Short Answer Study Guide Questions~ Rome and Juliet Act III – Flashcards

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In Act III, Mercutio and Benvolio get into a conflict with Tybalt. What does Romeo do when he comes upon them? Why?
Romeo is happy and acts kind to Tybalt. He tries to prevent them from fighting. Tybalt is now his cousin because he married Juliet and he doesn't want anything bad between him and Tybalt because of this.
How do Mercutio and Tybalt die?
Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt so Mercutio fights him instead to defend his friend. Tybalt and Mercutio fight with their swords and Romeo blocks Tybalt from stabbing Mercutio, however, Tybalt gets past Romeo and stabs Mercutio. Mercutio dies as a result of this; Romeo fights Tybalt to avenge Mercutio's death, killing Tybalt.
What punishment did the Prince give Romeo for fighting?
Instead of having him killed, Romeo was exiled.
Why did Romeo's killing Tybalt put Juliet in a bad position? What did she finally decide?
Romeo killed her cousin whom she loved dearly; she couldn't decide whether to feel sad for Romeo or Tybalt. She decides to weep for Romeo because he is now her husband.
Lady Capulet goes to tell Juliet about the plans for the marriage between Juliet and Paris. What is Juliet's reaction?
Juliet refuses and says she will not marry now. She'd rather marry Romeo, who Lady Capulet knows she hates before she marries Paris.
What is Capulet's reaction when Juliet refuses to marry Paris?
He gets furious and starts yelling about how ungrateful and foolish Juliet is. He also says that she better be in the church on Thursday to marry Paris or she can consider herself disowned and that she has no home.
What advice does Nurse give to Juliet?
The Nurse betrays Juliet and tells her to marry Paris and forget about Romeo; he is exiled and she will probably never see him again.
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