American Lit Part 2 – Flashcards

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What is the most likely reason that Mr. Oakhurst shot himself? ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. He was in despair over the fate of the outcasts. B. He did not want to starve to death with the rest of the party. C. It was his cowardly way of avoiding responsibility for his actions. D. He wanted to leave all the provisions for Piney and the Duchess.
B. He did not want to starve to death with the rest of the party.
How are you able to make predictions about what will happen in a story? (The Outcasts of Poker Flat) A. Rewriting confusing sentences. B. Underline the words you don't understand. C. Use clues in the text. D. Make an outline of the story's structure.
C. Use clues in the text.
The following passage foreshadows the fate of the group of outcasts in "The Outcasts of Poker Flat". "I'm proud to live in the service of the Lord,/ and I'm bound to die in His army' ...and the flames of their alter leaped heavenward as if in token of the vow. A. True. B. False.
A. True.
Twain learns to no longer see the river as an object to admire, but as a living thing to understand and navigate in "Life on the Mississippi". A. True. B. False.
A. True.
Twain, in "The Lowest Animal" sets off to disprove that animals are superior to humans. A. True. B. False.
B. False.
In the results of the experiment in "The Lowest Animal." the cat does not deliberately terrify the mouse. it does not know the mouse is suffering. A. True. B. False.
A. True.
The stranger's frog wins the contest in "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" because he is faster. A. True. B. False.
B. False.
"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" is a story within a story. A. True. B. False.
A. True.
Cather clearly wants readers to sympathize with Aunt Georgiana's plights. Which of the following elements best makes the author's case? A. The detailed description of the Nebraska homestead and the family's harsh life. B. Clark's description of his boyhood on his aunt and uncle's Vermont farm. C. The description of Aunt Georgiana's early years in the culture of Boston. D. Clark's recollection of his lesson in Latin and music.
A. The detailed description of the Nebraska homestead and the family's harsh life.
Aunt Georgiana's reaction to the setting of the concert reveals that she... (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. Enjoys being part of the appreciative audience. B. Is overcome by the beauty of her surroundings. C. Feels isolated and aloof from the rest of the concertgoers. D. Has poor vision and is unable to appreciate the details of the concert hall.
C. Feels isolated and aloof from the rest of the concertgoers.
Georgiana cries during the concert primarily because she remembers how important music is to her. (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. True B. False
A. True.
What is Mrs. Mallard's reaction to the news of her husband's death and how does it change? ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. She shows a cruel sense of happiness, but then feels remorseful. B. She doesn't accept it and then is overcome with grief. C. She weeps uncontrollably and then feels a sense of hopefulness. D. She is relieved at first and then regrets his absence.
C. She weeps uncontrollably and then feels a sense of hopefulness.
What was Mrs. Mallard waiting for "fearfully"? ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. To hear from the ghost of her husband B. For her true feelings to arise C. For the grim reality to set in D. To hear that her husband was alive
B. For her true feelings to arise.
"The Story of an Hour" celebrates marriage. ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. True B. False
B. False.
The man realizes that death is imminent when he... (in "To Build a Fire") A. Has finished all of his food. B. Determines the distance to camp. C. Discovers he cannot use his extremities. D. Trips and falls into the spring.
C. Discovers he cannot use his extremities.
What can you infer about London's beliefs from this line: "Its instincts told it a truer tale than was told to the man by the man's judgment"? (in "To Build a Fire") A. Nature is easily controlled by human judgment in the struggle with nature. B. Animals always know better than their human masters. C. Instinct may win out over human judgment in the struggle with nature. D. People should never follow their instincts but use reason instead.
C. Instinct may win out over human judgment in the struggle with nature.
The dog becomes suspicious of the man when he yells at him in a mean voice. (in "To Build a Fire") A. True B. False
B. False.
Which of the following details about Piney Woods reinforces her characterization as an innocent compared to the Duchess? ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. "...Piney, a stout, comely damsel of fifteen, emerged from behind the pinetree, where she had been blushing unseen..." B. "Piney was ...talking in an impulsive, girlish fashion to the Duchess..." C. "Piney...managed to pluck several reluctant melodies from the keys..." D. "...the virgin Piney sweetly as though attended by celestial guardian;..."
D. "...the virgin Piney sweetly as though attended by celestial guardian;..."
After the group is snowbound, Oakhurst's thoughts are that they are victims of what? ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. Bad luck B. An earned fate C. Tragic circumstances D. An unforeseeable accident
A. Bad luck
What was the real reason the citizens of Poker Flat decided to "rid the town of improper persons?" ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. They believed it was time to rid the town of evil influences. B. They wanted to make their community safer for women and horses. C. They felt cheated by a prominent citizen who stole money and horses. D. They were influenced by their respect for law and good government.
C. They felt cheated by a prominent citizen who stole money and horses.
Why did Oakhurst try to persuade his companions to keep moving, even though they had found a suitable place for a camp? ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. He wanted to set up a poker game in Sandy Bar. B. He knew that it was going to begin snowing. C. He wanted to avoid a meeting with Tom and Piney. D. He knew outcasts did not have enough food or camping equipment.
D. He knew outcasts did not have enough food or camping equipment.
As the concert ends, Clark says to his aunt, "From the trembling of her face, I could well believe that before the last numbers she had been carried out where the myriad graves are...where...hope had lain down with hop and dream with dream and, renouncing, slept." What is the most significant thematic inference you can draw from this passage? (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. One thing a person wished for can end in disappointment. B. A difficult life has the power to a person's spirit to sleep. C. Our faces often reflect how we are feeling. D. A person can realize hopeless regret over having made the wrong choice in life.
D. A person can realize hopeless regret over having made the wrong choice in life.
At first, Clark regrets his plans to take Aunt Georgiana to the concert because... (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. He is doubtful that, after so many years, she will enjoy the concert. B. She might embarrass him by her unsophisticated appearance. C. She might fall asleep during the concert because it lasts so long. D. She might not understand the new music she should hear.
A. He is doubtful that, after so many years, she will enjoy the concert.
From the story, what can you infer about Kate Chopin and her attitudes towards marriage? ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. She thought marriage was a positive, liberating institution for women. B. She thought marriage was fine and all women should get married. C. She felt marriage was about living for someone else and bending to his will. D. She felt marriage made women weak and gave women heart conditions.
C. She felt marriage was about living for someone else and bending to his will.
What ulterior motive might Richards have had in telling Mrs. Mallard about her husband's death? ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. Richards wanted to play the role of rescuer. B. Richard liked giving bad news. C. Richards was a cold and heartless man. D. Richards had no ulterior motives.
A. Richards wanted to play the role of rescuer.
What can you infer from the following phrases in the opening paragraph, "...there seemed an intangible pall..." and "...a subtle gloom that made the day dark..."? (in "To Build a Fire") A. That the story is all going to be cheerful. B. That something bad is going to happen in the story. C. That the story is all going to take place after dark. D. That the day is gloomy but the story will end happily.
B. That something bad is going to happen in the story.
When his spittle crackled in the air, the man... (in "To Build a Fire") A. Should have paid no attention to the sound. B. Should have been alerted to the extreme cold. C. Should have realized that it was getting warmer. D. Should have known that it was late in the day
B. Should have been alerted to the extreme cold.
Kate Chopin lived when women could vote. ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. True B. False
B. False
The dog becomes suspicious of the man when he yells at him in a mean voice. (in "To Build a Fire") A. True B. False
B. False
The man determines that it is fifty below zero because his spittle crackled in the air. (in "To Build a Fire") A. True B. False
A. True
After the group is snowbound, Oakhurst's thoughts are that they are victims of bad luck. ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. True B. False
A. True
At first, Clark regrets his plans to take Aunt Georgiana to the concert because he is doubtful that, after so many years, she will enjoy the concert. (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. True B. False
A. True
What can we infer about Beck Weathers' motivation to keep moving? (Left for Dead) A. He wanted to see his family, and dying on a mountain wasn't noble. B. He wanted to make sure he made it to the top of Mt. Everest C. He didn't want to die on a mountain without dignity. D. He wanted to see his family, and he was determined to live.
D. He wanted to see his family, and he was determined to live.
The main idea of the story is that-- (Left for Dead) A. Human will can sometimes overcome the forces of nature. B. You should never try to climb Mt. Everest during a blizzard. C. You cannot trust your friends to do the right thing. D. No human is equal to the overwhelming power of nature.
A. Human will can sometimes overcome the forces of nature.
The main idea of the story is that human will can sometimes overcome the forces of nature. (Left for Dead) A. True B. False
A. True
Miniver Cheevy best loves what? (in "Miniver Cheevy") A. Spending time with family and friends B. Thinking of past glorious civilizations C. Working hard to earn money D. Serving in his country's army
B. Thinking of past glorious civilizations.
In "Richard Cory," what does Robinson mean when he says of the townspeople that they "went without the meat and cursed the bread'? A. They were on the brink of starvation. B. They lacked the good things in life. C. Richard Cory didn't feed them well. D. They gave their food to Richard Cory.
B. They lacked the good things in life.
Arrayed means to be set upon vigorously with hostile words. A. True B. False
B. False
What does the "mask" that Dunbar refers to represent in "We Wear the Mask"? A. It is the mask that is worn for an African American traditional dance. B. It is a mask worn on holidays. C. It is a mask that is used to hunt animals. D. It is the front African Americans put up for the world.
D. It is the front African Americans put up for the world.
What do you think Fredrick Douglass represents to Dunbar? A. He represents a father figure. B. He represents depression. C. He represents a leader who delivered hope to the enslaved. D. He represents sadness.
C. He represents a leader who delivered hope to the enslaved.
Myriad means innumerable; countless. A. True B. False
A. True
The unique way an author expresses him- or herself is called ____. A. Tone B. Voice C. Participials
B. Voice
The tone in a reflective essay should be A. Formal. B. Clinical. C. Informal. D. Inconsistent.
C. Informal
Participial phrases consist only of the participal. A. True B. False
B. False
Which of the following is an example of parallel structure? A. Susan climbed up the stairs, opened the door, and turned on the light. B. Susan climbs up the stairs, opens the door, and turned on the light. C. Susan climbed up the stairs, opens the door, and turns on the light. D. Susan climbs up the stairs, opened the door, and turns on the light.
A. Susan climbed up the stairs, opened the door, and turned on the light
Which of the following is an example of parallel structure? A. Bill is running late, and it was raining outside. B. Bill was running late, and it rains outside. C. Bill runs late, and it was raining outside. D. Bill was running late, and it was raining outside.
D. Bill was running late, and it was raining outside
Parallel structure is used to link and express ideas of equal weight. A. True B. False
A. True
After the group is snowbound, Oakhurst's thoughts are that they are victims of what? ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. Bad luck B. An earned fate C. Tragic circumstances D. An unforeseeable accident
A. Bad luck
What characteristic of regionalism is contained in the following quotation: "It's agin justice," said Jim Wheeler, "to let this yer young mad...carry away our money"? ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. Sentimentality B. Direct characterization C. Regional dialect D. Emphasis on setting.
Regional dialect
At one point Weathers thinks about his damaged hands, face, and blindness; why did he think that those things were the "small stuff'"? (Left for Dead) A. They aren't important to life. B. They meant nothing in the face of death. C. They are all small, unimportant parts of the body. D. They meant nothing compared to the state of his feet.
B. They meant nothing in the face of death
What inference can we make about how Beck Weathers' face became black?(Left for Dead) A. His face was severely frostbitten. B. He was wearing a black face mask. C. He had painted his face black to block the sun. D. Burleson couldn't see well in the dark.
A. His face was severely frostbitten.
"Richard Cory" contains images of what? A. Poor people living on the street B. Life in the big city C. Life in a small town D. People working in a factory
C. Life in a small town
Who is the narrator of "Richard Cory"? A. Richard Cory himself B. Richard Cory's best friend C. Richard Cory's wife D. An observer from town
D. An observer from town
What does the "mask" that Dunbar refers to represent in "We Wear the Mask"? A. It is the mask that is worn for an African American traditional dance. B. It is a mask worn on holidays. C. It is a mask that is used to hunt animals. D. It is the front African Americans put up for the world.
D. It is the front African Americans out up for the world
What social issues does the poem "We Wear the Mask" deal with? A. Racism B. Idolatry C. Sexism D. Political Rivary
A. Racism
Twain, in "The Lowest Animal" sets off to disprove that animals are superior to humans. A. True B. False
B. False
Imperially means grandly, majestically. A. True B. False
A. True
Which of the following details about Piney Woods reinforces her characterization as an innocent compared to the Duchess? ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. "...Piney, a stout, comely damsel of fifteen, emerged from behind the pinetree, where she had been blushing unseen..." B. "Piney was ...talking in an impulsive, girlish fashion to the Duchess..." C. "Piney...managed to pluck several reluctant melodies from the keys..." D. "...the virgin Piney sweetly as though attended by celestial guardian;..."
D. "...the virgin Piney sweetly as though attended by celestial guardian;..."
How are you able to make predictions about what will happen in a story? ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. Rewrite confusing sentences. B. Underline the words you don't understand. C. Use clues in the text. D. Make an outline of the story's structure.
C. Use clues in the text.
What was the real reason the citizens of Poker Flat decided to "rid the town of improper persons?" ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. They believed it was time to rid the town of evil influences. B. They wanted to make their community safer for women and horses. C. They felt cheated by a prominent citizen who stole money and horses. D. They were influenced by their respect for law and good government.
C. They felt cheated by a prominent citizen who stole money and horses.
Which of the following sets of characters are contrasted in the story "The Outcasts of Poker Flat"? A. Piney Woods and the Duchess B. Mr. Oakhurst and Mother Shipton C. Mother Shipton and the Duchess D. Tom Simson and Jake Woods
A. Piney Woods and the Duchess
Why did Oakhurst try to persuade his companions to keep moving, even though they had found a suitable place for a camp? ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. He wanted to set up a poker game in Sandy Bar. B. He knew that it was going to begin snowing. C. He wanted to avoid a meeting with Tom and Piney. D. He knew outcasts did not have enough food or camping equipment.
D. He knew outcasts did not have enough food or camping equipment.
As the concert ends, Clark says to his aunt, "From the trembling of her face, I could well believe that before the last numbers she had been carried out where the myriad graves are...where...hope had lain down with hop and dream with dream and, renouncing, slept." What is the most significant thematic inference you can draw from this passage? (In "A Wagner Matinee") A. One thing a person wished for can end in disappointment. B. A difficult life has the power to a person's spirit to sleep. C. Our faces often reflect how we are feeling. D. A person can realize hopeless regret over having made the wrong choice in life.
D. A person can realize hopeless regret over having made the wrong choice in life.
Cather clearly wants readers to sympathize with Aunt Georgiana's plights. Which of the following elements best makes the author's case? (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. The detailed description of the Nebraska homestead and the family's harsh life. B. Clark's description of his boyhood on his aunt and uncle's Vermont farm. C. The description of Aunt Georgina's early years in the culture of Boston. D. Clark's recollection of his lesson in Latin and music.
A. The detailed description of the Nebraska homestead and the family's harsh life.
Clark believed that his Uncle Howard was what? (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. Abusive to his wife and children B. Careless and neglectful to his wife C. Cultured and successful D. Intelligent and hard working
B. Careless and neglectful to his wife
Georgiana cries during the concert primarily because she...(in "A Wagner Matinee") A. Is suddenly homesick for Nebraska and her family. B. Is self-conscious about being with so many well-dressed people. C. Remembers how important music is to her. D. Is exhausted and ill from her long train ride.
C. Remembers how important music is to her.
The setting has a major influence on all the following elements, except which one? (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. Characters B. Plot C. Theme D. Point of view
D. Point of view
At first, Clark regrets his plans to take Aunt Georgiana to the concert because...(in "A Wagner Matinee") A. He is doubtful that, after so many years, she will enjoy the concert. B. She might embarrass him by her unsophisticated appearance. C. She might fall asleep during the concert because it lasts so long. D. She might not understand the new music she should hear.
A. He is doubtful that, after so many years, she will enjoy the concert.
From the story, what can you infer about Kate Chopin and her attitudes towards marriage? ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. She thought marriage was a positive, liberating institution for women. B. She thought marriage was fine and all women should get married. C. She felt marriage was about living for someone else and bending to his will. D. She felt marriage made women weak and gave women heart conditions.
C. She felt marriage was about living for someone else and bending to his will.
What is Mrs. Mallard's reaction to the news of her husband's death and how does it change? ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. She shows a cruel sense of happiness, but then feels remorseful. B. She doesn't accept it and then is overcome with grief. C. She weeps uncontrollably and then feels a sense of hopefulness. D. She is relieved at first and then regrets his absence.
C. She weeps uncontrollably and then feels a sense of hopefulness.
When a story turns out differently from the reader's expectations, it is an example of what? ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. Situational irony B. Verbal irony C. Literal realism D. Scientific naturalism
A. Situational irony
What can you infer about London's beliefs from this line: "Its instincts told it a truer tale than was told to the man by the man's judgment"? (in "To Build a Fire") A. Nature is easily controlled by human judgment in the struggle with nature. B. Animals always know better than their human masters. C. Instinct may win out over human judgment in the struggle with nature. D. People should never follow their instincts but use reason instead.
C. Instinct may win out over human judgment in the struggle with nature.
Which mistakes ultimately lead to the man's death? (in "To Build a Fire") A. He travels alone, doesn't listen to knowledgeable people, and ignores signs of how cold it really is. B. He travels with others, doesn't listen to survival experts, and he's oblivious to how cold it really is. C. He travels alone, pays attention to the dog's actions, and is acutely aware of how cold it really is. D. He travels with others, listens to knowledgeable people, and he is oblivious to how cold it really is.
A. He travels alone, doesn't listen to knowledgeable people, and ignores signs of how cold it really is.
Which phrase from the story best illustrates the ideas of naturalism? (in "To Build a Fire") A. "He was quick and alert in the thinks in life..." B. "He was surprised, however, at the cold." C. "He smiled agreeably to himself as he thought of those biscuits..." D. "He was losing in this battle with frost."
D. "He was losing in this battle with frost."
In this selection, Beck Weathers could be best described as what? (Left for Dead) A. Strong-willed B. Competitive C. Weak-minded D. Unmotivated
A. Strong-willed
Why did Weathers choose to think of the "blue blurs" as rocks? (Left for Dead) A. He didn't want the rocks to be anything but rocks. B. He didn't want to believe they were tents and then be devastated. C. He knew he didn't have a chance even if the rocks were tents. D. He thought the rocks would protect him and save his life.
B. He didn't want to believe they were tents and then be devastated.
How does Miniver Cheevy make himself feel better? (in "Miniver Cheevy") A. He writes of knighthood. B. He relies on alcohol. C. He teaches Greek history. D. He dresses in royal clothing.
B. He relies on alcohol.
Miniver Cheevy best loves what (in "Miniver Cheevy") A. Spending time with family and friends B. Thinking of past glorious civilizations C. Working hard to earn money D. Serving in his country's army
B. Thinking of past glorious civilizations
Richard Cory and Miniver Cheevey are similar in that they both have what? ("Richard Cory" and "Miniver Cheevy) A. Comfortable homes B. Secret miseries C. Great fortunes D. Good jobs
B. Secret miseries
Richard Cory's eventual fate—(in "Richard Cory") A. Is a shock to the people in the town. B. Is expected by the townspeople. C. Was predicable given his dress and behavior. D. Makes sense based on his suicidal behavior.
A. Is a shock to the people in the town.
Robinson describes the "medieval grace/ Of iron clothing" to—(in "Miniver Cheevy") A. Show that today's armor is lightweight and comfortable. B. Create an ironic tone. C. Foreshadow Miniver Cheevy's death in battle. D. Create a sympathetic tone.
B. Create an ironic tone.
The poet uses words that connote royalty to - (in "Richard Cory") A. Create a contrast between the townspeople and Richard Cory. B. Show that Richard Cory really was a king. C. Suggest that Richard Cory didn't deserve his good fortune. D. Mock Richard Cory's behavior toward the townspeople.
A. Create a contrast between the townspeople and Richard Cory.
In "Miniver Cheevy," which of the following is an example of allusion? A. "He wept that he was ever born" B. "That made so many a name so fragrant" C. "Miniver loved the Medici" D. "Miniver scorned the gold he sought
C. "Miniver loved the Medici"
In your reflective essay, you should— A. Choose one experience. B. Choose many experiences. C. Not consider your audience. D. Compare two places you have been.
A. Choose one experience.
What is the purpose of a reflective essay? A. Persuade your audience B. Compare two things C. Reference something in history D. Express yourself
D. Express yourself
In "Douglass," what does the speaker long for? A. For bleeding hearts B. For a strong loyal leader C. For Christ to come back D. For songs to be sung
B. For a strong loyal leader
What do you think Fredrick Douglass represents to Dunbar? A. He represents a father figure. B. He represents depression. C. He represents a leader who delivered hope to the enslaved. D. He represents sadness.
C. He represents a leader who delivered hope to the enslaved.
In the results of the experiment in "The Lowest Animal," the cat does not deliberately terrify the mouse. It does not know the mouse is suffering. A. True B. False
A. True
Twain, in "The Lowest Animal" sets off to disprove that animals are superior to humans. A. True B. False
B. False
Feverish means excited; restless. ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. True B. False
A. True
"The Story of an Hour" celebrates marriage. ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. True B. False
B. False
Josephine thinks that the news of Mr. Mallard's death should be broken to Mrs. Mallard gently because she has a heart condition. ("from "The Story of an Hour") A. True B. False
A. True
Jack London was a young avid reader. A. True B. False
A. True
The dog becomes suspicious of the man when he yells at him in a mean voice. (in "To Build a Fire") A. True B. False
B. False
Imperially means grandly, majestically. A. True B. False
A. True
Renown means fame. A. True B. False
A. True
Guile means deceitfulness in dealing with others A. True B. False
A. True
Myriad means deceitfulness in dealing with others. A. True B. False
B. False
Georgiana cries during the concert primarily because she remembers how important music is to her. (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. True B. False
A. True
At first, Clark regrets his plans to take Aunt Georgiana to the concert because he is doubtful that, after so many years, she will enjoy the concert. (in "A Wagner Matinee") A. True B. False
A. True
After the group is snowbound, Oakhurst's thoughts are that they are victims of bad luck. ("The Outcasts of Poker Flat") A. True B. False
A. True
The main idea of the story is that human will can sometimes overcome the forces of nature. (Left for Dead) A. True B. False
A. True
The following question refers to the biography of "T.S. Eliot" in Unit 2: Who are the "symbolists?" A. A group of poets who utilize symbols within their writing. B. A group of nineteenth-century American poets. C. A group of twentieth-century French poets. D. A group of nineteenth-century French poets.
D. A group of nineteenth-century French poets.
In line 18 of "The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter," the image of monkeys making sorrowful sounds is meant to communicate that-- A. The monkeys are angry. B. Good fortune awaits. C. The wife is sad. D. Life is difficult.
C. The wife is sad.
The river-merchant's wife fell in love with her husband when she was fifteen. A. True B. False
A. True
To what does the title "The Great Figure" actually refer? A. Vast size B. The numeral 5 on a fire truck C. A famous person D. A Greek statue
B. The numeral 5 on a fire truck
What is the setting of "The Great Figure"? A. Dense forest in New Jersey B. Rainy night on a city street C. Beautiful but deserted town D. Busy day in a shopping mall
B. Rainy night on a city street
Williams adds onomatopoeia to his imagery in "The Great Figure" with the words: Clangs, howls, and rumblings. A. True B. False
A. True
The use of language referring to one sense used in context of another, such as "the sound of a color," is called A. Synethesia. B. Syntax. C. Style. D. Semantics.
A. Synethesia.
Which of the following is not part of E. E. Cummings's style as seen in "what if a much of a which of a wind" and "somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond"? A. Use of synethesia B. Dry, clinical language C. Spacing of words D. Imagery
B. Dry, clinical language
A poet's style is the distinctive way in which he or she uses language. A. True B. False
A. True
Which statement accurately expresses how the style of Nothing Gold Can Stay" reflects its theme? A. It uses rhyme because rhyme is often associated with light, comic verse. B. It says that beauty is fleeting, and the poem itself is both beautiful and brief. C. The poet has deliberately limited himself to a small set of sounds and images. D. It uses free verse and symbolism to make its point about life and death.
B. It says that beauty is fleeting, and the poem itself is both beautiful and brief.
Which line from "Mending Wall" best describes the speaker's attitude toward the wall? A. "Where they have left one stone on a stone..." B. "To each the boulders that have fallen to each." C. "There where it is we do not need a wall..." D. "Good fences make good neighbors."
C. "There where it is we do not need a wall..."
The bold vocabulary word is used correctly in the following sentence: The enamel pan was the best choice because the coating kept it from having a chemical reaction to the vinegar. A. True B. False
A. True
Which of the following sentences best states the theme of "Soldier's Home"? A. Family and friends want returning soldiers to find good jobs. B. Most civilians don't appreciate the heroism of soldiers. C. Most soldiers return home with little respect from their neighbors. D. Wartime combat can be so devastating that it changes a person completely.
D. Wartime combat can be so devastating that it changes a person completely.
2. What internal conflict is Krebs struggling with? (in "Soldier's Home") A. Hopelessness in returning to a normal life B. Fear of returning to the battlefield C. Anger in returning to a normal life D. Jealously of those who returned before him
A. Hopelessness in returning to a normal life
3. In "The Soldier's Home," Krebs's parents treat him like a child and do not understand the experiences he has gone through in the war. A. True B. False
A. True
The speaker in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" compares himself to a mounted, living specimen. What idea might this metaphor reflect about the period in which the poem was written? A. Scientific study and psychological analysis were at the fore in the relatively new century. B. Insect collections were the latest fad when the poem was written, fairly early in the century. C. This is an obscure reference to crucifixion and has little relevance specific to the period when the poem was written. D. The speaker is referring to the troops suffering in foxholes and trenches during World War I.
A. Scientific study and psychological analysis were at the fore in the relatively new century.
2. "This is Just to Say" is mainly about-- A. The wonder of everyday things. B. The courage to eat peaches. C. The feeling of regret. D. The fear of being punished.
A. The wonder of everyday things.
3. The main images in "This Is Just to Say" are ones of -- A. Heat and dust. B. Snow and ice. C. Sweetness and cold. D. Bitterness and regret.
C. Sweetness and cold.
4. The speaker in "The Red Wheelbarrow"-- A. Makes allusions to musical compositions. B. Regrets past actions in his poetry. C. Emphasizes the importance of ordinary things. D. Offers a philosophy of life to young people.
C. Emphasizes the importance of ordinary things.
5. What best describes the poems of William Carlos Williams? A. Surprisingly ornate B. Strangely surrealistic C. Uniquely sophisticated D. Deceptively simple
D. Deceptively simple
6. In "Nothing Gold Can Stay," what does gold symbolize? A. The color of autumn leaves B. Human greed and selfishness C. Fleeting beauty and perfection D. Sunrise on a spring morning
C. Fleeting beauty and perfection
7. In "Nothing Gold Can Stay," which allusion would be best understood by an ancient Greek? A. Idea of seasons changing B. Biblical account of the Garden of Eden C. Verse form that Frost has chosen D. Idea of a passing Golden Age
D. Idea of a passing Golden Age
8. The best description of the way "Birches" is written would be to say that it-- A. Sounds exactly like a sonnet. B. Contains a lot of dialect. C. Is close to conversational English D. Is strongly written in trochaic heptameter.
C. Is close to conversational English
9. The eight lines of "Nothing Gold Can Stay" end with the words gold, hold, flower, hour, leaf, grief, day and stay. What is the poem's rhyme scheme? A. Aa,bb,cc,dd B. Abba,abba C. Acac,adad D. Abc, abc, dd
A. Aa,bb,cc,dd
10. In his 1954 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Hemingway expresses both an awareness of great writers who came before him and a need to exceed their accomplishments. In "Soldier's Home," Hemingway succeeded by writing one of the first realistic descriptions of -- A. Wartime experiences. B. Postwar disillusionment C. Life in the Midwest. D. Family life.
B. Postwar disillusionment
11. The bold vocabulary word is used correctly in the following sentence: A brutal fight can appall even the most experienced police officer. A. True B. False
A. True
12. The bold vocabulary word is used correctly in the following sentence: The principal's face remained appall as he disciplined the wayward first graders. A. True B. False
B. False
13. In the second stanza of the "River-Merchant's Wife" the wife says, "I never laughed" and "I looked at the wall," meaning that she was shy and standoffish around her new husband. A. True B. False
A. True
14. The river-merchant's wife fell in love with her husband when she was fifteen. A. True B. False
A. True
15. In "The Soldier's Home," Krebs's parents treat him like a child and do not understand the experiences he has gone through in the war. A. True B. False
A. True
In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Faulkner says that "the human heart in conflict with itself" is the only thing worth writing about. How does "A Rose for Emily" portray the human hear in conflict with itself? A. Emily felt both love and hate for Homer Barron. B. Emily struggled against her father's demand that she stay single. C. Emily sent Homer away while her cousins visited. D. Emily fought with the townspeople over her right not to pay taxes.
A. Emily felt both love and hate for Homer Barron.
What conclusion can you make about Miss Emily by the end of the story? (in "A Rose for Emily") A. She wanted others to know what she had done. B. She was crazy enough to poison someone to death. C. She planned on poisoning the whole town. D. She was the victim of a horrible tragedy.
B. She was crazy enough to poison someone to death.
In "A Rose for Emily," the town in which Miss Emily lives and dies is large and impersonal. A. True B. False
B. False
What do you learn about Mrs. Mitty from the way she treats Walter?(In "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty) A. She thinks that Walter has to be told what to do. B. She wished Walter had acted on his dreams. C. She is angry that Walter quit being a pilot. D. She envies Walter's fantasy life.
A. She thinks that Walter has to be told what to do.
When Walter imagines being questioned about his gun, he sees himself as--(In "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty) A. Frightened and intimidated. B. Arrogant and fearless. C. Confused and depressed. D. Excited and hysterical.
B. Arrogant and fearless.
The last line of the story gives the reader insight into Mitty and shows how he is resourceful and heroic. A. True B. False
A. True
By ignoring her grandmother's warning, Zora Neale shows that she is —(in Dust Tracks on a Road) A. Ignorant, uneducated, and closed-minded. B. Frightened, weak and insecure. C. Irritable, angry, and impatient. D. Outgoing, independent, and bold.
D. Outgoing, independent, and bold.
Where and when did Zora Neale Hurston grow up? (in Dust Tracks on a Road) A. The South during the days of slavery B. Harlem during the Renaissance C. Florida during the era of segregation D. The North during the civil rights movement
C. Florida during the era of segregation
The setting of Dust Tracks on a Road is a small all-black town in the segregated South around 1900. A. True B. False
A. True
The words droning, drowsy, mellow, and croon in the first two lines of the poem tell the reader that the musician's song is-(in "The Weary Blues") A. Sad and bitter. B. Sleepy and boring. C. Jerky and unrhythmic. D. Slow and laid back.
D. Slow and laid back.
Which of the following is a simile in "The Weary Blues"? A. "He made that poor piano with melody." B. "And I wish I had died." C. "He played that sad raggy tune like a musical fool." D. "Droning a drowsy syncopated tune"
C. "He played that sad raggy tune like a musical fool."
Both Hughes and the musician in "The Weary Blues" use art to explore themes related to black identity. A. True B. False
A. True
When writing a literary analysis, you should choose a novel that you are not familiar with. A. True B. False
B. False
You should read your novel, when writing a literary analysis, at least two times. A. True B. False
A. True
The purpose of a literary analysis is to persuade your reader to like the novel. A. True B. False
B. False
Literary evidence includes the quotations, paraphrasing, and summaries of the novel. A. True B. False
A. True
Complexities are fine shades of meaning, especially any changes in the way the author expressed a recurring idea. A. True B. False
B. False
What in the poem indicates that we are reading Prufrock's thoughts as well as what he says to others? (in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock") A. The "I" switching between observing and interacting. B. Repetition of lines throughout the poem. C. The description of Prufrock's looks in the poem. D. The use of multiple metaphors throughout the poem.
A. The "I" switching between observing and interacting.
Which image most clearly shows Prufrock's timidity and the central theme of the poem? (in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock") A. "After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor—" B. "Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?" C. "Human voices wake us, and we drown." D. "To have squeezed the universe into a ball."
B. "Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?"
What contrast is set up in the first two stanzas of "the Garden"? A. Love as opposed to hate B. Intellectualism as opposed to stupidity C. Color as opposed to black-and-white D. Fragility as opposed to durability
D. Fragility as opposed to durability
What best describes the poems of William Carlos Williams? A. Surprisingly ornate B. Strangely surrealistic C. Uniquely sophisticated D. Deceptively simple
D. Deceptively simple
In the final line of the octave of "Design," Frost writes, "And the dead wings carried like a paper kite." This is an example of what? A. An allusion B. A metaphor C. A simile D. A couplet
C. A simile
How does Faulkner feel about the award he is receiving? A. He is excited to finally be recognized B. He is excited to put the money to use. C. He feels the need to inspire other writer. D. He feels relieved to have been chosen.
C. He feels the need to inspire other writer.
What does Faulkner mean when he says, "He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid"? A. It is dangerous to be a writer. B. Fear is too ordinary to write about. C. Writing can cause others to fear you. D. Fear is the basis of all good writing.
B. Fear is too ordinary to write about.
What do lines 37-38 in the "Mending Wall" (I'd rather / He said it for himself) imply? A. The speaker wishes his neighbor would understand on his own why it is good for walls to come down. B. The speaker wishes his neighbor would be the one to say, "good fences make good neighbors'." C. The speaker wishes his neighbor would warn him when the cows are coming through. D. The speaker wishes his neighbor would be the first one to mention wall mending.
A. The speaker wishes his neighbor would understand on his own why it is good for walls to come down.
The purpose of a literary analysis is to inform others of your insights about the novel. A. True B. False
A. True
When writing a literary analysis, you can consider the novels characters, plot, setting, point of view, themes, symbols, imagery, diction, and figurative language to write about. A. True B. False
A. True
Prufrock seems to be a man who has—(in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock") A. Avoided opportunities for change. B. Had a happy home and family. C. Treated others cruelly and refused forgiveness. D. Suffered a hard life in working-class London.
A. Avoided opportunities for change.
Which image most clearly shows Prufrock's timidity and the central theme of the poem? (in "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock") A. "After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor—" B. "Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?" C. "Human voices wake us, and we drown." D. "To have squeezed the universe into a ball."
B. "Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?"
In "The Garden," what does the line "like a skein of loose silk" describe? A. How the woman walks. B. How the woman is dressed. C. What the speaker feels about the woman. D. The way the "rabble" looks at the woman.
A. How the woman walks.
In line 18 of "The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter," the image of monkeys making sorrowful sounds is meant to communicate that-- A. The monkeys are angry. B. Good fortune awaits. C. The wife is sad. D. Life is difficult.
C. The wife is sad.
What does "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" have in common with all dramatic monologues? A. Is told in the first person B. Contains allusions C. Uses figures of speech D. Relies heavily on images
A. Is told in the first person
Which of the following lines from Pound's poems is an example of imagery? A. "Like a skein of loose silk blown against a wall." B. "She would like someone to speak to her," C. "Two small people, without dislike or suspicion." D. "Why should I climb the lookout?"
A. "Like a skein of loose silk blown against a wall."
Which of the following statements best reflects Prufrock's view of himself in "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock"? A. I am a victim of bad luck. B. I am attractive to women. C. I am unable to take risks. D. I am adventurous youth.
C. I am unable to take risks
"This Is Just to Say" is both a poem and a(n)-- A. Excuse for leaving the office early. B. Note of apology. C. Valentine to the poet's wife. D. Joke at the reader's expense.
B. Note of apology.
To describe the images in "The Red Wheelbarrow," Williams uses-- A. References to imagist theory. B. Elaborate figures of speech. C. Colors and simple language. D. A strong, steady beat.
C. Colors and simple language.
To what does the title "The Great Figure" actually refer? A. Vast size B. The numeral 5 on a fire truck C. A famous person D. A Greek statue
B. The numeral 5 on a fire truck
What overall impression does the poem "The Great Figure" create? A. Dramatic action B. Peace and quiet C. Wartime intrigue D. An ordinary workday
A. Dramatic action
In "Nothing Gold Can Stay," what does gold symbolize? A. The color of autumn leaves B. Human greed and selfishness C. Fleeting beauty and perfection D. Sunrise on a spring morning
C. Fleeting beauty and perfection
The best description of the way "Birches" is written would be to say that it-- A. Sounds exactly like a sonnet. B. Contains a lot of dialect. C. Is close to conversational English. D. Is strongly written in trochaic heptameter.
C. Is close to conversational English.
What do lines 37-38 in the "Mending Wall" (I'd rather / He said it for himself) imply? A. The speaker wishes his neighbor would understand on his own why it is good for walls to come down. B. The speaker wishes his neighbor would be the one to say, "good fences make good neighbors'." C. The speaker wishes his neighbor would warn him when the cows are coming through. D. The speaker wishes his neighbor would be the first one to mention wall mending.
A. The speaker wishes his neighbor would understand on his own why it is good for walls to come down.
What does the title of Frost's poem "Design" mean? A. The poem is about the design of nature and composed in the formal design of a sonnet. B. It is a playful opposite of sign, as in a road sign that would have sent the moth in a different direction. C. The moth carries a lovely pattern or design on its wings. D. The spider has a design on the moth, meaning it wants to eat it.
A. The poem is about the design of nature and composed in the formal design of a sonnet.
Which best paraphrases the meaning of the title "Nothing Gold Can Stay"? A. "Beauty Always Fades" B. "Easy Come, Easy Go" C. "The More You Earn, the More You Spend" D. "Great Poetry Lasts Forever"
A. "Beauty Always Fades"
What can you infer about Miss Emily from her dealings with the townspeople? (in "A Rose for Emily") A. She is set in her ways. B. She is afraid of the townspeople. C. She dislikes her neighbors. D. She wants to be befriended.
A. She is set in her ways.
What does Faulkner mean when he says, "He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid"? A. It is dangerous to be a writer. B. Fear is too ordinary to write about. C. Writing can cause others to fear you. D. Fear is the basis of all good writing.
B. Fear is too ordinary to write about.
What emotions are readers expected to feel toward Emily in "A Rose for Emily"? A. Amusement and gratitude B. Contempt and disappointment C. Approval and satisfaction D. Pity and horror
D. Pity and horror
Walter's courtroom drama is triggered by— (In "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty) A. His overhearing a newsboy talking about a trial. B. His sudden recollection of what he needs at the store. C. An article he reads in the hairdresser's shop. D. Something that goes wrong during surgery.
A. His overhearing a newsboy talking about a trial.
What do you learn about Mrs. Mitty from the way she treats Walter? (In "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty) A. She thinks that Walter has to be told what to do. B. She wished Walter had acted on his dreams. C. She is angry that Walter quit being a pilot. D. She envies Walter's fantasy life.
A. She thinks that Walter has to be told what to do.
Which detail of parody in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" involves irony? (In "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty) A. Mitty imagines himself as the brave commander of an airplane. B. Mitty's response to the pressure of life is to retreat into fantasy. C. Mitty, who has been defeated by life, imagines himself as "Mitty the Undefeated." D. Mitty's wife does not show up in his fantasies.
C. Mitty, who has been defeated by life, imagines himself as "Mitty the Undefeated."
By reading the class reader from cover to cover, Zora Neale shows that she is—(in Dust Tracks on a Road) A. Worried that the other students will mock her. B. Obsessed with pleasing her parents and teacher. C. Self-motivated and ambitious. D. Afraid that she won't get straight A's.
C. Self-motivated and ambitious.
Hurston's opinions of the books and literary characters she read as a child—(in Dust Tracks on a Road) A. Reveal a great deal about her character. B. Show that she is a fine critic of literature. C. Are an example of her showing off. D. Help other children choose good books.
A. Reveal a great deal about her character.
Which adjective best fits Zora Neale as she portrays herself in her autobiography? (in Dust Tracks on a Road) A. Mild mannered B. Observant C. Angelic D. Shy
B. Observant
Which detail from the autobiography best shows the historical period in which the events occurred? (in Dust Tracks on a Road) A. Children did not always wear shoes to school. B. Hurston had never seen a white person's hand up close before. C. Hurston's grandmother had experienced slavery. D. The teacher used palmetto switches to punish students.
C. Hurston's grandmother had experienced slavery.
According to the speaker, his soul is like a river because it-(in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers") A. Sometimes rushed in torrents. B. Has grown deep over time. C. Is hard to hold within its banks. D. Flows gently whenever it can.
B. Has grown deep over time.
Rhythms in "The Weary Blues"-- A. Are unvarying from line to tone. B. Require a piano in order to be felt. C. Reflect those of song and speech. D. Are those of a traditional sonnet.
C. Reflect those of song and speech.
What do the rivers named in "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" have in common? A. They are all located in Africa. B. They have yearly floods that make the soil rich. C. Famous dams have been built on them. D. They are historically important to the speaker.
D. They are historically important to the speaker.
What typical event of his times does Hughes show in "The Weary Blues"? A. Working in a cabaret on Lenox Street B. Writing a poem in Harlem C. Listening to the blues in Harlem D. Musicians performing for talent scouts in Harlem
C. Listening to the blues in Harlem
The bold vocabulary word is used correctly in the following sentence: The enamel pan was the best choice because the coating kept it from having a chemical reaction to the vinegar. A. True B. False
A. True
The bold vocabulary word is used correctly in the following sentence: A brutal fight can appall even the most experienced police officer. A. True B. False
A. True
The bold vocabulary word is used correctly in the following sentence: Four protesters at the rally were subdued by police. A. True B. False
A. True
Ambiguity is found in language or situations that can be interpreted in more than one way or have more than one meaning. A. True B. False
A. True
Literary evidence includes the book pages and the cover of the novel. A. True B. False
B. False
Plagiarism is using other author's works and words and giving them credit A. True B. False
B. False
The purpose of a literary analysis is to inform others of your insights about the novel. A. True B. False
A. True
The purpose of a literary analysis is to persuade your reader to like the novel. A. True B. False
B. False
When writing a literary analysis, you can consider the novels characters, plot, setting, point of view, themes, symbols, imagery, diction, and figurative language to write about. A. True B. False
A. True
You need to consider many aspects of the novel when you are writing a literary analysis. A. True B. False
A. True
In "The Soldier's Home," Krebs's goals and aspirations are calculated. A. True B. False
B. False
The speaker's message is always unclear and the reader has to pay close attention to their reading. A. True B. False
B. False
Mitty is resourceful and heroic in his daydreams in "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." A. True B. False
A. True
The last line of the story gives the reader insight into Mitty and shows how he is resourceful and heroic. A. True B. False
A. True
In Dust Tracks on a Road, the narrator's favorite book is the Bible. A. True B. False
B. False
What did the author's father feel about receiving the Congressional Gold Medal? (in Honor at Last) A. He was upset that more had not been done to recognize the airmen. B. He did not expect to be recognized that way for his service. C. He felt angry that it took so long to be recognized. D. He felt that he did not deserve the honor.
B. He did not expect to be recognized that way for his service.
What reason can you infer for Jarrell's ball turret gunner entering the armed forces? (in The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner) A. After careful decision B. Without much thought C. Only because he was drafted D. Because he felt a patriotic duty
C. Only because he was drafted
The tone of this poem is best described as Patriotic. (in The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner) A. True B. False
B. False
The prisoners run hard in order to ___.(from Night) A. Be granted exercise privileges outside the block B. Show their strength and fitness C. Be chosen for special treatment D. Be selected for their positive attitude
B. Show their strength and fitness
Choose the best vocabulary word to complete the sentence: The cars were escorted to the cemetery in a ______________. A. Abyss B. Convoy C. Poignant D. Sage
B. Convoy
Immediately before Wiesel and his father are separated, Wiesel's father reassures his son that he will be all right. (from Night) A. True B. False
B. False
In this excerpt, Lolek can be best characterized as___. (in Maus) A. Ambitious B. Overconfident C. Agreeable D. Insensitive
B. Overconfident
Ethnic or other minority groups that live in a ghetto live in a ___. A. Densely populated section of the city B. Part of a city that is geographically defined C. Small town surrounded by a larger town D. Rural human settlement that is smaller than a town
A. Densely populated section of the city
Ethnic or other minority groups that live in a ghetto live in a small town surrounded by a larger town. A. True B. False
B. False
Choose the vocabulary word that matches this definition: ____________ means widely and unfavorably known. A. Notorious B. Debris C. Abstinence D. Idealist
A. Notorious
Choose the vocabulary word that matches this definition: ___________ means the remains of anything broken or destroyed. A. Idealist B. Sustained C. Debris D. Abstinence
C. Debris
Writers keep their emotions at a distance with objective reporting. A. True B. False
A. True
After her visit to the desert, what does the speaker intend to do?(in Desert Run) A. Keep her distance from white Americans B. Make plan to return to the desert to live C. Move freely in American society D. Interact only with other Japanese Americans
C. Move freely in American society
The tone of the poem is best described as ___.(in Desert Run) A. Obsessive B. Insubordinate C. Sympathetic D. Indignant
D. Indignant
In part 1, the speaker contrasts "insistent flies" and "crunching gravel" with the desert's silence. (in Desert Run) A. True B. False
A. True
In the poem's implied metaphor, the ball gunner is compared to a(n) _____.(in The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner) A. Handsome young man B. Unborn animal C. Hose D. Fierce bomber pilot
B. Unborn animal
Which of the following words best describes the mood of the poem?(in The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner) A. Despairing B. Anxious C. Idealistic D. Dreamlike
D. Dreamlike
You can infer that the US Army considered training African Americans to be pilots and crew a success when...(in Honor at Last) A. The men were allowed to fly missions in Europe. B. The men were awarded the Congressional Gold Medals C. The men became known as the Tuskegee Airmen. D. The men achieved a remarkable record defending the bombers in Europe.
A. The men were allowed to fly missions in Europe.
Choose the best word to complete the sentence: In spite of the wildfires, the homeowner remained _________ as they evacuated the neighborhood. A. Abyss B. Calm C. Convoy D. Poignant
B. Calm
Choose the best word to complete the sentence: The little girl was pulled from the plane wreckage, still ______ onto her stuffed bear. A. Poignant B. Convoy C. Holding D. Clinging
D. Clinging
Spiegelman uses animals as metaphors for different groups of people to... (in Maus) A. Make the story more appealing to children. B. Portray social stratifications and stereotypes of the times C. Distance readers from the horrors to an extent. D. Make the groups seem less threatening.
C. Distance readers from the horrors to an extent.
What is Reverend Mr. Tanimoto's attitude toward the United States?(In "A Noiseless Flash" from Hiroshima) A. He has many American friends and hopes to move to the United States after the war. B. He hates the United States, but likes Americans. C. He hopes the United States wins the war. D. He has many American friends, but is loyal to Japan.
D. He has many American friends, but is loyal to Japan.
Choose the vocabulary word that matches this definition: __________means designated for a meeting. A. Abstinence B. Rendezvous C. Notorious D. Debris
B. Rendezvous
Choose the vocabulary word that matches this definition: _____means the act of refraining from a behavior. A. Notorious B. Sustained C. Abstinence D. Debris
C. Abstinence
In part II, whom is the speaker referring to when she says you and your?(in Desert Run) A. The Japanese government B. Other people in general C. The residents of the internment camp D. White Americans
D. White Americans
The line "the desert is the lungs of the world" is an example of ___.(in Desert Run) A. An idiom B. A simile C. Personification D. Hyperbole
C. Personification
The lines "I spent 547 sulking days here in my own dreams/there was not much to marvel as I thought" describe the speaker's ___.(in Desert Run) A. Irritability B. Moodiness C. Detachment D. Hostility
C. Detachment
A government that plans to deport a group of people may force the group to leave the country. A. True B. False
A. True
Playwrights must place their characters in situations involving conflicts. A. True B. False
A. True
Exposition is when the author exposes the background of the situation with details. A. True B. False
A. True
Realism is aimed at the revelation of characters' inner consciousness without reference to a logical sequence of surface actions. A. True B. False
B. False
Expressionist Drama is aimed at the revelation of characters' inner consciousness without reference to a logical sequence of surface actions A. True B. False
A. True
Realism is a style of writing developed in the nineteenth century, which attempts to depict life accurately, as it really is, without idealizing or romanticizing it. A. True B. False
A. True
In a play, the major character who faces conflict and drives the action forward is the ___. (In The Crucible, Act 1) A. Playwright B. Opponent C. Protagonist D. Antagonist
C. Protagonist
Which of the following types of drama is aimed at the revelation of a character's inner consciousness without reference to a logical sequence of surface actions? (In The Crucible, Act 1) A. Expressionist drama B. Realistic drama C. Broadway plays D. Miracle plays
A. Expressionist drama
The doubts and fears that a character battles are called internal conflicts. (In The Crucible, Act 1) A. True B. False
A. True
What does Proctor believe generally motivates Parris? (in The Crucible, Act 2) A. Greed B. Power C. Social conventions D. Peer pressure
A. Greed
A strong supporter in a cause is a A. Blasphemy B. Avidly C. Deposition D. Partisan
D. Partisan
Elizabeth believes that Abigail's motivation for starting rumors of witchcraft is that she wants Elizabeth to die so that she can wed Proctor. (in The Crucible, Act 2) A. True B. False
A. True
Why does Elizabeth Proctor deny that her husband had an affair? (in The Crucible, Act 3) A. To demonstrate her love for him B. In an attempt to spare his life C. To protect his name and honor D. Because she did not know about it
C. To protect his name and honor
Danforth believes that Mary's confession will...(in The Crucible, Act 3) A. Result in a riot. B. Corroborate the girls' truth telling. C. Destroy the town's stability. D. Make him lose credibility and look ridiculous.
D. Make him lose credibility and look ridiculous.
Danforth's order for the court to bring in the people who signed a testament to the good character of Rebecca Nurse, Elizabeth Proctor, and Martha Corey will help to uncover the truth. (in The Crucible, Act 3) A. True B. False
B. False
Not giving in; immovable means A. Adamant B. Theocracy C. Deposition D. Blasphemy
A. Adamant
What reason does Danforth give to explain why he cannot pardon Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor? (in The Crucible, Act 4) A. It would be unjust because others had been hanged for the same crime. B. It would be unjust because the court found them guilty. C. It would undercut the authority of the court and legal system D. It would reflect badly on his credibility.
A. It would be unjust because others had been hanged for the same crime.
Words or actions that disrespect something sacred are called theocracy. A. True B. False
B. False
In the first stanza of part I, the speaker describes the desert as a place...(in Desert Run) A. For artists. B. For outsiders. C. Where evil lurks. D. Seething with danger.
B. For outsiders.
Parrish's questioning of Abigail about what took place in the forest indicates that Parrish's greatest concern is ___. (In The Crucible, Act 1) A. His niece's behavior B. His image and reputation C. His daughter's health D. Discovering the truth
B. His image and reputation
The witchcraft trials have helped to make the people of Salem feel more ___. (in The Crucible, Act 4) A. United and friendly B. Righteous and spiritual C. Secure and free of evil D. Fearful and uncertain
D. Fearful and uncertain
Eagerly means A. Avidly B. Partisan C. Deposition D. Beguile
A. Avidly
Ethnic or other minority groups that live in a ghetto live in a ___. A. Densely populated section of the city B. Part of a city that is geographically defined C. Small town surrounded by a larger town D. Rural human settlement that is smaller than a town
A. Densely populated section of the city
Hiding one's feelings or motives is A. Depositions B. Dissembling C. Beguile D. Blasphemy
B. Dissembling
Why is Maus considered an important graphic novel? A. It tells the story of a concentration camp survivor. B. Spiegleman used unique and striking images. C. It was the first graphic novel that was serious art. D. It won a Pulitzer Prize.
C. It was the first graphic novel that was serious art.
Playwrights must place their characters in situations involving conflicts. A. True B. False
A. True
The antagonist drives the action forward. A. True B. False
B. False
The antagonist is the struggle between opposing forces or characters in a story. A. True B. False
B. False
Because Thomas Putman believed his name and family honor had been soiled, her was determined to...(In The Crucible, Act 1) A. Save money and move to a place where he was unknown. B. Prove that he was sinless and beyond reproach. C. Win over the hearts of his fellow townsfolk. D. Find fault with others and make them pay for their wrongdoings.
D. Find fault with others and make them pay for their wrongdoings.
Giles Corey claims that Putman's motives for accusing others of witchcraft is...(in The Crucible, Act 3) A. An attempt to acquire land. B. Revenge for perceived snubs. C. A desire to improve his children's social status. D. A plot to remove Parris from the church.
A. An attempt to acquire land.
Hale asks Proctor to say the Commandments because he...(in The Crucible, Act 2) A. Wants to confess his sin. B. Wants Elizabeth to hear and memorize them. C. Believes he is guilty of breaking them. D. Suspects he is not a good Christian.
D. Suspects he is not a good Christian.
Immediately before Wiesel and his father are separated, Wiesel's father...(from Night) A. Pleads with Wiesel to help him. B. Asks the guard to give him a moment to speak to his son alone. C. Reassures his son that he will be all right. D. Tells Wiesel he wants to die.
C. Reassures his son that he will be all right.
In the first stanza of part I, the speaker describes the desert as a place... (in Desert Run) A. For artists. B. For outsiders. C. Where evil lurks. D. Seething with danger.
B. For outsiders.
In this excerpt, Vladek can be best characterized as___. (in Maus) A. Compliant B. Determined C. Depressed D. Resourceful
B. Determined
Parrish's questioning of Abigail about what took place in the forest indicates that Parrish's greatest concern is ___.(In The Crucible, Act 1) A. His niece's behavior B. His image and reputation C. His daughter's health D. Discovering the truth
B. His image and reputation
Proctor's attempt to prove his innocence backfires when...(in The Crucible, Act 3) A. Elizabeth denies he was having an affair. B. The judge refuses to read his petition. C. Reverend Hale is unable to persuade the judge to review new evidence. D. The court learns Elizabeth is pregnant.
A. Elizabeth denies he was having an affair.
Spiegelman uses animals as metaphors for different groups of people to...(in Maus) A. Make the story more appealing to children. B. Portray social stratifications and stereotypes of the times. C. Distance readers from the horrors to an extent. D. Make the groups seem less threatening.
C. Distance readers from the horrors to an extent.
The "rattlers in your nightmares" are a metaphor for ___.(in Desert Run) A. The fear of snakes B. The public's fear of traitors C. The nation's guilty conscience D. All things that scare people
B. The public's fear of traitors
The author's argument is that the armed forces...(in Honor at Last) A. Delayed in honoring the Tuskegee Airmen. B. Refused to train African Americans as pilots. C. Intended to establish a whites-only officers' club. D. Reprimanded the Tuskegee Airmen who defied their superior's orders.
A. Delayed in honoring the Tuskegee Airmen.
The doubts and fears that a character battles are called ___.(In The Crucible, Act 1) A. External conflicts B. Internal conflicts C. Fabulous invalids D. Producers
B. Internal conflicts
The fact that the author states that she forgot to look at the medal shows that she...(in Honor at Last) A. Considers the medal unimpressive. B. Is upset that it took so long for the medal to be awarded. C. Is absentminded. D. Considers the honor more important than the actual medal.
D. Considers the honor more important than the actual medal.
The lines "I spent 547 sulking days here in my own dreams/there was not much to marvel as I thought" describe the speaker's ___. (in Desert Run) A. Irritability B. Moodiness C. Detachment D. Hostility
C. Detachment
This poem is told as a ____.(in The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner) A. Flashback B. Flash-forward C. Sonnet D. Nonfiction narrative
A. Flashback
What happens after the bomb is dropped?(In "A Noiseless Flash" from Hiroshima) A. Soldiers quell the panic. B. The city explodes in flames. C. The sky darkens. D. Medical help is swift.
C. The sky darkens.
When former Secretary of State Colin Powell asked, "Why did you serve a nation that did not serve you?" what was he specifically asking? (in Honor at Last) A. Why the airmen served in the war, even though they were not promoted. B. Why the airmen served in the war, even though they did not receive medals. C. Why the airmen served in the war, even though the armed forces were racially segregated. D. Why the airmen served in the war, even though they had been sentenced to death.
C. Why the airmen served in the war, even though the armed forces were racially segregated.
When the speaker returns to the internment camp, she...(in Desert Run) A. Wonders why she had been so unhappy there. B. Remembers times of both joy and sorrow at the camp. C. Sees the desert from a new perspective. D. Relives her earlier experiences.
C. Sees the desert from a new perspective.
Which of the following can you infer from you reading of the poem? (in The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner) A. Gunners had a low casualty rate. B. Few airmen volunteered for positions as gunners. C. Gunners were protected by the turret. D. Gunners were among the most experienced airmen.
B. Few airmen volunteered for positions as gunners.
Which of the following is a point Hersey emphasized in his description of the survivors' actions immediately before the atomic bomb goes off? (In "A Noiseless Flash" from Hiroshima) A. None of the survivors expected Hiroshima to be bombed. B. All of the survivors were in the immediate area of the explosion. C. None of the survivors was facing the direction of the explosion. D. All of the survivors had a plan to survive the explosion.
C. None of the survivors was facing the direction of the explosion.
Why does Elizabeth Proctor deny that her husband had an affair? (in The Crucible, Act 3) A. To demonstrate her love for him B. In an attempt to spare his life C. To protect his name and honor D. Because she did not know about it
C. To protect his name and honor
Why does Hersey give many details about the survivors' actions before the bomb dropped?(In "A Noiseless Flash" from Hiroshima) A. To show how the bomb affected people for all walks of life. B. To show how minor items of actions determined their fates. C. To help readers empathize with the survivors. D. To provide well rounded characterization.
B. To show how minor items of actions determined their fates.
Wiesel view Rabbi Eliahou's son's running to distance himself from his father as an act of showing ___.(from Night) A. A loss of loyalty B. An admirable will to survive C. Embarrassment over his father's weakness D. The desire to spare his father pain
A. A loss of loyalty
You can infer that the ball turret gunner is...(in The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner) A. Vastly experienced. B. Very young. C. Much decorated. D. From a family of soldiers.
B. Very young.
Choose the best vocabulary word to complete the sentence: The ______ scene brought tears to Deena's eyes. A. Abyss B. Poignant C. Convoy D. Sage
B. Poignant
Choose the vocabulary word that matches this definition: _________ means a person who cherishes high principles or goals. A. Abstinence B. Debris C. Notorious D. Idealist
D. Idealist
Choose the vocabulary word that matches this definition: ___________ means jovial; social. A. Sustained B. Convivial C. Abstinence D. Idealist
B. Convivial
Choose the vocabulary word that matches this definition: ___________ means the remains of anything broken or destroyed. A. Idealist B. Sustained C. Debris D. Abstinence
C. Debris
Choose the vocabulary word that matches this definition: ___________means ongoing, continuous. A. Rendezvous B. Debris C. Sustained D. Idealist
C. Sustained
Mislead; deceive means A. Beguile B. Avidly C. Partisan D. Deposition
A. Beguile
Not giving in; immovable means A. Adamant B. Theocracy C. Deposition D. Blasphemy
A. Adamant
Parris refutes Proctor's claim that a good reputation is evidence of innocence by citing Cain's murder of Abel. From this you can conclude that Parris...(in The Crucible, Act 3) A. Equates witchcraft with murder. B. Believes a good reputation has little value. C. Believes the Devil can strike at any time. D. Doubts the accused had good reputations.
C. Believes the Devil can strike at any time.
The word that best fills in the blank in this sentence: Ruling regimes under both communism and __________ are totalitarian. A. Tuskegee B. Palpable C. Fascism D. Rotunda
C. Fascism
The word that best fills in the blank in this sentence: the tension among the fans during the game was__________. A. Palpable B. Rotunda C. Fascism D. Officer
A. Palpable
Why does Martha's reading make her husband, Giles, feel uneasy? A. He believes only conjurers read. B. He suspects she is studying witchcraft. C. She won't tell him what she is reading. D. He is intimidated by her intelligence.
C. She won't tell him what she is reading.
A government that plans to deport a group of people may force the group to leave the country. A. True B. False
A. True
Drama is the easiest form of writing. A. True B. False
B. False
Ethnic or other minority groups that live in a ghetto live in a small town surrounded by a larger town. A. True B. False
B. False
If people are protected in a bunker, they are taking refuge in a military fort. A. True B. False
B. False
The antagonist drives the action forward. A. True B. False
B. False
Salzman seems to suddenly appear and disappear, wears clothes that look like costumes, and gestures in an animated way with long, bony fingers. These characterization details are best summarized as what ("The Magic Barrel") A. Salzman is not intelligent. B. Salzman lacks dignity. C. Salzman is not sane. D. Salzman is theatrical.
D. Salzman is theatrical.
____________________ means dread. A. Matchmaker B. Clientele C. Dowry D. Trepidation
D. Trepidation
Meager means sparse. A. True B. False
A. True
What do the descriptions of the stagnant lake and the people going about their business suggest? (in "Speaking of Courage") A. Indifference to the war B. Fear of the unknown C. Rejection of politics D. Contempt for the Veterans
A. Indifference to the war
Ironically, what is the significance of the story taking place on the Fourth of July? (in "Speaking of Courage") A. The town's lack of patriotic spirit depresses Paul. B. Paul receives his independence from the tyranny of the town. C. It is typically the most festive holiday in a small American town. D. It is a day of patriotism, but Paul does not feel like a patriot.
D. It is a day of patriotism, but Paul does not feel like a patriot.
The chilly interior of the air-conditioned car may represent the death of Frenchie Tucker. (in "Speaking of Courage") A. True B. False
B. False
Choose the word with this definition: Concealed; hidden A. Ancestral B. Obscured C. Intricate D. Retort
B. Obscured
Choose the best word to complete the sentence: (They are synonyms from your vocabulary words) Would she have to make _______ with her mother to keep the peace? A. Responses B. Compromises C. Heralds D. Involvement
B. Compromises
From the name Mr. and Mrs. Jong give their daughter, you can infer they want her to blend into the American culture. ("Rules of the Game" from the Joy Luck Club) A. True B. False
A. True
After reading the first paragraph of "The Sky Blue Ball," the reader is immediately pulled into the story by... A. Detailed characterization. B. Suspense over plot developments. C. The happy mood the reader feels. D. The weirdly unique writing style.
D. The weirdly unique writing style.
What is the comparison between the size of a hummingbird's heart and a blue whale's heart in "Joyas Voladoras" meant to emphasize? A. Lifetimes are measured in number of heartbeats, not size of heart. B. The world of living things includes an awesome variety. C. A blue whale lives many more years that a hummingbird. D. The largest heart of all is found in a mamma, not a bird.
A. Lifetimes are measured in number of heartbeats, not size of heart.
Infinitesimal means indefinitely or exceedingly small. A. True B. False
A. True
From this excerpt, you can infer that Richard...(from Black Boy) A. Created the dialogue from his memories and his imagination. B. Reproduced the characters' words directly from life. C. Recalled every word he used from actual conversations. D. Wants his readers to understand that this is a work of fiction.
A. Created the dialogue from his memories and his imagination.
A synonym for dispirited is: A. Unavailing B. Intensely C. Captivated D. Dejected
D. Dejected
The details used to describe his father at the beginning of the selection shows that Richard fears and resents his father. (from Black Boy) A. True B. False
A. True
Salzman uses phrases such as "two fine people that they would be wonderful to be married" and "partikiller," both which are reminiscent of what? ("The Magic Barrel") A. Dark romanticism and light comedy B. Free verse and the decay of society C. Colloquial speech and local color D. Slant rhyme and perfect rhyme
C. Colloquial speech and local color
_______________ means marriage portion. A. Clientele B. Dowry C. Matchmaker D. Meager
B. Dowry
_______________ means poor, scantly, and inadequate. A. Clientele B. Meager C. Dowry D. Matchmaker
B. Meager
Lily Hirshorn is clearly enamored of the spirituality she has been primed to see in Finkle. In this, what function does she serve for Salzman? ("The Magic Barrel") A. She sets up the contrast Salzman needs to be able to present Stella. B. Her purpose is to bolster Leo's own choice of profession. C. Leo learns that Salzman actually does have good taste in women. D. She provides a fallback choice if Leo finds no one else interesting.
A. She sets up the contrast Salzman needs to be able to present Stella.
Salzman seems to suddenly appear and disappear, wears clothes that look like costumes, and gestures in an animated way with long, bony fingers. These characterization details are best summarized as what ("The Magic Barrel") A. Salzman is not intelligent. B. Salzman lacks dignity. C. Salzman is not sane. D. Salzman is theatrical.
D. Salzman is theatrical.
Why does Salzman call Stella "a wild one... not a bride for a rabbi"? ("The Magic Barrel") A. He already had another better, more suitable match arranged for Stella. B. At his point, Salzman knows he does not want Leo as his son-in-law. C. He is using reverse psychology to lure Leo, hook him and reel him in. D. His experience as a matchmaker tells him this marriage would never work.
C. He is using reverse psychology to lure Leo, hook him and reel him in.
Characters who end a story with the same intrinsic attitudes and feelings as they did in the beginning are _____. A. Round characters B. Static characters C. Flat characters D. Dynamic characters
B. Static characters
Overall, the effect of the dialogue used in this selection is to...(from Black Boy) A. Emphasize regional accents, making the characters seem realistic. B. Reveal how people think and help readers to visualize the characters. C. Remind the readers that the story is a work of fiction. D. Surprise the reader, since it is used rarely.
B. Reveal how people think and help readers to visualize the characters.
Richard's mother places him and his brother in an orphanage...(from Black Boy) A. In anger. B. In desperation. C. At their father's insistence. D. By order of the court.
B. In desperation.
The details used to describe his father at the beginning of the selection shows that Richard...(from Black Boy) A. Enjoys playing games with his father. B. Fears and resents his father. C. Feels very close to his father. D. Respects his father's hard work.
B. Fears and resents his father.
When he meets his father 25 years later, Richard realizes that his father...(from Black Boy) A. Will never understand him. B. Is very much like him. C. Is still powerful and forceful. D. Feels guilty about what happened.
A. Will never understand him.
A synonym for enthralled is: A. Unavailing B. Dejected C. Captivated D. Intensely
C. Captivated
A synonym for ardently is captivated. A. True B. False
B. False
The speaker of "The Unknown Citizen" can best be characterized as someone who ___. A. Opposes government regulations B. Cares deeply about the unknown citizen C. Supports authoritarian control D. Values individual thoughts and emotions
C. Supports authoritarian control
Why is the ending of "The Fish" is surprising? A. The speaker lets the fish go. B. The fish escapes. C. The fish had smaller fish inside of it. D. Other people have also seen the fish.
A. The speaker lets the fish go.
The unknown citizen's loss of identity is best shown by the lack of a name on the monument's inscription. (In "The Unknown Citizen") A. True B. False
A. True
Which of the following claims does the mirror make about itself? A. It is not cruel, only truthful. B. It can allow people to see what they want to see. C. It is something that people do not really see. D. It is lonely and neglected.
A. It is not cruel, only truthful.
When the woman in "Mirror" sees her reflection, she _____. A. Decides to polish the mirror B. Becomes agitated and upset C. Realizes that she must forget the past D. Is reminded of her grandmother
B. Becomes agitated and upset
A man who has no preconceptions about people has not formed any opinions about them. A. True B. False
A. True
Why is the Latin deli special to its customers? A. It reminds its customers of home. B. It sells imported products at the lowest prices. C. It gives discounts to customers. D. It is a good place to practice speaking English.
A. It reminds its customers of home.
Why do their customers prefer to call the deli to the A&P Store? A. The A&P is too expensive. B. The A&P is not kept clean. C. The A&P is less comforting than the deli. D. The A&P does not sell imported products.
C. The A&P is less comforting than the deli.
The reader can infer that the deli's customers read the package labels aloud because they are happy to find products that remind them of home. A. True B. False
A. True
To what senses does the image in the following lines appeal? "Restless in her sleep, she,/ for the last time, brushes back/ the hissing curls from her forehead"(in "Medusa") A. Sight and smell B. Sight, touch, and hearing C. Touch and hearing D. Sight
B. Sight, touch, and hearing
Why is Medusa is an archetype? A. The pattern of her story had been retold many times. B. She comes from ancient Greek myths. C. She is an evil monster. D. The story of a female character has been retold many times.
A. The pattern of her story had been retold many times.
The men are speechless when they see Medusa because she turns them to stone.(in "Medusa") A. True B. False
A. True
Why is Mr. Pirzada in the United States?("When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine") A. He is trying to earn enough money to send for his family. B. He and his wife are getting divorced. C. He is a scholar doing research in botany. D. He is a political refugee from Dacca.
C. He is a scholar doing research in botany.
Which of the following words best describes Mr. Pirzada? A. Arrogant B. Stoical C. Indecisive D. Selfish
B. Stoical
Lilia saves the gifts from Mr. Pirzada in a special box. A. True B. False
A. True
Based on the details Wright uses to describe the house where his father is living with another woman, we can infer that Richard's father...(from Black Boy) A. Has enough money to help support his family. B. Has a second family he is supporting. C. Would like to have his wife and children move in with him. D. Is too poor to support his family.
A. Has enough money to help support his family.
The fish in "The Fish" is best described as _____. A. Aged and battered B. Dangerous and ugly C. Smooth and graceful D. Young and multicolored
A. Aged and battered
The word that means round; plump is A. Deplored B. Imperceptible C. Rotund D. Autonomy
C. Rotund
The word that means very plain is A. Austere B. Autonomy C. Rotund D. Imperceptible
A. Austere
Which of the following words best describes Mr. Pirzada? A. Arrogant B. Stoical C. Indecisive D. Selfish
B. Stoical
Why do you think the author titled her story "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine"? A. When Mr. Pirzada came to eat dinner with the family, Lilia learned a life lesson. B. Meeting Mr. Pirsada was the single most important event in her childhood. C. Lilia resented Mr. Pirzada's visits because she had less time with her parents when he was there. D. The dinners were happy times that Lilia remembers fondly.
A. When Mr. Pirzada came to eat dinner with the family, Lilia learned a life lesson.
Why does Lilia eat the candies but not brush her teeth? A. The candy is part of her prayer and she doesn't want to brush it away. B. She is testing her parents' rules. C. She does not want the delicious taste of the candies to fade. D. She had lost her toothbrush and is afraid to ask for another one.
A. The candy is part of her prayer and she doesn't want to brush it away.
A man who has no preconceptions about people has not formed any opinions about them. A. True B. False
A. True
According to the line 2 of "Mirror," the mirror swallows whatever it sees. A. True B. False
A. True
The mirror claims that it can only allow people to see what they want to see. A. True B. False
B. False
Salzman uses phrases such as "two fine people that they would be wonderful to be married" and "partikiller," both which are reminiscent of what?("The Magic Barrel") A. Dark romanticism and light comedy B. Free verse and the decay of society C. Colloquial speech and local color D. Slant rhyme and perfect rhyme
C. Colloquial speech and local color
What must Salzman do in order to achieve his goals?("The Magic Barrel") A. He had to secure Leo's rabbinical title and then make Leo proud of himself. B. He had to find a husband for Ruth K. and regain his wife's confidence. C. He had to rig things so Leo rejects candidates and instead "discovers" Stella. D. He has to be definitively hired by Leo, and he had to produce viable prospects.
C. He had to rig things so Leo rejects candidates and instead "discovers" Stella.
When Salzman addresses Finkle as "rabbi" and is admonished to call him "mister," Samzman settles on "doctor" and then goes back to "rabbi" when "Leo was not listening too attentively." What conclusions can you draw from this regarding Salzman's attitude toward Leo Finkle("The Magic Barrel") A. He thinks Leo is young and foolish. B. He is being sarcastic because Leo is conceited. C. He is impressed by Leo's future status. D. He is toying with him, finding Leo too picky.
C. He is impressed by Leo's future status.
From his dialogue, Richard emerges as possessing which of the following qualities?(from Black Boy) A. Patience B. Viciousness C. Confidence D. Uncertainty
D. Uncertainty
From this excerpt, you can infer that Richard...(from Black Boy) A. Created the dialogue from his memories and his imagination. B. Reproduced the characters' words directly from life. C. Recalled every word he used from actual conversations. D. Wants his readers to understand that this is a work of fiction.
A. Created the dialogue from his memories and his imagination.
Overall, the effect of the dialogue used in this selection is to...(from Black Boy) A. Emphasize regional accents, making the characters seem realistic. B. Reveal how people think and help readers to visualize the characters. C. Remind the readers that the story is a work of fiction. D. Surprise the reader, since it is used rarely.
B. Reveal how people think and help readers to visualize the characters.
Richard's mother places him and his brother in an orphanage...(from Black Boy) A. In anger. B. In desperation. C. At their father's insistence. D. By order of the court.
B. In desperation.
The details used to describe his father at the beginning of the selection shows that Richard...(from Black Boy) A. Enjoys playing games with his father. B. Fears and resents his father. C. Feels very close to his father. D. Respects his father's hard work.
B. Fears and resents his father.
The tone of the last two lines, "Was he free? Was he happy? The question is absurd: Had anything been wrong, we should certainly have heard," is ___.(In "The Unknown Citizen") A. Realistic B. Serious C. Satirical D. Amused
C. Satirical
Which of the following describes the young Richard's attitude toward his father?(from Black Boy) A. Richard sees his father as a stranger in the house. B. Richard admires his father, but is afraid of him. C. Richard is jealous of his father's attention to his brother. D. Richard paid no attention to his father's presence in the apartment.
A. Richard sees his father as a stranger in the house.
Which of the following statements would Auden most likely to agree with?(In "The Unknown Citizen") A. It is not possible to know whether a person was happy through statistical data. B. It is possible to know a person well through statistics, data, and figures. C. Statistical data give a good idea what a person is like but does not gives us the whole picture. D. There is no harm in the government tracking persons and collecting vast amounts of data on them.
A. It is not possible to know whether a person was happy through statistical data.
Why can you can conclude that the poem "The Unknown Citizen" is written in the ironic mode?(In "The Unknown Citizen") A. It was written to trick the reader with a surprise ending. B. There is no hero and the nameless citizen is praised for conformity. C. The theme of the poem is expressly stated in the first few lines. D. It uses exaggeration to make a point.
B. There is no hero and the nameless citizen is praised for conformity.
Wright's main subject in this excerpt from his autobiography is ___.(from Black Boy) A. Racial prejudice B. Divorce C. Danger D. Poverty
D. Poverty
_______________ means marriage portion. A. Clientele B. Dowry C. Matchmaker D. Meager
B. Dowry
Lily Hirshorn is clearly enamored of the spirituality she has been primed to see in Finkle. In this, what function does she serve for Salzman?("The Magic Barrel") A. She sets up the contrast Salzman needs to be able to present Stella. B. Her purpose is to bolster Leo's own choice of profession. C. Leo learns that Salzman actually does have good taste in women. D. She provides a fallback choice if Leo finds no one else interesting.
A. She sets up the contrast Salzman needs to be able to present Stella.
Malamud's tone regarding Finkle as he shows him interacting with the wily Salzman is --( "The Magic Barrel") A. Condescending B. Sympathetic C. Pitying D. Comic
D. Comic
Salzman seems to suddenly appear and disappear, wears clothes that look like costumes, and gestures in an animated way with long, bony fingers. These characterization details are best summarized as what?("The Magic Barrel") A. Salzman is not intelligent. B. Salzman lacks dignity. C. Salzman is not sane. D. Salzman is theatrical.
D. Salzman is theatrical.
To what does the title "The Magic Barrel" refer? A. The soon-to-be married person expects an answer to his or her questions about marriage to come from a seer or a magician. B. It is a reference to Salzman's lie about having so many cards for eligible women that he had to put them in a barrel in his office. C. It is an allusion to the saying "more fun than a barrel of monkeys." D. "Magic barrel" is an English translation of a Yiddish term for "mysterious."
B. It is a reference to Salzman's lie about having so many cards for eligible women that he had to put them in a barrel in his office.
Why does Salzman call Stella "a wild one... not a bride for a rabbi"?("The Magic Barrel") A. He already had another better, more suitable match arranged for Stella. B. At his point, Salzman knows he does not want Leo as his son-in-law. C. He is using reverse psychology to lure Leo, hook him and reel him in. D. His experience as a matchmaker tells him this marriage would never work.
C. He is using reverse psychology to lure Leo, hook him and reel him in.
Characters who end a story with the same intrinsic attitudes and feelings as they did in the beginning are _____. A. Round characters B. Static characters C. Flat characters D. Dynamic characters
B. Static characters
A synonym for ardently is: A. Captivated B. Intensely C. Dejected D. Unavailing
B. Intensely
A synonym for enthralled is: A. Unavailing B. Dejected C. Captivated D. Intensely
C. Captivated
A synonym for frenzy is A. Furor B. Intensely C. Captivated D. Dejected
A. Furor
A synonym for futile is A. Intensely B. Captivated C. Dejected D. Unavailing
D. Unavailing
At the end of "The Fish," the speaker's attitude toward the fish can best be described as ___. A. Disappointed B. Admiring C. Disgusted D. Indifferent
B. Admiring
From her experiences with Mr. Pirzada, Lilia learns... A. To love science. B. Never to trust strangers. C. How to celebrate Halloween. D. The importance of friendship during times of trouble.
D. The importance of friendship during times of trouble.
The word that means condemned as wrong; disapproved of A. Reiteration B. Austere C. Autonomy D. Deplored
D. Deplored
The word that means repetition is A. Imperceptible B. Reiteration C. Deplored D. Autonomy
B. Reiteration
The word that means round; plump is A. Deplored B. Imperceptible C. Rotund D. Autonomy
C. Rotund
The word that means very plain is A. Austere B. Autonomy C. Rotund D. Imperceptible
A. Austere
What does Lilia do with his gifts? A. Destroys them B. Shares them with her best friend C. Gives them away D. Saves them in a special box
D. Saves them in a special box
Which of the following claims does the mirror make about itself? A. It is not cruel, only truthful. B. It can allow people to see what they want to see. C. It is something that people do not really see. D. It is lonely and neglected.
A. It is not cruel, only truthful.
Why do you think the author titled her story "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine"? A. When Mr. Pirzada came to eat dinner with the family, Lilia learned a life lesson. B. Meeting Mr. Pirzada was the single most important event in her childhood. C. Lilia resented Mr. Pirzada's visits because she had less time with her parents when he was there. D. The dinners were happy times that Lilia remembers fondly.
A. When Mr. Pirzada came to eat dinner with the family, Lilia learned a life lesson.
Why does Lilia eat the candies but not brush her teeth? A. The candy is part of her prayer and she doesn't want to brush it away. B. She is testing her parents' rules. C. She does not want the delicious taste of the candies to fade. D. She had lost her toothbrush and is afraid to ask for another one.
A. The candy is part of her prayer and she doesn't want to brush it away.
Why is the ending of "The Fish" is surprising? A. The speaker lets the fish go. B. The fish escapes. C. The fish had smaller fish inside of it. D. Other people have also seen the fish.
A. The speaker lets the fish go.
You know that Mr. Pirzada composure has cracked when he _____. A. Yells at Lilia B. Carves a gash in the pumpkin C. Forgets to get Lilia a gift D. Understands that his daughters have been killed
B. Carves a gash in the pumpkin
According to the line 2 of "Mirror," the mirror swallows whatever it sees. A. True B. False
A. True
The mirror claims that it can only allow people to see what they want to see. A. True B. False
B. False
The reader can infer that the deli's customers read the package labels aloud because they are happy to find products that remind them of home. A. True B. False
A. True
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