Organizing Your Informative Presentation Types Of Informative – Flashcards

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Sarah is preparing her speech, "Defining the Constitution". Her topic has many parts and she wants to focus on some more than others. What is the best type of organization for her speech? a. topical b. spatial c. chronological d. problem-solution Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Paul just returned from New York Fashion Week. His Graphic Arts & Design teacher has asked him to give an informative speech about his trip. Paul wants to cover fashion week from the first show he saw to the last show he saw. What is the best type of organization for his speech? a. cause-effect b. topical c. chronological d. spatial Please select the best answer from the choices provided
The speech, "Candlemaking" from the website you visited, uses which type of organization? a. sequential b. cause-effect c. spatial d. topical
Martin's Home Economics class is given the task of teaching a visiting group of 1st graders how to make food items. His group decides to teach how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Which type of organization should Martin and his group use for their Informational Speech? a. spatial b. topical c. problem-solution d. sequential
Paul just returned from New York Fashion Week. His Graphic Arts ; Design teacher has asked him to give an informative speech about his trip. Paul wants to cover fashion week from the first show he saw to the last show he saw. While all the students in his class are interested in design, not all of them care about fashion design. Knowing this about his audience, which of the following might help Paul make his speech more effective? a. start with something simple about fashion b. connect fashion to something the audience already knows c. give lots of examples about the fashion from each show d. limit the amount of information about the designers
Spatial organization can be used for Descriptive and Definition speeches. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F
Sarah is preparing her speech, "Defining the Constitution". Her topic has many parts and she wants to focus on some more than others. After her introduction, how should Sarah begin her speech? a. with an example b. with the most complex c. with something useful d. with the most simple
Martin's Home Economics class is given the task of teaching a visiting group of 1st graders how to make food items. His group decides to teach how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Knowing the level of their audience, what is the most important thing Martin's group can do to make their speech effective? a. speak slowly b. add a lot of humor c. adjust the level of complexity d. explain where peanut butter came from
In order to keep your audience interested your Information Speech should have complexity. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F
Martin's Home Economics class is given the task of teaching a visiting group of 1st graders how to make food items. His group decides to teach how to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Why does Martin's choice of topic help the effectiveness of his group's speech? a. most 1st graders enjoy demonstrations b. most 1st graders like to learn about new things c. most 1st graders are familiar with this food d. most 1st graders love to cook
Based on the online article, "Definitional Speeches," when giving a definition speech it is very important to do which of the following choices? a. show the audience the topic is informative b. show the audience the topic is important to the world c. show the audience the topic is relevant to their lives d. show the audience the topic is boring Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Suzanne's World History teacher has assigned her to write a speech about Winston Churchill and his importance during World War II. What would be the best way to begin her speech? a. with something familiar to the audience about the topic b. with a handout the audience can use to follow along c. with a picture the audience can view d. with an overview to show the whole process to the audience Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Malia is such a talented artist that her Advanced Drawing teacher asked her to give a speech on shading to help instruct the students in Beginning Drawing. How should Malia organize her speech? a. topically b. spatially c. temporally d. sporadically Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Malia is such a talented artist that her Advanced Drawing teacher asked her to give a speech on shading to help instruct the students in Beginning Drawing. Which kind of informative speech should Malia give to the Beginning Drawing students? a. demonstration b. descriptive c. dictionary d. definition Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Based on the online article, "Demonstration Speeches," you should do all of the following to prepare for your demonstration speech except _______________. a. know the audience's knowledge level b. prepare examples or pictures of completed steps c. think about the setting of the speech d. find a variety of definitions and credible sources Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Frank is very interested in the ocean and all the things that live in it. He really wants to give a speech about this for his Biology presentation assignment. Which kind of informative speech should Frank give? a. depiction b. descriptive c. definition d. demonstration Please select the best answer from the choices provided
It is important and vital to have visual aids for definition speeches. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F
Malia is such a talented artist that her Advanced Drawing teacher asked her to give a speech on shading to help instruct the students in Beginning Drawing. Which of the choices below would be unnecessary in Malia's speech? a. handouts b. 5 W's c. overview d. visual aids Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Informative speeches include all of the following types except _____________? a. demonstration b. descriptive c. definition d. dictionary Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D
Frank is very interested in the ocean and all the things that live in it. He really wants to give a speech about this for his Biology presentation assignment. Which type of organizational style should Frank use to organize his speech? a. sequential b. familiar to the unfamiliar c. temporal d. spatial or topical Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Fran is doing a presentation on influential art from the Renaissance. Which type of presentation aid would be the best choice for Fran to use? a. graphs b. models c. people d. the object itself Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D
After showing and discussing an example of modern art, Priya covers it and then reveals the next example. This is an example of _____________. a. practice using an aid b. reading directly from the presentation aid c. reading directly from the aid d. using an aid only when it is relevant. Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D
The title of your presentation aid should _____________. a. relate to the content of your aid b. distract from the content of your aid c. entertain the audience d. preview upcoming information Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Which of the following is an important guideline when preparing presentation aids? a. use black and white text to minimize distractions b. use a variety of font sizes to add interest c. keep text to a minimum d. use fancy font styles Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D
Eric is briefing the board members of his company about the status of their stocks. Which presentation aid would be most effective in showing how much the company's stocks have risen or fallen? a. models b. graphs c. illustrations d. handouts Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Which of the following is an important consideration when preparing slide shows for use as a presentation aid? a. use visuals sparingly b. include as much text as possible c. use a variety of colors on each slide d. never use the same font more than once Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Movie clips, sound bites and other media should never be included in a well prepared presentation. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F
Which type of presentation aid is depicted in the image above? a. illustration b. photograph c. map d. handouts Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D 1097-06-01-03-00_files/i0150000.jpg
Which type of presentation aid is depicted in the image above? a. object/topic itself b. illustration c. chart d. technology Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Animation and transition effects will distract your audience when using a slide show presentation aid. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F
Which statement about the ellipsis is true? I. An ellipsis indicates the omission of a word or words. II. It is appropriate for an ellipsis to appear in any part of a sentence. III. A single space between the periods is necessary when using an ellipsis. I only II and III I and III I, II, and III
NOT I only
Read the selection below from "The Insufficiency of Honesty" by Stephen L. Carter and answer the question that follows. When I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in mind. Integrity, as I will use the term, requires three steps: discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong. The first criterion captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness. The second brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast, a quality that includes keeping one's commitments. The third reminds us that a person of integrity can be trusted. Source: Carter, Stephen L. "The Insufficiency of Honesty." Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1996: 74+. Print. Based on the passage above, which of the following reflects the correct use of the ellipsis? "Integrity . . . requires three steps" (Carter). ". . .[A]s I will use the term, [integrity] requires three steps," according to Carter. According to Carter . . . "Integrity, as [he uses] the term, requires three steps." Carter states that "[i]ntegrity . . . requires three steps" . . .". Submitted
Integrity . . . requires three steps" (Carter).
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. Woo emphatically states One chocolate bar cannot ruin a child's health Which of the following reflects the proper punctuation of the above sentence? "Woo emphatically states One chocolate bar cannot ruin a child's health"! "Woo emphatically states," One chocolate bar cannot ruin a child's health! Woo emphatically states! "One chocolate bar cannot ruin a child's health." Woo emphatically states, "One chocolate bar cannot ruin a child's health!"
Woo emphatically states, "One chocolate bar cannot ruin a child's health!"
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. Note that the author's last name is Bipin. Should states require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver's license Bipin Which of the following reflects the proper punctuation of the above sentence? "Should states require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver's license (Bipin)?" Should states "require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver's license" (Bipin)? Should states, "require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver's license?" Bipin. "Should states require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver's" Bipin.
NOT "Should states require adolescents to be eighteen before obtaining a driver's license (Bipin)?"
Read the selection below from "The Insufficiency of Honesty" by Stephen L. Carter and answer the question that follows. When I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in mind. Integrity, as I will use the term, requires three steps: discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong. The first criterion captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness. The second brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast, a quality that includes keeping one's commitments. The third reminds us that a person of integrity can be trusted. Source: Carter, Stephen L. "The Insufficiency of Honesty." Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1996: 74+. Print. Based on the passage above, which of the following reflects the correct use of parentheses? In his definition of integrity, (Carter) states that "discerning what is right and what is wrong . . . captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness." The essay begins with the claim that "discerning what is right and what is wrong . . . captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness." (Carter) Regarding integrity, "discerning what is right and what is wrong . . . captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness" (Carter). (Carter) writes, "[D]iscerning what is right and what is wrong . . . captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness."
Regarding integrity, "discerning what is right and what is wrong . . . captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness" (Carter).
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. World travel provides children with opportunities that cannot be gleaned in any other way Monroe Which sentence reflects proper citation punctuation for this quotation by Monroe? "World travel provides children with opportunities that cannot be gleaned in any other way, Monroe." "(World travel) provides . . . children (with) opportunities that cannot be gleaned in any other way" [Monroe]. "World travel provides children with opportunities that cannot be gleaned in any other way [Monroe]". "World travel provides children with opportunities that cannot be gleaned in any other way" (Monroe).
"World travel provides children with opportunities that cannot be gleaned in any other way" (Monroe).
Which statement about parentheses is true? I. Parentheses often appear at the end of the sentence. II. Citations for a direct quotation need to be set apart by parentheses. III. Periods always come after the parentheses. I only I and II II and III I, II, and III
l and ll
Read the selection below from "The Insufficiency of Honesty" by Stephen L. Carter and answer the question that follows. When I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in mind. Integrity, as I will use the term, requires three steps: discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong. The first criterion captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness. The second brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast, a quality that includes keeping one's commitments. The third reminds us that a person of integrity can be trusted. Source: Carter, Stephen L. "The Insufficiency of Honesty." Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1996: 74+. Print. Based on the passage above, which of the following reflects the correct use of the colon? At the beginning of his essay "The Insufficiency of Honesty," Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity: "discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong." At the beginning of his essay: "The Insufficiency of Honesty," Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity, "discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong." At the beginning of his essay "The Insufficiency of Honesty": Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity "discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong." At the beginning: of his essay "The Insufficiency of Honesty," Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity, "discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong."
"At the beginning of his essay "The Insufficiency of Honesty," Stephen L. Carter establishes a definition for integrity: "discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong."
Read the selection below from "The Insufficiency of Honesty" by Stephen L. Carter and answer the question that follows. When I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in mind. Integrity, as I will use the term, requires three steps: discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong. The first criterion captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness. The second brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast, a quality that includes keeping one's commitments. The third reminds us that a person of integrity can be trusted. Source: Carter, Stephen L. "The Insufficiency of Honesty." Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1996: 74+. Print. Based on the passage above, which of the following reflects the correct use of brackets? "[W]hen I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in mind," states Carter in his essay. It is important to remember that "[w]hen [he] refer[s] to integrity, [Carter has] something very specific in mind." "Referring to integrity" is something that is important to [Carter]. According to Carter, "he [has] something specific [integrity] in mind."
NOT According to Carter, "he [has] something specific [integrity] in mind."
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. Why do parents underestimate the significance of writing in one's journal Hartwig asks Which of the following reflects the proper punctuation of the above sentence? "Why do parents underestimate the significance of writing in one's journal Hartwig asks?" "Why do parents underestimate the significance of writing in one's journal," Hartwig asks? "Why do parents underestimate the significance of writing in one's journal?" Hartwig asks. "Why do parents underestimate the significance of writing in one's journal? Hartwig asks".
"Why do parents underestimate the significance of writing in one's journal?" Hartwig asks.
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. With so many other options in contemporary society why do people continue to read poetry Smythe asks his audience Which of the following reflects the proper punctuation of the above sentence? "With so many other options in contemporary society, why do people continue to read poetry?" Smythe asks his audience. With so many other options in contemporary society: "why do people continue to read poetry?" Smythe asks his audience. "With so many other options in contemporary society . . . why do people continue to read poetry Smythe asks his audience?" "With so many other options in contemporary society, why do people continue to read poetry," Smythe asks his audience?
"With so many other options in contemporary society, why do people continue to read poetry?" Smythe asks his audience
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. Peanuts according to Dr Campbell are a healthful substitute to potato chips Which of the following reflects the proper punctuation of the above sentence? Peanuts, "according to Dr. Campbell," are a healthful substitute to potato chips. "Peanuts . . . according to Dr. Campbell . . . are a healthful substitute to potato chips . . .". Peanuts: according to Dr. Campbell "[are] a healthful substitute to potato chips". "Peanuts," according to Dr. Campbell, "are a healthful substitute to potato chips."
"Peanuts," according to Dr. Campbell, "are a healthful substitute to potato chips."
When incorporating direct quotations into writing, what is the function of brackets?
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information: Brackets are one of the punctuation tools used to prevent plagiarism. Brackets set apart additions or changes in the direct quotation made by the writer. They can indicate a change in verb tense, added words or punctuation, substituted words, or errors ([sic]). It is important to note that brackets must come in pairs.
When incorporating direct quotations into writing, what is the function of parentheses?
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information: Parentheses are one of the punctuation tools used to prevent plagiarism. Parentheses set off the citation, which is the source information for the direct quotation. It is important to remember that parentheses come in pairs.
When incorporating direct quotations into writing, what are the function of and guidelines for using the ellipsis?
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information: The ellipsis is one of the punctuation tools used to prevent plagiarism. An ellipsis indicates the omission of a word or words from a direct quotation. It is important to remember that an ellipsis requires a single space between the periods. Using the ellipsis can be tricky, so it is important to follow a few guidelines. First, an ellipsis cannot appear at the beginning of a sentence. Second, when using an ellipsis in the middle of a sentence, make sure that the first word after the ellipsis has a lowercase letter. Third, an ellipsis that appears at the end of a sentence requires a period—so four dots, rather than the standard three.
When incorporating direct quotations into writing, what is the function of the colon? Explain the guidelines for using the colon for a long quotation.
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information: The colon is one of the punctuation tools used to prevent plagiarism. A colon introduces a direct quotation and must follow an independent clause. When using the colon for a long quotation, it is important that the sentence with the colon be a part of the text itself and that the long quotation begin on a new line that is indented one inch from the margin.
Read the passage below and answer the question that follows. Wearing huge earrings is criminal claims Emily Pontellier the author of Jewelry Mistakes Which of the following reflects the proper punctuation of the above sentence? Wearing huge earrings is criminal, "claims Emily Pontellier," the author of Jewelry Mistakes! "Wearing huge earrings is criminal!" claims Emily Pontellier, the author of Jewelry Mistakes. Wearing huge earrings is criminal: "claims Emily Pontellier the author of Jewelry Mistakes." "Wearing huge earrings is criminal claims Emily Pontellier the author of Jewelry Mistakes!"
"Wearing huge earrings is criminal!" claims Emily Pontellier, the author of Jewelry Mistakes.
When incorporating direct quotations into writing, what is the function of quotation marks?
Responses may vary but should include some or all of the following information: Quotation marks are one of the punctuation tools used to prevent plagiarism. Quotation marks are used to set apart short quotations, which are defined by the Modern Language Association as quotations of four lines or fewer. It is important to remember that quotation marks come in pairs.
Read the selection below from "The Insufficiency of Honesty" by Stephen L. Carter and answer the question that follows. When I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in mind. Integrity, as I will use the term, requires three steps: discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong. The first criterion captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness. The second brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast, a quality that includes keeping one's commitments. The third reminds us that a person of integrity can be trusted. Source: Carter, Stephen L. "The Insufficiency of Honesty." Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1996: 74+. Print. Based on the passage above, which of the following reflects the correct use of brackets? Carter comments that "[A] person of integrity can be trusted[.]" Carter believes that "[i]ntegrity . . . [r]equires [t]hree [s]teps." [Carter] writes, "[i]integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness." Carter explains, "[Integrity is] a quality that includes keeping one's commitments
Carter explains, "[Integrity is] a quality that includes keeping one's commitments."
Read the selection below from "The Insufficiency of Honesty" by Stephen L. Carter and answer the question that follows. When I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in mind. Integrity, as I will use the term, requires three steps: discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong. The first criterion captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness. The second brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast, a quality that includes keeping one's commitments. The third reminds us that a person of integrity can be trusted. Source: Carter, Stephen L. "The Insufficiency of Honesty." Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1996: 74+. Print. Based on the passage above, which of the following sentences reflects the correct use of the ellipsis? ". . . [A]cting on what you have discerned" . . . as right and wrong . . . is required for a person of integrity (Carter). Carter writes . . . "[A]cting on what you have discerned brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast. . . ". According to Carter, "acting on what you have discerned . . . brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast." "Acting on what you have discerned . . . as right and wrong . . . brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast . . ." (Carter).
According to Carter, "acting on what you have discerned . . . brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast."
Explain the difference between a search engine, a metasearch engine, and a subject directory.
A search engine is a program that allows users to search for material on the Internet or on a website. A metasearch engine searches several other search engines and/or databases, returning results from all of those they search. A subject directory is created by humans, not search "bots," and selects only sites that have been reviewed and meet specific criteria for inclusion on the site.
What can you tell about a site by looking at its URL?
The extension can tell you if it's a site sponsored by a government agency (.gov), an educational facility (.edu or .ac), an organization (.org), or a commercial enterprise (.com). Once you know that, you can decide if you want to use the information. Government or education sites are more reliable than organizations that may have a bias for or against a particular issue, or commercial sites whose main aim is to sell a product or service. Education sites may sometimes host student work, which would not be appropriate to use; you should check for authorship on those sites.
What is meant by a "reputable" site? a site that has received multiple Web awards a site that's reliable and has information that can be trusted a site with the information needed for your report a site with lots of information and graphics
a site that's reliable and has information that can be trusted
How can you evaluate a site for possible bias?
Look at who authored or sponsored the site and see if this person or organization is associated with a group with a known bias. Try to determine the main purpose of the site. If it is to persuade you of something, there is probably bias present. Likewise, a site whose main goal is to sell you something may also have bias. Also check for loaded words that reveal a positive or negative bias toward a person or topic.
In your search for information on volcanoes, you find this site: Should you use this site for your research paper? I should use it if it has the information I need. I can't tell without going to the site. It shouldn't be used because Wikipedia is not reliable. It shouldn't be used because it only has Arizona volcanoes.
It shouldn't be used because Wikipedia is not reliable.
Why is the "C" in the acronym CAARP important to consider when evaluating a site?
The "C" stands for "currency," which refers to how current the information on the site is. If a site has not been updated for quite a while, it may indicate that the information is no longer valid. Depending on the topic of your research, that could mean you shouldn't use the site as a source. Currency is most important in scientific areas or current events. While literary sites do not necessarily call for the most recent information, using old information about space travel, for example, could result in erroneous information.
What should you look for to determine whether or not a site is biased? I. alternate viewpoints presented objectively II. endorsements of political or religious groups III. site author and/or sponsor I only II only I and II I, II, and III
I, II, and III
Analyze the website pictured below and answer the question that follows. Where would you go on this site to find out about the site's author or sponsor? About Us Contact Us News Home
About Us
If you are looking for information about volcanic eruptions, how can you broaden your search?
There are several ways you can broaden a search. You could search for "volcano OR volcanic," use the words "AND volcano," or you could use truncation and search for "volcan," which would result in a listing of sites with "volcano" or "volcanic
In your research on volcanoes, you find this site: What can you determine about the site by looking at the URL? It is not possible to tell from only the Web address. The ".gov" in the address tells me it is a government site. Because it is not an "https" site, it should not be used. Because it misspells "volcano," it shouldn't be used.
The ".gov" in the address tells me it is a government site.
What effect does the use of capital letters have on a search? Using all caps will always give you more results than searching without capital letters. It doesn't make any difference if you use capitals or not in most search engines. In most search engines, it limits your search to only pages that also capitalize those words. It makes the search more urgent, so you'll get your results quicker
NOT It doesn't make any difference if you use capitals or not in most search engines.
Which of the following is likely to be the most reputable source for your research report on Henrietta Lacks?
How can you assess a website for currency? by checking the the sites that appear at the top of the search because they're always the most current by finding out how much it costs by looking at the page with pricing by checking the page for dates showing when it was posted and when it was last revised by looking at the "About" page to see who authored the page
by checking the page for dates showing when it was posted and when it was last revised
Which question needs to be answered to determine a website's authority? What is the depth and breadth of the information? Who created the website, and what are the author's credentials? When was the site created, and when was it last updated? Does the site include links, and do all of the links work?
Who created the website, and what are the author's credentials?
Which of the following is not a sign of bias in a website? membership in a special interest group endorsement of political or religious groups one viewpoint delivered in depth alternative viewpoints presented and addressed objectively
alternative viewpoints presented and addressed objectively
Why is the Library of Congress a useful site to search? It is a subject directory site with links to various categories of information, from art to statistics. The Library of Congress is a huge database with full text articles on many subjects. It is a powerful search engine that allows the user to search "invisible" sites. The Library of Congress is a site that uses nesting to allow for more precise searches
NOT The Library of Congress is a huge database with full text articles on many subjects. It is a subject directory site with links to various categories of information, from art to statistics.
What is the advantage of using a database? I. The information found there has been selected by experts in the field. II. It includes scholarly information that has been published or presented for review. III. It is free and available to anyone who needs to do research for a class. I only II only I and II I, II, and III
I and II
What is the difference between a search engine and a gateway? A search engine uses machines to index webpages; a gateway is compiled by experts or librarians. A search engine searches for images; a gateway searches for text only. A search engine is simpler to use; a gateway requires the searcher to use scientific terms. A search engine is free; a gateway requires payment for the subscription to the service.
A search engine uses machines to index webpages; a gateway is compiled by experts or librarians.
How can you improve your keyword search results? by using limiters to narrow and focus your keyword search by making your keyword search as broad as possible by using only hard copies of research materials by relying on one search engine's results so you don't get too many
NOT by making your keyword search as broad as possible by using limiters to narrow and focus your keyword search
What is a quick way to determine if a site might contain reliable information? looking at the title of the webpage reading the first line of the page checking the URL examining comments about the webpage
checking the URL
What does a metasearch engine do? A metasearch engine searches directories and databases for text only. A metasearch engine compiles information from subscription databases and publishes them. A metasearch engine searches for digital and audio files and indexes them by category. A metasearch engine searches the databases of multiple search engines simultaneously.
A metasearch engine searches the databases of multiple search engines simultaneously.
What is the term for an asterisk (*) being used to replace a letter or group of letters? a truncation a wildcard Boolean logic bias
a wildcard
Why should you sometimes truncate a word by leaving out a letter or group of letters (e.g., creat rather than create)? Truncation is not useful in most searches and shouldn't be used. Truncation will help limit the results to only those you want. Use truncation when you aren't certain of the spelling of a word. Use it to broaden a search to include different forms of the truncated word.
Use it to broaden a search to include different forms of the truncated word.
Which type of punctuation signals the reader of the source information for a direct quotation? parentheses quotations marks brackets ellipses
What is a subject directory? A subject directory is a search done through a subscription service like EBSCOhost. A subject directory consists of links compiled by librarians or other experts and is categorized into specific topics. A subject directory is a listing of search engines related to specific subjects. A subject directory is used when a regular search engine doesn't yield any results
A subject directory consists of links compiled by librarians or other experts and is categorized into specific topics
What is a manipulative aid? Describe a situation in which the speaker would want to use a manipulative aid?
A manipulative aid is any presentation aid that the speaker actively changes during the course of the speech. Writing notes on a chalkboard during a classroom lecture is an example of when a speaker may want to use a manipulative aid. Other examples include: writing ideas from audience participation, or changing an aid during a demonstration speech.
Why is it important to use color when preparing a presentation aid?
Color adds visual interest to your aid. Most members of an audience are used to colored media; black and white is considered "boring". Color also communicates that you have spent time and put careful consideration into your presentation aid, which can build credibility. People tend to associate color with professionalism, which can also build credibility.
What type of organization would you use to answer the question, "What is education?" a. chronological or problem-solution b. topical or spatial c. topical or problem-solution d. chronological or spatial
Read the selection below from "The Insufficiency of Honesty" by Stephen L. Carter and answer the question that follows. When I refer to integrity, I have something very specific in mind. Integrity, as I will use the term, requires three steps: discerning what is right and what is wrong; acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and saying openly that you are acting on your understanding of right and wrong. The first criterion captures the idea that integrity requires a degree of moral reflectiveness. The second brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast, a quality that includes keeping one's commitments. The third reminds us that a person of integrity can be trusted. Source: Carter, Stephen L. "The Insufficiency of Honesty." Atlantic Monthly Feb. 1996: 74+. Print. Based on the passage above, which of the following sentences reflects the correct use of the ellipsis? ". . . [A]cting on what you have discerned" . . . as right and wrong . . . is required for a person of integrity (Carter). Carter writes . . . "[A]cting on what you have discerned brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast. . . ". According to Carter, "acting on what you have discerned . . . brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast." "Acting on what you have discerned . . . as right and wrong . . . brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast . . ." (Carter).
According to Carter, "acting on what you have discerned . . . brings in the ideal of a person of integrity as steadfast."
__________ are printed materials that can be distributed to the audience. a. Notecards b. Handouts c. Models d. Aids
Spatial organization should be used when your subject can best be explained _____________. a. giving equal emphasis to each part of your subject b. step by step from beginning to end c. from the inside out d. in order of when the events occurred
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