Posts by Kelly Fisher:
question Define Coordination answer The ability to execute *smooth, accurate, controlled movement* In order to SAC the quarterback you need to be coordindation question What is coordination characterized by? answer speed, distance, direction, timing question When you do an examination of coordination and balance you look at various things such as… answer -Muscle activity – […]
Read morequestion hypoxia answer a reduced supply of oxygen to tissues below physiological levels despite adequate perfusion of the tissue by blood question hypoxemia answer a diminished amount (reduced saturation) of oxygen in arterial blood question hypercapnia answer an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood question In the early stages of hypoxia, the patient is […]
Read morequestion The Medieval Manor answer An agricultural estate which usually consisted of agricultural land, a village whose inhabitants worked the land, and a manor house or castle where the lord lived question Mill answer The place where wheat was taken to be ground into flour, used to make bread. This place was owned by the […]
Read morequestion Pathology according to Bowen answer too much closeness or distance creates anxiety question Goal of Bowenian Therapy answer Reduce anxiety by facilitating awareness of how the emotional system functions and increase differentiation. Assist the family towards greater levels of differentiation question Emotional Fusion answer Individual choices are set aside in the service of harmony […]
Read morequestion Reality therapy answer – William Glasser – Chemical Engineer, Psychologist, Psychiatrist • Rejected Freudian model early – The notion of transference, the unconscious, & dwelling on one’s past • Best to talk to the sane part of clients, not the disturbed side • Reality Therapy influenced by Control Theory (William Power) • Glasser expanded, […]
Read morequestion During a time of religious and economic instability, _____ ruled Spain with a strong hand. answer Philip II question As the Hapsburg king, ___ inherited Spain, Spain’s American colonies, parts of Italy, and the lands in Austria and the Netherlands. answer Charles V question As Holy Roman emperor, Charles V. ruled much of ___. […]
Read morequestion what happened in late 1700s and early 1800s answer people began to realize that social structures lead to vast inequities question what is Moral Treatment answer grounded in the philosophy that all people, even the most challenged, are entitled to consideration and human compassion question who conceived the the Moral Treatment Movement answer Philippe […]
Read morequestion Who assembled a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts preserving the works of Cicero, homer and Virgil? answer Francesco Petrarch question What would best describes the ideal woman according to writer Baldassare Castiglone? answer Balance to men question Which scientist challenged the geocentric view of the universe and in turn was condemned to house […]
Read morequestion Redistricting is an attempt to answer divide among units of geographical representations question As the term is used by geographers, in contrast to a state, a nation answer refers to a state who’s territory coincides with that occupied by a distant nation, or people. question The Rio Grande, which forms part of the boundary […]
Read morequestion nasal cavity answer Hollow area inside the nose. question septum answer Dividing wall of cartilage and bone between the right and left nostrils. question conchae answer Plural form of concha. question mucosa answer Mucous membrane that lines the inside of a structure or body system question larynx answer Voice box; structure that contains the […]
Read morequestion What are the MOA’s of anti fungal therapies? answer -Inhibitors of the fungal cell membrane such as polyenes (amp B) and azole antifungals -Inhibitors of DNA (5-flucytosine) -Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis (echinocandins) question How are anti fungal therapies used? answer -Generally uses one or more agents -Depending on severity of infection and patients […]
Read morequestion joint replacement answer Arthroplasty question refers to a fracture that has not broken though the skin. answer closed fracture question Fracture resulting in dorsal displacement, dorsal comminuting, and radius shortening; Often referred to as a dinner fork deformity given its resemblance to an upside down dinner fork. answer Colles’ fracture question Fracture in which […]
Read morequestion What is empiric tx? answer Tx started before pathogen is identified Based on most likely microbe question Who makes the empiric tx recommendations? answer IDSA and ATS (Infectious Disease Society of America) (Academy of Thoracic Surgeons) question What is most likely organism for skin infections? (aka SSTI) answer Staph Aureus, MRSA/MSSA Gram + question […]
Read morequestion What are the advantages of a career in sales? answer • No set routine • Entrepreneurship • Personal Satisfaction • Variety and Independence • Opportunity for Advancement • Professional salespeople are never unemployed • Salespeople have a direct effect on their income and security through their efforts question What are the disadvantages of a […]
Read morequestion Countertransference answer Ther therapists’s projection of feeling ideas and desires about others onto the client. question Phenomenological answer Perceived through subjective reality, as opposed to physically and objectively. question Transference answer The client’s projection of feelings, ideas, and desires about others onto the therapist. question Secondary Gains answer Unexpected and unplanned outcomes over the […]
Read morequestion most clinically useful energy range for electrons answer 6-20 MeV question Electron Interactions answer (a) inelastic collisions with atomic electrons (ionization and excitation, collision energy loss), (b) inelastic collisions with nuclei (bremsstrahlung, radiation loss: energy loss rate proportional to Z^2, probability proportional to EZ) (c) elastic collisions with atomic electrons, (no energy loss) and […]
Read morequestion what is a close?? answer A question asked or an action taken by a salesperson designed to elicit a positive buying decision from the prospect The process of helping people make a decision that will directly benefit them You help make that decision by asking them to buy Attempt to close the sale when […]
Read morequestion On behalf of Brugg Corp., Weimer sent Tri-Circle, Inc. a written offer to buy certain farm equipment. Tri-Circle accepted the offer using a pre-printed form that included a finance charge for late payment. Weimer’s offer said nothing about finance charges, and he made no objection to the new term. Tri-Circle supplied the farm equipment […]
Read morequestion Slide/Content: Question answer Answer question 2/Objectives: Describe the PT’s responsibility and accountability for the PTA’s performance in the clinic answer … question 2/Objectives: Develop a plan of action for a given ethical problem answer … question 2/Objectives: Discuss the provisions within the state practice act as it relates to the roles of and relationship […]
Read morequestion Atorvastatin 40mg answer High-Intensity Statin Therapy question Atorvastatin 80mg answer High-Intensity Statin Therapy question Rosuvastatin 20 (40) mg answer High-Intensity Statin Therapy question Fluvastatin XL 80 mg answer Moderate-Intensity Statin Therapy question Fluvastatin 40 mg bid answer Moderate-Intensity Statin Therapy question Pitavastatin 2-4 mg answer Moderate-Intensity Statin Therapy question Atorvastatin 10 (20) mg answer […]
Read morequestion ____ was used almost exclusively for the representation of animals in Paleolithic art. answer the profile view question The use of ____ along with its large scale suggests that the Human with a feline head was important to its creator. answer mammoth tusk question The emphasis on the anatomy of the Nude Woman, from […]
Read morequestion Goals for a group should include: answer – identifying a purpose for the group – education – discussion – support question What ar Norms of Groups? answer Standards for group behavior question Typical norms include? answer – confidentiality – Be on time for group – No eating, drinking, cell phones during group – No […]
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