Old English Information Unit 1

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"Angle Land" describes who ruled England at that time. Three tribes ruled it, and they were known as the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes.
"Angle Land"
When the Danes raided towns and monasteries in England, Alfred the Great stopped them and became the first king of England.
Alfred the Great
The Magna Carta was forcefully signed by King John. The document limited the powers of the king, and it marked the beginning of parliamentary government in England.
The Magna Carta
William the Conqueror was the duke of Normandy in France. He had the last successful invasion of England in 1066.
William the Conqueror
Henry VII made England a new unified state. "England was poised to participate in an incredible period of discovery and expansion."
Henry VII
Before Christians arrived in England, many people believed in numerous gods. England was ruled by many different tribes, and it was not very "peaceful" until St. Augustine arrived. Many of the people in England were not accepting of Christianity. The Christians has such a different culture than the Natives. They brought the Bible and Latin learning with then, and it took them a long time to fully accept it as a religion.
As Christianity grew in England, how was life changed? Consider the following ideas when developing your answer: When Christians first arrived, what English society was like prior to Christian arrival, new ideas Christians brought.
England drastically changed when the French invaded. A new language was introduced making it a bilingual country, and a new government was put in place. People were probably rebellious, and that probably made William the Conqueror try to win fans by doing numerous activities. The French invasion was the last successful invasion of England, and its effect still impacts the world today when we "make a last will and testament, repeating the same meaning in Anglo-saxon and Norman French."
After the Norman/French invaded and conquered England, how was life changed? Consider the following ideas when developing your answer: Language changes, social/structural changes.
England suffered many difficulties during the 1300s and 1400s; this ranged from the black death to brutal wars. The population of England suffered greatly when the black death knocked out a third of the population. Adding to this, two huge wars broke out. England had a war with France that dragged out for more than one hundred years. The other war was a brutal civil war which lasted about forty years. Two kinds, Edward II and Richard II, were also assassinated. All seemed doomed until Henry VII came into power. He unified the country and led them into a new period of discovery and expansion. "They created a country, a language, and a literature that was to become one of the wonders of the world."
Describe some difficulties in England during the 1300s and 1400s. Consider the following ideas when developing your answer: How the Plaque affected the population, wars, Henry VII.
For a millennium, England experienced successive waves of invasion. The last invaders, the Normans, brought with them the French language and feudalism. After a turbulent period, England eventually became a unified state with one language.
Key Historical Theme: From many Tribes to One Nation
The sea is an unknown and barely explored place, especially in the Old English and Medieval Periods. Back then, the islanders thought the sea was a "protective barrier and an untamable threat." The sea helped protect the country from invasions, but the sea itself could also be an enemy. "As a watery wilderness, the sea is a kind of placeless place, a vast nowhere that can separate one from home."
What did the early inhabitants of England think about the sea?
The original version of "The Wanderer" and "The Seafarer" discussed "exile and separation from a remembered home." The stories were bitter, but the monk's versions were even more. The monks mentioned that being exiled from home meant one was exiled from Heaven, much like Adam and Eve. The monks redid "The Seafarer" to where it had an "overarching theme of exile from Eden, from Heaven, and from God."
How did Christian monks change Old English writings, such as "The wanderer" and "The Seafarer"?
A mead-hall is a place that provides "warmth, light, food, drink, song, and fellowship for a lord and his warriors." In other words, it is like a feasting hall, and it is a place where Christians fo in celebration of the lord. It is known as a sacred place, and it is the heart of it all. For Beowulf, it was a place he went to when he left the darkness.
What is a mead-hall, and what did it symbolize for the early English people?
"A country is a geographical area with shared stories."
What is the relationship between place and literature?
Beowulf taught people that the only way to become a leader is to prove oneself in battle. Beowulf proves himself by aiding his kinsman Hrothgar and has victories over Grendel and Grendel's mother.
What do we learn from Beowulf about what was required for a man to become a leader?
"The audience knows that the poet is lamenting not only the death of a hero but the passing of a hero's way of life." Beowulf's whole life was being a hero, so when he died a hero was lost and the life was lost. He also died for his people.
When we read Beowulf, we read about things "passing away" or ending. What two things are mentioned here?
A big issue with the Catholic Church was the wealth of some churches and monasteries. In The Canterbury Tales, characters exhibited questionable behavior which "suggests the controversy that would lead to the Reformation."
Chaucer--amoung many others-- had some issues with the Catholic Church. What were some of these issues?
Chaucer wrote about the issues without ranting, raveing, or preaching. "Instead, he shows us characters like the Monk, who spends more time hunting and feasting than praying or fasting."
Chaucer wrote about the problems without doing what?
Writers try to make a reader think by reading between the lines. "Readers are often left to figure who or what is to blame."
When writing about social changes, many writers do not "act like sociologists." Instead, how do they write about these changes?
Literature often reflects what is/are the current issue(s) happening in the world.
How does literature change or reflect society?
"Tradition in Literature" does not just mean inherits, but it refers to "what a writer does with what is inherited or handed down."
What does "tradition in literature" mean?
In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a knight submits to tests that come from "earlier folk tales and romances, or adventure stories about knights, and the poet weaves them into a seamless whole."
How is the past included in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?
Malory gathers legends of King Arthur and his knights to write a farewell to the era of knights.
How did Sir Thomas Malory rework the story of King Arthur in More D'Arthur?
Beowulf has changed in many ways due to tellers/singers. Audiences wanted to hear more, and so an extension was made to where he kills the mother's mother as well. Another teller has said that he meets his own fate while battling a dragon. Also, many monks have changed it by adding Christian elements.
Provide 3 possible ways different tellers/singers changed the plot of Beowulf?
Chaucer modeled the structure of The Canterbury Tales off of the Decameron by Boccaccio.
On what did Chaucer model the structure of the Canterbury Tales?
Chaucer's is different because he "is able to show interesting differences between noble motives and others not quite so noble." He also reveals something about the teller in each tale.
How did Chaucer make his version different?
Chaucer developed iambic pentameter in his poem. This is when a line of ten syllables has five alternating accents.
Describe the new poetic rhythm that Chaucer developed for his poem.
These stories show how new versions of a story come about and how a story changes over time. Each time the story is told, it changes a little every time. It also shows how "generations used those forms to relate the history of the tribe for each new generation."
What 2 things do Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales, and the medieval retellings of King Arthur show?
A "tradition in literature" is what a writer does with a story that is handed down.
What is the relationship between the writer to tradition?
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