Theory Nursing: Kolcaba Comfort Theory (Ch.1) – Flashcards

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Kolcaba Comfort Theory
*Theoretical sources* -Comfort previously defined by - Nightengale and others -Types of comfort -Relief - Orlando -Ease - Henderson -Transcendence - Paterson and Zderad -Holism
Kolcaba Comfort Theory: Assumptions
-Human beings have holistic responses to complex stimuli -Comfort is a desirable holistic outcome central to nursing -Comfort is a basic human need & an active endeavor -Enhanced comfort strengthens pts. to engage in health-seeking behaviours (HSBs). -Pts. empowered to actively engaged in HSBs are satisfied with their health care. -Institutional integrity is based on a value system oriented to the recipients of care.
Major concepts
-Comfort - the immediate experience of feeling strengthened when basic human needs for relief, ease & transcendence are addressed in four contexts of experience (physical, psycohospiritual (sexual experiences), sociocultural, environmental) -Health care needs - needs for comfort arising from stressful health care situations that can't be met by recipients support systems. -Comfort interventions - nursing actions designed to address specific comfort needs. -Intervening variables - interacting forces that influence recipients perceptions of total comfort. -Health seeking behaviours - outcomes related to the pursuit of health - internal, external or peaceful death. Institutional integrity - characteristics of being complete, whole, sound, upright, appealing, ethical & sincer. -Best practices - using health care interventions based on evidnce -Best policies - for the access and delivery of health care
How do you know your patients are comfortable?
Ask them! "How would you rate your total comfort from 0 to 10? -What is keeping you from being more comfortable? -Documentation similar to pain scales -more holistic -more reflective of all that you do -Research: Compare comfort scores before and after nursing interventions
Student nurse's comfort
-Totality of embeddedness in an organization based on physical, psychospiritual, sociocultural, and environmental attributes of an institution or agency... -What contributes to your comfort as a student in these 4 realms?
Use of theory & critique
Used extensively in practice, research and education. Clarity Simplicity Generality Empirical precision Need for it to fit in with organizational culture?
Directions for practice
-Guided imagery (GI) intervention decreases feelings of depression, anxiety and stress and increased personal perception of comfort. -GI helps to reinforce self-esteem and personal transcendence. -Imagery creates a bridge between mind and body.
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