dermatology cases – Flashcards

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Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Adolescent with asthma presents with: long standing intermittent, pruritic, papulosquamous eruption over antecubital fossa, behind knees; worse after hot showers
Seborrheic dermatitis Can also present on eyebrows, lashes, facial hair HIV can have a much worse presentation; Due to a lipophilic yeast in skin called Pityrosporum ovale and can be tx with ketoconazole cream, ciclopirox gel or low potency topical steroid.
Adult pt with: "dandruff" and scaly rash around the nose with underlying redness when the scales are removed
Contact dermatitis Common triggers: plants (poison ivy, oak), nickle, perfumes, rubber, synthetic shoe materials
Contact dermatitis  Common triggers: plants (poison ivy, oak), nickle, perfumes, rubber, synthetic shoe materials
Pt develops: Itchy, papulosquamous rash on abdomen- scaly, well circumscribed lesion at the area of the belt buckle
Rosacea Keys: lack of comedones, worse with alcohol, telangiectasias
Rosacea  Keys: lack of comedones, worse with alcohol, telangiectasias
Middle-aged female develops: "Acne" on the cheeks Repeated eruptions of facial flushing and erythematous papular lesions, made worse with alcohol intake Multiple small papules on the cheeks without comedones Scattered telangiectasias
Hidradentis suppurativa DDx- boils (furuncles, not symmetric, get central necrosis), acne conglobata (not in axilla)
Hidradentis suppurativa  DDx- boils (furuncles, not symmetric, get central necrosis), acne conglobata (not in axilla)
Female presents with: Pain under both axilla x 2 mo- began as small bumps but getting larger Significant pain and erythema around the bumps x 24 hrs Deep, nodular lesions in both axilla without any cental area of necrosis Few comedones in the axilla
Hairy Leukoplakia Caused by EBV DDx- thrush- whole mouth, can be removed with red undersurface
Hairy Leukoplakia  Caused by EBV  DDx- thrush- whole mouth, can be removed with red undersurface
Pt with: Wt. loss x 3 mo Intermittent fevers Bilateral white plaques on the lateral aspect of the tongue that cannot be removed with a tongue depressor + HIV ELISA, Western Blot
Geographic tongue-yellowish or looks like patchs of "missing tongue"; Only tongue condition that is migratory (changes position)
Pt with:Intermittent mild pain and burning on the tongue Variable, raised, yellow pattern on the tongue that changes position
Fixed drug eruption Same rash every time Frequently in the genital region
Fixed drug eruption  Same rash every time  Frequently in the genital region
Pt prescribed Doxycycline for rx of pneumonia, after 3 days develops: Large erythematous annular plaque in the genital region Had same rash as teen when given Doxy for acne Resolves with DC of Abx
Psoriasis Assc with spondyloarthropathies
Psoriasis  Assc with spondyloarthropathies
20's y/o with: Bilateral itchy, erythematous plaques in knees, elbows that develop an adherant silvery scale that bleeds when removed Similar plaques on the scalp multiple tiny pits in some of the nail beds
Erythema nodosum Bilateral painful nodules over shins= E. nodosum! Assc. with GAS pharyngitis, Coccidiodes, Histoplasmosis, TB, sarcoidosis (with hilar adenopathy), IBD (with abd pain) 75% idiopathic
Erythema nodosum  Bilateral painful nodules over shins= E. nodosum!  Assc. with GAS pharyngitis, Coccidiodes, Histoplasmosis, TB, sarcoidosis (with hilar adenopathy), IBD (with abd pain)  75% idiopathic
Previously healthy female with: Fever Sore throat 3 wks painful, erythematous nodules on shins-> bruises
Pyoderma gangrenosum Keys: UC, neutrophilic infiltrate; Assoc with IBD (crohn's and UC); May also be assoc with RA. Usually has a violaceous hue.
Pyoderma gangrenosum  Keys: UC, neutrophilic infiltrate; Assoc with IBD (crohn's and UC); May also be assoc with RA. Usually has a violaceous hue.
Pt with active ulcerative colitis presents with: Pretibial sore, began as erythematous pustule->nodular->ulcer, ragged with purple raised border Skin bx- tissue necrosis with neutrophilic infiltrate cx- Staph, but no AFB or fungi
Verrucus vulgaris (plantar warts) Keys: wt bearing parts of feet, verrucous appearance, disruption of nl skin lines
Verrucus vulgaris (plantar warts)  Keys: wt bearing parts of feet, verrucous appearance, disruption of nl skin lines
Pt with: Pain with walking Multiple raised verrucous growths on the heels and balls of the feet that obscure the nl skin markings and are painful when palpated
Condyloma accuminata Confused with condyloma lata of syphilis (flat, wet, not verrucous)
Condyloma accuminata  Confused with condyloma lata of syphilis (flat, wet, not verrucous)
Sexually active pt with: multiple painless, cauliflower-like, verrucous lesions on the external genitalia
Molluscum contagiosum Key- central umbilication Have depressed center to the lesions Can be large, numerous with HIV
Molluscum contagiosum  Key- central umbilication  Have depressed center to the lesions  Can be large, numerous with HIV
Pt with: Multiple, painless clustered papules with central umbilication on the arm (or anywhere else)
Tinea capitis Keys: elderly, African American, barber, black dots. Usually an unclean razor
Tinea capitis  Keys: elderly, African American, barber, black dots. Usually an unclean razor
African American male, complains of hair loss after getting his hair cut by an electric razor Annular scaly patch of hair loss Small black dots over the hair follicles Palpable small posterior cervical lymph nodes
Tinea corporis Clues: cat. Could be wrestler. Often confused with herald patch of pityriasis, but that doesn't itch. Granuloma annulare doesn't scale. Nummular eczema looks different on micro
Tinea corporis  Clues: cat. Could be wrestler.  Often confused with herald patch of pityriasis, but that doesn't itch. Granuloma annulare doesn't scale. Nummular eczema looks different on micro
Pt with: annular scaly rash on arm, present since week after getting a new cat Clear towards center of rash with raised advancing erythematous margin and scale
Tinea pedis Can also see vesicles, nail thickening
Tinea pedis  Can also see vesicles, nail thickening
Pt wears heavy shoes and goes to then gym with: Itchy rash between toes Multiple intensely pruritic pinpoint vesicles between the toes
Tinea versicolor Patches tend to be worse in the summer Disseminated skin rashes can be syphilis, micro gives diagnosis From malassezia furfur; very difficult to tx.
Tinea versicolor  Patches tend to be worse in the summer  Disseminated skin rashes can be syphilis, micro gives diagnosis  From malassezia furfur; very difficult to tx.
Dark skinned individual presents with: Scaly rash on chest Numerous hypo and hyper pigmented areas No large isolated patch No itching KOH stain- spaghetti and meatball fungal hyphae
Pediculosis capitus= head lice Might see nits, louse picture
Pediculosis capitus= head lice  Might see nits, louse picture
Adolescent from a group home with: Scalp itching Erythema at the base of the scalp Mild bilateral posterior auricular lymphadenopathy Woods lamp- small area of pale blue fluorescence at the base of multiple hair shafts
Pediculosis pubis = pubic lice Blue macules not always present Can be visible Ddx scabies- see itching in other parts of the body as well
Pediculosis pubis = pubic lice  Blue macules not always present  Can be visible  Ddx scabies- see itching in other parts of the body as well
Young sexually active adult with: Itching in pubic region Multiple small bluish macules along the upper abdomen and inner thighs Palpable small inguinal lymph node
Scabies May describe mite burrow Intense itching, ESP axillary and interdigital webs
Scabies  May describe mite burrow  Intense itching, ESP axillary and interdigital webs
Nursing home pt with: Itching, worse at night, x1 month Multiple excoriations in both axilla and groin, on the wrists, between fingers
Basal cell CA Key: pearly papules. May ulcerate
Basal cell CA  Key: pearly papules. May ulcerate
Middle aged Caucasian woman with: Skin lesion on forehead HO extensive sun exposure as child with repeated sunburns Flesh colored papular lesion with pearly sheen, multiple telangiectasias
Multiple actinic keratosis with squamous cell CA in situ AKs turn into SCC
Multiple actinic keratosis with squamous cell CA in situ  AKs turn into SCC
Middle aged Caucasian woman with: Skin lesion on forehead HO extensive sun exposure as child with ,multiple sunburns Multiple rough scaly patches on forehead, dorsum of hands One patch on the forehead has a firm hyperkeratotic macule
Melanoma Remember the ABCDEs
Melanoma  Remember the ABCDEs
Middle aged Caucasian woman with Skin lesion on her thigh HO extensive sun exposure as a child with repeated sunburns Flat, asymmetric, pigmented lesion, lacks uniform color, is 8mm in size Enlargement over the last few months
Porphyria cutanea tarda Always think of with Hep C, isolated rash on hands Urine uroporprin levels just confirm it Can be scaly, blistering, vesicles
Porphyria cutanea tarda  Always think of with Hep C, isolated rash on hands  Urine uroporprin levels just confirm it  Can be scaly, blistering, vesicles
Pt with Hep C, cirrhosis with: Blistering lesions on dorsum of hands, began as erythematous macules with adherent scale Intermittent sun exposure in past month Elevated urine uroporphyrin levels
Bullous pemphigoid Usually biopsy Increasing in frequency Onset middle ages, pruritic bullae, improves with steroids Ddx- dermatitis herpetiformis- not restricted to flexural areas, presents with assc disease like celiac dz
Middle aged male, itchy recurrent skin rash Pruritic papulosquamous lesions in axilla, progress to vesicles and bulla Vesicles burst, giving erosions Lesions not symmetric, don't always occur in the same place Normal mucosal surfaces Improved with potent topical corticosteroids
Erythema multiforme with genital HSV Usually assc with new HSV infection, can also see with mycoplasma infection
Erythema multiforme with genital HSV  Usually assc with new HSV infection, can also see with mycoplasma infection
Sexually active adult with: Pain in the genital region Rash on forearm Multiple small painful blisters on external genitalia with surrounding erythema Several small target shaped lesions on forearm without scale or itch No mucosal lesions
Stevens-Johnson syndrome Triggers: sulfas, abxs, allopurinol, antiepileptics (esp phenytoin, carbamazapine), NSAIDs Skin sloughing of >30%= toxic epidermal necrolysis
30%= toxic epidermal necrolysis" alt="Stevens-Johnson syndrome Triggers: sulfas, abxs, allopurinol, antiepileptics (esp phenytoin, carbamazapine), NSAIDs Skin sloughing of >30%= toxic epidermal necrolysis">
Pt with HIV: prescribed Bactrim for presumed pneumocystis infection 2 days later, gets fever, painful erythematous blistering rash on <10% of body surface, including mucous membranes, mouth, and conjunctiva
Pityriasis rosea
Pityriasis rosea
Young patient with: Asymtomatic rash on back 1 wk after circular salmon-colored scaly patch on chest Multiple plaques on back with long axis oriented in direction of skin lines in "christmas tree" distribution; No tx necessary and usually clears within 6-8 wks.
Acanthosis nigricans Can see with DM, new GI or lung malignancies that are aggressive and quickly spreading
Acanthosis nigricans  Can see with DM, new GI or lung malignancies that are aggressive and quickly spreading
Obese pt with: Polyuria Velvety pigmented rash in folds of neck and axilla Fasting glucose >125
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum Painful nodules would be E. Nodosa. These are yellow plaques
Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum  Painful nodules would be E. Nodosa. These are yellow plaques
Diabetic pt with: Yellowish irregular plaques with purplish pigment at the edges over both shins
This is seborrheic keratoses and it may be a marker for a non-skin malignancy but is completely benign and not a precancerous lesion. Usually has "stuck on" appearance (like you stuck on a piece of clay) with warty surface.
What's this and is it a marker for malignancy.
Guttate psoriasis. Get small, droplike 1-10mm salmon-pink papules with fine scale. Guttate comes fro latin "gutta" which means drop. History of URI may precede eruption, esp due to strep;
22 y/o woman presents with hundreds of 2-5 mm scaly red papules on trunk and extremities that are moderately pruritic. Lesions appeared abruptly about 2 wks prior to exam and quickly spread. Pt had sore throat the prior month. What's dx?
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