James Storer

City: Hattiesburg, Mississippi
University: University of Mississippi

Posts by James Storer:

Module 8-Module 13 – Flashcards
06 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question What age group is in more danger of disorder eating and depression as a result of body image: Select one: a. 31-35 years b. 15-25 years c. 26-30 years d. 10-14 years answer b question Bhopal and Donaldson suggest that the term White abandoned in scientific writing. Select one: a. False b. True answer […]

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Social Psychology 9th Edition Aronson/Wilson/Sommers/Akert Chapter 9 – Flashcards
04 Jun 2020 Flashcards

question Two or more people who interact and are interdependent in the sense that their needs and goals cause them to influence each other. (two people are sometimes referred to as a dyad instead) answer Group question Shared expectations in a group about how particular people are supposed to behave answer Social Roles question Qualities […]

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Chapters 26-27 History
26 May 2020 Flashcards

question Which factor aroused Soviet suspicions of the Western Allies during World War II? answer The Western Allies’ long delay in opening a second front in Western Europe. question By 1947, the intense rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States was called answer the Cold War. question What impact did World War II […]

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Social Conflict Theories
24 May 2020 Flashcards

question social conflict theories answer -an analytical perspective on social organization that holds that conflict is a fundamental aspect of social life itself and can never be fully solved – there is constant conflict over values and norms -reject the idea the law is there to maintain tranquility question social conflict theories focus on the […]

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Music History Semester 2
24 May 2020 Flashcards

question Instrumental music endowed with literary or pictorial associations is called __________ music. answer program *gonna grow up and make programs together* question The composer who developed the symphonic poem was answer Liszt. *i am lazy* question In 1830, the Paris Conservatory awarded Berlioz answer the Prix de Rome. *Where the wishing well is in […]

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Chapter 13-Social Darwinism and Social Reform
24 May 2020 Flashcards

question The reason authors Twain and Warner called this time period of industrialization \”The Gilded Age\” answer Something is gilded if it glitters on the outside but is made of cheaper material on the inside. Society flourished but there was still crime and corruption question Individualism answer People could succeed and go as far as […]

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Microeconomics Chapter 5 exam- J Baker -Online- Owens
23 May 2020 Flashcards

question A negative externality exists if A) There are price controls in a market. B) There are quantity controls in a market. C) The marginal social cost of producing a good or service exceeds the private cost. D) The marginal private cost of producing a good or service exceeds the social cost. answer C) The […]

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Chapter 10 Social Penetration Theory
18 May 2020 Flashcards

question What were Altman and Taylor trying to understand when they developed social penetration theory (SPT)? answer to understand relational closeness between two people question To what does “social penetration” refer? answer Process of bonding that moves a relationship from superficial to more intimate. question Does social penetration include only verbal communication? If not, what […]

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Social Psych questions and final review
17 May 2020 Flashcards

question Social psychology is primarily concerned with the ways in which answer a. individuals think, feel, and behave with regard to others question when forming impressions of others answer d. people differ in the particular traits they are likely to notice question the \”hot\” perspective in social psychology emphasizes ___, whereas the \”cold: perspective emphasizes […]

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Intro to Sociology: Section One: Chapter 1
17 May 2020 Flashcards

question Sociology answer the systematic study of human society. question Sociological Perspective answer \”seeing the general in the particular\”, looking for general patterns in the behavior of the particular people. question Who proposed the sociological perspective? answer Peter Berger question What did Lillian Rubin discover in her 1976 study on women’s hope for marriage? answer […]

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Chpt 4: Ecological Footprint Flashcards
16 May 2020 Flashcards

question netherlands answer has the most sustainable ecological footprint question arab emirates answer needs the most land per person to support their lifestyle question norway answer Fishing grounds is the largest component of their ecological footprint question uruguay answer Grazing grounds is the largest component of their ecological footprint question the rule of 70, which […]

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Sociology Chapter 4 terms
15 May 2020 Flashcards

question Achieved Statuses answer Human-created social categories and characteristics acquired through some combination of personal choice, effort, and ability. question Ascribed statuses answer Human-created social categories and characteristics that are the result of chance in that people exert no effort to obtain them. Birth order, race, sex, and age qualify. question Group answer Group members […]

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Comm 371
15 May 2020 Flashcards

question The process by which others attribute identities to an individual is? answer Ascription question Which is true about high-context communication? answer Contains contexts and nonverbal cues A style of communication in which much of the info is contained in the contexts and nonverbal cues rather than in words question Worldviews are… answer Underlingy assumption […]

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alcohol edu
14 May 2020 Flashcards

question when a person’s BAC rises about .06; fatigue, slower breathing, reduced coordination, drowsiness, and a general “down” feeling answer when do negative effects of drinking begin? question caffeine answer what factor is not mentioned in hangovers? question 47% of people who begin drinking before age 14 develop a dependency at some point in their […]

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8th Grade Study Guide for Big Constitution Test
08 May 2020 Flashcards

question In what year did the constitution go into effect? answer September 1787. question What is judicial review? answer Review by the supreme court of the constitutional validty of the legeslative branch. question How many us senators are there in the united states? answer 100. question What does Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of […]

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American Congress
01 May 2020 Flashcards

question the decision at the Constitutional convention to count slaves as 3/5 of a person for the purpose of deciding the population and determining how many seats each state would have in Congress answer 3/5 compromise question number of people in the house of represenatives answer 435 question the upper house of the United States […]

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Reconstruction and the Debate Between Booker T. Washington and WEB Dubois
27 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question What was the Reconstruction? answer time after Civil War to bring country back together, 1863 to 1877, attempts to reunite North and South question How did the South reintegrate into the Union? answer switched currency, South had to make an official oath of loyalty back into the Union (10% of population of white men […]

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PBDA Fall 2016 ISU college of Pharmacy
24 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Alcohol answer physical and chemical properties Bonding-alcohols will have a permanent dipole interaction which will result in hydrogen bonding to other molecules. The more hydrogen bonding that occurs, the higher the boiling point. Alcohols are relatively stable compounds, except in the presence of an oxidizing agent ( a substance that gets reduced by gaining […]

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Psychology 101 Final-Columbia College-Jefferson City
15 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Who founded Functionalism? answer William James question What is Functionalism? answer An early psychological approach that emphasized the function or purpose of behavior and consciousness. question What is Phrenology? answer A discredited theory that different brain areas account for specific character and personality traits, which can be “read” from bumps on the skull. question […]

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Geraldine Ferraro: Establishing the 25th Amendment and VP Succession Requirements
14 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question age pres and vp must be answer 35 question must have large amounts of this answer money question first woman nominated by a major party for high office answer geraldine ferraro question established the order of succession to the presidency answer 25th amendment question the vp will take over for the pres if the […]

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principle of microeconomics
13 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question Opportunity cost can best be defined as the a. value of what must be given up in order to acquire an item. b. money cost to the buyer to acquire a good or service. c. total value of all the other items that otherwise could be acquired. d. cost to the seller to produce […]

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nursing 100 moodle quizzes
07 Apr 2020 Flashcards

question According to the “methods of evaluation” in your N100 syllabus, participation is worth what percentage of your N100 grade? answer 5% question the combined weight of the 4 online noodle quizzes for N100 is worth what percentage of the total N100 grade? answer 12% question student responsibilities regarding N100 include which of the following […]

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