the speaker has prepared the notes or outline from which the presentation will be given, he or she rehearses to get feedback about how to refine both content and delivery.
Deliver an oral presentation following effective speech and delivery techniques
When the actual presentation occurs, the speaker should remain calm, begin positively, use presentation aids effectively, make adjustments based on audience feedback, end positively, and respond to questions from listeners.
Identify tasks and techniques associated with special presentation situations
Emceeing an event, introducing a speaker, moderating a web conference and participating in media events are among the special speaking situations a business professional might encounter.
Identify and evaluate your qualifications and job preferences for employment
1. Brain storm 2. Accomplishments- achievements 3. Develop an individual profile about yourself, your education, your experiences, people who cab serve as your references, and your job preferences.
Describe seven sources of information about job opportunities and job requirements
A. job listings with campus career centers B. job referrals through a network of personal contacts C. Positions listed on the Internet D. Classified ads in newspaper or journals E. Announcements through private government placement agencies F. a web page profile G. Job/Career fairs.
Prepare targeted and general resumes in chronological functional, or combination format
Resumes can be targeted to a specific position or prepared for a particular type of position in a career field. You may use a chronological, functional, or combination format to prepare either a targeted or a general resume. A chronological resume organizes information by date, with the most recent date listed first. Functional resume resume categorizes information by skills, knowledge, and related accomplishments. A combination format organizes some items by date but incorporates information catergorized by skills, knowledge, and accomplishments.
Prepare for a successful job interview
review information learn all you can about the company dress appropriately interview questions: behavioral or traditional
Compose a variety of follow-up letter and other employment-related messages
other employment messages that you should be able to prepare are a follow-up to an application letter, and interview acceptance letter, a thank you letter after a job interview, a job acceptance letter, a letter rejecting employment, and a letter of resignation
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