Family Exam 2 – Flashcards

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Feminist approach to reproduction centers on women's ability to control their own bodies
Feminist approaches to reproduction
The ways in which the body has been socialized Norbert Elias- "The Civilizing Process" To be "civilized" our expectations of the body have been altered Judith Butler- "Gender Trouble" The body is the inscribed surface of events (1999:176) Consider menstration... Mamo and Foskett (2009) Scripting the body: Pharmecuticals and the (Re)making of menstruation Studied the approach taken by ads for the four time-a-year birth control pill. Seasonelle
Sociology of the body
Reproduction is also associated with social control Social control is the regulation of individual and group behavior in an attempt to gain conformity and compliance Feminist approach to reproduction centers on women's ability to control their own bodies
Social control
The norms or rules regarding sexual behavior Double-Standard Components of the Male and Female Sexual Scripts What is appropriate for women? (close legs) What is appropriate for men? (ask women out, pay) What role does media play in sexual double-standards?
Sexual scripts
Attachment theory: Infants need to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for a normal social and emotional development Ainsworth discovered three attachment styles. Secure Attachment- infants were sensitive with strangers and cried when mother left. Once she returns it takes little effort to calm them and they quickly go back to playing Anxious Attachment- infants showed distress when their mothers left but, upon mother's return, they were aloof and rejected their mothers Avoidant attachment- Ignored mothers while they were gone and after they returned
Types of attachment
Theories of love John Bowlby- Adults and children benefit by having someone look out for them, provides for their basic emotional and physical needs Attachment theory: Infants need to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for a normal social and emotional development
John Bowlby and love
What is love? Sociologists focus on how love is conditioned by the cultural context, historical period, and institutional stuctures in which it occur How is love a social construction? (Romantic love was only acceptable in it's form in recent human history) 21st century falling in love Woman reverse engineers dating sites and their data to find the better matches for a successful marriage.
Social construction of love
(girl with hair screwed this slide) For lgbt folks- Same-sex dating and romance across age are seldom recognized and rarely supported let alone celebrated Much mate selection behavior is carried over places
Same-sex dating
Heterosexuality is assumed, rather than being one of a number of possibilities (picture of Disney princesses and princes)
Historical/Traditional Approaches to dating Mate selection in the current United States has been based on notions of romantic love The expectation of dating is that it will provide us with valuable experience which will help us make an informed choice of a marriage partner Dating History Historical/early mate selection research focused only on heterosexual couples Dating was meant to lead to marriage Dating was controlled by (Community, family, or parental control over process) "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" Dating Evolution Industrialization led the change in dating patterns- 1. The rise of free, public, coeducational, and mandatory schooling 2. The mass movement of women (working-class women) into mills and factories 3. The automobile gave young people a new and private place for getting together
Dating patterns in the U.S.
Size of pool after reduction by: Propinquity filter Social Class filter Race, ethnic, religious filter Physical attraction filter Age filter Family and peer pressure filter Pool of potential mates (number of persons attracting sexual interest) [filters] Selected partner
Filter theory
One of the theories of mate selection Stimulus- Evaluating the other person in terms of physical attributes Value- Comparing their values with ours and decide whether we are sufficently compatible to continue the relationship Role- Share the activities to build a working relationship
Stimulus-value-role theory
Arlie Hochschild The Managed Heart (1983) Emotional labor- when situations call for a person's emotions to be put on hold in order to please others Gender- Hochchild's example of the flight attendant and "give us a smile..."
Emotional labor
Erving Goffman- a symbolic interactionist Impression management- How we see ourselves and how other see us is constructed through interaction. We "manage" these impressions
Impression management
Emotions are "socially constructed" "Social construction" is ways we use categories to structure our experience and analysis of the world For example, an idea would be widely accepted as natural by those in its society, but may not represent a reality shared by those outside the society Social constructions are taught to us and reflected in our daily life How are emotions socially constructed? 1. Culture, values, beliefs, norms, etc. determine the appropriate emotional response 2. Appropriate emotional response isn't clear until it is defined by culture i.e. From the reading, embarrassment and hiding behind hands 3. People control their emotions in order to comply to norms Children for example Embarassment for a 1 year old vs. a 4 year old
Sociology of emotions
Dramaturgy (Erving Goffman)- How we perform our identity, like theater performances How can sex, in American culture, be linked to a piece of theater? (we play accepted roles) How can sex, in American culture, be linked to front stage and back stage?
Front stage and back stage
Americans fear sex, (constrained vs. liberated) examples, Abstinence education, laws outlawing pleasure (6 states outlaw the sales of vibrators), Attitudes towards homosexuality, Why Afraid? Religion/Tradition, Double standards, Association with diseases/death, Fear about their own acceptability/competence, fear about their orientation.
Chapter 17 Why is everyone afraid of sex? (Pepper Schwartz) pg 252
Gendered double standards affect infected women more than men Social-psychological barriers to testing/treatment Struggle with how much to share to people, positive changes in how society views stds only happen with openness and education.
Chapter 18 First Comes Love, then comes Herpes (Adina Nack) pg 264
Dating sites show which groups get the most responses, race matters even with people who claim to be color blind, there is a schizim between what people say and what they think
"In other words: The Coolest thing about online dating" pg 196
On BB: Heterosexual Love and Heterosexiness in Children's G-Rated films / On BB: Hetero-Romantic Love in Children's G-Rated Films
Page 1 Summary In even sexually liberal Norway, the practice of having two standards between men and women who have multiple partners is noted. While people claim they have tolerance for these practices the reality is the young men enjoyed more freedom with their sexual practices rather than the young women. 2 Even with modern 'hookup' cultures, men have different expectations than women. This paper focused on Norway as it is one of the most gender equal countries where gender and sexual tolerance is high. It looks at the difference between how men are perceived with multiple partners and women fall between two sides of being a moralizer and being considered loose.
I'm Not One of those Girls
Early childhood - develop understanding of gendered behavior Middle childhood - experiment with masturbation Adolescence - a period when children sexually mature
Sexual expression throughout the life-course
Derived from feminist research, the idea that men have been allowed for more permissiveness in sexual behavior than women
Double Standard
Secure attachment - it is easy to get close to others. Little worry about being abandoned and partners can be separated with little to no anxiety about their actions Avoidant attachment - Being someone uncomfortable with intimacy. It is difficult to trust others and people becoming too close makes one nervous Anxious/Ambivalent Attachment - Worry that one's partner doesn't love them. People rarely get as close as one would like. There is a desire to completely merge with another person that often scares potential partners.
Attachment and Adults
For much of human history, although marriage and sex were related there was no conception of love as a necessary part of either, Rather, love came from Early christian ideas of love Courtly Love
History of Love
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