Adrian Knight An 18-year-old Depressed Person Treated As – Flashcards

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After about 15 minutes of being with Ad, he stops responding and stares into space with no affect. What is the best way to proceed? Hint Sit with Ad for 20 minutes more and then leave Tell Ad that you will stay with him for a few more minutes and then return in another hour Tell Ad that you will leave now and return to see him in the afternoon Continue to sit with Ad until he feels more comfortable with you and starts talking
Tell Ad that you will stay with him for a few more minutes and then return in another hour
As you meet with Ad and try to develop a relationship, what factors will you assess to monitor his depression? Select all that apply (there are 3 correct answers). Hint Ad's food and fluid intake Ad's pulse, respirations, and blood pressure Ad's bladder and bowel elimination patterns Ad's activity level
Ad's food and fluid intake Ad's bladder and bowel elimination patterns Ad's activity level
Ad was 11 years old when his parents were divorced. He is now 18 years old. According to Erikson, the developmental task for Ad at age 11 was: Hint Identity vs. Role Diffusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Industry vs. Inferiority
Industry vs. Inferiority Correct Between the ages of 6 and 12 years old, Ad was learning how to use his knowledge and skills to master his environment through persistence and relationships with peers. This is the task of Industry vs. Inferiority. Ad currently is attempting to solidify his self-concept, including self-image, values, and beliefs. This is the task of Identity vs. Role Diffusion (ages 12-20).
4. psy04151.jpg You determine that the following nursing diagnoses apply to Ad. Which takes highest priority? Hint Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements related to fatigue and lack of interest in eating Risk for Constipation related to immobility and decreased food and fluid intake Disturbed Sleep Pattern related to inadequate coping with losses and altered circadian rhythms Risk for Self-Harm related to previous suicide attempt and unresolved grief
Risk for Self-Harm related to previous suicide attempt and unresolved grief Correct Since admission, Ad has neither confirmed nor denied whether or not he is still suicidal. His safety is a priority concern. Risk for Self-Harm is the nursing diagnosis that takes highest priority at this time.
Many variables place Ad in a high-risk category for suicide. Which of the following factors increase Ad's risk for suicide? Select all that apply (there are 6 correct answers). His African-American heritage His single lifestyle The fact that Ad is male The fact that Ad is unemployed His state of depression The fact that Ad is 18 years old His history of losses
B, C, D, E, F, G, His single lifestyle Correct Being single places Ad in a slightly higher risk category for suicide than if he was married. The fact that Ad is male Correct Males are three times more likely to complete suicide than females. Ad's male gender increases his risk for suicide. The fact that Ad is unemployed Correct Employment increases opportunity for self-esteem, social contacts, and meaningful contributions to society. Unemployment typically contributes to diminished self-esteem which can lead to feelings of hopelessness. This can increase risk of suicide. His state of depression Correct Ad's depression and associated hopelessness increase his risk for suicide. The fact that Ad is 18 years old Correct As a late adolescent, Ad is at increased risk for suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in adolescents and the age group of 18-24 years. His history of losses Correct Ad's history of losses makes him vulnerable to hopelessness, and subsequently at risk for suicide.
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Ad has been placed on suicide precautions. Suicide precautions involve: Select all that apply (there are 4 correct answers). Hint having visual contact with Ad once an hour assessing Ad's suicidal risk and lethality once a day removing belts, glass objects, coat hangers, razors, and other sharp items from Ad's environment checking to be sure that Ad swallows his medication monitoring meal trays for missing utensils searching gifts and other items brought by visitors
C, D, E, F emoving belts, glass objects, coat hangers, razors, and other sharp items from Ad's environment Correct For a depressed person on suicide precautions, removing obvious articles that could be used in a suicide attempt is critical. These items are stimuli for suicidal thoughts and attempts. Staff members should also be alert to the availability of shoe strings, craft and cleaning supplies, light bulbs, and metal cans, all of which could be used to commit suicide. checking to be sure that Ad swallows his medication Correct For a depressed person on suicide precautions, checking whether or not the person is swallowing his medications is imperative. Depressed persons may "cheek" their medications, hoard them, and then attempt suicide by overdose. monitoring meal trays for missing utensils Correct To help maintain self-respect and self-esteem, depressed persons usually receive meal trays with metal silverware and the standard plastic plates and glasses. Silverware could potentially be used in a suicide attempt. For this reason, it is imperative that meal trays be checked for missing items. searching gifts and other items brought by visitors Correct Gifts and other items brought by visitors can potentially be dangerous to a suicidal person. Any items brought by visitors should be carefully scrutinized and assessed for the threat they might pose.
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7. Before answering Ad, you consider several possible responses. Which of the following responses would help? Select all that apply (there are 3 correct answers). Hint "It's a burden to feel responsible for people leaving you." "You deserve to be punished?" "It's all right to feel so guilty." "You're feeling all alone and as if you have nothing?"A
A, B, D "It's a burden to feel responsible for people leaving you." Correct Ad's mood and behaviors of the past several days indicate that he may feel burdened. His words, "I didn't do anything to stop them" suggest he feels responsible for his losses. This response would reflect Ad's feelings back to him and give him an opportunity to confirm or deny your perception. This would be a therapeutic approach. "You deserve to be punished?" Correct Therapeutic communication is generally enhanced when the nurse restates a client's thoughts or feelings. Restating Ad's words in a questioning tone of voice would encourage him to elaborate on his belief that he should be punished. This would be a therapeutic response. "You're feeling all alone and as if you have nothing?" Correct This response paraphrases Ad's statements of, "Everybody's gone. I'm all by myself, without a job, worthless." Paraphrasing would allow Ad to reflect on his feelings and thoughts in a new way. This would be therapeutic.
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Ad's family and girlfriend pressure the treatment team to "do something quickly." They are afraid that Ad will remain depressed and complete an attempt at suicide, even while in the hospital. Ad's mother wants him to have electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Ad himself hesitantly also mentions this treatment request Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) involves artificially inducing a grand mal seizure. This is achieved by passing an electrical current through electrodes that are applied to the patient's head.
B,C, DE Preparation for ECT treatments require that the patient be NPO Written consent is required for treatments The patient is asleep during ECT treatments Memory impairment is common with ECT treatments
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Usually, at least six ECT treatments are needed to achieve relief from depression. Often, a series of 12-15 treatments are administered to assure long-term improvement. ECT is usually administered no more than three times a week, either in an inpatient or outpatient setting Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is not risk-free. You are sure to tell Ad and his family about risks associated with ECT. Precautions are taken to avoid patient injury during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments.
A,B, D, E, F Use of a bite block Administration of an IV muscle relaxant Pulse oximetry monitoring Blood pressure monitoring Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring
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10. psy04105.jpg Which response to Ad is indicated? Hint "Ad, everything is ready. You need to have the treatment." Even though everything is ready for Ad's treatment, he has the right to change his mind. Another response is indicated. "Ad, you have signed the consent form, and you need to have the treatment." Even though Ad has signed consent for treatment, he has the right to change his mind at any time. Another response is indicated. "It sounds like you have made a firm decision and changed your mind." Correct This response is a good response. It acknowledges Ad's right to change his mind while reflecting what he has verbally and nonverbally said to you. After discussion with Ad, his family and treatment team accept his decision to not have treatments, at least for now. "It sounds like someone has influenced you to change your mind." This response does not address what Ad has stated. And, there is no evidence that someone has influenced Ad to change his mind about taking electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments. Another response is indicated.
C "It sounds like you have made a firm decision and changed your mind." Correct This response is a good response. It acknowledges Ad's right to change his mind while reflecting what he has verbally and nonverbally said to you. After discussion with Ad, his family and treatment team accept his decision to not have treatments, at least for now.
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11. psy04102.jpg You need to determine administration times for Ad's Prozac (fluoxetine). Which administration schedule is best? Hint 6 PM and 10 PM Insomnia, restlessness, and nightmares commonly occur with Prozac (fluoxetine), especially when it is taken in the evening. Another administration schedule is better. 8 AM and 12 noon Correct Insomnia, restlessness, and nightmares commonly occur with Prozac (fluoxetine). These occur less frequently when Prozac is administered during morning hours. 10 AM and 6 PM Insomnia, restlessness, and nightmares commonly occur with Prozac (fluoxetine), especially when it is taken in the evening. Another administration schedule is better. 12 noon and 8 PM Insomnia, restlessness, and nightmares commonly occur with Prozac (fluoxetine), especially when it is taken in the evening. Another administration schedule is better.
8 AM and 12 noon Correct Insomnia, restlessness, and nightmares commonly occur with Prozac (fluoxetine). These occur less frequently when Prozac is administered during morning hours.
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12. psy04134.jpg Ad grumbles to you about "all the blood they're taking." What explanation would be best? Hint "The doctor has ordered tests to see what's causing your depression." As stated, this explanation is too simplistic. Ad has begun to process information better and is able to understand a more specific explanation. "The doctor has ordered thyroid and other tests to see if your feelings have a physical basis." Correct This response gives simple, specific, and accurate information. Ad is entitled to know as much as he is ready and willing to learn, without having to feel overwhelmed with too much information or patronized with too little. "The doctor wants to find out if you have any physical problems." As stated, this explanation is too simplistic. Ad has begun to process information better and is able to understand a more specific explanation. "T3, T4, and TSH all help measure the amount of hormones released from your thyroid gland." There are too many details in this explanation, and the details are medical terms he would not understand. Ad would probably be overwhelmed and confused.
"The doctor has ordered thyroid and other tests to see if your feelings have a physical basis." Correct This response gives simple, specific, and accurate information. Ad is entitled to know as much as he is ready and willing to learn, without having to feel overwhelmed with too much information or patronized with too little.
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13. psy04109.jpg The staff members' reaction to Ad's isolated, introspective behavior is known as: Hint dissociation The staff member's reaction is not dissociation. Dissociation is a defense mechanism that involves disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, and perception of the environment. withdrawal Correct Reacting to an isolated patient with similar behavior is called withdrawal. This a nontherapeutic response that needs to be changed. rationalization The staff member's reaction is not rationalization. Rationalization is a defense mechanism that involves use of justification that has some element of truth to explain a deficit or problematic behavior. suppression The staff member's reaction is not suppression. Suppression is a defense mechanism that involves the conscious denial of a disturbing situation or feeling.
withdrawal Correct Reacting to an isolated patient with similar behavior is called withdrawal. This a nontherapeutic response that needs to be changed.
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14. psy04152.jpg Which of the following goals is most appropriate with regard to the nursing diagnosis Dysfunctional Grieving? Hint By the time of discharge, Ad will no longer be grieving It would be unrealistic to expect that Ad would complete the grieving process by the time of his discharge. He has many issues and feelings to resolve. Acute symptoms of grieving are common for 4-8 weeks. Active symptoms of grieving may be present from 3-6 months. The complete work of mourning takes 1-2 years. By the time of discharge, Ad will begin to grieve in a direct and open manner Correct Ad needs assistance in learning how to express his feelings and thoughts honestly and directly. It would be realistic to expect that Ad could grieve in a direct and open manner by discharge. Ad will need to identify his losses and share feelings about his brother's death. Acute symptoms of grieving are common for 4-8 weeks. Active symptoms of grieving may be present from 3-6 months. The complete work of mourning takes 1-2 years. At the end of three weeks, Ad will have experienced almost all of the grieving process It would be unrealistic to expect that Ad would experience most of the grieving process after three weeks. Acute symptoms of grieving are common for 4-8 weeks. Active symptoms of grieving may be present from 3-6 months. The complete work of mourning takes 1-2 years.
By the time of discharge, Ad will begin to grieve in a direct and open manner Correct Ad needs assistance in learning how to express his feelings and thoughts honestly and directly. It would be realistic to expect that Ad could grieve in a direct and open manner by discharge. Ad will need to identify his losses and share feelings about his brother's death. Acute symptoms of grieving are common for 4-8 weeks. Active symptoms of grieving may be present from 3-6 months. The complete work of mourning takes 1-2 years.
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Activity Intolerance is another nursing diagnosis that applies to Ad. What is the best way to help Ad become active and motivated? Hint Remind Ad ten minutes before each activity he is expected to participate in Walk with Ad to the bathroom, kitchen, and milieu when he indicates he wants to go to these areas Allow Ad to stay in his room except for your individual sessions with him, when you meet in the interview room Assist Ad in preparing a structured activity schedule so that he knows what is expected
Assist Ad in preparing a structured activity schedule so that he knows what is expected Correct Assisting Ad in preparing a structured activity schedule would allow him to anticipate activities and plan for his day. Meals, medication times, therapy sessions, time to sit in the milieu, visiting hours, and rest periods are some of the items to be included on Ad's activity schedule.
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psy04105.jpg As you work with Ad, you realize that his descriptions of loss in his life remind you of losses in your own. This process is called: countertransference splitting denial undoing
countertransference Correct When a client's descriptions or feelings remind you of events or feelings in your own life, the process is referred to as countertransference. Feelings of countertransference need to be recognized and personally acknowledged, and possibly discussed with a colleague. It is important that personal feelings not interfere with judgments about a client.
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What approach would be best in getting Ad to follow his expected routine? Kind but firm Passive but friendly Matter-of-fact
Kind but firm Correct A kind but firm approach uses words, voice tone, body stance, and gestures to communicate expectations. It would be the best approach to use to get Ad to follow his expected routine.
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Ad slowly begins to initiate activities on his own and no longer needs reminders or direction to follow his schedule. Although he does not try to engage his peers in conversation, he watches what others are doing with interest. He responds in a friendly, yet brief way when he is spoken to. Visiting with his mother, sister, girlfriend, and father has become more comfortable for Ad, and his family. One day, while Ad is in the milieu, you notice him tapping his foot to some music that a small group of patients are playing.
Reflect to Ad that he seems to be enjoying the music and suggest that he join the music group Correct Reflecting to Ad that he seems to be enjoying the music and suggesting that he join the music group would allow him opportunity for validation of his feelings as well as provide opportunity for interpersonal interaction.
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19. As Ad begins to talk more with you, you make a no-suicide contract with him. The goal of the contract is to prevent Ad from harming himself or committing suicide. The elements of the contract include: Select all that apply (there are 3 correct answers). a promise to contact you or another staff member if he is tempted to act on destructive impulses giving personal items to friends and family surrendering of items such as sharps or pills willingness to manage several days medication on his own participation of family and friends in the contract
A C E a promise to contact you or another staff member if he is tempted to act on destructive impulses surrendering of items such as sharps or pills participation of family and friends in the contract
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Considering Ad's continued difficulty in sharing his thoughts and feelings about loss, how can you best help him deal with the loss of your relationship? Hint Wait for him to raise the issue, once he knows he will be discharged Listen for his allusions to loss and words which symbolize loss of your relationship Say to him, "If our relationship has meant anything, you should be able to tell me what the loss of our working together means to you." Say to him, "You'll be leaving in a few days. How are you feeling about ending our relationship?"
Say to him, "You'll be leaving in a few days. How are you feeling about ending our relationship?" Correct Initiating the topic of ending your relationship would give Ad permission to talk about his thoughts and feelings in a time frame that would encourage closure. Important areas to explore with Ad would include what he has learned from the work you've done together, how he feels about it, and what regrets he may have. It would also be important for him to determine if there is anything he wants to tell you in the time that is left.
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Ad has continued to have difficulty being open and direct in his grief. Which of Ad's statements indicates the best hope for his progress after discharge? Hint "I think I know what I need to do once I leave here." "I'm going to try to cry and get angry more openly." "It's hard; but, I'm going to work on sharing my feelings a little bit at a time with my new therapist." "Nobody knows how difficult it is. My feelings are inside me and I can't show them to anyone."
It's hard; but, I'm going to work on sharing my feelings a little bit at a time with my new therapist." Correct This statement sounds positive and realistic. In it, Ad acknowledges that although progress may be slow, he is committed.
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