Bill Gates Example – Flashcards

Flashcard maker : Kael Dunlap
“Gates 1 “
Bill and Melinda donate money to change extreme poverty pour health in developing countries

“Bill 1 “
Feb 13 bill has 79 bn

“Bill 1 “

“Bill 2 “
It takes 31 years to count to a billion

“Stevenson 1 “
Born in Seattle on October 28 1955

“Stevenson 1 “
Founded MS in 1974

“Stevenson 1 “
Bill was inspired by the Altair 8800

“Stevenson 1 “
In 1994 bill maired Melinda who worked for MS

“Stevenson 2 “
The gates foundation was founded in 1999

“Stevenson 2 “
The gates foundation donated 1 billion $ to vaccines

“Bill gates 1 “
Wile in high school he founded MS

“Bill gates 1 “
When in HS bill made a programming class

“Bill gates 1 “
In the gates foundation he donated to students education

“Bill gates 2 “
Bill got an opportunity when IBM came to hin

“Bill gates 2”
Bill got the Howard Vollum award

“Bill gates 2”
In 1987 bill unvaled windows os

“Bill gates 2”
Apple calmed that window coped Apple but is was dismissed

“Bill gates 3 “
1993 windows was selling at a million copies a month

“Bill gates 3 “
Bill created MS Exell for windows

“Bill gates 3 “
He was able to earn $36.8 billon and maintain 57000 employees

“Bill gates 3 “
1992 other computer business had to slim back there work forces due to MS popularity

“Bill gates 3 “
MS owned 90% of home computers

“Bill gates 3 “
Other companies were being knocked out because clusters are willing to wait for MS products

“Bill gates 3 “
When MS reveled Windose NT presales for IBM new OS presales plumited

“Bill gates 3 “
MS competors claimed that they had copied there app desine

“Bill gates 4 “
Fetal trade commotion launches investigation in to MS

“Bill gates 4 “
Bill was marked on New Year’s Day

“Bill gates 4 “
He’s daughter was born on April 1996

“Bill gates 4 “
When he was maried he had $7 billion in 2001 he had $59 billion

“Bill gates 4 “
In November 1999 MS was declared a monopoly

“Bill gates 5 “
Gates foundation donated $750 milion to children vaccines

“Bill gates 5 “
Gates foundation donated $3 million to help prevent the spread of aids

“Bill gates 5 “
Gates foundation donated $20 million to libraries of Seattle

“Bill gates 5 “
Gates foundation donated $20 million th Massachusetts instute of technology

“Bill gates 5 “
Gates foundation donated $ 50 million more to prevent aids

“Bill gates 5 “
Gates foundation donated $3 million to the vi tomes of the tsunami in 2004

“Bill gates 5 “
Gates foundation donated $84.3 million in grants to the save the children program

“Bill gates 5 “
Gates foundation donated $900 million to stop tuberculosis

“Bill gates 5 “
In 2006 Bill announced he would be stepped down as chief software architect

“Bill gates 5 “
Bill now devotes most of he’s time to running the gates charity

“Bill 1 “
In 2015 bill gates beat Carlos slim as the riches person in the world

“Bill book
“Windows 95 was to go on sale to the public at 12:01 A.M. on August 24”

“Bill book 10”
“When, in 1993, Bill Gates’s engagement to Melinda French was announced, Jay Leno noted the event in his monologue by posing the question, “What’s Bill Gates like after sex?” His answer: “Micro soft.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 12”
“Windows 95 had originally been scheduled for two years earlier”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 15”
“Bill Gates was born, in 1956, into upper-middle-class comfort. His father, William Henry Gates II, was a highly successful lawyer, and his mother, Mary, the daughter of a banker, served on the boards of educational institutions, charities, and banks”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 15”
“Their Seattle home, with a view of Lake Washington, was large and comfortable, and their three children—Kristi, older by a year than Bill, and Libby, nine years younger—were given every advantage.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book
“by the time he entered sixth grade, young Bill had become so rebellious, particularly toward his mother, that he was put into counseling”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 17”
“It was at the Lakeside School that Gates met Paul Allen, with whom he would found Microsoft only seven years later.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book
“At the time they met, Gates was twelve, Allen two years older. As Gates acknowledges, it is unusual for boys that age to become friends when more than a year separates them, but they shared a number of interests; in particular, both boys were fascinated by the computer terminal that was bought for the school by its Mother’s Club”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book
“Gates, Allen, and a third boy, Kent Evans, who was Bill Gates’s best friend, formed the Lakeside Programmers Group. This grown-up sounding name helped them get an actual spare-time job writing a payroll system for a small Seattle company.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 19”
“In the aftermath of Kent Evans’s death, Gates and Allen became even closer. There was a playful side to some of their collaborations, including writing a program for playing the board game Risk”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 22/23”
“the summer of 1972. In the magazine Electronics, way in the back pages, Paul Allen found an article about the Intel 8008 microprocessor chip. This was Intel’s second chip, twice as powerful as the first one they had produced the year before, and Allen immediately realized that such chips would get more powerful quickly”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 24”
“Gates and Allen ordered an Intel 8008 chip the summer of 1972, paying $360 for it. Gates had thought he could work out a form of BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) to run on the 8008 chip, but he discovered it just wasn’t powerful enough; it didn’t contain enough transistors yet. But they were able to use the chip to run a program they developed for traffic-volume-count analysis, and they envisioned selling computers for that purpose. To do so they formed their first company, called Traf-O-Data. Paul Allen notes that the company “wasn’t a roaring success.” Their prototype machine, although it worked well enough, attracted no buyers; the fact that its designers were teenagers probably didn’t help”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 27”
“In the fall of 1974, Gates’s sophomore year, Paul Allen drove across country in his old Chrysler and took a job programming for Honeywell, located near Boston. That meant he and Gates could brainstorm to their hearts’ content about the future of computers and the place they were now sure they would have in that world. But the letters they sent out netted them very little interest. Then, just before Gates flew home for Christmas, the January 1975 edition of Popular Electronics came out. The two friends perused it while standing in the freezing cold at the Harvard Square newsstand. The cover was topped by the following headline: “Project Breakthrough! World’s First Microcomputer Kit”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 28”
“The two young men saw that the Altair was little more than a toy with switches and blinking lights, since it had no keyboard or display panel, and no software to run it. But they were taken aback to discover that it did have the new 8800 chip brought out by Intel the previous spring, which was ten times as powerful as the 8008 they had used for their Traf-O-Data program. Their reaction was one of dismay that the future was already happening without them, that people would be writing genuine software for that chip, making the Altair 8800 something more than a toy after all. They didn’t have either an Altair microcomputer or an 8800 chip.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 30”
“They then managed to persuade MITS, the manufacturer of the Altair, to sell their program. MITS was a very small company, located in out-of-the-way Albuquerque, New Mexico. But Gates and Allen didn’t care; they were in on the ground floor of what they were convinced was the computer wave of the future”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 30”
“Gates took a leave from Harvard. He discussed the move thoroughly with his parents. Recognizing his ability and his intense desire to have his own company, they went along with their son’s wishes. Leaving Harvard is something Gates still finds himself having to discuss regularly. It comes up in the numerous interviews he gives”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book
“There is some confusion about which of the partners came up with the name Microsoft. Gates has said that he did, but Allen, even in joint interviews, sometimes gives the impression that the final decision was his”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 33”
“They had also considered calling the company Allen and Gates, but the example of IBM and others suggested that a more generic name was better in terms of a company’s longevity”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 35”
“In Albuquerque they continued to live much like college students, sometimes going to a movie but mostly working, often very late; Gates not only slept under his desk at the office but sometimes fell asleep in meetings.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 38/39”
“Gates and Allen point out that in the early days the software industry was so new that it was perfectly natural to ask a hardware manufacturer what they wanted and agree to provide it with only the sketchiest idea of how to fulfill the request.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 43”
“Ensconced in Seattle, the company grew quickly. By early 1980, there were thirty-five employees”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 48”
“By 1980, the Apple II and other personal computers on the market were changing the minds of bigger, older computer companies about the future of the personal computer. IBM, which dominated the market for large mainframe computers, and Digital Equipment Corporation, which had been doing a booming business”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 41”
“IBM was dubious, but not about to be caught entirely flat-footed, and in 1980 it made contact with Microsoft. It had a secret project for the development of PCs”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 41”
“Bill Gates had always been afraid that one of the big boys would do just that, leaving Microsoft in the dust.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 42”
“Gates would later tell the story, these men downplayed their own importance, saying that they were just planning people and much of what they planned never happened”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 54”
“Originally designed for the Intel 8088 or 8086 microprocessing chips (and later for more advanced chips), MS-DOS was a powerful 16-bit operating system, using the then standard character-based mode that would be superseded by the graphical interface”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 56/57”
“Once the IBM PC was on the market, Microsoft pushed MS-DOS hard, persuading other software companies to develop applications for the operating platform. This was important, since IBM was offering a choice of software, also making available a version of Digital Research’s CP/M operating system, as well as a far more expensive UCSD Pascal P-System. Since Microsoft charged IBM only a one-time fee, the MS-DOS cost only $60, as opposed to $175 for the CP/M and $450 for the UCSD system. Gates and Allen were convinced that if they could establish MS-DOS as the system in greatest use, they could make a great deal of money down the line. Their gamble paid off, and MS-DOS won the battle within a year”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 58”
“bought the NBA Portland Trailblazers and became one of the new owners of the Seattle Mariners”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 50”
“The first big step Microsoft took without Allen’s active participation was to develop a graphical interface”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 50”
“MS-DOS was character based. Gates explains the difference between the two formats by using a chessboard analogy: one format moves a chess piece by typing in words; the other shows a chessboard on the screen and moves the representation of the chess piece with a mouse”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 61”
“Our failures tend to result from markets being too small. Microsoft Bob was a product a couple of years ago that used on-screen cartoon characters to carry out tasks for people.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 61”
“The Macintosh was a different matter entirely. Microsoft’s reputation was such that Apple developed the Macintosh working closely with Gates’s company. Microsoft’s first graphical products, the word processor Microsoft Word and the spreadsheet Microsoft Excel, were created for the Macintosh.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book62”
“Gates became increasingly frustrated with the project, as did Nathan Myhrvold, the technical wizard who had joined Microsoft in 1986 when Gates bought his tiny company and hired its six-person staff. IBM, for its part, was annoyed with Gates’s attitude, and by 1989”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book64”
“Even as Windows 3.1 was being released in 1992, the final papers in the IBM/Microsoft divorce were at last being signed. Microsoft retained the rights to the NT (for New Technology) software it had developed.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 65”
“The popularity of Windows 3.1 can be measured by the fact that it was installed on seventy million personal computers that already had been bought worldwide at the time of its 1992 introduction, and on ninety percent of the new computers bought between then and the August 1995 introduction of Windows 95”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 67”
“Windows 95 took off “like a bat out of hell,” to use an old phrase that sums up the attitude of Microsoft’s competitors. Between its August 24, 1995 release date and the end of the fiscal quarter on September 30, 1995, it sold an estimated seven million copies. This was a much higher number than either”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 68”
“But he was hardly resting on his laurels. His book, The Road Ahead, surged immediately to the top of the best-seller lists at the end of 1995. The”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 70”
“In 1996, Microsoft joined with NBC to create MSNBC, linking the Microsoft Web Network with a broadcast cable television entity.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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“Bill book 70”
“Bill Gates did not see it that way, of course. He had pointed out again and again that the information highway was still in the formative stage, and that there were several different directions in which it could go. Indeed, most analysts looked on his acquisitions and investments as a wise policy, protecting Microsoft’s interests on several fronts and thus making it a player no matter what happened.”

Excerpt From: Gatlin, Jonathan. “Bill Gates.” HarperCollins. iBooks.
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