STI one-liners – Flashcards
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Unlock answersGenital chancre begins as papule, ulcerates to form a single, painless, clean based ulcer. TOW: |
primary syphillis |
Cause of genital chancre, beginning as papule, ulcerating to form a single, painless, clean based ulcer: |
Treponema pallidum |
History of penicillin allergy in non-pregnant woman, who has fever, "copper penny" macular lesions on palms and/or soles; RPR (+). DOC: |
Doxycycline |
History of penicillin allergy in pregnant woman, who is RPR (+) and has tabes dorsalis (10-20 yrs), or iritis, uveitis, iridocyclitis, Argyll-Robertson pupils. Manage how: |
Desensitization |
History of painful clustered vesicles with erythematous base; urinary retention in promiscuous woman. TOW: |
HSV-2 >>1 |
Giemsa stain of fluid from herpetic lesion should reveal: |
Multinucleated giant cells |
Patient with genital herpes does not respond to acyclovir because patient is infected with: |
thymidine kinase deficient HSV |
A pregnant woman with primary symptomatic HSV-2 ifnection is at risk of her baby developing: |
neonatal (congenital) herpes |
Cause of painful genital ulcers (no induration); purulent, dirty grey base; painful inguinal adenitis (bubos), in a man with multiple sex partners: |
Haemophilus ducreyi |
Fastidious organism found within granulocytic infiltrate of penile ulcer and co-localized with neutrophils and fibrin, in a patient with chancroid is: |
Haemophilus ducreyi |
all sex partners of patient with chancroid, regardless of symptoms, should be examined and treated with: |
azithromycin > ceftriaxone |
Most common cause of mucopurulent endocervical exudate (gram stain non-revealing) in sexually promiscuous woman: |
Chlamydia trachomatis D-K |
Dx of mucopurullent urethral discharge, dysuria, penile pruritis is based on: |
NAAT of urethral specimen or urine (+) |
DOC of most frequent cause of non-gonococcal urethritis: |
Azythromycin > doxycycline |
Cause of rare genitla ulcers, inguinal lymphadenopathy (cytology - for multinucleated giant cells; RPR -) in men is: |
Chlamydia trachomatis L1-L3 |
Hx of systemic Sx/Sn with cervical motion tenderness in a woman with turbo-ovarian abscess. TOW: |
Cause of mucopurulent urethritis, dysuria, penile pruritis (smear +; gram negative diplococci copopulated with PMNs) is: |
Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
History of frequent gonorrhea and disseminated gonococcal infection in a woman is due to deficieny in serm factors: |
terminal complements |
Immune evasion of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in frequent mucosal infection is due to: |
Antigenic variation of pili |
Auxotrophic stains of N gonorrhoeae (needing arginine for growth) and also with serum (complements) resistance are likely to cause: |
Septic arthritis (aka: DGI) |
Most frequent complication of gonococcal (GC) infection in men: |
Epididymitis |
Cause of "bull headed clap", urethral stricture, prostatitis is: |
Neisseria gonorrhoeae |
Urethritis is treated with ceftriaxone + azythromycin because: |
Concurrent GC + chlamydia |
An older woman with PID and tubo-ovarian abscess receives cefttriaxone, azythromycin, and metronidazole because: |
polymicrobic (endogenous) infection |
Cause of anogenital warts with histology (+): koilocytes is: |
HPV 6 and 11 |
Cause of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) on pap smear with no clinical signs of infection is: |
HPV 16 and 18 |
Cause of Koilocytic cells and possible progression to squamous cell carcinoma: |
HPV 16 and 18 |
Next step to identify viral cause of ASCUS on pap smear with and further management in woman of age >29 yrs is: |
colposcopy > HPV DNA in biopsy |
Wet prep of vaginal discharge from sexually promiscuous woman with vaginal pruritis; ectocervical erythema (strawberry cervix) should reveal |
motile tissue flagellate |
Gram stain of vaginla discharge with fishy odor from sexually promiscuous woman with vaginal pruritis but no erythema and normal cervis should reveal: |
SECs stippled with gram-variable organisms |
DOC of bacterial vaginosis (BV) is: |
metronidazole |
Disruption of normal vaginal flora and depletion of lactobacilli in patient with bacterial vaginosis cause overgrowth of anaerobic Mobiluncus species and: |
Gardnerella vaginalis |
Wet prep of curdy discharge (no odor), adhering to vaginal walls, from pregnant woman with recent UTI, who now has severe vaginal pruritis; vulvovaginal area - erythematous should reveal: |
budding yeasts with pseudohyphae |
Normal commensl of skin, GI, GU tracts; endogenous overgrowth of budding yeast, capable of >10 diseases. TOW: |
Candidia albicans |
mechanism of action of a po DOC of vulvovaginal candidiasis is: |
blocks C14α-lanosterol demethylase |
history of flu-like illness, lymphadenopathy, maculopapular rash in bisexual man. Lab: lymphopenia and transaminase elevations; monospot/all serology negative. TOW: |
acute retroviral syndrome |
Time from infection (acquisition) to acute seroconversion detected by HIV serology (ELISA/WBlot) is: |
6-12 wks |
History of mononucleosis-like illness and lymphadenopathy in man with MSM. serology negative. What is HIV viral load: |
>10,000 copies/ml |
Host cell receptor for HIV-1 infection: |
CD4 |
Homozygous deletions in what gene renders resistance to infection and some protection against progression: |
CCR5 |
Host cells that trap HIV and mediate the efficent transinfection of CD4+ T cells are: |
dendritic cells |
A man who practices "sex with men" has antibodies to HIV (ELISA and Wblot) but asymptomatic. TOW: |
clinical latency |
What happens to HIV-1 virus when acute retrovial syndrome progresses to clinical latency: |
virus continues to replicate at low level |
Homosexual man who is HIV-1 positive and has dual infections/cancer (any 2 from below). Expected CD4+ count is:
CD4+ < 200 /microliters |
A man with HIV infection has lymphadenopathy, chronic diarrhea, oral thrush + herpes lesions. Expected CD4+ count is: |
50 cells/microliter |
Most common cause of HIV-associated peripheral skin or mucosal uclers: |
HSV-1 (>> Histo > CMV > VZV > Syphillis) |
Most common cause of HIV-associated nodules (neoplasia): |
HHV-8 (aka KSHV) |
History of fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, chills, night sweats, dry persistent cough with SOB and weight loss in AIDS patient. lab: PPD -, blood culture + for AFB. TOW: |
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex |
Common cause of retinitis, viral pneumonitis, or esophagitis in AIDS: |
History: progressive CNS disease in patient with AIDS: hemiparesis, visual, ataxia, aphasia, cranial nerves, sensory. MRI: ring-enhancing lesions. Toxo antibody (-). TOW: |
JC virus |
Definitive indication for initial HAART (CD4 count) is: |
CD4+ 350/mm3 |
objective of ARV treatment is to reduce viremia to what level of genomic RNA/ml: |
<50 copies RNA/ml |
Initial regimen of anti-retroviral therapy is: |
Emtricitabine + Tenofovir + Efavirenz |
Emtricitabine, tenofovir, Abacavir, Lamivudine, zidovudine, belong to what class of antiretrovirals: |
Efavirenz, nevirapine belong to what class of antiretrovirals: |
Atazanavir, Lopinavir, Saquinavir belong to what class of antiretrovirals: |
Protease inhibitors (PIs) |
This drugs bind to gp41 and prevents conformational change required for viral fusion and entry into cells: |
Enfuvirtide |
This drug inhibits integrase, responsible for insertion of HIV proviral DNA into host genome: |
Raltegravir |
A man has AIDS and CD4<200 cells/microliter or thrush. Antibacterial prophylaxis needed besides HAART is: |
TMP-SMX (for PCP) |
A man has AIDS and CD4 <100, positive toxo IgG. Chemoprophylaxis needed besides HAART is: |
TMP-SMX (for toxoplasma encephalitis) |
A man has AIDS and CD4<100 and PPD >5 mm induration. Antibacterial prophylaxis needed besides HAART is: |
INH + pyridoxine |
A man has AIDS and CD4 <50. Antibacterial prophylaxis needed besides HAART is: |
Azythromycin (for MAC) |
History of fever, a pustule at a cat scratch site, adenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly in patient with AIDS. Warthin-Starry stain tissue (+). TOW: (clue: bacillary angiomatosis) |
Bartonella henselae |
Mneumonic of leading causes of congenital infections: |
ToRCH3eS-List To = Toxoplasma gondii R = Rubella C = CMV H = HSV-2 H = HIV H = HBV S = Syphilis List = Listeria monocytogenes |
Cause of chorioretinitis, intracranial calcifications, and hydrocephalus in a neonate (mom at pregnancy had mono-like illness after eating raw meat) is: |
Toxoplasma gondii |
History of deafness, cataracts, heart defects, microcephaly, or mentral retardation in child (of seronegative mom, exposed to "blueberry muffin baby" in a very poor neighborhood). TOW: |
congenital rubella syndrome |
Microcephaly, seizures, sensorineural hearing loss, feeding difficulties, petechial rash, hepatosplenomegaly, or jaundice in a neonate. PCR of urine should yield: |
Hepatosplenomegaly, neurolpgic abnormalities, frequent infections in neonate with low CD4 counts. Woman before birthing should have recieved: |
Nevirapine |
Cause of vesicular lesions + conjunctivitis in child (asymptomatic at birth): |
HSV-2 |
History of cutaneous lesions, hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, saddle nose, saber shins. Hutchinson teeth, + CN8 deafness in neonate (mom is a hooker). TOW: |
tertiary syphillis |
Neonatal septicemia or meningitis (mom had flu like symptoms and ate imported cheese during pregnancy). TOW: |
Listeria monocytogenes |