Marie Florence

City: Houston, Texas
University: Texas Wesleyan University

Posts by Marie Florence:

AP Euro Ch 14 and 15 test prep – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Why was the glorious revolution important? answer Bloodlessly deposed James II in favor of William of Orange. (Parliament went against King) question What was the Sejm? What kind of state did it make of Poland in the 17th century? answer The Sejm was a two-chamber Assembly in which Landowners completely dominated the few townspeople […]

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HIST 111 Set 1 – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question The “newness” of the New South was found primarily in its __________________. answer economy question Which of the following became a center of southern steel production in the late 19th century? answer Birmingham question ___________ were the catalyst of southern industrial growth. answer Railroads question Which of the following limited economic growth in the […]

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unit 13 history test – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question 1946: Veterans came home, started families, and created the ___________ _____________ -1950s: huge growth in population answer baby boom question 1944, ___________ ___________of rights-sent millions of veterans to college answer GI Bill question veterans administration (VA) gave veterans ____________for homes and small businesses answer loans question economic _______________: 1950-1970- “The affluent society” -consumerism: americans […]

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AP World History-Chapter 24 – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Luther’s initial stimulus for formulating the Ninety-Five Theses was answer The sale of indulgences question The author of the Ninety-Five Theses was answer Martin Luther question The Catholic church dramatically pushed the sale of indulgences in the sixteenth century because of the answer Need to raise funds for the construction of St. Peter’s basilica […]

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FINA 450 Chapter 1 – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Financial globalization has not resulted in answer uniform ways of ownership, control, and governance across the world question A well-established, large U.S.-based MNE will probably NOT be able to overcome which of the following obstacles to maximizing firm value? answer none of the above question A well-established, large China-based MNE will probably be most […]

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Test Answers on Government Final – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question The term public opinion is used to describe: a. the presidents collected speeches and writings during his term in office b. the analysis of events broadcasted by reporters during the evening news c. beliefs and attitudes toward different issues, events and people d. the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions answer c question A political ideology […]

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Middle Ages/Medieval History – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question 476 answer fall of Roman Empire question 476-1000 answer The Early Middle Ages or the Dark Ages question 1000-1300 answer High Middle Ages or the golden age question 1300-1500 answer Late Middle Ages or the beginning of the end question 1330 answer Italian Renaissance question Characteristics of the middle ages answer Poverty, shivillery, feudalism, […]

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Medieval History: Primary Source Information – Flashcards
23 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Bodo, a Frankish Peasant answer – author: found through available historical evidence; no set author – focus: describing the life of Bodo, a Frankish peasant, through available historical documents and evidence – time & place: Francia in the reign of Charlemagne (8th and 9th centuries) question Faults of the Roman People (Tierney 1) answer […]

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6200: Sulfonamides – Flashcards
20 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) brand names answer Septra Bactrim question Why is Septra a combo drug? answer Cause bacterial resistance to develop much more slowly (Synergistic effect) question When teaching a patient about trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ), the nurse gives highest priority to teaching the patient to a. increase fluid intake b. report signs of ringing in the […]

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Ethics – Flashcards with Answers
19 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question In Chapter 6, a six-step ethical practice model for protecting confidentiality rights that places legal mandates in an ethical context is presented. The six steps include all of the following EXCEPT answer have your attorney respond to legal requests for disclosure question The Georgia Supreme Court ruled that a physician has a duty to […]

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Diabetes – Medical Nutrition Therapy – Flashcards
18 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Diabetes answer Metabolic disorder characterized by High Blood Glucose levels and disordered insulin metabolism. question Absence of insulin, insufficient insulin, resistance to insulin answer 3 Characteristics of Diabetes question Insulin answer pancreatic hormone that unlocks the cell door that lets the sugar inside, where it is burned for energy question Builds up in the […]

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Medical Nutrition Therapy 2 – Upper GI disorders – Flashcards
18 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question xerostomia answer caused by reduced salivary flow, is a side effect of man medications and is associated with a number of diseases and disease treatments. question Medications that cause dry mouth answer Antidepressants, antihistamines, antihypertensive, antineoplastic, bronchodilators and other meds. question Sjorgren’s Syndrome answer an autoimmune disease characterized by the destruction of secretory glands, […]

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Primate Evolution – Flashcards
17 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question fossil table answer memorize!! for test. question why study fossils? answer – can provide insights about climate, ecosystems, primate communities, evolution of modern characters, behavior relationships question but what must be keep in mind about these insights: answer – differential preservation of anatomical elements : we have lots of teeth, a few skulls, and […]

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Psyc405 Exam I practice questions – Flashcards
17 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question methodology answer the feature of modern psychology that distinguishes it from its antecedents is its: question repeated answer in contrast to the events that are studied in science, historical events cannot be: question a misrepresentation intended to protect Freud’s reputation answer At least one of Freud’s biographers downplayed the extent of Freud’s cocaine use. […]

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Part 4 classical music – Flashcards
17 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question What was one of the ways in which composers of the Classical era achieved more expression in their music? answer By using crescendos and decrescendos, or gradual changes in volume question What are the characteristics of rhythm in music of the classical era? answer 1. Classical music has unexpected pauses and syncopations 2. In […]

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Ch. 9 Feudal Europe & Ch. 10 Medieval Europe and the Ottoman Empire – Flashcards
17 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question How did geography help shape the way of life in Europe during the Middle Ages? answer The continent of Europe occupies about one-fifth of what is known as the Eurasian land mass. Major geographic features make up Europe’s general boundaries. The Mediterranean Sea is the southern boundary and in the east, Europe is separated […]

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Negotiation Basics – Flashcards
16 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question A formal discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement answer Negotiation question Negotiation Phases answer 1. Preparation 2. Opening 3. Bargaining 4. Closing and Implementation question Why is negotiation important? answer 1. Results 2. Responses 3. Outcomes 4. Relationships question T/F: Negotiations should involve more rationally-based responses than emotionally based answer […]

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Chapter 16: NEGOTIATIONS – Flashcards
16 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Although knowledge of the other party’s culture may provide an initial clue about what to expect at the bargaining table, negotiators need to be open to adjusting their view very quickly as new information is gathered Keep in mind there is a wide variety of behavioral differences within cultures answer International and Cross Cultural […]

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Chapter 16 World History Quiz 4 – Flashcards
16 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Which of the following was NOT a change made by the British in their approach to ruling India after 1857? answer The British began to use railroads, roads, and telegraph lines to link the region together and make it easier to govern effectively. question When the Mayans of the Yucatan peninsula revolted against the […]

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Regis College NU Renal Disorders – Flashcards
13 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) answer Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys. When cysts form in the kidneys, they are filled with fluid, destroying the nephrons. PKD cysts can profoundly enlarge the kidneys while replacing much of the normal structure, resulting in reduced […]

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AP World Chapter 20 (Western Europe during the High Middle Ages) – Flashcards
12 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Niccolo and Maffeo Polo answer Two brothers that visited Kublai Khan. Brought about the rise of Marco Polo’s popularity, as well as improved the reintegration of Europe into the affairs of the eastern hemisphere. question The Carolingian Empire answer The early empire of the Franks in Europe. question European Society answer Regional states brought […]

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MGT 302 Ch. 9 – Flashcards
12 Jul 2018 Flashcards

question Regional economic integration involves agreements among countries in a geographic region to reduce, and ultimately remove, tariff and non tariff barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and factors of production between each other. TRUE or FALSE answer TRUE question The movement toward regional economic integration has been most successful in Asia. TRUE […]

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