Posts by Christine Brunetti:
question Bacillus subtilis answer gram positive. bacilli-rod. produces amylase. forms endospores. strict aerobic-requires oxygen to grow. colonies with a raised and a dull surface. question Enterobacter aerogenes answer gram- negative. bacilli- rods. single. fat–> plump. in gramstain- dark red. oxidase- negative. large intestine, E. coli. question Escherichia coli answer gram- negative. bacilli-rods. facultative anaerobe. single. […]
Read morequestion 3 GPC answer staphstrepentero question 6 GPR answer listeriabacillusclostridiumcorynebacteriumactinomycesnocardia question 1 GNC answer neisseria question most common neonatal meningitis answer S. aglactia question Staph aureus: distinguishing lab markers 4 answer catalase negcoagulase posB-hemolyticferments mannatolyellow on blood agar question staph epidermidis: distinguishing lab markers 4 answer catalase negcoagulase negy-hemolyticnovobicin sensitive question staph saphrophiticus: distinguishing lab […]
Read moreMolecular Formula C34H66O6 Average mass 570.884 Da Density Boiling Point Flash Point Molar Refractivity Polarizability Surface Tension Molar Volume Experimental data Predicted – ACD/Labs Predicted – ChemAxon Miscellaneous Therapeutical Effect: antibacterial, antifungal ChemMine Compound Source: Persea spp ChemMine Predicted data is generated using the ACD/Labs Percepta Platform – PhysChem Module No predicted properties have been […]
Read morequestion People in Kentucky developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease like symptoms after eating answer squirrel brains question Most non-phylogenetic wildlife classification schemes are based on answer distribution and abundace question Sea horses commonly live over answer beds of grass question Wide scale poisioning of prairie dogs was undertaken between 1920 and 1970 by the agency now known […]
Read morequestion Hera answer Juno question Poseidon answer Neptune question Zeus answer Jupiter question Hades answer Pluto question Apollo answer Phoebus question Artemis answer Diana question Hephaestus answer Vulcan question Demeter answer Ceres question Athena answer Minerva question Ares answer Mars question Aphrodite answer Venus question Hermes answer Mercury question Eros answer Cupid question Dionysus answer […]
Read morequestion Immunity answer Ability of an organism to resist infection question Where do all cells involved in immunity originate from? answer Stem cells in bone marrow question What does the Immune system do? answer protect against foreign cells and macromolecules question Antigen/ immunogen: answer foreign cell or macromolecule that induces immune system question types of […]
Read morequestion what three ways can diabetes be tested for, what levels indicate diagnosis answer blood HBA1C 6.5% and glucosem>125 fastingurine glucose >120 shows glucose in urine – old way question what is the best test for nutritional analysis answer pre-albumin question what are the 4 tests in a lipid panel answer cholesterol, HDL, LDL, TG […]
Read morequestion What picornavirus causes the common cold and upper respiratory infections? answer Rhinovirus question Is there a vaccine for rhinovirus? answer No–there are over 100 serotypes and infection is self-limited question What does rhinovirus bind to? answer ICAM-1 question What is the surface structure of rhinovirus? answer The surface has a common pocket antigen and […]
Read morequestion Organism that causes Respiratory Diphtheria answer Corynebacterium Diphtheria question Corynebacterium Diphtheria is ______ and secrets _____ answer noninvasive; toxin question What is the treatment for Diphtheria answer antibiotics question What organism causes Tuberculosis in humans answer Mycobacterium tuberculosis question Mycobacterium tuberculosis has what type of coating answer Waxy question Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes what? answer […]
Read morequestion Produces maintains and transports sperm cells answer Male reproductive system question Defense of male reproductive system answer flushing of urine question Produces eggs in a 28 day cycle answer Female reproductive system question Mucus answer Defense of female reproductive system question Acidic pH of vagina answer Defense of female reproductive system question SIgA answer […]
Read morequestion How many years for expert creativity? answer 10 years question 1st line therapy for Stage 1 HTN if no compelling indications answer thiazide-type diuretic, OR ACEI, ARB, BB, CCB or combination question 1st line therapy for Stage 2 HTN if no compelling indications answer thiazide-type diuretic AND ACEI, ARB, BB or CCB question 1st […]
Read morequestion dependent variable answer in an experimental study, the phenomenon that is measured and expected to be influenced question external validity answer extent to which research findings generalize, or apply, to people and settings not involved in the study question hypothesis answer educated guess or statement to be tested by research question internal validity answer […]
Read moreMolecular Formula BrCl2 Average mass Da Density Boiling Point Flash Point Molar Refractivity Polarizability Surface Tension Molar Volume Predicted – ACD/Labs Predicted – ChemAxon Predicted data is generated using the ACD/Labs Percepta Platform – PhysChem Module No predicted properties have been calculated for this compound. Density: Boiling Point: Vapour Pressure: Enthalpy of Vaporization: Flash Point: […]
Read morequestion polymorphism answer the occurrence of something in different forms among the members of a population or colony, or in the life cycle of an individual organism question – Pleiotropy– Epistasis– Linkage answer Factors affecting independence and F2 ratios question Pleiotropy answer one locus affects more than one traiteg White cat= WW or WwW allele […]
Read moreMolecular Formula C6H15CuNO3 Average mass 212.734 Da Density Boiling Point Flash Point Molar Refractivity Polarizability Surface Tension Molar Volume Predicted – ACD/Labs Predicted – ChemAxon Predicted data is generated using the ACD/Labs Percepta Platform – PhysChem Module No predicted properties have been calculated for this compound. Density: Boiling Point: Vapour Pressure: Enthalpy of Vaporization: Flash […]
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