AP EURO Rubric Quiz; SAQ, LEQ, DBQ – Flashcards
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SAQ; how many essays will there be?
3-4; have no choice on which ones you do.
DBQ Scoring guide- Document Analysis; how many documents will you be using to support your thesis or argument?
How many and how will you be describing the documents for DBQ's?
Explain the significance of the author's POV, purpose, historical context, and/or audience for a least FOUR documents
DBQ thesis and argument development- what does the claim do? How many points
It is historically defensible and it directly addresses all parts of the question in either the introduction or conclusion. 1 point
DBQ thesis and argument development- what else does the claim do? How many points?
It develops and supports a cohesive argument that accounts for historical complexity by explicitly illustrating relationships among historical evidence
DBQ thesis and argument development- ways to describe the historical relationships among historical evidence
corroboration, contradiction, and/or qualification
DBQ; C. Using Evidence Beyond the Documents- Contextualization does what? How many points?
accurately and explicitly connects the argument to broader historical events, developments, and/or processes (using information not found in the documents and requires an explanation). 1 point
DBQ; C. Using Evidence Beyond the Documents- Explain Evidence Beyond the Documents. How many points?
essay uses Outside Information (beyond the documents) to support the stated thesis and/or argument (MUST be different from evidence used to earn other points and requires an explanation
DBQ; D. Synthesis, how many points
1 point Explains the connections between the argument and ONE of the following- Developments in other time periods, situations, eras, or geographic areas A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay Draws on appropriate ideas and methods from different fields of inquiry or disciplines in support of the subject (for EH and WH only)
LEQ; Periodization
(normally going to be a turning point question)
LEQ Periodization: Thesis + how many points
Presents a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and responds to all parts of the question. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either the introduction and the conclusion, preferably the introduction. 1 point
LEQ Periodization: Argument Development using target Historical Thinking Skill: Periodization + how many points
2 points Develops and Supports and argument that: -Describes the ways in which the historical development specified in the prompt was different from and similar to developments that preceded AND/OR followed SCORING NOTE: For both points, if the prompt requires evaluation of a turning point, then responses must discuss developments that preceded AND followed. For both points, if the prompt requires evaluation of the characteristics of an era, then responses can discuss developments that EITHER preceded OR followed
LEQ Periodization: Argument Development Using Evidence + how many points
2 points -Addresses the topic of the question with specific examples of relevant evidence AND -Utilizes specific examples of evidence fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument SCORING NOTE: To fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument, responses must include a broad range of evidence that, through analysis and explanation, justifies the stated thesis or a relevant argument
LEQ Periodization: Synthesis + how many points
1 point Extends the argument by explaining the connections between the argument and ONE of the Following: -A development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area OR -A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay (Such as political, economic, social, cultural, or intellectual history) OR -A different discipline or field of inquiry (such as economics, government and politics, art history, or anthropology) (Note: For European and World History only). SCORING NOTE: the synthesis point requires an explanation of the connections to different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area, and is not awarded fore merely a phase or reference.
LEQ Comparison; Thesis + how many points
1 point Presents a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and responds to all parts of the question. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either the introduction and the conclusion, preferably the introduction.
LEQ Comparison; Argument Development using the targeted Historical Thinking Skill: Comparison
Develops and Supports an argument that: -Describes similarities AND differences among historical individuals, events developments, or processes -Explains the reasons for similarities AND differences among historical individuals, events, developments, or processes OR DEPENDING ON THE PROMPT Evaluate the relative significance of historical individuals, events, developments, or processes
LEQ Comparison; Argument Development Using Evidence + how many points
2 points -Addresses the topic of the question with specific examples of relevant evidence AND -Utilizes specific examples of evidence fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument SCORING NOTE: To fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument, responses must include a broad range of evidence that, through analysis and explanation, justifies the stated thesis or a relevant argument
LEQ Comparison; Synthesis + how many points
1 point Extends the argument by explaining the connections between the argument and ONE of the Following: -A development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area OR -A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay (Such as political, economic, social, cultural, or intellectual history) OR -A different discipline or field of inquiry (such as economics, government and politics, art history, or anthropology) (Note: For European and World History only). SCORING NOTE: the synthesis point requires an explanation of the connections to different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area, and is not awarded fore merely a phase or reference.
LEQ CCOT (Continuity and change over time); Thesis + how many points
1 point Presents a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and responds to all parts of the question. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either the introduction and the conclusion, preferably the introduction.
LEQ CCOT (Continuity and change over time); Argument Development using the targeted Historical Thinking Skill: CCOT + how many points
2 points Develops and supports an argument that: -Describes historical continuity AND change over time AND -Explains the reasons for historical continuity AND change over time
LEQ CCOT (Continuity and change over time); Argument Development Using Evidence + how many points
2 points -Addresses the topic of the question with specific examples of relevant evidence AND -Utilizes specific examples of evidence fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument SCORING NOTE: To fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument, responses must include a broad range of evidence that, through analysis and explanation, justifies the stated thesis or a relevant argument
LEQ CCOT (Continuity and change over time); Synthesis + how many points
1 point Extends the argument by explaining the connections between the argument and ONE of the Following: -A development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area OR -A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay (Such as political, economic, social, cultural, or intellectual history) OR -A different discipline or field of inquiry (such as economics, government and politics, art history, or anthropology) (Note: For European and World History only). SCORING NOTE: the synthesis point requires an explanation of the connections to different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area, and is not awarded fore merely a phase or reference.
LEQ Causation: Thesis + points
1 point Presents a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and responds to all parts of the question. The thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in one place, either the introduction and the conclusion, preferably the introduction.
LEQ Causation; Argument Development using the targeted Historical Thinking Skill: Causation + how many points
2 points -Describes causes AND/OR effects of a historical event, development, or process. -explains the reasons for the causes AND/OR effects of a historical event, development, or process SCORING NOTE: if the prompt requires discussion of both causes and effects, responses must address both causes and effects in order to earn both points
LEQ Causation; Argument Development Using Evidence + how many points
2 points -Addresses the topic of the question with specific examples of relevant evidence AND -Utilizes specific examples of evidence fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument SCORING NOTE: To fully and effectively substantiate the stated thesis or a relevant argument, responses must include a broad range of evidence that, through analysis and explanation, justifies the stated thesis or a relevant argument
LEQ Causation: Synthesis how many points
1 point Extends the argument by explaining the connections between the argument and ONE of the Following: -A development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area OR -A course theme and/or approach to history that is not the focus of the essay (Such as political, economic, social, cultural, or intellectual history) OR -A different discipline or field of inquiry (such as economics, government and politics, art history, or anthropology) (Note: For European and World History only). SCORING NOTE: the synthesis point requires an explanation of the connections to different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area, and is not awarded fore merely a phase or reference.