Acct Test 3 Multiple Choice/ NO MATH – Flashcards

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Managerial accounting applies to each of the following types of businesses except a. service firms. b. merchandising firms. c. manufacturing firms. d. Managerial accounting applies to all types of firms.
Managerial accounting applies to all types of firms.
Managerial accounting information is generally prepared for a. stockholders. b. creditors. c. managers. d. regulatory agencies.
Managerial accounting information a. pertains to the entity as a whole and is highly aggregated. b. pertains to subunits of the entity and may be very detailed. c. is prepared only once a year. d. is constrained by the requirements of generally accepted accounting principles.
pertains to subunits of the entity and may be very detailed.
The major reporting standard for presenting managerial accounting information is a. relevance. b. generally accepted accounting principles. c. the cost principle. d. the current tax law.
Managerial accounting is also called a. management accounting. b. controlling. c. analytical accounting. d. inside reporting.
management accounting.
Which of the following is not an internal user? a. Creditor b. Department manager c. Controller d. Treasurer
Managerial accounting does not encompass a. calculating product cost. b. calculating earnings per share. c. determining cost behavior. d. profit planning.
calculating earnings per share.
Managerial accounting is applicable to a. service entities. b. manufacturing entities. c. not-for-profit entities. d. all of these.
all of these
Management accountants would not a. assist in budget planning. b. prepare reports primarily for external users. c. determine cost behavior. d. be concerned with the impact of cost and volume on profits
prepare reports primarily for external users.
Internal reports must be communicated a. daily. b. monthly. c. annually. d. as needed.
as needed.
Financial statements for external users can be described as a. user-specific. b. general-purpose. c. special-purpose. d. managerial reports
Managerial accounting reports can be described as a. general-purpose. b. macro-reports. c. special-purpose. d. classified financial statements.
The reporting standard for external financial reports is a. industry-specific. b. company-specific. c. generally accepted accounting principles. d. department-specific
generally accepted accounting principles.
Which of the following statements about internal reports is not true? a. The content of internal reports may extend beyond the double-entry accounting system. b. Internal reports may show all amounts at market values. c. Internal reports may discuss prospective events. d. Most internal reports are summarized rather than detailed.
Most internal reports are summarized rather than detailed.
In an analogous sense, external user is to internal user as generally accepted accounting principles are to a. timely. b. special-purpose. c. relevance to decision. d. SEC.
relevance to decision.
Internal reports are generally a. aggregated. b. detailed. c. regulated. d. unreliable.
A distinguishing feature of managerial accounting is a. external users. b. general-purpose reports. c. very detailed reports. d. quarterly and annual reports
very detailed reports
What activities and responsibilities are not associated with management's functions? a. Planning b. Accountability c. Controlling d. Directing
Planning is a function that involves a. hiring the right people for a particular job. b. coordinating the accounting information system. c. setting goals and objectives for an entity. d. analyzing financial statements
setting goals and objectives for an entity.
The managerial function of controlling a. is performed only by the controller of a company. b. is only applicable when the company sustains a loss. c. is concerned mainly with operating a manufacturing segment. d. includes performance evaluation by management.
includes performance evaluation by management.
Which of the following is not a management function? a. Constraining b. Planning c. Controlling d. Directing
A manager that is establishing objectives is performing which management function? a. Controlling b. Directing c. Planning d. Constraining
The management function that requires managers to look ahead and establish objectives is a. controlling. b. directing. c. planning. d. constraining
In determining whether planned goals are being met, a manager is performing the function of a. planning. b. follow-up. c. directing. d. controlling.
Which of the following is not a separate management function? a. Planning b. Directing c. Decision-making d. Controlling
Directing includes a. providing a framework for management to have criteria to terminate employees when needed. b. running a department under quality control standards universally accepted. c. coordinating a company's diverse activities and human resources to produce a smooth-running operation. d. developing a complex performance ranking system to give certain high performers good raises.
coordinating a company's diverse activities and human resources to produce a smooth-running operation.
Both direct materials and indirect materials are a. raw materials. b. manufacturing overhead. c. merchandise inventory. d. sold directly to customers by a manufacturing company.
raw materials.
The work of factory employees that can be physically and directly associated with converting raw materials into finished goods is a. manufacturing overhead. b. indirect materials. c. indirect labor. d. direct labor.
direct labor
Which one of the following would not be classified as manufacturing overhead? a. Indirect labor b. Direct materials c. Insurance on factory building d. Indirect materials
Direct materials
Manufacturing costs include a. direct materials and direct labor only. b. direct materials and manufacturing overhead only. c. direct labor and manufacturing overhead only. d. direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.
direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.
Which one of the following is not a direct material? a. A tire used for a lawn mower b. Plastic used in the covered case for a home PC c. Steel used in the manufacturing of steel-radial tires d. Lubricant for a ball-bearing joint for a large crane
Lubricant for a ball-bearing joint for a large crane
Which one of the following is not a cost element in manufacturing a product? a. Manufacturing overhead b. Direct materials c. Office salaries d. Direct labor
Office salaries
A manufacturing process requires small amounts of glue. The glue used in the production process is classified as a(n) a. period cost. b. indirect material. c. direct material. d. miscellaneous expense.
indirect material.
The wages of a timekeeper in the factory would be classified as a. a period cost. b. direct labor. c. indirect labor. d. compliance costs.
indirect labor.
Which one of the following is not considered as material costs? a. Partially completed motor engines for a motorcycle plant b. Bolts used in manufacturing the compressor of an engine c. Rivets for the wings of a new commercial jet aircraft d. Lumber used to build tables
Partially completed motor engines for a motorcycle plant
Which of the following is not a manufacturing cost category? a. Cost of goods sold b. Direct materials c. Direct labor d. Manufacturing overhead
Cost of goods sold
As current technology changes manufacturing processes, it is likely that direct a. labor will increase. b. labor will decrease. c. materials will increase. d. materials will decrease.
labor will decrease.
For the work of factory employees to be considered as direct labor, the work must be conveniently and
periodically associated with raw materials conversion.
Which of the following is not classified as direct labor? a. Bottlers of beer in a brewery b. Copy machine operators at a copy shop c. Wages of supervisors d. Bakers in a bakery
Wages of supervisors
Cotter pins and lubricants used irregularly in a production process are classified as a. miscellaneous expense. b. direct materials. c. indirect materials. d. nonmaterial materials
indirect materials.
Which of the following is not another name for the term manufacturing overhead? a. Factory overhead b. Pervasive costs c. Burden d. Indirect manufacturing costs
Pervasive costs
Because of automation, which component of product cost is declining? a. Direct labor b. Direct materials c. Manufacturing overhead d. Advertising
Direct labor
The product cost that is most difficult to associate with a product is a. direct materials. b. direct labor. c. manufacturing overhead. d. advertising.
manufacturing overhead.
Manufacturing costs that cannot be classified as either direct materials or direct labor are known as a. period costs. b. nonmanufacturing costs. c. selling and administrative expenses. d. manufacturing overhead
manufacturing overhead.
Which one of the following is an example of a period cost? a. A change in benefits for the union workers who work in the New York plant of a Fortune 1000 manufacturer b. Workers' compensation insurance on factory workers' wages allocated to the factory c. A box cost associated with computers d. A manager's salary for work that is done in the corporate head office
A manager's salary for work that is done in the corporate head office
Which one of the following costs would not be inventoriable? a. Period costs b. Factory insurance costs c. Indirect materials d. Indirect labor costs
Period costs
Direct materials and direct labor of a company total $8,000,000. If manufacturing overhead is $4,000,000, what is direct labor cost? a. $4,000,000 b. $8,000,000 c. $0 d. Cannot be determined from the information provided
Cannot be determined from the information provided
Which of the following are period costs? a. Raw materials b. Direct materials and direct labor c. Direct labor and manufacturing overhead d. Selling expenses
Selling expenses
Sales commissions are classified as a. overhead costs b. period costs. c. product costs. d. indirect labor.
period costs.
Product costs consist of a. direct materials and direct labor only. b. direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead. c. selling and administrative expenses. d. period costs.
direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.
Which one of the following represents a period cost? a. The VP of Sales' salary and benefits b. Overhead allocated to the manufacturing operations c. Labor costs associated with quality control d. Fringe benefits associated with factory workers
The VP of Sales' salary and benefits
Product costs are also called a. direct costs. b. overhead costs. c. inventoriable costs. d. capitalizable costs.
inventoriable costs.
For inventoriable costs to become expenses under the matching principle, a. the product must be finished and in stock. b. the product must be expensed based on its percentage-of-completion. c. the product to which they attach must be sold. d. all accounts payable must be settled.
the product to which they attach must be sold.
As inventoriable costs expire, they become a. selling expenses. b. gross profit. c. cost of goods sold. d. sales revenue.
cost of goods sold.
A manufacturing company calculates cost of goods sold as follows: a. Beginning FG inventory + cost of goods purchased - ending FG inventory. b. Ending FG inventory - cost of goods manufactured + beginning FG inventory. c. Beginning FG inventory - cost of goods manufactured - ending FG inventory. d. Beginning FG inventory + cost of goods manufactured - ending FG inventory.
Beginning FG inventory + cost of goods manufactured - ending FG inventory.
A manufacturing company reports cost of goods manufactured as a(n) a. current asset on the balance sheet. b. administrative expense on the income statement. c. component in the calculation of cost of goods sold on the income statement. d. component of the raw materials inventory on the balance sheet.
component in the calculation of cost of goods sold on the income statement.
The subtotal, "Cost of goods manufactured" appears on a. a merchandising company's income statement. b. a manufacturing company's income statement. c. both a manufacturing and a merchandising company's income statement. d. neither a merchandising nor a manufacturing company's income statement
a manufacturing company's income statement
Cost of goods manufactured in a manufacturing company is analogous to a. ending inventory in a merchandising company. b. beginning inventory in a merchandising company. c. cost of goods available for sale in a merchandising company. d. cost of goods purchased in a merchandising company.
cost of goods purchased in a merchandising company.
Cost of goods sold a. only appears on merchandising companies' income statements. b. only appears on manufacturing companies' income statements. c. appears on both manufacturing and merchandising companies' income statements. d. is calculated exactly the same for merchandising and manufacturing companies.
appears on both manufacturing and merchandising companies' income statements.
Cost of goods manufactured is calculated as follows: a. Beginning WIP + direct materials used + direct labor + manufacturing overhead + ending WIP. b. Direct materials used + direct labor + manufacturing overhead - beginning WIP + ending WIP. c. Beginning WIP + direct materials used + direct labor + manufacturing overhead - ending WIP. d. Direct materials used + direct labor + manufacturing overhead - ending WIP - beginning WIP.
Beginning WIP + direct materials used + direct labor + manufacturing overhead - ending WIP.
If the amount of "Cost of goods manufactured" during a period exceeds the amount of "Total manufacturing costs" for the period, then a. ending work in process inventory is greater than or equal to the amount of the beginning work in process inventory. b. ending work in process is greater than the amount of the beginning work in process inventory. c. ending work in process is equal to the cost of goods manufactured. d. ending work in process is less than the amount of the beginning work in process inventory.
ending work in process is less than the amount of the beginning work in process inventory.
On the costs of goods manufactured schedule, depreciation on factory equipment a. is not listed because it is included with Depreciation Expense on the income statement. b. appears in the manufacturing overhead section. c. is not listed because it is not a product cost. d. is not an inventoriable cost.
appears in the manufacturing overhead section.
On the costs of goods manufactured schedule, the item raw materials inventory (ending) appears as a(n) a. addition to raw materials purchases. b. addition to raw materials available for use. c. subtraction from raw materials available for use. d. subtraction from raw materials purchases
subtraction from raw materials available for use.
What is work in process inventory generally described as? a. Costs applicable to units that have been started in production but are only partially completed b. Costs associated with the end stage of manufacturing that are almost always complete and ready for customers c. Costs strictly associated with direct labor d. Beginning stage production costs associated with labor costs dealing with bringing in raw materials from the shipping docks
Costs applicable to units that have been started in production but are only partially completed
Which one of the following does not appear on the balance sheet of a manufacturing company? a. Finished goods inventory b. Work in process inventory c. Cost of goods manufactured d. Raw materials inventory
Cost of goods manufactured
The equivalent of finished goods inventory for a merchandising firm is referred to as a. purchases. b. cost of goods purchased. c. merchandise inventory. d. raw materials inventory.
merchandise inventory.
How have many companies significantly lowered inventory levels and costs? a. They use activity-based costing. b. They utilize a balanced scorecard system. c. They have a just-in-time method. d. They focus on total quality management
They have a just-in-time method.
What term describes all business processes associated with providing a product or service? a. The manufacturing chain b. The product chain c. The supply chain d. The value chain
The value chain
Which one of the following managerial accounting approaches attempts to allocate manufacturing overhead in a more meaningful fashion? a. Balanced scorecard b. Just-in-time inventory c. Activity-based costing d. Total quality management
Activity-based costing
What is "balanced" in the balanced scorecard approach? a. The number of products produced b. The emphasis on financial and non-financial performance measurements c. The amount of costs allocated to products d. The number of defects found on each product
The emphasis on financial and non-financial performance measurements
Which one of the following characteristics would likely be associated with a just-in-time inventory method? a. Ending inventory of work in process that would allow several production runs b. A backlog of inventory orders not yet shipped c. Minimal finished goods inventory on hand d. An understanding with customers that they may come to the showroom and select from inventory on hand
Minimal finished goods inventory on hand
Many companies now focus on reducing defects in finished products with the goal of zero defects. This is called a. Activity-based costing. b. Balanced scorecard. c. Value chain. d. Total quality management
Value chain.
Financial and managerial accounting are similar in that both a. have the same primary users. b. produce general-purpose reports. c. have reports that are prepared quarterly and annually. d. deal with the economic events of an enterprise
deal with the economic events of an enterprise.
The function that pertains to keeping the activities of the enterprise on track is a. planning. b. directing. c. controlling. d. accounting.
Property taxes on a manufacturing plant are an element of a Product Cost Period Cost a. Yes No b. Yes Yes c. No Yes d. No No
Yes No
For a manufacturing company, which of the following is an example of a period cost rather than a product cost? a. Depreciation on factory equipment b. Wages of salespersons c. Wages of machine operators d. Insurance on factory equipment
Wages of salespersons
For a manufacturing firm, cost of goods available for sale is computed by adding the beginning finished goods inventory to a. cost of goods purchased. b. cost of goods manufactured. c. net purchases. d. total manufacturing costs.
cost of goods manufactured.
If the cost of goods manufactured is less than the cost of goods sold, which of the following is correct? a. Finished Goods Inventory has increased. b. Work in Process Inventory has increased. c. Finished Goods Inventory has decreased. d. Work in Process Inventory has decreased.
Finished Goods Inventory has decreased
The principal difference between a merchandising and a manufacturing income statement is the a. cost of goods sold section. b. extraordinary item section. c. operating expense section. d. revenue section.
cost of goods sold section.
If the total manufacturing costs are greater than the cost of goods manufactured, which of the following is correct? a. Work in Process Inventory has increased. b. Finished Goods Inventory has increased. c. Work in Process Inventory has decreased. d. Finished Goods Inventory has decreased.
Work in Process Inventory has increased.
The sum of the direct materials costs, direct labor costs, and manufacturing overhead incurred is the a. cost of goods manufactured. b. total manufacturing overhead. c. total manufacturing costs. d. total cost of work in process.
total manufacturing costs.
The inventory accounts that show the cost of completed goods on hand and the costs applicable to production that is only partially completed are, respectively a. Work in Process Inventory and Raw Materials Inventory. b. Finished Goods Inventory and Raw Materials Inventory. c. Finished Goods Inventory and Work in Process Inventory. d. Raw Materials Inventory and Work in Process Inventory
Finished Goods Inventory and Work in Process Inventory.
Chapter 18
Chapter 18
For an activity base to be useful in cost behavior analysis, a. the activity should always be stated in dollars. b. there should be a correlation between changes in the level of activity and changes in costs. c. the activity should always be stated in terms of units. d. the activity level should be constant over a period of time.
there should be a correlation between changes in the level of activity and changes in costs.
A variable cost is a cost that a. varies per unit at every level of activity. b. occurs at various times during the year. c. varies in total in proportion to changes in the level of activity. d. may or may not be incurred, depending on management's discretion
varies in total in proportion to changes in the level of activity.
A cost which remains constant per unit at various levels of activity is a a. variable cost. b. fixed cost. c. mixed cost. d. manufacturing cost.
variable cost
Two costs at Bradshaw Company appear below for specific months of operation. Month Amount Units Produced Delivery costs September $40,000 40,000 October 55,000 60,000 Utilities September $ 84,000 40,000 October 126,000 60,000 Which type of costs are these? a. Delivery costs and utilities are both variable. b. Delivery costs and utilities are both mixed. c. Utilities are mixed and delivery costs are variable. d. Delivery costs are mixed and utilities are variable.
Delivery costs are mixed and utilities are variable.
An increase in the level of activity will have the following effects on unit costs for variable and fixed costs: Unit Variable Cost Unit Fixed Cost a. Increases Decreases b. Remains constant Remains constant c. Decreases Remains constant d. Remains constant Decreases
Remains constant Decreases
A fixed cost is a cost which a. varies in total with changes in the level of activity. b. remains constant per unit with changes in the level of activity. c. varies inversely in total with changes in the level of activity. d. remains constant in total with changes in the level of activity.
remains constant in total with changes in the level of activity.
Fixed costs normally will not include a. property taxes. b. direct labor. c. supervisory salaries. d. depreciation on buildings and equipment.
direct labor.
The increased use of automation and less use of the work force in companies has caused a trend towards an increase in a. both variable and fixed costs. b. fixed costs and a decrease in variable costs. c. variable costs and a decrease in fixed costs. d. variable costs and no change in fixed costs.
fixed costs and a decrease in variable costs.
Cost behavior analysis is a study of how a firm's costs a. relate to competitors' costs. b. relate to general price level changes. c. respond to changes in the level of business activity. d. respond to changes in the gross national product
respond to changes in the level of business activity.
Cost behavior analysis applies to a. retailers. b. wholesalers. c. manufacturers. d. all entities.
all entities
If a firm increases its activity level, a. costs should remain the same. b. most costs will rise. c. no costs will remain the same. d. some costs will change, others will remain the same
some costs will change, others will remain the same.
An activity index might be referred to as a cost a. driver. b. multiplier. c. element. d. correlation.
Cost activity indexes might help classify costs as a. temporary. b. permanent. c. variable. d. transient
Which of the following is not a cost classification? a. Mixed b. Multiple c. Variable d. Fixed
If the activity level increases 10%, total variable costs will a. remain the same. b. increase by more than 10%. c. decrease by less than 10%. d. increase 10%.
increase 10%.
Which of the following costs are variable? Cost 10,000 Units 30,000 Units 1. $100,000 $300,000 2. 40,000 240,000 3. 90,000 90,000 4. 50,000 150,000 a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 4 c. only 1 d. only 2
1 and 4
Changes in activity have a(n) _________ effect on fixed costs per unit. a. positive b. negative c. inverse d. neutral
Which of the following is not a fixed cost? a. Direct materials b. Depreciation c. Lease charge d. Property taxes
Direct materials
Why is identification of a relevant range important? a. It is required under GAAP. b. Cost behavior outside of the relevant range is not linear, which distorts CVP analysis. c. It directly impacts the number of units of product a customer buys. d. It is a cost that is incurred by a company that must be accounted for.
Cost behavior outside of the relevant range is not linear, which distorts CVP analysis.
The relevant range of activity refers to the a. geographical areas where the company plans to operate. b. activity level where all costs are curvilinear. c. levels of activity over which the company expects to operate. d. level of activity where all costs are constant
levels of activity over which the company expects to operate.
Which of the following is not a plausible explanation of why variable costs often behave in a curvilinear fashion? a. Labor specialization b. Overtime wages c. Total variable costs are constant within the relevant range d. Availability of quantity discounts
Total variable costs are constant within the relevant range
Firms operating at 100% capacity a. are common. b. are the exception rather than the rule. c. have no fixed costs. d. have no variable costs
are the exception rather than the rule.
Which of the following would be the least controllable fixed costs? a. Property taxes b. Rent c. Research and development d. Management training programs
Property taxes
Which one of the following is a name for the range over which a company expects to operate? a. Mixed range b. Fixed range c. Variable range d. Relevant range
Relevant range
If graphed, fixed costs that behave in a curvilinear fashion resemble a(n) a. S-curve. b. inverted S-curve. c. straight line. d. stair-step pattern
stair-step pattern.
The graph of variable costs that behave in a curvilinear fashion will a. approximate a straight line within the relevant range. b. be sharply kinked on both sides of the relevant range. c. be downward sloping. d. be a stair-step pattern
approximate a straight line within the relevant range.
A mixed cost contains a. a variable element and a fixed element. b. both selling and administrative costs. c. both retailing and manufacturing costs. d. both operating and nonoperating costs.
a variable element and a fixed element.
Which of the following is not true about the graph of a mixed cost? a. It is possible to determine the amount of the fixed cost from the graph. b. There is a total cost line on the graph. c. The fixed cost portion of the graph is the same amount at all levels of activity. d. The variable cost portion of the graph is rectangular in shape.
The variable cost portion of the graph is rectangular in shape.
Which of the following is not a mixed cost? a. Car rental fee b. Electricity c. Depreciation d. Telephone Expense
In using the high-low method, the fixed cost a. is determined by subtracting the total cost at the high level of activity from the total cost at the low activity level. b. is determined by adding the total variable cost to the total cost at the low activity level. c. is determined before the total variable cost. d. may be determined by subtracting the total variable cost from either the total cost at the low or high activity level.
may be determined by subtracting the total variable cost from either the total cost at the low or high activity level.
If Qualls Quality Airline cuts its domestic fares by 30%, a. its fixed costs will decrease. b. profit will increase by 30%. c. a profit can only be earned by decreasing the number of flights. d. a profit can be earned either by increasing the number of passengers or by decreasing variable costs.
a profit can be earned either by increasing the number of passengers or by decreasing variable costs.
In applying the high-low method, which months are relevant? Month Miles Total Cost January 80,000 $144,000 February 50,000 120,000 March 70,000 141,000 April 90,000 195,000 a. January and February b. January and April c. February and April d. February and March
February and April
For analysis purposes, the high-low method usually produces a (n) a. reasonable estimate. b. precise estimate. c. overstated estimate. d. understated estimate.
reasonable estimate.
The high-low method is criticized because it a. is not a graphical method. b. is a mathematical method. c. ignores much of the available data by concentrating on only the extreme points. d. doesn't provide reasonable estimates.
ignores much of the available data by concentrating on only the extreme points.
The high-low method is often employed in analyzing a. fixed costs. b. mixed costs. c. variable costs. d. conversion costs.
mixed costs.
In CVP analysis, the term "cost" a. includes only manufacturing costs. b. means cost of goods sold. c. includes manufacturing costs plus selling and administrative expenses. d. excludes all fixed manufacturing costs.
includes manufacturing costs plus selling and administrative expenses.
Which one of the following is not an assumption of CVP analysis? a. All units produced are sold. b. All costs are variable costs. c. Sales mix remains constant. d. The behavior of costs and revenues are linear within the relevant range
All costs are variable costs.
CVP analysis does not consider a. level of activity. b. fixed cost per unit. c. variable cost per unit. d. sales mix
fixed cost per unit.
Which of the following is not an underlying assumption of CVP analysis? a. Changes in activity are the only factors that affect costs. b. Cost classifications are reasonably accurate. c. Beginning inventory is larger than ending inventory. d. Sales mix is constant.
Beginning inventory is larger than ending inventory.
CVP analysis is not important in a. calculating depreciation expense. b. setting selling prices. c. determining the product mix. d. utilizing production facilities
calculating depreciation expense.
To which function of management is CVP analysis most applicable? a. Planning b. Motivating c. Directing d. Controlling
Contribution margin a. is always the same as gross profit margin. b. excludes variable selling costs from its calculation. c. is calculated by subtracting total manufacturing costs per unit from sales revenue per unit. d. equals sales revenue minus variable costs.
equals sales revenue minus variable costs
Which of the following would not be an acceptable way to express contribution margin? a. Sales minus variable costs b. Sales minus unit costs c. Unit selling price minus unit variable costs d. Contribution margin per unit divided by unit selling price
Sales minus unit costs
Which is the true statement? a. In a CVP income statement, costs and expenses are classified only by function. b. The CVP income statement is prepared for both internal and external use. c. The CVP income statement shows contribution margin instead of gross profit. d. In a traditional income statement, costs and expenses are classified as either variable or fixed.
The CVP income statement shows contribution margin instead of gross profit
The equation which reflects a CVP income statement is a. Sales = Cost of goods sold + Operating expenses + Net income. b. Sales + Fixed costs = Variable costs + Net income. c. Sales - Variable costs + Fixed costs = Net income. d. Sales - Variable costs - Fixed costs = Net income.
Sales - Variable costs - Fixed costs = Net income.
The CVP income statement a. is distributed internally and externally. b. classifies costs by functions. c. discloses contribution margin in the body of the statement. d. will reflect a different net income than the traditional income statement
discloses contribution margin in the body of the statement.
The break-even point is where a. total sales equal total variable costs. b. contribution margin equals total fixed costs. c. total variable costs equal total fixed costs. d. total sales equal total fixed costs.
contribution margin equals total fixed costs.
The break-even point cannot be determined by a. computing it from a mathematical equation. b. computing it using contribution margin. c. reading the prior year's financial statements. d. deriving it from a CVP graph.
reading the prior year's financial statements.
Select the correct statement concerning the cost-volume-profit graph at right: a. The point identified by "B" is the break-even point. b. Line F is the variable cost line. c. At point B, profits equal total costs. d. Line E is the total cost line.
Line E is the total cost line
Nelson Manufacturing has the following data: Variable costs are 60% of the unit selling price. The contribution margin ratio is 40%. The contribution margin per unit is $500. The fixed costs are $300,000. Which of the following does not express the break-even point? a. $300,000 + .60X = X b. $300,000 + .40X = X c. $300,000 ÷ $500 = X d. $300,000 ÷ .40 = X
$300,000 + .40X = X
A CVP graph does not include a a. variable cost line. b. fixed cost line. c. sales line. d. total cost line.
variable cost line
The amount by which actual or expected sales exceeds break-even sales is referred to as a. contribution margin. b. unanticipated profit. c. margin of safety. d. target net income
margin of safety.
In evaluating the margin of safety, the a. break-even point is not relevant. b. higher the margin of safety ratio, the greater the margin of safety. c. higher the dollar amount, the lower the margin of safety. d. higher the margin of safety ratio, the lower the fixed costs.
higher the margin of safety ratio, the greater the margin of safety.
Within the relevant range, the variable cost per unit a. differs at each activity level. b. remains constant at each activity level. c. increases as production increases. d. decreases as production increases.
remains constant at each activity level.
An example of a mixed cost is a. direct materials. b. supervisory salaries. c. utility costs. d. property taxes.
utility costs.
Cost-volume-profit analysis includes all of the following assumptions except a. the behavior of costs is curvilinear throughout the relevant range. b. costs can be classified accurately as either variable or fixed. c. changes in activity are the only factors that affect costs. d. all units produced are sold.
the behavior of costs is curvilinear throughout the relevant range.
The contribution margin ratio increases when a. fixed costs increase. b. fixed costs decrease. c. variable costs as a percentage of sales decrease. d. variable costs as a percentage of sales increase.
variable costs as a percentage of sales decrease.
Contribution margin is a. the amount of revenue remaining after deducting fixed costs. b. available to cover fixed costs and contribute to income for the company. c. sales less fixed costs. d. unit selling price less unit fixed costs.
available to cover fixed costs and contribute to income for the company.
At the break-even point, a. sales equal total variable costs. b. contribution margin equals total variable costs. c. contribution margin equals total fixed costs. d. sales equal total fixed costs
contribution margin equals total fixed costs.
Required sales in dollars to meet a target net income is computed by dividing a. fixed costs plus target net income by contribution margin per unit. b. variable costs plus target net income by contribution margin per unit. c. fixed costs plus target net income by contribution margin ratio. d. total costs plus target net income by contribution margin ratio.
fixed costs plus target net income by contribution margin ratio.
Ch. 21
Ch. 21
Why are budgets useful in the planning process? a. They provide management with information about the company's past performance. b. They help communicate goals and provide a basis for evaluation. c. They guarantee the company will be profitable if it meets its objectives. d. They enable the budget committee to earn their paycheck
They help communicate goals and provide a basis for evaluation.
A budget a. is a substitute for management. b. is an aid to management. c. can operate or enforce itself. d. is the responsibility of the accounting department.
is an aid to management.
Accounting generally has the responsibility for a. setting company goals. b. expressing the budget in financial terms. c. enforcing the budget. d. administration of the budget
expressing the budget in financial terms.
Which one of the following is not a benefit of budgeting? a. It facilitates the coordination of activities. b. It provides definite objectives for evaluating performance. c. It provides assurance that the company will achieve its objectives. d. It requires all levels of management to plan ahead on a recurring basis
It provides assurance that the company will achieve its objectives.
Budgeting is usually most closely associated with which management function? a. Planning b. Directing c. Motivating d. Controlling
Which of the following items does not follow from the adoption of a budget? a. Promote efficiency b. Deterrent to waste c. Basis for performance evaluation d. Guarantee of accomplishing the profit objective
Guarantee of accomplishing the profit objective
Which is true of budgets? a. They are voted on and approved by stockholders. b. They are used in the planning, but not in the control, process. c. There is a standard form and structure for budgets. d. They are used in performance evaluation.
They are used in performance evaluation.
A common starting point in the budgeting process is a. expected future net income. b. past performance. c. to motivate the sales force. d. a clean slate, with no expectations.
past performance.
If budgets are to be effective, all of the following must be present except a. acceptance at all levels of management. b. research and analysis in setting realistic goals. c. stockholders' approval of the budget. d. sound organizational structure
stockholders' approval of the budget.
If budgets are to be effective, there must be a. a history of successful operations. b. independent verification of budget goals. c. an organizational structure with clearly defined lines of authority and responsibility. d. excess plant capacity
an organizational structure with clearly defined lines of authority and responsibility.
It is important that budgets be accepted by a. division managers. b. department heads. c. supervisors. d. All of these.
All of these.
Which of the following statements about budget acceptance in an organization is true? a. The most widely accepted budget by the organization is the one prepared by top management. b. The most widely accepted budget by the organization is the one prepared by the department heads. c. Budgets are hardly ever accepted by anyone except top management. d. Budgets have a greater chance of acceptance if all levels of management have provided input into the budgeting process.
Budgets have a greater chance of acceptance if all levels of management have provided input into the budgeting process.
Top management notices a variation from budget and an investigation of the difference reveals that the department manager could not be expected to have controlled the variation. Which of the following statements is applicable? a. Department managers should be held accountable for all variances from budgets for their departments. b. Department managers should only be held accountable for controllable variances for their departments. c. Department managers should be credited for favorable variances even if they are beyond their control. d. Department managers' performances should not be evaluated based on actual results to budgeted results.
Department managers should only be held accountable for controllable variances for their departments.
An unrealistic budget is more likely to result when it a. has been developed in a top down fashion. b. has been developed in a bottom up fashion. c. has been developed by all levels of management. d. is developed with performance appraisal usages in mind.
has been developed in a top down fashion.
A budget is most likely to be effective if a. it is used to assess blame when things do not occur according to plans. b. it is not used to evaluate a manager's performance. c. employees and managers at the lower levels do not get involved in the budgeting process. d. it has top management support
it has top management support.
In many companies, responsibility for coordinating the preparation of the budget is assigned to a. the company's independent certified public accountants. b. the company's internal auditors. c. the company's board of directors. d. a budget committee
a budget committee.
A budget period should be a. monthly. b. for a year or more. c. long-term. d. long enough to provide an obtainable goal under normal business conditions.
long enough to provide an obtainable goal under normal business conditions.
If a company has adopted continuous budgeting, the budget will show plans for a. every day. b. a full year ahead. c. the current year and the next year. d. at least five years.
a full year ahead.
The most common budget period is a. one month. b. three months. c. six months. d. one year.
one year.
Budget development for the coming year usually starts a. a year in advance. b. the first month of the year to be budgeted. c. several months before the end of the current year. d. the last month of the previous year
several months before the end of the current year.
The budget committee would not normally include the a. research director. b. treasurer. c. sales manager. d. external auditor.
external auditor.
The budget committee in a company is often headed by the a. president. b. controller. c. treasurer. d. budget director
budget director.
Long-range planning a. generally presents more detailed information than an annual budget. b. generally encompasses a longer period of time than an annual budget. c. is usually more accurate than an annual budget. d. is prepared on a quarterly basis if the budget is prepared on a quarterly basis.
generally encompasses a longer period of time than an annual budget.
Long-range planning usually encompasses a period of at least a. six months. b. 1 year. c. 5 years. d. 10 years.
5 years.
Which of the following is not a proper match-up? a. Long range planning Strategies b. Budgeting Short-term goals c. Long-range planning 5 years d. Budgeting Long-term goals
Budgeting Long-term goals
Which is the last step in developing the master budget? a. Preparing the budgeted balance sheet b. Preparing the cost of goods manufactured budget c. Preparing the budgeted income statement d. Preparing the cash budget
Preparing the budgeted balance sheet
The total direct labor hours required in preparing a direct labor budget are calculated using the a. sales forecast. b. production budget. c. direct materials budget. d. sales budget.
production budget.
The direct materials and direct labor budgets provide information for preparing the a. sales budget. b. production budget. c. manufacturing overhead budget. d. cash budget.
cash budget.
A sales forecast a. shows a forecast for the firm only. b. shows a forecast for the industry only. c. shows forecasts for the industry and for the firm. d. plays a minor role in the development of the master budget
shows forecasts for the industry and for the firm
Which of the following is not an operating budget? a. Direct labor budget b. Sales budget c. Production budget d. Cash budget
Cash budget
Which of the following is not a financial budget? a. Capital expenditure budget b. Cash budget c. Manufacturing overhead budget d. Budgeted balance sheet
Manufacturing overhead budget
Which of the following is done to improve the reliability of the sales forecast? a. Employ financial planning models b. Lengthen the planning horizon to more than a year c. Rely solely on outside consultants d. Use the sales forecasts from the previous year
Employ financial planning models
The financial budgets include the a. cash budget and the selling and administrative expense budget. b. cash budget and the budgeted balance sheet. c. budgeted balance sheet and the budgeted income statement. d. cash budget and the production budget
cash budget and the budgeted balance sheet.
The culmination of preparing operating budgets is the a. budgeted balance sheet. b. production budget. c. cash budget. d. budgeted income statement.
budgeted income statement.
An overly optimistic sales budget may result in a. increases in selling prices late in the year. b. insufficient inventories. c. increased sales during the year. d. excessive inventories.
excessive inventories.
In a production budget, total required production units are the budgeted sales units plus a. beginning finished goods units. b. desired ending finished goods units. c. desired ending finished goods units plus beginning finished goods units. d. desired ending finished goods units minus beginning finished goods units.
desired ending finished goods units minus beginning finished goods units.
The direct materials budget details 1. the quantity of direct materials to be purchased. 2. the cost of direct materials to be purchased. a. 1 b. 2 c. both 1 and 2 d. neither 1 nor 2
both 1 and 2
The production budget shows that expected unit sales are 48,000. The total required units are 54,000. What are the required production units? a. 6,000 b. 9,000 c. 12,000 d. Cannot be determined from the data provided
Cannot be determined from the data provided.
Which of the following expenses would not appear on a selling and administrative expense budget? a. Sales commissions b. Depreciation c. Property taxes d. Indirect labor
Indirect labor
Which of the following would not appear as a fixed expense on a selling and administrative expense budget? a. Freight-out b. Office salaries c. Property taxes d. Depreciation
A master budget consists of a. an interrelated long-term plan and operating budgets. b. financial budgets and a long-term plan. c. interrelated financial budgets and operating budgets. d. all the accounting journals and ledgers used by a company.
interrelated financial budgets and operating budgets
The starting point in preparing a master budget is the preparation of the a. production budget. b. sales budget. c. purchasing budget. d. personnel budget.
sales budget.
Which one of the following is not needed in preparing a production budget? a. Budgeted unit sales b. Budgeted raw materials c. Beginning finished goods units d. Ending finished goods units
Budgeted raw materials
Of the following items, which one is not obtained from an individual operating budget? a. Selling and administrative expenses b. Accounts receivable c. Cost of goods sold d. Sales
Accounts receivable
Which of the following statements about a budgeted income statement is not true? a. The budgeted income statement is prepared after the financial budgets are prepared. b. The budgeted income statement is prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. c. The budgeted income statement can be prepared in a multiple-step format. d. The budgeted income statement is prepared using the individual operating budgets
The budgeted income statement is prepared after the financial budgets are prepared.
The single most important output in preparing financial budgets is the a. sales forecast. b. determination of the unit cost of the product. c. cash budget. d. budgeted income statement
cash budget
Which of the following does not appear as a separate section on the cash budget? a. Cash receipts b. Cash disbursements c. Capital expenditures d. Financing
Capital expenditures
The financing section of a cash budget is needed if there is a cash deficiency or if the ending cash balance is less than a. the prior years. b. management's minimum required balance. c. the amount needed to avoid a service charge at the bank. d. the industry average
management's minimum required balance.
Beginning cash balance plus total receipts a. equals ending cash balance. b. must equal total disbursements. c. equals total available cash. d. is the excess of available cash over disbursements.
equals total available cash.
The projection of financial position at the end of the budget period is found on the a. budgeted income statement. b. cash budget. c. budgeted balance sheet. d. sales budget.
budgeted balance sheet.
What is the proper preparation sequencing of the following budgets? 1. Budgeted Balance Sheet 2. Sales Budget 3. Selling and Administrative Budget 4. Budgeted Income Statement a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 2, 3, 1, 4 c. 2, 3, 4, 1 d. 2, 4, 1, 3
2, 3, 4, 1
The cash budget reflects a. all revenues and all expenses for a period. b. expected cash receipts and cash disbursements from all sources. c. all the items that appear on a budgeted income statement. d. all the items that appear on a budgeted balance sheet
expected cash receipts and cash disbursements from all sources.
Hyde Corp.'s cash budget showed total available cash less cash disbursements. What does this amount equal? a. Ending cash balance b. Total cash receipts c. The excess of available cash over cash disbursements d. The amount of financing required
The excess of available cash over cash disbursements
Which one of the following sections would not appear on a cash budget? a. Cash receipts b. Financing c. Investing d. Cash disbursements
Which one of the following items would never appear on a cash budget? a. Office salaries expense b. Interest expense c. Depreciation expense d. Travel expense
Depreciation expense
Which one of the following budgets would be prepared for a manufacturer but not for a merchandiser? a. Direct labor budget b. Cash budget c. Sales budget d. Budgeted income statement
Direct labor budget
The formula for determining budgeted merchandise purchases is budgeted a. production + desired ending inventory - beginning inventory. b. sales + beginning inventory - desired ending inventory. c. cost of goods sold + desired ending inventory - beginning inventory. d. cost of goods sold + beginning inventory - desired ending inventory.
cost of goods sold + desired ending inventory - beginning inventory.
Which one of the following is a problem resulting from a service company being overstaffed? a. Labor costs will be disproportionately low. b. Profits will be higher because of the additional salaries. c. Staff turnover may increase. d. Revenue may be lost.
Staff turnover may increase.
The master budget for a service enterprise a. will have the same types of budgets as a merchandiser. b. may include a sales budget for sales revenue. c. will not include a budgeted income statement. d. includes a service revenue budget based on expected client billings.
includes a service revenue budget based on expected client billings.
Budgeting in not-for-profit organizations a. is not important because they are not profit-oriented. b. usually starts with budgeting expenditures, rather than receipts. c. is necessary only if some product is produced and sold. d. consists entirely of budgeted contributions
usually starts with budgeting expenditures, rather than receipts.
For a merchandiser, the starting point in the development of the master budget is the a. cash budget. b. sales budget. c. selling and administrative expenses budget. d. budgeted income statement.
sales budget.
Instead of a production budget, a merchandiser will prepare a a. pseudo-production budget. b. merchandise purchases budget. c. master time sheet. d. sales forecast
merchandise purchases budget.
Orange Co. is a manufacturer and Pineapple Company is a merchandiser. What is the difference in the budgets the two entities will prepare? a. Orange Co. will prepare a production budget, and Pineapple Company will prepare a merchandise purchases budget. b. Orange Co. will prepare a sales forecast, and Pineapple Company will prepare a sales budget. c. Pineapple Company will prepare a production budget, and Orange Co. will prepare a merchandise purchases budget. d. Both companies will prepare the same types of budgets
Orange Co. will prepare a production budget, and Pineapple Company will prepare a merchandise purchases budget.
An appropriate activity index for a college or university for budgeting faculty positions would be the a. faculty hours worked. b. number of administrators. c. credit hours taught by a department. d. number of days in the school term.
credit hours taught by a department.
A critical factor in budgeting for a service firm is to a. hire professional staff to perform the budgeting work. b. coordinate professional staff needs with anticipated services. c. classify all personnel as either variable or fixed. d. budget expenditures before anticipated receipts
coordinate professional staff needs with anticipated services.
The primary benefits of budgeting include all of the following except it a. requires only top management to plan ahead and formalize their future goals. b. provides definite objectives for evaluating performance. c. creates an early warning system for potential problems. d. motivates personnel throughout the organization
requires only top management to plan ahead and formalize their future goals.
The responsibility for expressing management's budgeting goals in financial terms is performed by the a. accounting department. b. top management. c. lower level of management. d. budget committee
accounting department.
Coordinating the preparation of the budget is the responsibility of the a. treasurer. b. president. c. chief accountant. d. budget committee
budget committee
For better management acceptance, the flow of input data for budgeting should begin with the a. accounting department. b. top management. c. lower levels of management. d. budget committee.
lower levels of management.
In the direct materials budget, the quantity of direct materials to be purchased is computed by adding direct materials required for production to a. desired ending direct materials. b. beginning direct materials. c. desired ending direct materials less beginning direct materials. d. beginning direct materials less desired ending direct materials.
desired ending direct materials less beginning direct materials.
The important end-product of the operating budgets is the a. budgeted income statement. b. cash budget. c. production budget. d. budgeted balance sheet
budgeted income statement.
The budget that is often considered to be the most important financial budget is the a. cash budget. b. capital expenditure budget. c. budgeted income statement. d. budgeted balance sheet.
cash budget.
A purchases budget is used instead of a production budget by a. merchandising companies. b. service enterprises. c. not-for-profit organizations. d. manufacturing companies
merchandising companies.
Which of the following statements is incorrect? a. A continuous twelve-month budget results from dropping the month just ended and adding a future month. b. The production budget is derived from the direct materials and direct labor budgets. c. The cash budget shows anticipated cash flows. d. In the budget process for not-for-profit organizations, the emphasis is on cash flow rather than on revenue and expenses
The production budget is derived from the direct materials and direct labor budgets.
The important end-product of the operating budgets is the a. budgeted income statement. b. cash budget. c. production budget. d. budgeted balance sheet
budgeted income statement.
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