Sonia Kelly

City: Melbourne, Florida
University: Golf Academy of America-Altamonte Springs

Posts by Sonia Kelly:

NTRI exam 2 – Flashcards
08 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What is the fate of disaccharides not digested in the small intestine? answer They pass into the colon and are fermented by bacteria. question A reasonable and recommended goal for daily dietary fiber intake is how many grams? answer 25 to 38 question Viscous (soluble) fibers answer Can lower blood cholesterol question Can lower […]

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A&P Chap. 13 Final – Flashcards
08 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question The three mucosa-covered projections into the nasal cavity that greatly increase surface area of mucosa exposed to air are called ____. answer conchae question The posterior portion of the palate that is not supported by bone is called the ____. answer soft palate question From superior to inferior, the three regions of the pharynx […]

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26.4 The Dutch East Indies – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Which island, that the Dutch ruled, did the British later take over? answer Java ????☕️ question In extending their rule, what did the ditch and the british have in common? answer They brought diverse peoples with different languages and distinct cultural traditions into a single political entity. question What did the Dutch inadvertently create […]

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Marketing Chapters 8 & 11 Crosswords – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question in the ____ phase of new-product development, marketers use a variety of sources to come up with a potentially new product that would benefit customers and be compatible with the company mission. Marketers would also be most likely to use a focus group in this stage of new product development. answer idea generation question […]

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Nutrition study questions from quizzes – Flashcards
07 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question The recommendations for a high-carbohydrate diet refers to one that is ___ in complext carbohydrates and ____ in simple carbohydrates answer high, low question dietary fiber may play a role in the prevention of ____ cancer answer colon question is a condition in which one lacks lactase. symptoms include gas and bloating after consuming […]

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The Grapes of Wrath Study Guide – Flashcards
06 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question What does Steinbeck describe in Chapter 1? answer Natural elements which destroy farmer crops, and the reaction of the people to the disaster and economic hardships that result question Where was Tom Joad coming from and where was he going to when he hitched a ride with the truck driver? answer Jail; released on […]

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economics 3 – Flashcards
06 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question unlimited liability answer required that an owner is personally and fully responsible for all loss and debts question inventory answer stock of goods held in reserve; includes finished goods waiting to be sold and raw materials to be used in production question limited life answer situation in which a firm legally ceases to exist […]

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DBC – Flashcard
06 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Data and information are essentially the same thing answer FALSE question Data processing can be as simple as organizing data to reveal patters answer TRUE question Data is the result of processing raw facts to reveal its meaning answer FALSE question When data are entered into a form and saved, they are placed in […]

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IB Chem Option D – Flashcards
05 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question D.10.1     What are the effects of LSD? answer Perception is magnified destroys sense of judgement can cause opposing emotions dilation of pupils increased heart rate increased blood pressure and body temperature sleeplessness, sweating and tremors Flashbacks   question D.10.1       What are the effects of Mescaline? answer   causes visual […]

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Unit 4: Skeleton of Thorax/Breast – Flashcards
02 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Describe the physical structure of the rib cage, using a single technical term. answer Osteocartilaginous question What type of cartilage forms the costal cartilage? answer Hyaline question Name the three sections of the sternum? answer Manubrium, Body, and Xiphoid process question Laterally, the manubrium forms joints with these two structures? answer Costal cartilages of […]

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Chapter 27- World War II Section 1-4 – Flashcards
02 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question Section 1 answer Section 1 question Totalitarian government -define their actions and rule -specifics -An example of this type of government ruling through … answer -Government controls the economy, the press, freedom of speech and every action or life of those in their nation. *Ex:How people learn, look, dress, eat etc. -Government rules through […]

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Medical Terminology in Spanish 1 – Flashcards
02 Aug 2018 Flashcards

question la cara answer face question el brazo answer arm question el abdomen answer abdomen question la muñeca answer wrist question la mano answer hand question los dedos answer fingers question los dedos del pie answer toes question el juanete answer bunion question la cabeza answer head question el cuello answer neck question el pecho […]

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Bullous & Pigmented Skin Lesions – Flashcards
31 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Bullous Pemphigoid -Epidemiology -typically disease of the ___ , onset after __ years old -approx __-__new cases per million population -very ___ in children -risk increases ___ -fold in pts>__ yrs old -significant association in Caucasians with DQB1*0301 alleles -no geographic predilection of disease answer Bullous Pemphigoid -Epidemiology -typically disease of the elderly, onset […]

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Chapter 5 – Function of Skin, Sweat Glands, Cancer, & Burns – Flashcards
31 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Sudoriferous Glands answer Another name for Sweat Glands; all skin surfaces except nipples and parts of external genitalia contain sweat these (about 3 million per person) question Eccrine Sweat Glands answer Type of Sweat Gland; most numerous type, abundent on palms, soles, and forehead, their secretion is sweat – regulation the body temperature question […]

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Cancer Biology, Quiz 2 – Flashcards
30 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question How do viral infections cause harm? answer Their ability to multiply inside infected cells and releasing their progeny question Tumor viruses answer Certain viruses that force their host to live and proliferate uncontrollably Notion was rejected but led to insights on the pathogenesis of human cancer question Properties of transformed cells answer Altered morphology […]

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Life Science 1 (Yeh) – Flashcards
30 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Microevolution answer Change in allele frequencies over shorter time scales within a single population (typically observable within our lifetime) question How we can use evolution to understand human health issues answer Antibiotic resistance, variation in virulence,(annoying to high mortality rates), myopia (short sightedness), breast cancer question Antibiotic Resistance answer 1. Evolving populations of pathogens […]

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Medical Nutrition Therapy Exam 3 – Flashcards
27 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Resting Energy Expenditure answer (REE) 60-75% of energy expenditure; sustains life question Factors of REE answer lean body mass, age, gender, genetics, body temperature, energy restriction, endocrine system question Thermic Effect of Food answer (TEF) 10% of EE question 24 hour energy expenditure answer REE + TEF + Physical Activity question Physical Activity answer […]

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M3: Monetary Asset Management Services – Flashcards
26 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Depository institutions answer Checking & savings accounts question Mutual fund company answer Stock & bond funds question Stock brokerage firms answer Stock & bond securities question Financial services companies answer Financial planning services question Insurance companies answer Health & life insurance

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Security+ 151-200 – Flashcards
26 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Based on the logs from file servers, remote access systems, and IDS, a malicious insider was stealing data using a personal laptop to determine loss, but the insider’s lawyer insists the laptop cannot be identified. Which of the following would BEST be used to identify the specific computer used by the insider? answer MAC […]

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Testbank chap 002 – Flashcards
26 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Regular physical activity can reduce various aspects of stress. answer True question Endorphins are body-produced chemicals that relieve pain in case of injury. answer True question The fight-or-flight reaction occurs during which stage of the general adaptation syndrome? answer alarm question The three basic types of resiliency center on how individuals respond to stress. […]

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Chapter 14: Europe And New World PART 2/3 – Flashcards
26 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question what were the two countries in late 15th century colonization? answer spain and portugal question what were the 17th century colonization? answer first was dutch then french and english question the rivalry between the countries was apparent where? answer africa, asia, americas question the primary objective of Portuguese exploration was what? answer to find […]

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A.P. European History Key/Important Figures – Flashcards
26 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Copernicus (and Galileo) answer Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543). (and another of the same idea) question Martin Luther answer German theologian and leader of the Reformation. His opposition to the wealth and corruption of the papacy and his belief that salvation […]

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