Posts by Darryl Wooten:
question Compaction and cementation of grains occurs during __________ answer lithification question The breakdown of exposed rocks into small fragments and dissolved ions is termed ________ answer weathering question Cemented shells of marine organisms form which kind of sedimentary rock? answer biochemical question Which transport medium carries the largest particles? answer ice question It is […]
Read morequestion Promotion Mix answer (marketing communications mix) blend of promotion tools that the company uses the engage customers, persuasively communication customer value, and to build customer relationships question 5 major tools of promotion mix answer advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, and direct/digital marketing question Sales promotion answer short-term incentive to encourage the purchase […]
Read morequestion 1. The outer core of the earth is solid, and the inner core is liquid (true,false) answer false question 2. The core of the earth is thought to be composed mostly of answer iron question 3. The earth’s mantle is composed mostly of answer olivine question 4. The composition of the earth’s mantle is […]
Read morequestion LO 1 How do B2B firms segment their markets? answer * The same basic principles apply to both B2B and consumer segmentation. * B2B firms divide the market into manufactures, resellers, institutions, and government. * B2B firms use NAICS to identify potential customers by type of business and then develop appropriate marketing strategies. question […]
Read morequestion When did Germany invade Poland? answer september 1, 1939 question secret agreement between Hitler and Stalin not to attack each other and to divide Poland. answer Non-agression Pact question economic or political penalties imposed by one country on another to force a change in policy answer sanctions question a policy of making concessions to […]
Read morequestion Marketing answer The activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. question Exchange answer People giving something up in order to receive something else they would rather have question An exchange can take place only if the following […]
Read morequestion If a cell contains one chromosome with a mutated gene that increases the risk of cancer and one normal copy of the same gene, which of the following is NOT likely? answer One daughter cell will receive a copy of the mutation question A 50-year-old woman who was born with a mutation in the […]
Read morequestion The contents of the text provide evidence that Olympe de gouges was most influenced by answer Enlightenment ideals question Which of the following best reflects the main concern of women reformers in eighteenth century Europe answer Expansion of suffrage rights question By the njnteenth century, women’s rights movements founded by eighteenth century women like […]
Read morequestion What is easy to manufacture, given our equipment? answer Which of the following questions considered by managers is most closely related to the production orientation philosophy? question make a profit by creating customer value. answer Market-oriented firms: question customer satisfaction answer The customers’ evaluation of a good or service in terms of whether that […]
Read morequestion created to limit american participation in a European War. prevented americans from selling munitions to belligerents. answer neutrality acts question stressed nonintervention in latin america, it was begun under Herbert Hoover but is associated with FDR answer Good neighbor Policy question as the successful German invasion of ______ and the Low Countries, beginning on […]
Read morequestion Cancer answer Neoplastic disease process, involves abnormal cell growth and differentiation. question Disease prevention strategies for cancer answer Consume a healthy diet, limit sugar and salt, maintain healthy body weight and body mass index, avoid smoking and alcohol, avoid recreational drug use, use proper protection when unavoidable, breast-feed infants exclusively for first six months, […]
Read morequestion invades other tissues answer malignant question process in which malignant tumor travels to distant sites in the body and forms secondary tumors answer metastasis question What types of evidence indicate that cancer arises from genetic changes? answer 1. exposure to radiation & enviro mutagens cause higher incidences of cancer (damaged DNA 2. some cancers […]
Read morequestion Angina Pectoris answer Chest or arm pain resulting from reduced oxygen supply to the heart muscle. question Arteriosclerosis answer Hardening of the arteries due to conditions that causes the arterial walls to become thick, hard, and non-elastic. question Atherosclerosis answer The deposition of materials along the arterial walls–a type of arteriosclerosis. question Chronic Disease […]
Read morequestion (1) jogger sprained his ankle. what organ systems suffered damage? answer skeletal, muscular, integumentary, nervous, cardiovascular (SMINC) question (1) newborn baby can’t hold down milk. examination reveals developmental disorder in which esophagus fails to connect to stomach. what survival needs are immediately threatened? answer need for nutrients and water question (1) chan family had […]
Read morequestion Alcoholics tend to be stereotyped on the dimension of answer age gender socioeconomic level *all of the above* question Alcoholism is diagnosed by answer a collection of signs, symptoms, and behaviors question A preoccupation with drinking would be an example of the _____ component of the criteria used to define alcoholism answer psychological-behavioral question […]
Read morequestion Which term means “protection protein”? -immunogenic -immunologist -immunoglobulin -immunotherapy answer immunoglobulin question Which term means “lymph swelling”? lymphedema lymphoma lymphocyte lymphogenic answer lymphedema question Which term means “record of lymph nodes”? lymphadenopathy lymphadenitis lymphadenosis lymphadenogram answer lymphadenogram question Which term means “disease of lymph vessel”? lymphangiitis lymphangiectasis lymphangioma lymphangiopathy answer lymphangiopathy question Which term […]
Read morequestion tissues answer groups of cells similar in structure that perform common or related function question histology answer study of tissues question Four basic tissue types: answer epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous question Fixed: answer tissue is preserved question Sectioned answer tissue is cut into slices thin enough to transmit light or electrons question stained answer […]
Read morequestion Study of the human body and the structures answer Anatomy question Study of the functions of the body answer Physiology question Study of tiny structures found in tissues ; AKA microscopic anatomy answer Histology question Basic unit of all living things answer Cell question What does the cell structure consist of? answer Protoplasm, Nucleus, […]
Read morequestion 4 punishment and correction goals answer –retribution: inflicting punishment proportional to the harm caused –deterrence: to keep an offender from future offending (specific) or to set the person as an example (general) –incapacitation: to become incapable of committing another crime –reform/rehabilitation: change the individual question john agustus answer –father of probation -philanthropist who posted […]
Read morequestion -Adam Smith’s conceptual model of capitalistic enterprise -explored the benefits of division of labor -specialization was also used to support the Invisible Hand (self-organization principle) -precursor of Marx’s claims about the alienation of capitalist workers answer General Summary of the Pin Factory question -even simple things are complex and profound to create -discusses Invisible […]
Read morequestion From the earliest days of the Christianity, the Catholic church had been largely opposed to reforms answer True question The Great Schism and the Babylonian Captivity badly damaged the prestige of the Catholic church answer true question Erasmus painted a sympathetic portrait of the Catholic clergy in “In Praise of Folly” answer False question […]
Read morequestion Continent of Africa answer 2nd largest continent Cut in half by equator. question Suez Canal answer Man-made passage from Mediterranean through Red Sea to Indian Ocean. question Sahara Desert answer Northern half of Africa Biggest desert in the world question Kalahari Desert answer In Southern Africa question Plateau answer A large, high plain Covers […]
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