Posts by Stephanie Landry:
question Cervical dysplasia and HPV disease answer Cervical dysplasia has been the model to understand HPV- associated disease and malignant transformation question Pap smear answer Cytologic screening test for cervical cancer utilizing exfoliated cervical cells collected transvaginally Classifications: -NILM: Negative for Intra-epithelial Lesions or Malignancy -ASCUS: Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance -SIL: Squamous Intraepithelial […]
Read morequestion -Whether we’re talking about the U.S. economy or the local economy, the term “economy” simply means a group of people interacting with each other. -These interactions play a critical role in the allocation of society’s scarce resources. -For example, the interaction of buyers and sellers determines the prices of goods and the amounts produced […]
Read morequestion Main Idea: Cultural Interaction answer Advances under the Ming and Qing dynasties left China uninterested in European contact question Why it matters answer China’s independence from the West continues today, even as it forges new economic ites with the outside world question Ming Dynasty answer Chinese dynasty lasting from 1368-1644. Vassal states from Korea […]
Read morequestion Insight Therapies answer a type of psychotherapy in which the therapist helps their patient understand how their feelings, beliefs, actions, and events from the past are influencing their current mindset. question Eclectic Approach answer The type treatment used will depend on the client’s problems question Psychoanalytic Therapy answer Assumption: Problems stem from unconscious conflicts […]
Read morequestion what is easy onset phonation? answer With easy onset: your vocal folds come together without compression, then smoothly begin to vibrate as air is exhaled through them. This is what we are going for.” question It is more effective to search for a specific easy onset technique instead… answer yawn-sigh stretch and flow resonant […]
Read morequestion representative institutions answer groups of people acting and making decisions for others benefit, centralized decision making question Henry II (r. 1154-1189) answer of England founder of Angevian dynasty, gained land and created strong centralized government with judiciary question John of Salisbury (c. 1120-1180) answer chancellor who wrote the Politicraticus (the first written political science […]
Read morequestion Primary Care answer – the provision of integrated, accessible health care services by clinicians who are accountable for addressing a large majority of personal health care needs – developing a sustained partnership with patients and practicing within the context of family and community. –> first person you see when you have a problem –> […]
Read morequestion A project can be subdivided into which of the following? A. Job orders B. Sub-jobs C. Work Packages D. Sub-paths E. Events and decisions answer c question A project starts out as which of the following? A. A Statement of Work B. Critical Path Method (CPM) C. A series of milestones D. A Gantt […]
Read morequestion Gregory Bateson: answer 1940s question research on schizophrenia family treatment legitimized answer 1950s question expansion of family therapy (research, publications) answer 1960s question publication reached a peak (various training centers) answer 1970s question integration to utilize aspects of each of the models of family therapy answer 1980s question criticism regarding lack of attention to […]
Read morequestion Peter the Great was interested in reform because he hoped to answer increase Russia’s territory question At the Battle of Poltava, Peter the Great defeated answer a. Sweden. b. a Ukrainian rebellion. Incorrect c. Poland. d. Latvia. e. Austria. question French intendants were directly responsible to answer a. the head of the military. b. […]
Read morequestion What is a simile? answer A simile is a comparison of two unlike objects using like or as question What is a metaphor? answer A metaphor is a comparison of two unlike objects without using like or as question What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor? answer A simile uses “like” […]
Read morequestion Dupytren’s disease answer -Disease of the fascia of the palm and digits: 1) fascia becomes thick and contracted 2) results in flexion deformities of the involved digits -Etiology: unknown -Conservative treatment had not been successful -Surgical release is required: 1) fasciotomy with Z plasty 2) aponeurotomy 3) McCash procedure (open palm) -Occupational therapy intervention: […]
Read morequestion Sequence pneumonia in anthrax: pneumonia = 484.5, anthrax = 022.1. answer Anthrax which is the responsible organism in this case would be sequenced first. 022.1 (anthrax) + 484.5 (pneumonia). question 1.) True/False? A diagnosis of pneumonia that mentions the affected lobe is classified as lobar pneumonia. 2.) True/False? “Mutilobar pneumonia” is synonymous with lobar […]
Read morequestion Dr. James Cyriax answer The british osteopath credited with popularizing Deep Transverse Friction Massage question Deep Transverse Friction Massage answer massage that broadens the fibrous tissues of muscles, tendons, ligaments, breaking down adhesions and restoring mobility to muscles. question David Palmer answer introduced the chair massage in 1985 question massage answer Manual or mechanical […]
Read morequestion Which receptors are the targets of most antiparkinsonism drugs? answer The benefits of dopaminergic antiparkinsonism drugs appear to depend mostly on stimulation of the D2 receptors, but D1-receptor stimulation may also be required for maximal benefit. question What is the pharmacological goal of therapy in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease? answer Therapy is aimed […]
Read morequestion The Squishy Things Toy Company was established in 1948. It recently signed a large contract with a chain of retail toy stores. As a condition of the contract, the Squishy will be required to track and forecast product sales by linking in to the chain’s sales database. Squishy will then be responsible for shipping […]
Read morequestion People had to pay the Catholic Church for the right to receive the 7 Sacraments. Which one of the following is NOT a sacrament? answer baptism Eucharist chivalry confirmation question Knights had to take an oath of ___________ to their lords, promising to be faithful and protect the manor. answer loyalty question _______________ is […]
Read morequestion Stimulation answer based heavily on significant auditory stimulation and repetition. Language competence has survived, but language performance was impaired and could be regained with the right kind of stimulation. Tx focused on facilitating and stimulating language use. (Stim and repetition remain important principles in present-day approaches) i. Joseph Wepman & Hildred Schuell (1940-1960) question […]
Read morequestion def answer Length or Height more than 2 SD below the mean, Or less than the 3 rd percentile, for chronological age, sex & genetic background. A Symptom Not a disease ! question classificatios answer Normal variant Or Pathologic disorder question growth failure answer growth rate below the app growth velocity for age question […]
Read morequestion Dementia answer a debilitating condition causes deterioration of intellect, personality, and communication question Dementia answer it’s a global impairment that affect abstract thinking, judgement, and personality changes. question Dementia answer 5-8 % of people over 65 have it. question Dementia answer The prevalence has increased because awareness and/or longevity. question (DAT) Dementia of the […]
Read morequestion Fascism answer an aggressive nationalistic movement that is considers the nation more important than the individual (you have no say) question Collective answer Government-owned farms question Appeasement answer Giving in to the unjust demands of a belligerent leader in order to avoid war question Internationalism answer A national policy of actively trading with foreign […]
Read morequestion The first digital computer was developed for conducting the census. answer False question _____ is the process of converting text, numbers, sound, photos, and video into data that can be processed by digital devices. answer Digitization question The first digital computers were built during World War II for _____. answer Code breaking question _____ […]
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