American Classroom Midterm – Flashcards

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Social reconstructionists believe that...
B. the young are agents of change
In the model of school as a transmitter of culture, schools...
C. Ensure that the young know and appreciate the dominant ideas and values of their society's culture.
Reid Conrad firmly believes that the purpose of schools is to transmit dominant American culture. What might he do in class to further his educational goals?
A. Emphasize the benefits of competition and consistently reward students who perform better than their classmates.
One drawback of using schools as vehicles for cultural transmission is that
B. students may then not be able to recognize the merits of any other culture besides the dominant one of their society.
Juan believes that schools can help students become actively involved in alleviating the problem of homelessness. Juan personifies the view of
C. Social Reconstructionism
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Which of the following would an educator who is a democratic deconstructionist support?
D. The notion that change happens most effectively when citizens are actively involved as change agents
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Socialization is an important element of schooling. As a result of socialization, children learn how to
B. become acceptable members of society.
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In his study, Phillip Jackson noted that teachers engage in hundreds of interchanges a day. He found that most of these interchanges involved
A. the teacher directing and controlling the discussion.
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What could one reasonable conclude from Jackson's observations of elementary classrooms?
A. The structure of the elementary classroom requires students to develop self-restraint and patience.
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A constant similarity shared among schools teaching students in the middle school grade is that
d. few consistent similarities exist; the schools vary widely based on grades included in the school and the goals of the administration.
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Which of the following does not contribute to effective schools?
B. Teacher autonomy and isolated practice
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According to the authors of The Shopping Mall High School, average high school students are
C. ignored and poorly served
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Among the characteristics of schools with records of great success in academics are
A. high teacher expectations, strong instructional leadership, and orderly environment.
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The characteristics of teachers in effective schools include
D. high expectations of students, communication among teachers, and effective behavior management skills.
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A schools curriculum could be defined as
A. all of the organized and planned experiences of students for which the school assumes responsibility.
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Which of the following has had the most influence over the content of the curriculum in the past decade?
B. Standards-based movement
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Foreign Language departments have sought to attract more students by
B. expanding their course offerings and integrating the study of language with the study of culture.
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Which of the following are guiding the development of physical education curricula?
D. Development of aerobic capacity and appropriate levels of body fat.
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Enrollment in career and technical education courses has declined primarily due to
D. apprenticeships that have replaced the need for coursework through the schools.
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Successful cooperative learning strategies include the following:
D. group goals, individual accountability, and equal opportunities for success.
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Proponents of interdisciplinary teaching contend that such an approach helps students
A. prepare for the real world where disciplines are interrelated
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Evidence suggests that the use of writing activities in other curriculum areas
C. enhances writing skills as well as achievements in other areas.
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Differentiated instruction is a teaching philosophy that encourages teachers to meet the needs of academically diverse students by adapting which three elements of instruction?
C. Content, process, and products
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The term looping refers to
D. the practice of promoting the teacher along with the students so that they have the same teacher for several grade levels.
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Tracking students means that students
A. are sorted by ability and placed into specific academic program tracks
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Which of the following is the best description of reflective teaching?
B. teaching that incorporates a teacher's self-examination and self-evaluation
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Which of the following best exemplifies the behavior of a reflective teacher?
A. Keshia reviews her lessons each day and keeps a teaching journal
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Teaching is most significantly affected by the teacher's attitude toward
c. other teachers, parents, students, and the subject.
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How does recognizing one's own feelings of anxiety help a teacher?
B. It can help her understand how a student's anxiety can affect his or her learning.
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Which of the following is an example of "self-fulfilling prophecy?"
B. Students will achieve to match the teacher's expectation of them.
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Brian, frustrated by his math worksheet, tears the paper in half. Which of the teacher's following responses would best categorize what psychologist Carl Rogers calls "empathetic understanding?"
C. "You were working on those problems for some time without getting many done. Why don't you show me where you got stuck?"
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During an open house night, Tyrone Green met with parents of his Algebra I students. He briefly mentioned some of the fundamental concepts in Algebra I and spent most of his time explaining his techniques for teaching Algebra I to ninth-graders. What kind of knowledge fig Tyrone just use to explain how he teachers algebra?
B. Pedagogical content knowledge
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Lois and Charlotte are considered successful teachers. Charlotte revises her units eacher year, working to improve them, whereas Lois rarely teaches the same unit twice. Lois is unable to cover much material with her class by adhering to lesson planes, whereas Charlotte will alter her plan if she thinks it is necessary. Which teacher demonstrates the behavior of an effective teacher?
A. Charlotte, because she will modify her lessons if she thinks it's necessary.
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A teacher smoothly makes transitions from one activity to another so that no time is wasted. She clearly explains what she wants from her students to do during the activities, and she sets up a system by which they can quickly and quietly have their work checked by her before moving on to the next activity. These tasks of the teacher all fall under the description of
C. classroom management
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Which of the following best describes the concept of academic engagement?
D. students work on activities relevant to the instructional goals and work with a high degree of success.
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A student was overheard saying to his friend, "There's no way I would act up in her class. She's seems to know what's going to happen before it happens, Ted tried to fool her, but she got him right away. You can't pull anything on her." According to Kouninm this teacher has
A. With-it-ness
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In Liz's class, some students worked quickly through tasks and afterward sat with nothing to do. Liz often had to stop other students in the middle of their work to clarify the assignment. As a result, the class usually too much longer to complete their work than Liz had planned. What elements of classroom management does Liz lack, according to Jacob Kounin's ideas.
B. smoothness and momentum
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Sixth-grade teacher Mike Hsu is having difficulty with one of his students, Benny. Benny finishes his tasks quickly and then distracts other students. According to Jim and Kevin's suggestions for her classroom management, what should Mike do?
b. Review his teaching to see if it is appropriate for Benny.
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According to research, what typically happens when teachers increase their wait time when questioning students?
c. The students provide lengthier responses without being asked.
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15. Colbie will soon be entering 2nd grade. Which of the following will most likely not affect the academic expectations her teachers will have for her?
All of the above. A. money her parents earn, B. scores from standardized tests she took in first grade, C. her race and ethnicity, D They will all likely affect the teachers' expectations
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Duane teaches in an industrial city where residents are concerned about groundwater contamination. Duane is elected president of a citizens' environmental group that some residents consider controversial. Near the end of the school year, Duane's principal quietly tells him that he will not be offered a third-year teacher's contract because of his reputation as a "radical environmentalist." Which of this teacher's rights has been violated?
B. The right to substantive due process
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A Veteran teacher is suspected of drinking on the job. The principal confronts the teacher and apprises him of the process that will be followed concerning his hearing, retaining an attorney, and other facts. The teacher asks if he will be given the name of his accusers. According to the law concerning procedural due process, how will the principal answer?
D. The accusers' names will be provided to him and he will have the opportunity to confront and cross-examine them.*
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Shoshona and Patti are both tenured foreign language teachers. There has been a 30% decrease in student enrollment, creating a reduction in force situation. According to tenure law, what can administrators do regarding both teachers' future assignments?
c. In rifting cases, the school district can lay off tenured teachers and the decision about which teachers to dismiss is usually based on seniority.
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In which of the following instances is the teacher most likely to be held liable?
c. A teacher ignores wo students who begin to wrestle playfully, and one of them breaks a wrist.
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In considering whether a teacher should be held liable for a student injury, which of the following facts will a judge consider most important?
B. Whether the teacher had established rules for the students
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As a social studies teacher strolls through the halls during lunch, he finds a group of students clustered around two boys who are fighting. When he intervenes to stop the fighting, the teacher must also be aware of
a. the use of unreasonable force.
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Which of the following instances would be protected by the Pickering decision (freedom of expression)?
d. A teacher who publicly criticized school policies in a non-disruptive manner.
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A small group of angry parents threatens to sue a school board for their support of an English teacher and her choice of texts for her class, including the works of JD Salinger and Judy Blume. The parents claim that Catcher in the Rye and Blume's Forever are inappropriate to teach in school because of their subject matter. If this case reached the courts, what would a judge consider in deciding the case?
b. the academic relevance and the age of the students involved.
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A group of angry parents comes to a PTO meeting, demanding that Mrs. Montero never teacher Romeo and Juliet in school again, because the play glorifies teen suicide. This demonstrates
b. an infringement on the teachers academic freedom
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According to recent court rulings, which of the following is not protected as a teacher's right?
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Rose Huang, a second-grade teacher, notices that Donnie, one of her pupils, frequently arrives at school with bruises and cuts. Rose suspects physical abuse by the parents, yet she can't be entirely certain. According to the law, what must Rose do?
a. report her suspicions to the proper authorities.
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Several students would like to begin an after-school Bible study to meet in a classroom. According to the recent court cases cited in the text, what is the most likely response from the principal?
C. Yes, if a school provides limited school access for other non-curriculum student groups.
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To what extent is corporal punishment permitted?
D. It is permitted in many states, mostly in the south.
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Under what conditions may a school official search a student's locker?
B. when the official has a reasonable suspicion that a student is hiding illegal substances or weapons in her locker
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Which of the following best represents the recent court decisions regarding the extent of students' freedom of speech?
D. Public schools have the right to restrict students' free speech through their established standards of civic and moral conduct.
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