Sam Arent

City: Goodrich, Texas
University: Huston-Tillotson University

Posts by Sam Arent:

06 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Describe the different meaning for the symbol #, and how to determine its usage. answer The # sign stands for number, if it comes before a figure and \”pounds\”, if it comes after a figure, it is the shift of 3. question Describe how and which shift key plays a role in capitalizing letters. […]

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Frankenstein Chapters 1-8.
04 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question From where is the first letter written? To whom is it addressed? Who is writing the letter? answer From St. Petersburgh(Russia), addressed to Mrs. Margaret Saville(his sister), and Robert Walton wrote the letter. question What does Walton propose to do? answer He proposes to find the Northwest passage to the North Pole. question How […]

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Chapters 13-15 Vocabulary
04 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question American Temperance Society answer Founded in Boston in 1826 as part of a growing effort of nineteenth century reformers to limit alcohol consumption. question Brook Farm answer Transcendentalist commune founded by a group of intellectuals, who emphasized living plainly while pursuing the life of the mind. The community fell into debt and dissolved when […]

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Lymphatic system review
30 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question The fibrous capsule of lymph nodes contains strands called __________ that divide the node into compartments answer Trabecullae question The relatively common autoimmune disease in which the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of thyroxine is called: answer Grave’s disease question With immediate hypersensitivy, the antibody class that binds to mast cells and basophils that […]

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Personality Theory PSY
29 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question Q: Compare to a few decays ago personality psychologist today knowledge biological influences on personality shift of the decline approach to personality answer A: behaviorism question Q: Which of the following an example of super trait according to Isaac? answer A: psychoticism question Q: Using factor analyses Isaac found that people who score higher […]

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Boxing Plato’s Shadow
27 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question Sophists answer professional teachers opposed by Plato; person who studied and taught persuasive public speaking; began the systematic study of communication and brought about major advances in Greek thought question Plato’s legacy answer the communication discipline has been battling the perception that what we do isn’t important (because of Plato’s influence) question 1920s answer […]

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Evolve Case Studies
25 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question What is important to protect burn patients from? answer Getting an infection question Are Range of motion exercise indicated for burn patients? answer Yes question What is the most important intervention to reduce chance of infection for a burn patient? answer Hand washing question how do you assess for a cleft palate? answer Insert […]

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Community Health Test #3
18 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question Schools have immeasurable potential for affecting answer the health of children, their families, and the health of the community question Coordinated School Health Programs are answer not implemented the same way in each school district in the U.S. question Primary role of the school nurse is not answer coordinating the various components of the […]

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European Civilization – Part 1
18 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question Serfdom answer Serfs had existed in existed for centuries even where the manorial system took hold. The development of manorialism increased the incidence of serfdom in northern Europe as compared with Spain, northern Italy, southern France and central Germany. Serfs were not allowed to leave their land without their lord’s permission, though many did […]

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ABL 1 – Microscopes
12 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question How does the optical microscope work? answer It uses light waves or modified light waves in order to visualize specimens. question How does the electron microscope work? answer It uses an electron beam in order to visualize specimens. question What is a bright-field microscope? answer This is the standard compound binocular or monocular microscope […]

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Practical #6 – Pre-Lab Questions
12 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question In its excretory role, the urinary system is primarily concerned with the removal of ______ wastes from the body. answer Nitrogenous question The _____ performs the excretory and homeostatic functions of the urinary system. answer Kidneys question The ____ of the kidney is segregated into triangular regions with a striped appearance. answer Medulla question […]

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The Office TV Show Trivia (MEGA!)
08 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question In the episode ‘Pilot’, who is the first member of the office to have a ‘confessional’ interview? answer … question In the episode ‘Spooked’, who do we find out is deathly afraid of mummies? answer Kevin Malone question In the episode ‘Casino Night’, who are the two women that Michael invites? answer Jan Levinson […]

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pH paper and litmus paper shortcuts
08 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question A base turns red litmus paper what color answer Blue question Acids turn red litmus paper what color answer Red question A base turns blue litmus paper what color answer Blue question An acid turns blue litmus paper what color answer Red question What is ph paper used for answer To tell you is […]

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Research paper notecards- Beowulf
08 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question Wirth answer I. \”Wrath of Grendel\” Grendel is seen as a descendent from the character Cain from the Bible. Paraphrase (Bloom 10) question Wirth answer II. \”The Coming of Beowulf\” Hrothgar knew Beowulf’s father. So, he said that Beowulf has a great amount of strength. Hrothgar says that God sent Beowulf to defeat Grendel. […]

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05 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question onversesImitation and repetition of utterances from native speakers are needed to learn a second language. answer Behaviorist question Fluent or more proficient speakers of English provide scaffolding to ELLs within the zone of proximal development as they negotiate meaning. answer sociocultural question Students need to interact with other speakers, receive modified input, and have […]

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Problem Solution Essay Vocabulary
02 Mar 2020 Flashcards

question problem answer a thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand question solution answer a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation question fact answer a thing that is known to be true, especially when it can be proved question opinion answer your feelings or thoughts about somebody/something, […]

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PCA – Laws and Regs
25 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question US EPA regulates… answer all aspects of pesticide registration, sale and use through the FIulations, FIRFA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act) and regulations in 40 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40) question US EPA overseas and reviews… answer the state regulatory program for compliance with federal requirements, including the federal Worker Protection […]

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Research in Psychology Ch 8 APA style research report
22 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question Six parts of the APA style introduction: 1) identify behavior explained by study, 2) __________, 3) lit review, 4) variables studied, 5) your hypothesis (tied with lit review) 6) argue how your study contributes important knowledge. answer indicate research question question What are three different ways scientists report research? answer articles, oral presentations, poster […]

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7th Grade LA – The Westing Game Ch 9-16
21 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question Ch 9 is titled \”lost & found\” Why? answer many of the players are putting up lost & found notices in the elevator question what had somebody found in the 3rd floor balcony? answer 6 clues printed on squares of Westing Toilet Tissue question Why does Turtle think her mother is treating her so […]

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Ch. 15 capacitors
20 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question alignment tool answer To adjust trimmern capacitors, turn the screw with them. question can type electrolytic capacitor answer use different methods of plate construction question capacitance answer the ability of a conductor to store energy in the form of electrically separated charges question capacitive reactance answer A capacitor’s opposition to the flow of current […]

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lab 2 melting point + filtration
19 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question _____ is an important technique for the physical separation of solids and liquids answer filtration question one of the purposes of filtration in the organic laboratory is to separate a ___ from a ___ or ___ answer solid product; reaction mixture; recrystallization solution question one of the purposes of filtration in the organic chemistry […]

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Laser Printer Process
06 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question Cleaning and erasing answer A rubber blade clears the excess toner from the drum. Another roller or corona wire removes the charges from the drum. question Charging or conditioning answer The primary charge roller (in newer laser printers) or primary corona wire (in older laser printers) applies a negative charge of approximately -600 volts […]

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