Flashcards and Answers – MedTerm –
Flashcard maker : Sean Mitchell
1. What is the correct spelling for inflammation of the tonsils?
2. The plural of the Latin word bronchus is
3. Which is the plural form of apex?
4. In the word intrahepatic, the prefix intra- means ____ the liver.
Thinking and Analyzing
5. Five language skills are critical to communication. Which of the following involves the processing of medical language?
6. The combining form hepat/o- means
7. The combining form mamm/o- means
Condition of a slow heart rate
8. With bradycardia, there is a
9. Which suffix means the process of using an instrument to examine?
Writing and Spelling
10. Which of the following is the skill that involves relaying the medical language?
The right lower quadrant (RLQ)
1. The appendix is located with which quadrant of the body?
2. The lower half of the body is labeled?
3. What directional term means the midline of the body?
The cranial cavity
4. The brain is located in which cavity of the body?
The thoracic cavity
5. The lungs are located in which cavity of the body?
6. The part of anatomy that internally divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity is the
7. What is the term that describes a person who is lying face down?
Skin, nails, and oil glands
8. The integumentary system includes diseases of the
9. A patient with a cancerous tumor may seek treatment for his condition from a physician whose
specialty is
specialty is
Doctor’s office
10. Which is the most frequently used healthcare setting?
1. The integumentary system covers the entire surface of the body and consists of the skin, hair,
2. Basal cell carcinoma arises from which type of tissue?
3. A genetic mutation that results in nonfunctioning melanocytes that do not produce melanin is
known as
known as
4. Which healthcare specialty studies the anatomy and physiology of the integumentary system
and uses diagnostic tests, medical and surgical procedures, and drugs to treat the
integumentary diseases?
and uses diagnostic tests, medical and surgical procedures, and drugs to treat the
integumentary diseases?
5. The epidermis contains melanocytes, pigment cells that produce
6. Sweat glands are also known as ____________ glands
7. Which is a severe systemic allergic reaction that can be life threatening?
8. The subcutaneous tissue is a loose, connective tissue located directly beneath the
9. Which is a general category for any type of skin lesion that is pink to red, flat or raised,
pruritic or nonpruritic?
pruritic or nonpruritic?
Cold sores
10. Which is the common term for a herpes simplex 1 infection?
1. The part of the skull that forms the lower back of the head is the ____________ bone.
Talipes equinovarus
2. Which is a congenital deformity of one or both of the feet in which the foot is turned both
inwardly and downwardly?
inwardly and downwardly?
3. The long bone of the upper leg is called the
4. Which combining form means triangle?
5. What condition is characterized by weak and brittle bones, which may cause frequent
6. The triangular shaped bone on each side of the upper back is called the
7. The deep socket in the hip bone where the femur is attached is known as the
8. Which term does not describe a type of fracture?
9. Which is a fracture in which the bone is crushed into several pieces?
10. All of the following are facial bones except
1. What is the term for a doctor who treats disorders of the bones, muscles, and nerves by aligning the
vertebral column into its ideal position?
vertebral column into its ideal position?
2. Muscular dystrophy is an inherited genetic disease that causes the muscles to
Walks with an uncoordinated gait.
3. The patient with cerebral palsy was described as having ataxia. This means that the patient
Rectus abdominis
4. Which muscle runs down the front of the abdomen and is used when doing crunches (also known as the
six-pack abs)?
six-pack abs)?
Gluteus maximus.
5. The large muscle of the buttocks that one sits on is the
6. Which is a misspelled medical term?
External abdominal oblique muscle.
7. The muscle that runs on a diagonal from the lower ribs and rotates the side of the body medially is the
8. The patient was in a coma for a long time in a nursing home. He eventually developed ____________, or
abnormal, fixed positions in which his muscles were permanently flexed.
abnormal, fixed positions in which his muscles were permanently flexed.
9. What is the medical term for a muscle twitch that cannot be controlled?
10. When your muscles straighten a joint, it is called
Nasal cavity
1. The turbinates are located in the
Chronic bronchitis
2. One of the components of COPD is
3. Which word is misspelled?
Pulmonary edema
4. Which is a condition that accompanies left-sided heart failure and is characterized by noninfectious fluid
build-up in the alveoli and lung tissues?
build-up in the alveoli and lung tissues?
Transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the cells
5. Which is not something the respiratory system does?
6. Which is the medical word for voice box?
7. Which combining form means lung?
8. Breathing that is easier in an upright position is called
9. Which is a high-pitched, harsh, crowing sound due to obstruction in the trachea or larynx?
10. The ______________ is posterior to the mouth.
1. The medical word that means chewing is
Enlargement of the liver and spleen
2. Hepatosplenomegaly refers to
3. The part of the stomach that is superior to the pylorus is the
4. The medical word patent means
5. An inguinal hernia would appear in the area of the
Cystic duct
6. The portion of the biliary tree that transports bile from the gallbladder to the common bile duct is the
7. The normal, large puckered pouches in the walls of the large intestine are called
8. Steatorrhea is a symptom of
9. Which structure hangs in the posterior oral cavity?
10. Which of these is a combining form that means rectum?
Parkinson’s disease
1. Which is a chronic, degenerative disease due to an imbalance in the levels of the neurotransmitters
dopamine and acetylcholine in the brain?
dopamine and acetylcholine in the brain?
2. The cells of the nervous system that form the blood-brain barrier that keeps certain substances from
gaining access to the brain are called
gaining access to the brain are called
3. The loss of the ability to communicate verbally or in writing is known as
4. Some patients with epilepsy experience an ____________ or forewarning of an impending seizure.
5. The middle layer of the meninges that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord is known as the
Efferent nerves
6. Which nerves carry nerve impulses away from the spinal cord?
7. Trauma to the occipital lobe of the brain can affect a person’s sense of
Arteriovenous malformation
8. The abbreviation AVM means
9. Which part of the brain regulates body temperature, sensations of hunger and thirst, and the circadian
(24-hour) rhythm of the body?
(24-hour) rhythm of the body?
Alzheimer’s disease.
10. The autopsy report read, “Numerous neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques are seen in the brain
tissue.” The diagnosis for this patient would be
tissue.” The diagnosis for this patient would be
1. What is the term for a medical specialist who can perform surgery to treat or cure eye disorders?
2. What is the term for a person who is nearsighted?
3. Which is the abbreviation for the left eye?
4. The border between the transparent edge of the cornea and the white of the fibrous sclera is the
5. The round opening in the iris that allows light rays to enter the internal eye is the
6. In bright light the muscles of the iris contract, reducing the size of the pupil in order to keep too much
light from entering the eye. This process is called
light from entering the eye. This process is called
Colored portion of the eye
7. The combining form irid/o- refers to the
Eye socket
8. The combining form orbit/o- means
9. What is the term for inflammation/infection of the lining of the eyelids (also called “pink eye”)?
It bends or refracts light rays entering the eyes
10. All of the following are true about the sclera except which sentence?
Acoustic neuroma
1. This condition is caused by a benign tumor on the vestibulocochlear nerve of the ear and can cause hearing loss.
2. All of the following abbreviations relate to the ear or hearing except
3. The second bone of the middle ear is the
4. Which is a structure in the middle ear that can be partially visualized during otoscopy?
5. Anacusis is
6. What is the purpose of the cochlear branch of cranial nerve VIII?
Otitis media
7. Which of these conditions is a common middle ear infection in children?
8. All of the following abbreviations refer to the ear except
9. The word buccal means pertaining to the
External ear, external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, middle ear, inner ear
10. Which best describes the path sound travels?
1. The meatus of the urethra is a/an
2. The condition ____________ may be found in a diabetic patient who metabolizes fats instead of glucose
for energy.
for energy.
3. Which is the area of the kidney that includes the cortex and medulla?
4. The inability to voluntarily retain urine is
5. Two medical terminology combining forms meaning the urinary bladder are cyst/o- and
6. The plural of glomerulus is
7. What tube connects the bladder to the outside of the body?
8. Which process involves the contractions of smooth muscle that propel urine through the ureter?
All of the above
9. In addition to creating and excreting urine in order to rid the body of wastes, the kidney also functions to
*Red blood cell production
*Blood pressure
*The pH balance of the blood
*All of the above
*Red blood cell production
*Blood pressure
*The pH balance of the blood
*All of the above
10. Enlargement of the kidney due to constant pressure from backed-up urine is called
External genitalia
1. Which includes the scrotum, testes, epididymis, penis, and urethra?
Seminiferous tubules
2. Spermatozoa production takes place in the
All of the above
3. Semen is produced in the
*Bulbourethral glands
*Prostate gland
*Seminal vesicles
*All of the above
*Bulbourethral glands
*Prostate gland
*Seminal vesicles
*All of the above
4. Which is the most common sexually transmitted disease? It is caused by a bacterium and sometimes
causes painful urination in the male.
causes painful urination in the male.
5. Each spermatozoon contains a head containing chromosomes and a tail or ____________ that propels
6. Which anatomical word is misspelled?
7. Inflammation of the anatomical structure that stores mature spermatozoa is called
8. Inflammation or infection of the testes is called
Testicular cancer
9. Another name for a seminoma is
10. Which abbreviation indicates impotence in the male?
1. The opening for the cervical canal is the cervical
2. All of the following are parts of the female external genitalia except
*Labia majora
*Vaginal introitus
*Labia majora
*Vaginal introitus
She has a rise of body temperature
3. How could a woman know that she was ovulating?
4. Which combining form means vagina?
5. The first stool of the newborn is a greenish-black waste called
6. The first period of menstruation at the onset of puberty is known as
7. The neonate born at ____________ weeks would be considered a term newborn.
8. Uterine descensus is also known as uterine
Dimpling of the skin of the breast
9. Peau d’orange is a sign of possible breast cancer and appears as a
False labor pains
10. The eponym Braxton Hicks refers to
1. The process of single-cell destruction or programmed cell death is known as
2. What is the primary cell structure that when damaged, starts the process of cancer formation?
3. What type of cancer often results in the loss of a limb?
Chronic myelogenous leukemia
4. The Philadelphia chromosome appears in
Human papillomavirus (HPV)
5. An example of a pathogen that can cause cancer is
6. What is the medical term used for cancer of the glandular tissue?
Malignant melanoma
7. Which skin cancer is the fastest growing and most dangerous?
8. This term is used when cancer spreads from the original site to other parts of the body.
9. What is the term for a sarcoma of the bone tissue?
10. Which is an environmental substance that can contribute to the development of cancer?
1. The test that is used to show images of the heart muscle contraction in motion using high-frequency
sound waves is called
sound waves is called
2. Radioactive substances that emit positrons are used in ____________ scans.
Magnetic resonance imaging
3. X-rays are used during all of the following tests except
Sound waves
4. An ultrasound uses which type of technology to produce an image?
Radiation oncologist
5. What is the term for a doctor who specializes in treating cancer with radiation therapies?
Placing a radioactive implant directly into the bladder for bladder cancer
6. An example of brachytherapy would be
Interstitial radiotherapy
7. Which treatment involves radioactive implants (needles, wires, capsules, pellets/seeds) inserted into the tumor or the tissue around the tumor?
Stereotactic biopsy
8. Which procedure uses a CT scan to pinpoint the location of a mass in three dimensions and guide the
biopsy needle?
biopsy needle?
The xeromammogram image is printed on dry paper rather than on X-ray film
9. How does a xeromammogram differ from a mammogram?
10. Which imaging technology requires a special patient safety precautions check for metal objects?