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Native American Agriculture
Three-sister farming which is the 3 main agricultural crops used by native american groups. Included squash, maize, and beans.
Iroquois Confederacy
Confederation of 5 (later 6) Indian tribes across upper New York that during the 17th & 18th centuries that played a strategic role in the struggle between the French and the British for mastery of N. America. Included the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca. Later the Tuscarora joined in 1722.
Spanish Exploration
Portuguese used the caravel invented in 1450. Bartholomeu Dias traveled down African coast and rounded the southern tip. Vasco da Gama was 10 yrs after Dias finally reached India. Christopher Columbus eventually landed in America. Ponce de Leon was the 1st European to step foot in Florida. Spanish Conquistadors were conquerors used to conquer territory and open trade routes.
Joint Stock Companies
Example was the Virginia Company of London who was given a charter by King James 1 of England who wanted them to start a colony in the new world. Did it for the profit and only planned to be there for a short time. Landed off Chesapeake Bay and settled in Jamestown on May 24, 1607.
Off the Chesapeake Bay, founded by VA Company who settled by James River. Was unhealthy. Many died cuz they were too focused on gold and affected by disease. Cptn John Smith took over in 1608 and was taken by Indian chief Powhatan. Only 60 survived. Clashed with Powhatans. 3 Ds: disease, disorganization, and disposability caused the Indians trouble w/ the settlers.
John Rolfe was the father of the tobacco industry. 1612, methods of raising it were perfected. European demand skyrocketed. VA prospered. Tobacco ruined the soil. Became dependent on crop.
Virginia House of Burgesses
London company allowed colonists to gather an assembly called VA house of Burgesses. James 1 was hostile towards them and in 1624 revoked the charter from the VA company.
1649 Maryland Act of Religious Toleration
Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore who wanted to create a safe haven for catholics. Created this act that created tolerance for all Christians . However, it offered the death penalty for those who denied Jesus.
Puritans and Separatists
The Separatists, or Independents, were English Protestants who occupied the extreme wing of Puritanism. The Separatists were severely critical of the Church of England and wanted to either destroy it or separate from it. The Puritans were in and of the established church but objected to many of the ceremonies, such as the ring in marriage, the sign of the cross in baptisms, showy vestments, receiving evil livers to the communion. They believed in reform within the church and opposed separation from the church as a deadly sin.
Colonies Founded
New England- Plymouth/ Pilgrims in 1620 (later the Massachusetts Bay/ Puritans) given land by VA company. Mass. Bay colony lead by John Winthrop. Rhode Island in 1631 founded by Roger Williams. Connecticut in 1635 by Rev. Thomas Hooker. New Hampshire in 1623. Middle- New York/ New Netherlands in 1622 founded by the Dutch West India Company. New Jersey in 1702 by Lord Berkeley and Sir James Carteret. Pennsylvania in 1682 by William Penn. Delaware in 1701 by William Penn. South- Virginia in 1607 by VA Company. Maryland in 1634 by Lord Baltimore. Carolinas in 1663 by 8 aristocrats/nobles. Georgia in 1732 by James Oglethorpe.
Anne Hutchinson
Told that it didn't matter if you lived a holy life and that you didn't need to follow any laws because God had already decided where you were going. Called antinomianism and she was put on trial in 1638 and then banished. She left for Rhode Island.
Roger Williams
Salem minister who was an extreme separatist and wanted to break from the church of England. Claimed charter was not legal. Charged and was banished. Left for Rhode Island. Built the baptist church. Very liberal colony,
Headright System
Encouraged importation of servant workers. Whoever paid for passage of a laborer could acquire 50 acres of land. Masters benefited and turned their profit into real estate.
Bacon's Rebellion
Freed servants were frustrated as men couldn't find women and didn't have land. 1,000 Virginians broke out of control in 1676 who were led by Nathaniel Bacon. Many were looking for land. They opposed Berkeley's friendliness towards Indians. They attacked both friendly and hostile Indians.
Slave Importation
10 million African slaves in new world in 300 yrs. 400,000 in N. America. Most hauled to Spanish and Portuguese in S. America. More $ than white slaves. Came on Middle Passage.
Salem Witch Trials
Group of girls in Salem, Mass. said they were bewitched by an old lady and started witch hunts. Aimed at property owning women. Ended in 1693 and started in 1692 with the lynching of 20 people.
Ethnicity of Colonies
Germans were 6%. Scots-Irish were 7%. Multicolored were 5% (French, Welsh, Swedes, Jews, Irish, Swiss, and Scots). 20% were Africans.
Industry of Colonies
Agriculture leading industry: 90% of people. Tobacco in VA & MD. Wheat in Chesapeake. Middle colonies: grain. Triangular trade % trading slaves was very profitable.
Religion in Colonies
2 tax-supported churches: Anglican and The Congregational. Part of pop didn't worship any church. Presbyterian, Congregationalism, and rebellion came together.
Education in Colonies
Puritan New England stressed education more. Needed Bible reading. education flourished in New England. Elementary schools in middle and south. Most emphasis placed on religion. 1750- trend towards live languages and modern subjects.
The Great Awakening
Religious revival in 1730s and 40s. Ignited in Northhampton, Mass by pastor Jonathan Edwards. Said salvation depended on good deeds. George Whitefield preached of human helplessness.
Peter Zenger
printer from New York City and was arrested for serious libel against the governor.
French and Indian War
7 yrs war in Europe. Ohio country was the cause. British wanted more land but the french needed it to connect their lands. The British ended up winning but it set the stage for american independence later.
Albany Congress
1754, British gov't summoned intercolonial congress in Albany. NY. 1st purpose was to keep Iroquois loyal and 2nd was to provide defense against France.
To export more than you import, British idea during 17th century. justified control over colonies as the colonies gave raw materials to Britain and they were guaranteed a secure market for their exports.
Virtual Representation
A theory employed by the British gov't that every member of parliament represents all British subjects, including the colonies. This upset the colonies who felt they needed their own separate representation.
Sugar Act
1764- Secured from parliament by George Grenville. 1st law passed by parliament that raised taxes. Increased tax on sugar imported from w. indies. Colonists protested and the tax was lowered.
Stamp Act
1765- to support a new military. required use of stamped paper to show you paid the tax. Grenville thought these were fair because they were asking the colonists to help pay for their own defense.
First Continental Congress
1774- response to Intolerable Acts, met in Philadelphia to solve colonial grievances. 12 of 13 colonies sent 55 men who deliberated for 7 weeks and drew up declaration of rights.
British strengths and weaknesses
3 to 1 in the colonies, Britain had a professional army w/ 50,000 men. Americans had many but were poorly trained. British could hire foreigners to fight. France was their enemy and many British didn't want to kill Americans. America had amazing leaders but were badly organized.
Olive Branch Petition
adopted by Continental congress in 1775 which professed American loyalty to the crown. It begged the king to prevent war from continuing. However, after Bunker Hill, George III did not want to reconcile.
Purpose of Declaration of Independence
A clean break. It also allowed for foreign aid to be solicited and there was a bigger chance they would get it now.
Common Sense
Published by Thomas Paine in 1776, it asked why Britain should have control of vast America. It called for independence and a new political society. He argued that gov't officials should derive authority off of popular consent.
Treaty of Paris 1783
3 American peace negotiators gathered in Paris: Ben Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. France schemed to keep America weak and cooped up west of Allegheny Mountains. John Jay was unwilling and made secret overtures to London. British wanted alliance with America and were happy to agree to the terms. They granted boundaries from Mississippi to Great Lakes to Florida. Loyalists couldn't be persecuted and would get back their land. Independence was recognized.
Founding father's position on slavery
the idealism of the founding fathers was sacrificed for political expediency.
Articles of Confederation
Adopted in 1777, given to the french as proof of government. They were not ratified by all 13 until 1781. They provided loose confederation. the states were all linked together to deal with common problems. Congress was weak and amending them required unanimity. Congress had no power to regulate commerce and couldn't enforce taxes.
Land Ordinance 1785
Land should be sold and profits go to national debt, divided into townships of 6 square miles. then split into 36 sections of 1 square mile each. 16th section was for public schools.
Northwest Ordinance 1787
How should they deal with states? 2 evolutionary territorial stages: area subordinate to fed. gov't when 60,000 people lived there, they could be admitted as states and if they forbade slavery.
The document which established the present federal government of the United States and outlined its powers. It was adopted 1787 and went into effect 1789.
Bill of Rights
Antifederalists criticized the constitution because it did not guarentee individual rights. Amendments of the constitution can be proposed by a new constitutional convention requested by 2/3 states or a 2/3 vote in both houses. James Madison drafted the himself. The first 10 amendments are known as the Bill of Rights.They protect freedom of religion, right to bear arms, to be tried by a jury, assemble, etc.
Hamilton's financial Plan
Hamilton was Treasury secretary under Washington. His plan was to favor the wealthier groups so they would lend the government money and political support. He wanted to bolster national credit. He encouraged congress to fund entire national debt and the debt of the states.
Jay's Treaty
Washington sent John Jay to London to try and avoid war in 1794. Hamilton had sabatoged him by telling the British the American's bargaining strategy. The British did promise to leave their posts in the US but they had lied before. Britian also consented to pay the damages for taking American ships.
Alien and Sedition Acts
Federlists capitalized on the anti-French frenzy by creating laws to minimize their Jeffersonian foes in 1798. The 1st was aimed at pro-jefferson "aliens". They raised residence requirements from 5 years to 14. There were more that allowed the president to deport dangerous foreigners. The sedition act was their last measure. It went against freedom of speeach and press. You could be fined or imprisoned for saying something against the president.
Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions
The Jeffersonians refused to take the sedition laws lying down. Jefferson secretly wrote a series of resolutions which kentucky legislature approved in 1798 and 99. James Madison drafted similar statement that was adopted by VA legislature in 1798. They stressed that the 13 states had entered into a compact so the gov't was created by them. They said individual states were final judges. They didn't accept the sedition acts.
Election of 1800
Jefferson won 73 to 65 against Adams. Jefferson polled bult of strength in south and west. 3/5 compromise helped win him presidency, gave him the upper hand. Jefferson and Aaron Burr(VP) got the same # of electoral votes. Went to the House and TJ became pres.
Supporters of the Constitution that were led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. They firmly believed the national government should be strong. They didn't want the Bill of Rights because they felt citizens' rights were already well protected by the Constitution.
John Marshall
Chief Justice who was appointed to supreme court by Adams. Served at Valley Forge and spent 34 years under Jefferson and others. Helped idea that supreme court had last word on constitutionality.
Judicial Review
the power of the Supreme Court to declare laws and actions of local, state, or national governments unconstitutional. Was promoted by John Marshall
Jefferson and Foreign Policy
Jefferson wanted America to say isolated. He wanted a small army and navy.
Embargo Act
1807, passed by TJ. It forbade export of all goods from US. The economy suffered as it hurt commerce in new england and the south. A lot of illicit trade began in 1808. It revived the federalist party and new england began talking of secession. Repealed March 1, 1809.
War of 1812
Small war with 6,000 Americans killed or wounded. in 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia with 500,000 men while Madison tried to invade Canada with 5,000. Many other nations started to respect America because of their fearlessness. America's army was ill-trained and ill-prepared.No one won and the Treaty of Ghent was signed.
Hartford Convention
One of the biggest manifestations of federalist discontent. in 1814, Mass. issued a call for a convention in Hartford, Connecticut. MA, RI, Conn were fully represented and New Hampshire and Vermont were partially represented. Demanded finacial assistence from Washington and proposed new constitutional amendments.
Rush-Bagot Agreement
After war of 1812, Americans and British engaged in floating arms race on the Great Lakes. However, the rush bagot agreement was created and it severely limited naval armaments on the lakes. the fighting fizzled out.
Tariff of 1816
British competitors attempted to get rid of the American factories by producing their products but charging very little for it. Congres passed the tariff whose rates were 20-25%.
Missouri Compromise
1820, To find a solution to the problem of Missouri wanting to be admitted as a free state, they decided on a compromise. Congress agreed to admit Missouri as a slave state but also admit Maine as a free state. All future slavery was banned from the remainder of the Louisiana purchase north of line 36 30'
Voting requirement changes
More voted, spoils system came into play.
Tariff of 1828
referred to as tariff of abominations, in 1824, the general tariff increased but wool manufacturers wanted higher and it passed in 1828. It was hated by southerners-didn't have much manufacturing industry and felt it discriminated against them. They sold cotton unprotected by tariffs and were forced to buy manufactured goods that were heavily protected.
The South Carolina Exposition
South Carolinians knew w. indies were being pressured by British to abolish slavery. They took a stand against the encroachments of states' rights. They protested the tariff and published a pamphlet called the South Carolina exposition. It was written by John C. Calhoun. It denounced the tariff as unconstitutional and said states should nullify the tariff. New tariff passed in 1832 which helped a little by SC's still not happy. Clay then influenced the compromise of 1833 that reduced the tariff by 10% over 8 years.
Nullification Crisis
Through Jackson's first term, nullies tried to get 2/3 vote for nullification in SC legislatures but were blocked by the minority of Unionists. When tariff of 1832 passed, still not happy. They then got 2/3 vote and declared tariff null and void within SC. Threatened to take SC out of the Union if gov't tried to force them to pay. Andrew Jackson would not allow defiance or disunion. He privately threatened to invade and hang nullifiers. Then Compromise of 1833 passed as the south supported it.
NEW Democracy, Killing of the BUS, Nullification Crisis, Indian Removal, Creating a 2 party system (whigs), Kitchen cabinet, Spoils System.
Rechartering the Second BUS
Jackson didn't like the BUS which did not print paper money and was the most powerful bank. It was the principle depository for gov't funds and controlled much of the nations gold and silver. It was a private institution and was only accountable to its investors. Its president was Nicholas Biddle who held a huge amount of power. 1832, Webster and Clay presented bill to renew charter and Jackson vetoed it. The BUS was due to expire in 1836 but Jackson decided to bury it for good by removing federal deposits from its vaults. The death of the BUS left the economy with a vacuum and funds were placed in "pet banks". Jackson tried to reign it in by issuing his specie circular that requires all public land to be purchased with hard money. This contributed to the crash of 1837.
Election 1832
Clay vs Jackson. 3rd party entered (anti-masonic party) who opposed influence and secrecy of masonic order, They were also against Jackson who was one. In this election, they called national nominating conventions to name candidates and they adopted formal platforms. Clay had advantages like $50,000 from BUS but Jackson still won 219 to 49.
Indian Removal
Jackson's democrats were committed to expanding west. This meant confrontation with the Indians. Federal policy toward them varied and a lot of energy was devoted to civilizing them. 5 civilized tribes: the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles. 1828, Georgia declared Cherokee council illegal. The supreme court supported the Indians but Andrew Jackson ignored them, He proposed removing eastern tribes and uprooted 100,000 indians. in 1830, the Indian Removal Act passed which moved them East of Mississippi and told them they would be free from White encroachment.
Emigration to Texas
Spanish authorities wanted to populate Texas but Mexicans won their independence. New regime granted huge tract of land to Stephen Austin so he would bring 300 families there to settle and become Mexicanized. Many settlers resented the foreign government. There were 30,000 settlers there in 1854. Leader was ex-gov of Tennessee Sam Houston. Austin went to Mexico City to negotiate differences and Santa Anna put him in jail. 1836, Texans declared independence, unfurled the lone star flag, and named Sam Houston as commander in chief. Houston won and forced Santa Anna to sign 2 treaties. US gov't caught btwn neutrality and US citizens.
Th 48er's: influx of refugees coming from Germany between 1830 and 1860. More than 1.5 million came and many were liberal political refugees who were upset because of the collapse of the democratic revolutions in 1848.
the Nativists/ Know-Nothing Party were scared that foreigners would out number native americans. They were prejudiced against the Roman Catholic Irish and German. The Know-Nothing Party wanted restrictions on immigration and laws authorizing deportation.
Commonwealth v. Hunt
Labor unions were forbidden and against the law. Mr. Hunt was arrested and charged with conspiracy for calling a strike. Chief Justice Shaw declared that the act of unionization was legal which legalized the existence of trade organizations and recognized labor's right to organize unions.
Samuel Slater: skilled mechanic from Britain who heard of bounties in America looking for British workers familiar with textile machines. He memorized the plans and left for America in disguise and then reconstructed the machine in 1791. Eli Whitney: heard that poverty in the south would be relieved if someone created a machine that would separate the seeds from the cotton fiber. He built a crude machine in 10 days in 1793 that was 50 times as effective as handpicking. New ideas for machines to make parts so they were all the same size. Elias Howe/Isaac Singer: Elias Howe invented the sewing machine and Isaac Singer perfected it. It became the foundation of the ready-made clothing industry. Samuel F. B. Morse: A portrait painter who secured from congress $30,000 to support his experiment with talking wires. In 1844, he strung a wire 40 miles and tapped out a message. He invented the telegraph. Robert Fulton: Painter/engineer who installed a steam engine in a vessel known as the Clermont. He got it to travel up the Hudson River towards Albany. It went 150 miles in 32 hours.
Cumberland Road
Fed. gov't in 1811 constructed the cumberland road which went from Maryland to Illinois, 591 miles. Finished in 1852.
Erie Canal
Known as Clinton's big ditch, dug by new yorkers. It linked the Great Lakes with the Hudson River and it was lead by Governor DeWitt Clinton. It began in 1817 and went 363 miles. It was completed in 1825. It allowed passengers and freight to be handled faster and the cost of shipping went down dramatically.
Effect of Transportation Revolution: economy/society
The rail road was the most significant contribution to the development of the economy in the US. It was fast, reliable, cheap. 1st one was in 1828. They were finding faster and cheaper ways to transport themselves and goods.
Reforms, Abolition, Women's Movement, Temperance, Religion, Utopias, Criminal/Penal Reforms, Education
Transcendentalism is an American literary, political, and philosophical movement of the early nineteenth century, centered around Ralph Waldo Emerson (poet and philosopher). Other important transcendentalists were Henry David Thoreau (poet and individualist), Margaret Fuller. It allowed foreign influence and rejected all knowledge that comes from our 5 senses.
The Knickerbocker group in NY enabled America to boast of literature. Washington Irving was the 1st American to win international recognition. James Fenimore Cooper was 1st American novelist to gain world fame. William Cullen Bryant wrote 1st high quality poems in USA.
Hudson River School
The Hudson River School was a mid-19th century American art movement embodied by a group of landscape painters whose aesthetic vision was influenced by romanticism.
King Cotton
Cotton was one of the most important crops to the south. It accounted for 75% of American exports and was 1/2 the value of US exports after 1840. The South produced over half of the world's supply of cotton. Foreign nations relied on it. South felt powerful.
Cotton Gin
Invited by Eli Whitney in 1793. This invention led to making processing cotton quicker which in turn led to slave owners wishing to acquire more slaves and it led to the Rise of Cotton in the South.
Slave Owners
In 1850, 345,000 less wealthy slave owners and 2/3 owned less than 10. 1/4 of southerners owned slaves. Small farmers were the majority of masters. Many lived in back country and didn't own any slaves. They still supported the system of slavery as well. They felt it was the american dream.
William Lloyd Garrison
1831, published 1st issue of his anti-slavery paper the Liberator. He hated slavery and would not tolerate it. He founded the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833.
Election 1844
Between Henry Clay and James K. Polk. Clay was a whig and Polk was a democrat. Polk was first surprise candidate and he was sponsored by Andrew Jackson. The whole election was centered around manifest destiny and democraats favored expanding while the whigs didn't want to. Polk won.
Manifest Destiny
Manifest destiny was the belief widely held by Americans in the 19th century that the United States was destined to expand across the continent.
Maine Border Dispute
Caused the Aroostook Wars, the British wanted to build a road that ran through territory that was disputed. The road was to be from Halifax to Quebec. Fighting broke out between lumberjacks from Maine and Canada and they both called the local militia. The battle was small but could have easily escalated. London sent diplomat to negotiate in 1842. Maine believed that the land belonged to them under a misleading peace treaty.
US Claim to Oregon Country
The British and Americans fought over Oregon. The British were there first and they had the initial claim to the land. However, the Americans had discovered the land as well due to Lewis and Clark's expedition. Cpn Robert Gray discovered Columbia river as well. Both British and Americans lived peacefully until Oregon fever hit. A flood of Americans traveled to Oregon and America soon took over.
Mexican War
The border of Texas as an independent state had never been settled. The Republic of Texas claimed land up to the Rio Grande based on the Treaties of Velasco, but Mexico refused to accept these as valid, claiming the border as the Nueces River. President Polk claimed the Rio Grande boundary, and this provoked a dispute with Mexico. In July 1845, Polk sent General Zachary Taylor to Texas, and by October 3,500 Americans were on the Nueces River, prepared to defend Texas from a Mexican invasion.
Spot Resolutions
Lincoln had a resolution to the Mexican issues. He wanted information on the exact spot where American blood was spilled. He pushed so much that he became known as spotty lincoln.
Wilmot Priviso
Stated that slavery was not to be in any territory gained by the American-Mexican war. The bill never passed. It was supported by Northern Abolitionists and disliked by pro-slavery people. It was introduced by David Wilmot on August 8th, 1846.
Popular Sovereignty
Lewis Cass was the father of popular sovereignty . It allows the states themselves to choose if they want slavery. It accorded with democratic ideals.
Harriet Tubman
A conductor for the Underground Railroad, she was an illiterate runaway slave from MD. She made 19 trips trips to the south and rescued more than 300 slaves.
Compromise 1850
Cali became free state which tipped senate balance against south. New Mexico and Utah under pop. sovereignty and texas was paid $10 million to give up disputed land in New Mexico. Slave trade outlawed in Washington DC and the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 was passed.
Fugitive Slave Law
1793: Inadequate to cope with runaway slaves. The state's authorities were very unfriendly. 1850: fleeing slaves were unable to testify on own behalf and were denied a jury trial. Federal commissioner would get 10 dollars for every slave he sent back.
Kansas Nebraska Act
created the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and opened their lands to settlement. They both had popular sovereignty and it was designed by stephen douglas to get transcontinental railroad to run through the north.
Lecompton Constitution
Created by pro-slavery forces in Kansas during "bleeding kansas" and it only allowed vote for constitution with or without slavery. If against, still could have slaves in territory. Approved with slavery in 1857.
Dred Scott
Ended up getting rid of missouri compromise. Dred Scott had traveled to free territories with his master and he claimed he was free. SC said no and ruled that they were property and could be taken anywhere. He also couldn't sue because he was not a citizen.
Freeport Doctrine
In debates against Lincoln, Douglas said that of the people wanted slavery down, it would be no matter what the courts said.
John Brown
Very dedicated to abolition. From Ohio, led band of followers to Pottawatomie Creek in May 1856 and hacked 5 men to pieces in Kansas. Then schemed to invade the south with followers and call upon slaves to rise. Give them weapons, Harper's Ferry on Oct. 1859. Seized fed. arsenal and killed 7 people. Slaves failed to rise and he was captured.
Civil War causes and Effects
Differences between the North and South John Brown Uncle Tom's Cabin Northern Abolitionists Death of the Missouri Compromise Election of 1860 Fort Sumter
Lincoln and the Border States
They were the only slave states left in the Union. Missouri, Kentucky, MD, Delaware, W. VA. If north had fired first shot, these states would have seceded. They were useful to have in the union as they had access to the ohio river, the Cumberland, and Tennessee rivers.
British Diplomacy
Britain depended heavily on the souths cotton and probably would have intervened if it hadn't been on the focus of slavery. Its citizens did not want slavery to exist in the US so they supported the North.
Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter was a Union controlled Fort in the South. The South didn't like that it was Union controlled and told The North that if they didn't surrender the fort then they would attack. Lincoln replied that they were sending "supplies" and would leave once the supplies got there. The South thought they were sending reinforcements and attacked the Fort. This sparked the start of the Civil War. Due to the South attacking first, the North got more volunteers to help with the war effort.
1st Bull Run
the first major land battle of the American Civil War, fought on July 21, 1861, near Manassas, Virginia. Unseasoned Union Army troops under Brig. Gen. Irvin McDowell advanced across Bull Run against the equally unseasoned Confederate Army under Brig. Gens. Joseph E. Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard, and despite the Union's early successes, they were routed and forced to retreat back to Washington, D.C.
Battle of Antietam
Lee's attack on Maryland in hopes that he could take it from the Union, bloodiest one day battle of the war, stalemate, McClellan replaced by Burnside, South would never be so close to victory again.
Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln issued it and freed all the slaves in the Confederate states, but slaves in Border States loyal to the Union remained enslaved. It only applied to states in rebellion (Confederate states). It led to slaves rebelling and joining the Union army and increased sympathy from Europe
Battle of Gettysburg
furthest north that the confederate troops go, the try to surround DC and get them to surrender, largest battle in western hemisphere, bloodiest 3 days of us history and bloodiest battle of civil war and most casualties ever in american history, 53,000 casualties, Lincoln gives Gettysburg address, also described as a turning point in war,, 3rd day was Picketts charge
Election 1864
In this election, five political parties supported candidates for the presidency. They included the War Democrats, Peace Democrats, Copperheads, Radical Republicans, and the National Union Party. Each political party offered a different point of view on how the war should be run and what should be done to the Confederate states after the war. The National Union Party joined with Lincoln won the election on the recent northern victories against the South. Lincoln's election had not been guaranteed.
Union Party
included all of the Republicans and the war Democrats. It excluded the Copperheads and peace Democrats. It was formed out of fear of the Republican party losing control. It was responsible for nominating Lincoln
Presidential Reconstruction
Lincoln's plan was to have a state vote 10% and ratify the 13th amendment to join the South. Northern Republicans thought it was too easy
Congressional Reconstruction
1. Military governors to rule Southern states 2.Majority of citizens required to take loyalty oath Was more strict than Presidential Reconstruction Passed Reconstruction Act of 1867
Johnson's Presidency
1st president to be impeached, not very well liked. He was a white supremacist and the radical republicans did not like him very much.
Force Acts
1870-71: Put into action against the KKK and said that federal troops could take action against them.
Hayes-Tilden Standoff
The republicans nominated Rutherford B. Hayes and the Democrats chose New York's reform governor , Samuel J. Tilden. When the popular voted were counted , the democrats had won a clear majority and expected Tilded to be put in the white house. In three southern states , however, the returns were contested. To win the election , Tilden needed one more electoral vote from either South Carolina, Florida, or Louisiana. A special electoral commission was created to determine who was entitled to the disputed votes of the three states. In the party vote all of the electoral votes were given to Hayes, the republican
Compromise 1877
Agrees that Hayes will win and in turn all federal troops will be withdrawn from the south and that reconstruction will end.
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