Anglo Saxon. EU.Asia – Flashcards
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The EU Crisis
The European debt crisis is the shorthand term for Europe's struggle to pay the debts it has built up in recent decades. Five of the region's countries - Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and Spain - have, to varying degrees, failed to generate enough economic growth to make their ability to pay back bondholders the guarantee The global economy has experienced slow growth since the U.S. financial crisis of 2008-2009, which has exposed the unsustainable fiscal policies of countries in Europe and around the globe. Greece, which spent heartily for years and failed to undertake fiscal reforms, was one of the first to feel the pinch of weaker growth. When growth slows, so do tax revenues - making high budget deficits unsustainable. The result was that the new Prime Minister George Papandreou, in late 2009, was forced to announce that previous governments had failed to reveal the size of the nation's deficits. In truth, Greece's debts were so large that they actually exceed the size of the nation's entire economy, and the country could no longer hide the problem. Why? Investors responded by demanding higher yields on Greece's bonds, which raised the cost of the country's debt burden and necessitated a series of bailouts by the European Union and European Central Bank (ECB). The markets also began driving up bond yields in the other heavily indebted countries in the region, anticipating problems similar to what occurred in Greece.
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Sweden As a Case study
The The global economy has experienced slow growth since the U.S. financial crisis of 2008-2009, which has exposed the unsustainable fiscal policies of countries in Europe and around the globe. Greece, which spent heartily for years and failed to undertake fiscal reforms, was one of the first to feel the pinch of weaker growth. When growth slows, so do tax revenues - making high budget deficits unsustainable. The result was that the new Prime Minister George Papandreou, in late 2009, was forced to announce that previous governments had failed to reveal the size of the nation's deficits. In truth, Greece's debts were so large that they actually exceed the size of the nation's entire economy, and the country could no longer hide the problem. Investors responded by demanding higher yields on Greece's bonds, which raised the cost of the country's debt burden and necessitated a series of bailouts by the European Union and European Central Bank (ECB). The markets also began driving up bond yields in the other heavily indebted countries in the region, anticipating problems similar to what occurred in Greece.
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The Swedish Model
The Swedish Model aimed at providing economic security, including full employment, and egalitarianism, which included both reducing income differences and eliminating poverty. The institution created to carry out the Swedish model were a large public sector founded by high tax rate; strong stabilization policies, including active labor market intervention and centralized wage bargaining. Also, income equities was due to government income redistribution. The Swedish welfare system provides an extreme microcosm of welfare program in other part of Europe. In Germany, France, Italy, transfer for pensions, unemployment, maternity leaves, and other benefits are paid out of general revenues on a pay as you go basis.
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Explain indicative planning in France
Indicative planning in France plans from 1947 to the 1980s. The plan played an important role until the fist half of the 1960s when there were clear national goals.
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Why the Government in Europe?
Strong demand for public goods and government service. Risk Aversion --> social insurance and income protection program. Choice over the efficiency-equity trade-off under low social mobility. Intellectual tradition, strong unions, and socialist and labor parties.
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The Asian Model
The Asian, model it experienced a rapid economic growth and catch up and four common characteristics. The first, there is a strong role of government in economic development: building the framework of a modern economy in a short period to begin industrialization such as the factory system, roads, railroads, ports, post and telecommunications, banking and education. The second, The gerschenkron effect, A later comer shorten the process of industrialization by adopting modern technology and institutions from advanced economies. The third is Industrialization through resource mobilization, rapid growth in labor and capital. The high rate of investment in human and physical capital are common to the Asian model. The forth is outward orientation, Export promotion and low import barriers which is exposing domestic industries to the world market. The Lewis model Pre-modern agricultural economy is Monsoon Asia, there was high population density, low income and labor surplus in agricultural sector. Industrialization trade and growth: Comparative advantage in labor intensive manufactures, industrialization starting from light industry, investment in human capital as well as physical capital, industrial transition to heavy industry.
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The Asian Model Corporation
Just like European model, Asian model is common to finance bank loans rather than capital market (share ad bonds) Shareholding and conglomerates are common. Zaibatu system is used in Japanese market before world war 2 which were vertical or horizontal conglomerates that dominated Japanese industry. The keiretu were take place in postwar. The keiretu are horizontal vertical conglomerates with large banks at their center. It was boom from the 1950s-1980s, and it was furthermore Asia etc, In Asia families own the largest business. The confusion family ideology is reflected in East Asia. Asian firm usually deal with other firms on the basis of personal agreements, informal enforcement, or existing trust relationship. The positive element is that it reduce the principal agent program but cross holding creates a further risk of expropriation of minotry shareholders. The family owner of a number of companies can divert asset from one company to another. The problem is that the family run chaebol can be described as poor corporate governance, because it is more likely the authority of the company is past to the son and it is high possibility that company use asset for the benefit of the family members place Korean.
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Japanese company and Labor Union
The Japanese company model. Japan is a society of long term commitment. Face to Face communication social relations rather than impersonal on the spot market transaction of atomicstic individuals. Four characteristics are The lifetime employment system, rational contracting ( between the core firm and suppliers), the close government business relationships. Unlike in Europe and with the clear exception of South Korea, Union and employment protection have been weak in Asia. In Japan, Labor union tend to be enterprise union. In Asia it varies from country to country. For example Singapore has the least amount of protection in its labor market. but Thailand has the most flexible of democratic labor market. In Asia, percent labor agreement covered by collective bargaining and percent labor unionized The lack of collective bargaining means that workers bargain individual with employers. Without collective bargaining and its threat of strike, we suspect that Asian workers have less bargain power
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The Asian model Explain about The seniority wage system
The characteristic of Japanese economy is that a share economy. A share economy is one in which employee share the risk of he company by having bonuses, based on profits, as a substantial component of their compensation. The earning wage profile in Japan is a lot more steeper than in the IS. Steeper as the firm size expands. What happening here is that the worker get pay more as the time elapsed. The Worker become productivity. Rising MPL through extensive training and experience. ( human capital then increased or embed into individual. Blue collar workers also have steep profiles. Companies want employees stay at the company and that lead to firm specific skill based in the market. Ins there an intrinsic seniority element? Wage for the old workers Firms are systematically underpaying younger works. Young workers are accumulating intangible saving; Workers do not shrink, because they do not wish to lose the wage premium later in their working life.
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What is the benefit of the life employment?
This system facilitates firms investment in human capital (worker training) because the return on investment for firms become high when workers stay with the firm long. Workers wages grow as they stay with the firm long. So they choose to stay long. Low turnover saves labor costs for employees. It also has been regarded both as a plus for the system, increased loyalty and better trained workers) and as minus (companies are unable to shed workers during economic downturn) Also it requires lower motioning costs and this is best suited to manufacturing firms that rely heavily on skilled blue-collar workers. But it should be emphasized that this system is may not be suitable for the new economy; innovations rather than skill formation of production workers is critical.
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What is industrial policy?
Policy to encourage production, investment, research and development, modernization and reorganization in certain industries and discourage such activities in others. Economist Patrick claimed that it has certain characteristic of microeconomics policy, incentive to save, invest and engage in R&D which increase the productivity capacity of economy in the long run.
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What are the objectives?
1) Capability of the government to draft and implement policies. 2)Broad consensus on goals 3)Compliance by the industry 4)Availability of policy tools
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Explain Japanese Industrial policy
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the bank of Japan were in charge of industry policy. 1)Protection was that high traffits and imports quotas. 2)Subsides loans and tax incentive: low interest rate export credits, accelerated depreciation allowance, tax credit for investment expenditures, research grants, loans form government. 3)exemption of antitrust regulations 4)Administrative guidance: non-legally-binding recommendation made by government ministries to private companies for moral suasion 5)Industry with comparative advantage 6)Industry producing goods with income elastic demand 7) Industry whose productivity growth is rapid
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What are the effect of industry policy?
Private corporations became stronger and more independent Reorientation of industry policy: more emphasis on the assistance for declining industries.
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