Marta Browning

City: Richmond, Indiana
University: University of Southern Indiana

Posts by Marta Browning:

11 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question 1. In the RBVS, which codes have associated RVUs? answer HCPCS, CPT level I question 2. What are the three elements of the RVU? answer Physician work (WORK), physician practice expenses (PE), and malpractice (MP)RVU=Relative Value Units: Physician Work + Practice Expense +Malpractice Costs question 3. How can physician payments be adjusted for the […]

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Chapter 12 Federal Government Review
07 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question In Federalist paper No. 78, Alexander Hamilton described the Supreme Court as answer \”least dangerous\” to political rights. question The Supreme Court’s primary weapon in the government’s system of checks and balances is known as answer judicial review question When judges believe that they must confirm themselves to applying rules stated in or clearly […]

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IB Psychology Paper 2
06 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question PTSD answer Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Chronic condition compromising a range of psychological and physiological symptoms that affect people of all ages and do not follow the normal pathways of the resistance phase of the general adaptation syndrome. question OCD answer Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. question Case Study: Rosenhan answer (Experiment 1) Had 8 sane people check […]

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Protecting Patient Health Information
05 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question What is the primary purpose of patient health information? answer a. Patient care question Who is responsible for ensuring the qulity of health record documentation? answer c. provider question Which of the following statements about the \”legal health record\” or the \”designated record set\” is incorrect? answer d. Designated record set is determined by […]

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Physics Test 2 Final Review
03 Feb 2020 Flashcards

question Additive Primaries answer Red, Green, Blue or RGB question Subtractive Primaries answer Cyan, Magenta, Yellow or CYM question Red+Green+Blue= answer White question Cyan = answer Green + Blue question Magenta = answer Red + Blue question Yellow = answer Red + Green question White – Red = answer Green + Blue (Cyan) question White […]

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Intro Computing: Engrg & Sci – Q/A (Question and Answer)
02 Nov 2019 QA

Answer: CS 101 Intro Computing: Engrg & Sci

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1. The three main elements of the actor’s approach are goals, tactics, and solutions to the problems imposed by the tactics. – Q/A (Question and Answer)
02 Nov 2019 QA

The incorporation of both into the physicality of the character. personal history that can be transmitted into theatrical technique. researching the style of the play and mode of performance. Answer: researching the of the play and mode of performance

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The average teenage girl worries most about her – Q/A (Question and Answer)
02 Nov 2019 QA

Answer: Social self-esteem Recource FLVS Midterm Study (P.Skills)

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**It specifies that only String objects may be stored in the ArrayList object. – Q/A (Question and Answer)
01 Nov 2019 QA

Answer: The following statement creates an ArrayListobject. What is the purpose of the notation? ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();

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Which of the following characterize Sufi rituals and practices? – Q/A (Question and Answer)
30 Oct 2019 QA

Answer: endurance, rhythm, and repetition Recource World History Semester 1

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creates a main claim. – Q/A (Question and Answer)
30 Oct 2019 QA

Answer: By identifying a way to deal with higher education costs, a writer also Recource Unit 5: Federalism: State And Local Government

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The Rite of Spring Q&A – Q/A (Question and Answer)
29 Oct 2019 QA

Answer: False The orchestra that Stravinsky used in The Rite of Spring was remarkably small. Recource Communication Chapters 8-10

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A nurse is monitoring an older adult client who is receiving IV fluid therapy. – Q/A (Question and Answer)
28 Oct 2019 QA

Which of the following assessment findings should the nurse recognize as an adverse effect of excess fluid therapy? (Select all that apply. Answer: Edema Crackles in lungs Elevated bp Jugular venous distention Explanation The client is at risk for which of the following?The client is at risk for fluid overload and electrolyte imbalance. If you […]

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Year 10 IGCSE Key Terms – Flashcards
11 Jan 2019 Flashcards

question acid answer any substance that produces hydrogen ions, H+, when dissolved in water question acid rain answer rain with a pH less than 5.6; acid rain has been made more acidic than normal rain because sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides have dissolved in it; acid rain causes damage to buildings made from limestone, damages metal […]

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wound repair – Flashcards
11 Jan 2019 Flashcards

question what are the 3 participants in tissue creation? who are the main participants? answer cells, matrix, and cytokines. cells are the main participants question what are the characteristics of cells in the process of wound repair? answer cells are the workers, sythesizing extracellular matrix and affecting its creation, they are regulated by cytokines, they […]

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Unit 7 – atomic structure – Flashcards
19 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question democritus answer “atoms are tiny, indivisible, and indestructible” not based on scientific method question Dalton’s atomic theory answer 1. all elements are made of tiny indivisible particles called atoms 2. atoms of same element are identical. atoms of one element are different from those of another element 3. atoms of different elements can physically […]

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IB Physics Topic Option E Astrophysics – Flashcards
19 Nov 2018 Flashcards

question Define a planet. answer •Celestial body that orbits around the sun •has sufficient mass for its self gravity •has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit question Define astroids. answer Between orbits of Mars and Jupiter, smaller orbiting bodies question Define comets. answer •small orbiting body •loose particles of ice and rock that are blown […]

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