Vision: Personality Psychology and Introvert Sensing Feeling Essay Example
The first milestone of the Personal Development Plan involves creating a vision. The student has taken self-assessment tests and discovered new information about themselves. They were surprised to learn that there are tests available to determine personality type and locus of control. After taking the Jung Typology Test, the student found out that their personality type is ISP (Introvert Sensing Feeling Perceiving), which suits them perfectly. Although they enjoy being around people, they also value alone time for mental refreshment. This assessment helped the student gain a better understanding of themselves and how they interact with others. Furthermore, it revealed that while sensitive, the student tends to keep it to themselves. Another surprising result was positive productivity despite being disorganized and prone to procrastination - significant weaknesses in their productivity strategy. Despit
...e submitting work on time, it usually happens at the last minute which impacts overall productivity levels negatively; however, newfound knowledge about potential productivity motivates them to seek ways of improving performance in this area. Lastly, Locus of Control refers to an individual's perception regarding whether external forces or personal actions influence outcomes - External Locus of Control implies external forces govern outcomes while Internal Locus of Control affirms one's control over these results.My Locus of Control is moderate, and I believe that I have control over my destiny. While some circumstances are beyond my reach, such as weather or the actions of others, I can manage at least 90% of events. It's easy to blame others for certain outcomes, but it's not always practical. A stressful environment had caused me to burn out, leaving me feeling worn-out, hopeless and unable to apply m
skills when going into work. Overcome with emotion and physical pain due to stress, I felt it was all down to me being incapable despite previously working in customer service. However, enrolling in school eventually lessened the pressure on me and gave me hope for the future; this experience taught me valuable lessons about taking more control of my life while accepting myself without worrying about others' opinions.
Coping with stress and recognizing symptoms of burnout are essential steps towards achieving success; unfortunately, due to various medical issues within my family circle, I feel obligated to hold everything together even though neglecting myself has been detrimental. Many people suggested seeing a therapist; however, at first instance, I didn't think it would help until after experiencing burnout myself.
Although discussing problems with a stranger might not necessarily solve them entirely verbally-putting things out there did help me realize that change is something that often resists us. Taking self-assessments allowed me full insight into what needed doing so that step-by-step goals could be achieved."
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