American History Chapter 19 Section 1 Assesment – Flashcards
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What is a U-boat?
a german submarine
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What was the Lusitania?
British passenger liner sunk by a German U-boat during World War I
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What caused WWI, and why did the United States enter the war?
WWI was caused by many things, among them was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand leading to the Austria-Hungary empire declaring war on Serbia which dragged most of Europe into the war due to alliances. The U.S. entered the war due to Germanys war tactics and the Zimmermann note.
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Why did a stalemate develop on the Western Front?
The defensive weapons were much more effective than the offensive, therefore it was hard for either side to break through each other's defenses
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Compare the three positions Americans took on the issue of wether or not the United States should enter the war.
Many Americans were immigrants from Europe, therefore German Americans believed that Germany was justified, and Irish and Jewish Americans hoped for Britain and Russia's defeat. However, a majority of Americans supported the cause of the British and French due to strong historical ties to the two
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Why did the United States decide to enter the war and fight on the side of the Allies?
After attempts to keep the U.S. out of the war, Germany sent what is known as the Zimmermann note to Mexico stating that if America went to war, that Mexico would fight for Germany and would be granted the land they lost to America. The Americans got wind of the note and joined the Allies against Germany
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