Posts by Mike Bryan:
question Acne answer Inflammation of the skin affecting the sebaceous gland ducts. Massage increases systemic circulation; may assist healing. Contraindication: Regional; avoid affected area; do not use ointments that clog pores question Carbuncle answer Mass of connected boils. Indication: Massage may increase systemic circulation and may assist healing. Contraindication: Refer client to physician; regional; avoid […]
Read morequestion Circumstances that resemble an invisible barrier that keep most women and minorities fro attaining the top jobs in organizations are referred to as the? answer glass ceiling question which of the following is true of job enlargement? answer it involves adding challenges or new responsibilities to employee’ current jobs question a mentor is generally […]
Read morequestion health care discipline that specializes in the promotion of optimal cardiopulmonary function and health answer respiratory care (respiratory therapy) question prevent, identify, and treat acute or chronic dysfunction of the cardiopulmonary system answer RT role in health care question hospitals (75%), clinics, physicians’ offices, skilled nursing facilities, cardiopulmonary diagnostic labs, public schools answer RT […]
Read morequestion TNM is a _____ system: answer staging question The term thrombocytopenia in your patient’s laboratory report means answer a deficiency in the number of platelets question The M in TNM staging stands for answer metastasis question A rare type of pleural cancer resulting from expose to asbestos is: answer mesothelioma question A malignant tumor […]
Read morequestion a.To be considered traumatic, a person’s response to the event must include ____, ____, _____, or _____ in children. answer intense fear, helplessness, or horror, or disorganized behavior in children. (p.7) question a. The DSM-IV lists several potentially traumatic events: answer combat, sexual/physical assault, robbery, kidnapped, taken hostage, terrorist attacks, torture, disasters, auto accidents, […]
Read morequestion Existential Therapy (3 key people) answer Viktor Frankl, Rollo May, Irvin Yalom question Existential Therapy (What does this model stress?) answer Reacting against the tendency to view therapy as a system of well-defined techniques, this model stresses BUILDING THERAPY ON THE BASIC CONDITIONS OF HUMAN EXISTENCE (such as choice, the freedom and responsibility to […]
Read morequestion who was the definition of “Physical Therapy” created by? answer the APTA question PTs examine individuals to determine a _____________________, _______________________, and _________________________. answer diagnosis, prognosis, intervention question PTs alleviate impairment and functional limitation by? answer designing, implementing, and modifying therapeutic interventions question PTs use prevention by including the promotion and maintenance of? (3) […]
Read morequestion The Industrial Revolution fueled British investments all over the world but especially in ___ answer the Americas question A population explosion in Europe saw France grow, from 1831 to 1851, from 32.5 million people to ___ million people. answer 35.8 question In most Western European nations, other than Britain, manufacturing in the 1830s took […]
Read morequestion Cognitive Structure answer Schema and automatic thoughts; elaborated a model of automatic thoughts, intermediate assumptions, and core self-schema in explaining the development and course of “depressogenic” thinking. question Cognitive Mechanisms answer Cognitive distortions: emphasized the influence of faulty schema about self (self-schema), the world, and others, which gave rise to and sustained faulty information […]
Read morequestion A: answer assessment question AAROM answer active assistive range of motion question abd answer abduction question ac answer before meals question AC joints answer acromioclavicular joints question ACTH answer adrenocorticotrophic hormone question add answer adduction question ADL answer activities of daily living question ad lib answer at discretion question adm answer admission question AE […]
Read morequestion What is the branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of abnormal behavior? answer Psychopathology question Which of the following is a definition of abnormal behavior? answer Behavior that causes subjective distress question For those people in the middle ages who believed abnormal behavior resulted from spirit possession, the treatment of choice […]
Read morequestion The person-centered view of human nature: answer affirms a person’s capacity to direct his or her own life question Person-centered therapy is best described as: answer a philosophy of how the therapy process develops question The founder of person-centered therapy is answer none of these options question which of the following NOT a characteristic […]
Read morequestion Therapy for mental disorders in which a person with a problem talks with a psychological professional answer Psychotherapy question Therapies in which the main goal is to change disordered or innappropriate behaviors indirectly answer Insight therapies question Therapy in which the main goal is to change disordered or inappropriate behavior directly answer Action therapy […]
Read morequestion The professional massage therapy diploma program is designed to prepare the student for: answer a massage therapy career learn about theory techniques anatomy& physiology practical experience professional development question What are the skills that PMT program teaches? answer Swedish massage techniques Hydrotherapy clinical methods as well as current trend massage types of the industry […]
Read morequestion Discuss 3 basic responsibilities of a group leader answer Create group: structure/unstructured, topic, open/closed, time/place, who is appropriate for group, maintaining confidentiality Build the group culture: set limits, foster communication, explain confidentiality and model behavior Process Illumination: last 15 minutes talk about what wen on during group, help gain insignt, and bring in quiet […]
Read morequestion metaphor answer A direct comparison between two unlike things without using “like” or “as.” An example would be, “You are the light of my life.” question allegory answer A story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or a political situation. (an extended metaphor) question simile […]
Read morequestion alliteration answer use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse question hyperbole answer a figure of speech using deliberate exaggeration or overstatement question onomatopoeia answer the use of words that imitate sounds question simile answer comparison using “like” or “as” question free verse answer poetry […]
Read morequestion Grenz ray x-ray tubes operates in the range of ____ to ___ kV. answer 5 to 15 kV question Superficial therapy machines operates in the range of ____ to ____ kV. answer 50 to 100 kV question Superficial therapy machines have an SSD of what? answer 15-20 cm question Orthovoltage therapy machines operates in […]
Read morequestion Loss answer • Life provides each person with multiple opportunities to grieve a los or change. • The loss can be of tangible things such as a body part or function, relationship, or possession. They can also be intangible such as the loss of self-esteem, confidence, or a dream. • The experience of loss […]
Read morequestion … answer Sale question The law of sales governs contracts for the sale and lease of goods answer contracts question A sale is a contract in which ownership of goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer for consideration answer ownership question The consideration is also known as the price, or the money […]
Read morequestion 4. Notes on Counter-transference (Kernberg) a. Compare and contrast the classical and totalistic positions on counter transference discussed by Kernberg. b. How is projective identification related to empathy? answer Countertransference[1] is defined as redirection of a psychotherapist’s feelings toward a client—or, more generally, as a therapist’s emotional entanglement with a client. 1. Classical concept […]
Read morequestion What is chemistry answer The study of composition of matter and the change it over goes question What is the SI unit of energy answer Joules question What is a physical change answer An alteration of a substance that does not change what the substance is changes what it looks like question What is […]
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