Test 2 Retake

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A transfer at New Student Orientation asks you how to satisfy the ESL Entry Level Writing Requirement before starting at UCLA. What do you say?
By transferring 2 college level freshman English Composition courses (not ESL) with a grade of \"B\" or better in each course
If a first year student takes the AWPE and places into English Comp 2, has the Entry Level Writing requirement been satisfied?
No, the ELWR will be satisfied once the student passes English Comp 2 with a mandatory letter grade of \"C\" or better
Name the ways in which the quantitative reasoning requirement can be satisfied BEFORE entering UCLA
1. Score 600+ on the SAT Reasoning math section 2. Score 550+ on the SAT Subject test - Math (Level 1 or 2) 3. Score 3,4,5 on the AP Math, Computer Science (AB) or Statistics Exam 4. Transfer in an appropriate course from another institution with a mandatory grade of C or better 5. Satisfying IGETC or UC Reciprocity 6. Score a 5 or higher on the HL IB in Computer Science test or Mathematics test
A transfer student is being held for the ESL ELWR and he has taken the ESLPE but doesn't have his results yet. Tell him what he can expect.
The student can be expected to be placed into Eng. Comp. 1A, 1B, or 1C/2i (1C is for international transfer multilingual students) and must pass each course with a mandatory grade of C or better or to be placed out of the requirement.
As long as the course is not doubling with anything else, grading for GE courses is:
\"D-\" or better or pass
How long does a student have to complete GE?
Until Graduation
Outline the requirements for GE, including the total number of units and courses required.
1. Foundations of the Arts and Humanities (15 units) - Literary and Cultural Analysis (1 course) - Philosophical and Linguistics Analysis (1 course) - Visual and Performance Arts and Practice (1 course) 2. Foundations of Society and Culture (15 units) - Social Analysis (1 course) - Historical Analysis (1 course) - A third course from either subgroup 3. Foundations of scientific Inquiry (17 units) - Life Sciences (2 courses) - Physical Sciences (2 courses) - One of the above courses must be a 5 unit lab/demo 10 COURSES 47 UNITS
Who is exempt from the AH&I requirement?
Students with an A1,A2,F1,J1 visa
Students who satisfactorily complete the GE Cluster with at least a grade of B in each quarter will receive:
1. Credit for 4 GE Courses 2. Credit for satisfaction of the writing II requirement 3. College Honors credit for all three quarters
This is the only composition requirement at UCLA that does not apply test scores or taking a test in order to meet the requirement
Writing II
What is the grading basis for GE Clusters?
Mandatory grade only
Fill in the grading for the clusters, based on the requirements below: 1. To count for GE: 2. For GE and Writing II: 3. For GE and College Honors:
1. To count for GE - \"D-\" or better 2. For GE and Writing II: - \"C\" or better in last quarter - \"D-\" or better in first two quarters 3. For GE and College Honors: - \"B\" or better
Name 3 advantages to taking a GE Cluster:
1. 4 GE credits in 3 quarters 2. 6.0 units/quarter can help bump UC GPA 3. Classes are comprised of only 1st years
Can the writing I requirement double with any other requirements?
Yes, English Comp 3 can go towards major prep; must adhere to the stricter grading
What is the minimum score a student must receive on the SAT Subject Test in U.S. History to satisfy AHI?
What is the minimum score required on the SAT Subject test in Math to satisfy the QR requirement?
550 (Level 1 or 2)
What AP Foreign language test will not satisfy the foreign language requirement with a score of 3?
Latin, must get 4 or 5
What is the grading for the foreign language requirement
\"C\" or better or a \"pass\"
SCENARIO: 1st year student entering undeclared. AP Math 5 (giving her Math 31A, 31B - 8 Units) AWPE and placed into Eng.Comp. 3 SAT Subject US History and got 480 APUSH and got a \"C\" in each semester (did not takes test) SAT Subject Math test and got 560 SAT Reasoning Test - Writing 700 SAT Reasoning Test - Math 640 Spanish AP Test received 3 Outline all the requirements she has fulfilled, stopping before GE - if more than one way satisfies a requirement, make sure to put them ALL Down. You do not have to write out the foundations GE, include which requirements are still required
ELWR - Satisfied by AWPE and Scoree of 700 on SAT reasoning test - writing AHI - Satisfied by APUSH grade WI - Required WII - Required QR - Satisfied by AP Math, SAT Subject Test in Math, SAT reasoning test in Math Diversity - Required FL - Satisfied by AP Span
SCENARIO: Not Completed IGETC Not being held for ESL Writing AP French 5 (French 4 [8 units]) AP Eng.Comp. 5 (Eng. 3 [8 units]) SAT Reasoning Writing 520, Math 580 SAT Subject Math 620 AP Math (BC) 5 (credit for Math 31A, 31B - 8 units) Santa Monica College Took four classes, total 18.5 units Course Credit: Polisci 40 (American Politics) (4.5 units, applicable on requirements) Eng. 4W (with a \"B\") Music History title LD (4.5 units - GE applicable) LS 15 (no lab) (5 units - GE applicable) AWPE and palced into Eng.Comp. 3 English Major with Possible minor in French Outline all of the University and College requirements that he has satisfied and which ones are still required (only have to list one way each requirement is met) but you must write down every requirement, including GE and show whether it is required or satisfied
ELWR - Eng.Comp. AP Test AHI - Political Science 40 WI - Eng. Comp. AP Test WII: English 4W QR: Math AP (BC) Test FL: AP French Test Div: Required GEs: Found. Arts and Humanities - Lit. and Cult. Anal.: Req - Phil. and Ling. Anal.: Req - Vis. and Perf. Arts and Prac: Satisfied by Music History title LD (4.5) Found of Soc. And cult. - Social Anal: Poli Sci 40 - Historical Anal: Required - On of two from above: required Found of Scientific Inquiry: - Physical Sciences: 2 courses required - Life Science: LS 15 course (5 units) ------One more course required - one of the remaining courses must be a 5 unit lab/demo 14 GE Units completed 33 GE Units Required 7 GE courses still required
What requirements are satisfied when a transfer student completes IGETC?
ELWR and AHI (99% of the time) WI and WII QR FL GE
What does CSI stand for and what is it?
College Summer Institute A six week summer program where students live on the hill (Sproul Landing), take courses to satisfy graduation requirements, make friends, and become familiar with university-level expectations. These students would come to session 104.
True or False: Students in the College: 1. Can switch into the school of Nursing 2. Are competitively eligible to apply for the school of engineering with a minimum of one math and one science course
1. F 2. F
What is the difference between CSI and FSP?
CSI is for any new incoming first year student whereas FSP has a targeted population (low income, underrepresented groups)
Where is the College Academic Counseling office located? And how do you make an appointment?
Murphy Hall A316 Window 1: 1st and 2nd years Window 2: 3rd, 4th, and transfer students
What requirements must 1st year students complete in order to apply into the school of engineering?
2 quarters of an engineering course load (1 math + 1 science course) 3.5 GPA Essay on why you want to switch Submit a change of major petition
What would you tell a student that wants to switch into the School of Nursing who has been admitted into the College?
Once you get into a school or college that is not the school of nursing then you cannot switch into the school of nursing; however you can attend for grad school
A student took History 320 From American River College. How would you translate that course for the record of interview? BACK PAPER: HIST 320# Hist of the US: Afr-Amer Emph 3 HIST T*** AHS HA Bonus: What requirements does this course fulfill?
HIST: History of the US: Afr-Amer. Emph LD (4.5) AHI and Historical Analysis
Where is the honors program located? T or F: The honor program is for student from any college or school
Murphy A-311 F, only for college of letters and science
What is the name of the Honors Program which requires additional coursework and a minimum GPA at graduation? What is their website?
The College Honors Program honors.ucla.edu
What is the new name for the office of students with disabilities?
Center for Accessible Education
Name three student populations that are served by the Bruin Resource center:
1. transfer/students with dependents 2. underrepresented/low income 3. undocumented
What one office is not on the first floor of murphy? Undergraduate Admission Student Accounts Dean of Students Financial Aid Registrar's Office
Financial Aid
For the Arthur Ashe Student Health and wellness center: Website: cost for a visit with UCSHIP: cost for a visit without UCSHIP:
studenthealth.ucla.edu free $12
What website can a student go to in order to find out general information about financial aid options?
how many national championships does UCLA have? what is the website to get a den pass?
113 uclabruins.com
Where can a student go to talk to a therapist? Give the acronym and the full name. where is it located?
CAPS Counseling and Psychological Services John Wooden Center West
What is the name of the college unit that provides counseling, tutoring, scholarships, and mentoring to students from historically underrepresented backgrounds? What building are they located in?
Academic Advancement Program Campbell Hall
This ucla service provides students with info about part-time and full-time employment, internship opportunities, interview and career support, among many other things. Name the service, the building in which they are located in, and their website:
Career Center Strathmore building career.ucla.edu
Name the two departments that offer courses for both UCLA and non-UCLA students
UCLA Extension UCLA Summer Sessions
Bonus Questions: That name: What is the website address for accessing your email? How do studnets enroll in courses at ucla?
Ming-Na Wen mail.em.ucla.edu
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