Organon / Primary and secondary action – Flashcards
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From the Greek "anti (against) + pathos (suffering)" opposed to Antipathic medicines initially produce symptoms which are opposite to those to be cured, while homeopathic medicines produce symptoms which are very similar to the totality of the disease symptoms
From Greek "allos (other) + pathos (suffering) " The treatment of disease with medicines and other treatments which produce sx's that are different from sx's of the disease. The sx's produced by the medicine have no manifest pathic relation to the sx's of the disease. Based on contraria contrariis principle (Law of Opposites)
From the Greek "heteros (other) + genos (type)" Of unlike natures, compounds Opposite of homogenous
From the Greek "enantios (opposite)" The treatment of one dx by using another dx that produces changes or sx's antagonistic to it
From Latin "palliare (to cloak or conceal)" Pertaining to medicines and other treatments which give superficial relief, temporarily alleviating sx's without curing.
If the older disease is the same strength or stronger, it will fend off the new one. Severe chronic diseases fend off moderate epidemic ones. If the new dissimilar disease is stronger, it will suspend the older disease, but never lift it.
When two similar diseases meet, the stronger new disease cures the older, weaker one.
Aka - PRIMARY ACTION The action upon the life force of an external potence. While the initial action is primarily due to the impinging potence, it also partly belongs to the life force and is, in fact, a product of the impinging potence and the life force.
Aka-counter-action; after-action; back-action; reciprocal action The life force's automatic reaction to an initial action.
There are many powers in nature, but the potentized remedy is a unique creation of the intellect of Samuel Hahnemann. In aphorism 64 of the 6th Organon, Hahnemann recorded that there were two types of secondary actions.
Aph 64
The first is the opposing counter action where the organism automatically presents an opposite state proportionate to its energy. The second is the curative counter action to a homeopathic remedy where the vital force directs its whole energy to remove the mistuning from without while reestablishing homeostasis.
Aph 64.. Continued
This action by the life force to assert its superiority is the power of the curative secondary action. To accomplish this goal the vital force heals the pathology in stages from within to without in response to the remedy as seeks control over homeostasis thus completely removing the dynamic mistuning. This establishes another aspect of Hahnemann's Direction of Cure, as compiled in Hering's Laws.
Aph 64.. Continued 3
If the balance between the primary action and the secondary action is maintained there will be no aggravations or excessive counter actions during the process of cure. The instinctive vital force does not react in an opposing manner to a potentized remedy, but rather, seeks to manifest its superior vitality over the remedial disease from without while reestablishing homeostatic balance within.
Aph 64.. Continued 4
The life force may produce opposing reaction against the wrong remedy and too large a dose. If the remedy has been given in the medicinal solution in a proper small amount the vital force will have little problem removing the remedial influence and no antidotes will be needed. If the dose is too large or in too high a potency it may mistune the vital force with a long term medicinal disease (aphorism 276). For this reason, the dose, potency and repetition must be carefully controlled.
Aph 64.. Continued 5
In aphorism 65 Hahnemann gives several examples of the primary and opposing secondary actions that take place under the influence of various medicinal powers (counter-action - after action, aph. 64, point 1).
Opposing Secondary Action
Strong medicines in large doses tend to cause opposing counter actions from the life force. Sooner or later the vital force will oppose any medicine in a large dose (including homeopathic) with antagonistic counter actions.
Opposing Secondary Action.. continued
Homeopathic cures take place because of the unusually small dose of a high potency of a similar remedy (aph. 68 with reference to 64, point 2). To this subtle medicinal disease the life force needs to use no more secondary effect than necessary to remove the new similar artificial disease and return the organism to complete recovery. There is no state in nature that is exactly the opposite of a simillimum in the correct potency and a minimum dose.
Opposing Secondary Action.. continued 3
Due to the extraordinary high potency and small amount of the remedy the primary action gently overtunes the natural disease without any aggravation (primary action- 63). After this the life principle seeks to assert its superiority by removing the remedy mistuning from without by returning to full health and vitality within (counter action - curative action - 64B).
Opposing Secondary Action.. continued 4
When Hahnemann spoke of primary and secondary actions in relationship to healing he was speaking of the primary effect of the a homeopathic remedy and the secondary curative action of the vital force. He also spoke of the primary and secondary actions of certain remedies (Ignatia, etc) which have strong alternating actions within their symptoms. This is a different subject that deals with the primary and secondary actions within a medicinal substance.
Opposing Secondary Action.. continued 5
The primary action of the homeopathic remedy replaces the natural disease with a stronger but temporary medicinal disorder. A homeopathic potency is subtle yet so powerful it can delusively replace the sensation of the natural disease with its own similar medicine power. At the same time, a homeopathic "disease" is dependant of the duration of the remedy actions, which unlike chronic disease, is only temporary. In this way a temporary medicinal disease can remove a permanent chronic disease.
Opposing Secondary Action.. continued 6
At this time, Hahnemann wrote that the secondary curative action of the vital force "directs its whole energy" against the remedy-disease "which it soon overcomes". The combination of the secondary action of the vital force to the medicinal disease and the transient nature of homeopathic remedy lead to cessation of remedy induced illness. The vital force only uses as much action as necessary remove the remedy-disease from without while returning to the state of health within without any noticeable crisis or over-reactions
Opposing Secondary Action.. continued 7
When the vital force gains ascendency over the medical disease, and the remedy duration ceases, the organism becomes completely free of the medicinal disorder and returns to the state of full health with renewed vitality. This then completes the cure.
Opposing Secondary Action.. continued 8
Hahnemann defined disease as a derangement of the vital force by a negative influence, which means the life force itself does most of the damage. This has been confirmed by modern science which shows that the organism's own pro and anti-inflammatory hormones and deranged immune proteins are chief pathogenic factors in disease. The confused vital force can not tell "self from other" and will attack its own tissues with stress chemicals and auto-immune factors as well as fall into immuno-deficiency. In this sense disease most certainly is a derangement of the vital force.
Opposing Secondary Action.. continued 9
Health: painlessness Comfort appropriate reaction adaptability/flexibility balanced function
HEALTH ON THE PHYSICAL LEVEL (expressed mainly as pain and clear modalities of the pain)
Disease: Pain Discomfort inappropriate reaction rigidity unbalanced function
DISEASE ON THE PHYSICAL LEVEL (expressed mainly as pain and clear modalities of the pain)
Simply by the disappearance of the pain and a sensation of well being. The life tasks can now be coped with and life carries on. When the case is on the physical level, you should see the pain disappear.
How do we recognize the restoration of health in these cases?
Health: free flow of feelings appropriate expression capacity to be in the present absence of shame or guilt absence of fear positive self image the capacity to forgive capacity to love
Disease: Constriction inappropriate expression in the past or future shame and guilt presence of fear negative self -image Unforgiving & hatred
Because there is an increase in the capacity to feel love, to forgive, to accept, to let go, to take responsibility and to face the reality.As a result the fears will disappear. On the emotional level, disease is memory. When you don't remember, you are free, therefore you are healthy.Memory is a sign of disease (the emotional attachment to the event.
How do we recognize the restoration of health in these cases?
Clarity of Mind sense of direction good memory sense of individuality intellectual function Capacity to develop ideas
Confusion/ delusion Loss of memory sense of duality intellectual malfunction Absence of lack of ideas
There is more capacity to make decisions, alter things, create new life situations, be creative and use the intellect. More awareness of who you are and what you want with your life. A healthy person is CREATIVE..REACTIVE is to be unhealthy.
How do we recognize the restoration of health in these cases?
1)insight and understanding of the wholeness of everything 2)recognizing the various forms of love that exist in life 3)knowing that time and space are an illusion(it is the same as saying that memory is disease-when you live in the now, time doesn't exist. 4)knowing that life is eternal
1. believing that things are separate 2. thinking that love can be present and absent 3. mistaking an illusion for reality 4. thinking death is the end of life
There is more capacity to integrate all of the factors in life that seem contradictory. The life situation is an expression of who we are. Intuition is a refined kind of observation.
How do we recognize the restoration of health in these cases?
Health is not always feeling nice and happy. A healthy person allows us to be ourselves. They have a mind of their own but they do not judge you.
How do we recognize the restoration of health in these cases?.. continued
The foremost goal of the vital force is to retain the individual's course of health to the greatest possible extent. When deviation occurs, the vital force will try to minimize that , both in strength and duration, so that the individual's return to a state of health will be rapid and complete
Primary and secondary action
The vital force's encounter with any foreign agent results in a deviation from its previous position. From this encounter, the vital force learns something which changes it.
Vital force 1
The knowledge will include the knowledge of the encounter with this agent, the knowledge of the deviation it has caused and the knowledge of the capability to overcome it, or to integrate it, depending on whether the agent was a hostile or beneficial one. Health is a dynamic process. Health is not one static point which is to be retained at all times. The capability to experience things fully is an indication of a person's health.
Vital force 2
A person is not healthy when he is in equilibrium at a certain static point. He is healthy only as long as he is in motion on his designated course while maintaining homeostasis. Motion is every individual's idiosyncratic movement towards growth and evolution.
Vital force 3
The organism's action in its encounter with any external element, whether physical, spiritual, beneficial or hostile is always the same. It makes an effort to examine the element, to translate it into its own language and to understand what it can gain out of the encounter.The nature of the human way of existence, being exactly that of growth and evolution, requires an encounter with reality in the form of a dialogue. A dialogue, is by definition, an interaction between two elements.
First the external element has its say. The organism listens, receives, and only then in the second stage, answers or reacts. If the organism keeps everything out, it cannot extract any beneficial components that that external element may carry with it. During the primary action, the organism allows the remedy to imprint itself on it. This imprinting makes it possible for the organism to discover, in terms of its own language, what the external agent's capabilities are.
primary action
The body produces symptoms because learning through experience is a typical feature of our existence. The theoretical knowledge that the onion has the ability to dehydrate does not equal the practical knowledge of experiencing or feeling of dehydration from an onion in one's own eyes. The vital force "joins up with the enemy". It is as if the vital force says "OK onion, you want to penetrate me and create hydration within me, well I'm with you. Let's walk this way together. Teach me what you do in order to create dehydration and I will go on and create it myself.
primary action
This mechanism makes it possible for the vital force to acquire the onion's tactics for itself. If it finds these tactics beneficial, it will utilize them for its own needs. If it doesn't, the vital force will be able to neutralize the hostile agent, because it knows it form within. In this way, the vital force does not give up the opportunity to gain something from the encounter and at the same time does not waste energy holding it back. A chronic disease often occurs because of the organism's inability to allow the primary action to take place.
primary action
An encounter between the organism and the external agent should take place. It often happens that due to some hurtful past experience or fear, the person does not allow the external agent to penetrate it with enough force to allow the occurrence of the primary action. This is a state in which the organism declares a certain sector of external agents to be threatening and therefore everything which is a part of that sector is not allowed even the slightest access. This is what Sankaran calls " the basic delusion"
primary action
For a primary action to occur, access must be allowed. The person creates barriers (to what is individual to their basic delusion).So the barriers bring a process of decrease in the person's powers, instead of increased growth and development which we see in a healthy person. The person becomes stuck.
primary action
He does not allow the primary action to take place because he does not know how to use this mechanism for his benefit. The external agent is not powerful enough to penetrate the constant defense the person has set against it. The person on the other hand, is not strong enough to throw back the threatening external agent without encountering it, and at the same time he does not believe he is strong enough to survive the agent's penetration into his system.
primary action
And so symptoms of a chronic disease begin to develop. Let's say you don't want to let something in which is behind the door because of your fear (basic delusion) But you're not strong enough to drive it away. So you use your left hand to hold the door shut to prevent the external agent from coming in Over developed right hand and underdeveloped left hand
primary action
Certain methods (reflexology, herbs, supplements) try to strengthen the person so he can hold the door better. Homeopathy tries to balance the equation. It tries to stimulate the factor which is behind the door. In order for the person to learn to allow the encounter which produces the symptoms of the primary action to take place he must learn to be, as Hahnemann says "passive and open to everything that comes his way, even if what he encounters is alien, powerful and threatening.
Homeopathy tries to balance the equation
So all the remedy needs to do is strengthen the external agent to overpower the organisms long standing barricade and make its way through. Then, from this moment, the agent will penetrate, the organism will passively receive it , will allow it to imprint itself and will produce the primary symptoms. This will point him to the suitable secondary counteraction.
primary action
A person who has not passed through the phase of primary action will think, mistakenly, that when an agent of some threat reaches him, he must strengthen himself in order to meet it. This is not true. On the contrary. Allow the agent to penetrate, produce primary action, learn, experience, then have an appropriate secondary action which is automatic.
primary action