Role Of Entrepreneurship In Economic Development Essay Example
Role Of Entrepreneurship In Economic Development Essay Example

Role Of Entrepreneurship In Economic Development Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (786 words)
  • Published: November 20, 2016
  • Type: Research Paper
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An entrepreneur can be regarded as a person who has the initiative skill and motivation to set up a business or enterprise of his own and who always looks for high achievements. He is the catalyst for social change and works for the common good. They looks for opportunities, identifies them and seizes them mainly for economic gains. An action oriented entrepreneur is a highly calculative individual who is always willing to undertake risks in order to achieve their goals.

Need for Entrepreneurship Development

Economic development essentially means a process of upward change whereby the real per capita income of a country increases over a period of time .Entrepreneurship has an important role to play in the development of a country. It is one of the most important inputs in economic development. The number and competence of


entrepreneurs affect the economic growth of the country. The economic history of the presently advanced countries like USA, Russia and Japan supports the fact that economic development is the outcome for which entrepreneurship is an inevitable cause.

The crucial and significant role played by the entrepreneurs in the economic development of advanced countries has made the people of developing and under developed countries conscious of the importance of entrepreneurship for economic development. It is now a widely accepted fact that active and enthusiastic entrepreneurs can only explore the potentials of the countries availability of recourses such as labor, capital and technology. The role of entrepreneurs is not identical in the various economies. Depending on the material resources, industry climate and responsiveness of the political system, it varies from economy to economy. The contributio

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of entrepreneurs may be more in favorable opportunity conditions than in economies with relatively less favorable opportunity conditions.

Entrepreneurship and Economic Development Entrepreneurship helps in the process of economic development in the following ways:

Employment Generation

Growing unemployment particularly educated unemployment is the problem of the nation. The available employment opportunities can cater only 5 to 10 % of the unemployed. Entrepreneurs generate employment both directly and indirectly. Directly, self employment as an entrepreneur and indirectly by starting many industrial units they offer jobs to millions. Thus entrepreneurship is the best way to fight the evil of unemployment.

National Income

National Income consists of the goods and services produced in the country and imported. The goods and services produced are for consumption within the country as well as to meet the demand of exports. The domestic demand increases with increase in population and increase in standard of living. The export demand also increases to meet the needs of growing imports due to various reasons. An increasing number of entrepreneurism are required to meet this increasing demand for goods and services. Thus entrepreneurship increases the national income.

Balanced Regional Development

The growth of Industry and business leads to a lot of Public benefits like transport facilities, health, education, entertainment etc. When the industries are concentrated in selected cities, development gets limited to these cities. A rapid development. When the new entrepreneurism grow at a faster rate, in view of increasing competition in and around cities, they are forced to set up their enterprises in the smaller towns away from big cities. This helps in the development of backward regions.

Dispersal of economic


Industrial development normally may led to concentration of economic powers in a few hands. This concentration of power in a few hands has its own evils in the form of monopolies. Developing a large number of entrepreneurism helps in dispersing the economic power amongst the population. Thus it helps in weakening the harmful effects of monopoly.

Better standards of living

Entrepreneurism plays a vital role in achieving a higher rate of economic growth. Entrepreneurism is able to produce goods at lower cost and supply quality goods at lower price to the community according to their requirements. When the price of the commodies decreases the consumers get the power to buy more goods for their satisfaction. In this way they can increase the standard of living of the people.

Creating innovation

An entrepreneur is a person who always looks for changes. apart from combining the factors of production, he also introduces new ideas and new combination of factors. He always tries to introduce newer and newer technique of production of goods and services. An entrepreneur brings economic development through innovation. Entrepreneurship also helps in increasing productivity and capital formation of a nation. In short, the development of the entrepreneurship is inevitable in the economic development of the country. The Role played by the entrepreneurship development can be expressed in the following words:" Economic development is the effect for which entrepreneurship is a cause”

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